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Bakuran Arms Show! (Open)


Devil of Dagobah
Oh this would be loads of fun. Saren had never been one for using blasters and the like, but he knew they sold for good money, and boy did he love good money. Watching the facility from a mile away, he'd snuck past any patrols that'd come his way yet, and he wasn't going to have his streak broken. The Shadow smirked under the balaclava that covered his face from the nose down, it would provide all the protection his identity needed, that and his skill with staying in the shadows. Pulling up his hood he pushed forward once more, nearing the compound.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]

"Well, our company has designed a most intriguing lightsaber design..." She smiled, showing the woman one of her personal lightsabers. "I suppose we could make you a lightsaber or two of identical designs. What are you going to give me to work with crystal-wise?"

After all, the crystal's quality did decide everything.
[OOC: Mind the title, shall all be explained a later time.]
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Bakuran Encounters
Vilox Pazela lifted a hand from his dark, flowing robes and stretched his index and middle fingers forwards. He lowered his chin a little as he concentrated and found a telekinetic energy flowing through his finger tips towards the doors ahead. With a motion of his hand direction his fingers to the left, the panel on the left side of the door slid into the wall. With the same motion to the right, the telekinetic energy that was the Force finished opening the doors and so allowing it's user to step over it's threshold and into the facility.

The hooded individual slipped his hand back into his sleeve and moved to the right as he maneuvered himself through the Blas-Tech facility. Guardsmen, belonging to the Fringe whom were supervising the event, went forward to the doors. By the time that they arrived, Vilox had already placed himself among the crowd. The movement and subsequent bypass of the door had taken a little no more than twenty seconds and so the man believed that the Guardsmen would take it to be a simple malfunction.

His yellow, predatory eyes glistened underneath the robe as he walked through the crowd in search for his target. Lucien Cordel, former Governor of Elom. An individual that had tried to frame the former Sith Lord when he had been in power as Darth Vazela, in turn for their first encounter on Korriban almost a decade ago. It had been several years since he had dethroned Cordel from his position on Elom and subsequently turned him to the Unknown Regions. Their duel on the Obscurity had been short and when it had finished, Cordel had lost everything. The memories of their duel, for one and the identity of the man that had caused such pain. Then Cordel's former Sith Apprentice, Dranok Lussk, had taken him back to whatever distant world Lussk had traveled from and that was what had come to pass. Vilox found it ironic that Lussk was now an Emperor and Cordel was merely now a distant figure on Bakura. Although, the hooded man had to give credit where it was due. Despite what had happened, Cordel had managed to rebuild from what he has lost. He had a little respect for the man he was about to meet with again.

Lifting his slender, chalk white hands to his hood, Vilox Pazela revealed himself to the crowd. His grey, spiked up hair stood almost like it was on end from an electric shock. A degraded, chalk white face observed, analyzed and studied the various individuals that caught a glimpse of him. He was merely going through the paces of checking for any threats to his life. Such was protocol for someone who was wiser to how dark the galaxy could become. Eventually, he finalized when he felt content, for now and so turned his eyes back to the Governor of Bakura.

Coming to a stop behind him, Vilox said, "Hello Cordel. It has been a long time."
Lucien turned.He was ignorant to the opening of the doors.He was confused but smiled anyway "Hello ... I regret to admit that I have no idea who you are, tell me where should I know you from" Even as he spoke his mind reled trying to remember who this man was but nothing happened and his head was beginning to ache.He stood watching His saber sat at his hip.He had guards around but he felt no reason to fear for his wellbeing.


(((Sorry if there was a posting order I don't know about. There is so much going on between different people, I wasn't sure it mattered yet.)))

Alachei glanced at the design of the lightsaber that @[member="Circe Savan"] had revealed to her.
"I suppose we could make you a lightsaber or two of identical designs. What are you going to give me to work with crystal-wise?"​
"Hmm..." She uttered. Her first thought, in her nature of forgoing words wasted, was to lift up her own from its secured golden loop on her waist with the Force, cast its blade open for a moment and then summarily unassemble it. It made a soft, gentle swish as it cast a beautifully iridescent, goniochromatic pink blade with a bright core.
"I do not need another saber, nor do I use blades not of my design, with all due respect of course." She replied. Her eyes fixed to the bright, soft-pink crystal floating amidst the sprawl of levitating parts and hilt plates; the cloudy pink aura reflecting across her sterling silver eyes. " 'Tis called a Kalestat, and it is native to my home. All I seek is a dual phase device to install into my saber. Something capable of generating an eight foot blade...." Her demeanor cotinued as it was, though inwardly she was very curious to see what the woman could muster up. She was quite hoping to get her hands on such an upgrade for a while now to facilitate her species' fighting style.

Meanwhile, a couple of droids had caught Alachei's eye earlier by the Blas-Tech display.
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]

"My name is Derak Syn. I have been sent on a task by my employer to find and locate an individual by the name of Velok, in regards to a recent auction." Derak Syn was an alias, a clever one in his opinion. Derak was merely made up, but the Syn was a testament to an individual long deceased. Vilox continued, "Before I begin, I should explain that I am not affiliated to any of the galactic powers, ranging from the Galactic Republic to the Empire. My employer is a rare artifact collector and is thus interested in acquiring the items that this Velok individual recently put on the market."

"My investigations have led me to this side of galaxy and so, as the regional governor of this system, I thought it would be prudent to ask the most powerful man on this planet as to whether or not you knew anything or anyone about Velok and the auction."

Vilox smiled and as he did he seemed instantaneously more lighter, friendlier. A facade of course, but he was certain Cordel wouldn't see through it.


Devil of Dagobah
Moving in silence, Saren looked for an entrance, one that wouldn't be crawling with guards. When it became obvious that wasn't an option he looked again with less stringent qualifications, and found his entrance. Five guards around what he figured was a back door, one probably used by the Fringers to get in people who didn't want to be seen. Fit his criteria perfectly.

Pulling out his bow he notched an arrow which held a sleeping agent within the tip, it would be sufficient. Pulling back the string he let it fly, landing the shot right in the middled of the guard. They jumped in surprise, but could do little more as the gas was released and flowed into their lungs. Now he had fifteen minutes until a patrol would reach the KOed guards according to his calculations. Plenty of time.

Placing the bow onto his back he rushed to the door, and opened it silently, entering a dark hallway. Crouching low he crept further into the facility with a single goal in mind, find where the most valuable thing in this karking facility was, and take it. HEaring voices coming down the hall, he reacted quickly, jumping up and grabbing a pole that hung overhead, silent waiting for whoever it was to pass.

Two guards, zabrak and twi'lek walked past, completely unaware of what was going on above their heads. Or that a sleeping gas pellet had been tossed right in front of them. The two collapsed in seconds, and Saren moved along.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]

"Perhaps I can go a step above that... On the pommel of the hilt, I'd be willing to install a ring or knob that would allow you to vary the blade's length, from, say, shoto-size, to eight feet in length. You could adjust its size to whatever specific length you desired, a nifty feature in close quarters and when you wish to get the first hit in."

She smiled, glad to have been able to hopefully assist this woman, but something seemed familiar.

@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]

As Vilox conversed with Lucien, going about his personal mission to locate Velok, as part of his aspirations to locate and find the elusive Black Sun Syndicate, in particular a woman named Domino, he felt a familiar sensation through the Force. He averted his gaze through the crowd of people and saw Circe Savan, for the first time since Dromund Kaas. She was conversing with someone. He did not want Cordel nor the other Force-sensitives that he felt in the room to be aware of his presence. But...

"Very interesting."

He turned his gaze back to Cordel, to continue his conversation.


@[member="Circe Savan"]

"No," Alachei replied, "A ring or knob will not do. It would be unshapely with the rest of the handle. But perhaps you could install a touch sensitive sliding pad? Something near the last plate on the blade, which would be easy enough to access with one hand, but not obvious." She continued. Her full attention was given now, as to not seem disrespectful. She needed something that flowed with the contours of the plates of the blade, stacked upon one another like carapace. It would also have to be something that reacted relatively fast, as fast as any dual phaser could provide. "Is it possible to also install a function to store and use length, width and intensity presets?"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Perhaps a two-way pad-like button is in order, one for increase and one for decrease. Touch-sensitive panels in the handle would allow 'saves' of preset blade lengths, widths, and intensities. Sliding left or right changes the width, up or down changes the length, and pressing the upper or lower part of the button will change the intensity. Sound good? It'll flow with what you're working on."

@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]
@[member="Circe Savan"] Timir replied to the Subach rep: "That would be most splendid yes! I suppose I'll just file out an order and pay upfront, correct? How long would I have to wait for my order? You don't have to worry about shipping as I will simply come to your facilitiy if need be."


@[member="Circe Savan"]
"Do it," Alachei said rather firmly for a sudden change. "I will pay whatever you need, up front." From her sweeping silk robe she pulled a 50,000 credit chip, partly funded by her dynasty. "Can you create it here, or will it have to be delivered?"
@[member=Alli Wren]

A rather tall dark-skinned man in decent clothing walked slowly and uncertainly up to Alli. He was Andreas's slave, well, Andreas told him not to call himself that but his other masters before him had a lasting impression. Also unlike his other masters,Andreas let him choose his own name. He hadn't actually come upon a solid decision yet but he felt Darwin was nice. He was asked (for the first time, he actually had a...whatchamacallit, a choice!) to buy weapons that fit his mas -- associate's taste. He seemed pretty stuck on lethal combat so these grenades he heard this beautiful woman might be good.
"Hello, I an Darwin. I would like to purchase some of your thermal detonators"

@[member=Vilox Pazela]

Andreas for one did not overlook the suddenly opening doors. Twenty seconds was alot of time for an intruder to walk in and his eyes honed on Pazela. He had met the man once before and knew he was one of great power. Andreas was no fool and recognized Pazela for who he was on sight, plus he could sense the former dark lord from a mile away as the tainted waters of the dark side flowed from him like a waterfall. Despite this,he didn't say anything ; simply used the force to probe Pazela's mind for answers to why exactly he was here.

Olidiv Kenu

Behold, a Swordsman of Legend
Olidiv smirked at the various shows ans display unfolding, typing on a console near one of the major booths, smirking as his holo-recording drones levitated around, maintainging multiple fires and presse statements. He smirked. "Switch cameras seventeen and forty-five to infrared, twenty-two and nine to ultraviolet. Want to get multi-spectrum feeds on the net up and running," he chirped into his headset with a smile. Huge night. AHFUL's techn was working on so many demos it wasn't even funny.

He walked around cheerily occasionally typing a command into his datapad as he walked over to Sargon and offered a hand. "The press releases are huge. Blastech is uploading commercials, Baktoid's got a specialty presentation, and we've got live satellite footage from Subach-Innes on the last three weeks. This tech demo is huge and Bakura's gonna be booming in credits. We've got movers and shakers at this shindig, to say the least," he said with a laugh. He nodded to one of his assistants. "Ask Mr. Lee if he wants to do a stage presentation on the firing range. He's a basic human, so make-up should be easy to standardize if he needs it," the assistant nodded and ran off.

He looked to Sargon and nodded, his arms gesturing wildly to make up for his lack of facial expressions. He looked around the room. Half the Fringe's military budget was here, as well as big players in all the basic needs, save for armor and survival equipment. Still, it was looking to be a huge show, and that meant money for him in the promos.

@[member="Sargon Vynea"] @Cade Lee
@[member="Alli Wren"]

"When I say mobile defense structures, I was speaking of ground. However now that you have mentioned space I am extremely interested. Would these structures be a tow-behind model or something more akin to droid driven? I suppose both could be done....especially since you have mentioned droids more than once. The question would be how good is your programming to keep them from firing on friendlies? Or I suppose all could be outfitted with some type of identifying feature or code...especially for space defenses..."

Delila was curious now. Guns could be bought and sold anywhere. Finding defensive installations that the Rebels sorely needed....well, that was another story. It would give a greater peace of mind to their group if there was a back up looking over there shoulder, especially since they had been jumping from planet to planet as of late.


Devil of Dagobah
Creeping on through the dark hallways of the Fringe base was fun and all, but he was here for bigger and better things. He needed to find the ships, steal the best one he could alone, and either use it for himself or sell it. Pressing against a wall, he held his breath as a guard passed by, who he in turn slipped past and headed towards the hunger. Eventually h was met with large double doors, which lead into a large room, filled with guards. Lovely.

Taking in a deep breath he considered his options, he could call of the heist or risk raising the alarm. After a few minutes of pondering he had his decision, he'd risk it. Pulling out his bow, and notching an arrow with a smoke tip, and turned on his heel, looking for the closest fire alarm. Locating it with ease the thief let his arrow fly and smash into the ceiling next to the device and start leaking smoke. Slipping into the smokescreen, he disappeared as alarms began to blare.

@[member="Delila Castillon"]
@[member="Olidiv Kenu"]
@[member="Andreas Wintergreen"]
@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]
@[member="Circe Savan"]
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]
Timir had just finished filing his order when suddenly, gas had begun belching from the ceiling and piercing alarms echoing across the compound. Timir immediately sought out his superiors and comrades, @[member="Sargon Vynea"] and @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Andreas Wintergreen"]
The crowds went into a daze, it soon appeared that the guards authorized the use of one of the exhibitions modeled security drones. Timir was unaware of there reliability but he thought they could at least hold at bay whateever or whoever was attacking. Right now however, Timir needed to find the governor of Bakura and @[member="Olidiv Kenu"] in order to deliberate on possible security measures and orders.

@[member="Saren Lonecaller"]
The sound of the alarms annoyed Sargon to no end. ::Shut the alarm off, seal the base, and raise the shields, no one gets in or out. Find whatever alarm went off and send in a security attachment. I want another twenty thousand troops brought in discretely. No door goes without a guard, and all major entryways will be covered by a pair of Tartoros walkers, and a squad of men. The vendors won't mind the increased security at all, and have two wings of fighters, and two wings of bombers prepped to destroy anything in the sky. This is just security level two so don't make a big scene out of this.::

Walking up on the podium Sargon smiled at the crowd, and turned his comms on to speak over the entire crowd. ::Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the Bakuran Arms show. I am Governor Sargon Vynea Governor of Bakura, and we have quite a day planned for you. A few of the companies will be displaying airshows with their fighter lines, and from what I understand @[member="Cade Lee "]will be destroying a tank with one shot of a rifle weapon. I apologize for the alarm it seems someone didn't realize that some of this equipment is on look, but don't touch status. Now I again would like to remind anyone with wandering eyes that almost everything here is traceable, and all the good stuff is mostly already manned. Now enjoy the show, wine shall be passed around shortly.::

Turning to @[member="Olidiv Kenu"], "Excellent job so far, Mr. Kenu. I'll be recommending you for other events, have no doubt."

Walking over to the Bactoid table Sargon nodded to @[member="Alli Wren"], and her newest customer @[member="Delila Castillon"]. "Good evening ladies, I hope you are enjoying yourselves?"

@[member="Saren Lonecaller"]@[member="TimirOrso"]
Lucien was intrigued, from what his informants had told him the auction had been ... invaded and master Velok was dead.Lucien turned to the man before him, his head still wanting to remember, He smiled " I am afraid the details are a little sketchy Mr. Syn, From what I am told I belive the republic steam rolled the auction killed Velok and stole back the artifacts." He looked around hearing the sound of an alarm but it appeared that it was being dealt with so he just returned to his conversation Measures could wait"I am sorry I could not help you further If you provide me with your employers contact details I will give him any information my investigations turn up"
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
Sargon's announcement may have eased the minds of simple people but they did nothing to put Lucien at ease quite the opposite effect just as soon as he had the details he would seek Sargon out and find out what was going on.

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