Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Balan Macharius

Balan Macharius


Balan Macharius

Height1,82 meters
Weight75 kilograms
Force SensitiveNo
FactionMacharian Tech Union
Galactic Alliance
RanksDirector of Macharian Tech Union
Senator of Balmorra
CEO of Balmorran Arms

Balan was born and raised on Zakuul and was early on supported and raised into a business family before becoming a junior aide in Galactic Alliance space to an ambassador and liasion to local companies, in specific, on Balmorra. With a profound knowledge in mechanics, engineering and manufacturing as well as a smooth and friendly personality, it was not difficult for Balan to find supporters and eventually rise to the top of one of the oldest companies on Balmorra.

He was known for his diversifying of products, expanding beyond military goods to consumer and medical goods which would be in high demand during the Second Great Hyperspace War and also for his very un-corporate appearance and behavior. Known to be professional but absolutely approachable and sociable, Balan expanded his connections over the entire planet and even accepted citizenship of the world.

Macharian Tech Union, named after him, is his fledgling company which is now looking ahead of expanding and involving themselves in pan-planetary deals and opportunities while its Director, Balan himself, was now elected Senator of Balmorra.


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