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Public Ballad of Rebellion Vol. I || Open to Rebels & NIO

Rinoi Ssiv

Operation Details:

One agent of the Rebellion, Rinoi Ssiv, has gotten word from a friend in the Intelligentsia, a Yinchorri caste from the planet Yinchorr. A number of their own have been imprisoned for spreading an anti-imperial sentiment and conspiring against the NIO. If they weren't planning to act on that sentiment before, they sure as hell are now. Rinoi's willingness to back up the Intelligentsia in a jailbreak is what solidified the course of action. However, the Rebel Jedi understood he could not assist the Yinchorri and succeed alone so a call to arms was made to the Rebel network. A number of others in the Rebel movement, more or less, have answered that call.

The Intelligentsia will distract the NIO with a strategic assault on the detention facility where their people have been imprisoned, meanwhile a group of Rebels will act covertly to sneak in, free the prisoners and sneak out.

Extraction Team Objectives:

Sneak into the facility, free the Yinchorri, and make it out alive. Leave no Yinchorri behind.

Key Figures - Alkar - Warrior Caste Prisoner - Unbeknown to the Intelligentsia, Alkar is one of and the only prisoner in this facility of the planet's warrior caste. She is well respected among her people despite her vocal challenges toward the NIO. Rescuing her has the potential to change warrior caste opinion of the New Imperial Order and may gain the Rebellion some sway with the caste.


"SM-1 to Assault Leader. SM-1 to Assault Leader. Do you copy?" Rinoi called out over the private comms channel. He eyed the prison facility from the bridge of his Luminary-Class Light Explorer which sat hidden in the night soaked shadows of a rocky crag.

"Copy. SM-1. Is the Extraction Team in position?" Surukk, the Strategic Assault Leader, replied in a gruff and heavy tone.

"Affirmative. Once you start the assault. We'll make our move."

"Excellent. At thirty-five standard minutes look to the facility's north entrance. You will see the assault begin. Make your move then."

"You heard 'em, gang!" He left the comms channel open for those who hadn't traveled alongside him in the Explorer. "In thirty-five minutes we're gonna' be crossing this valley fast and hard. If you ain't ready now, you better be then. Arm yourself, hop on a speeder bike, and set your eyes on the prize." He turned to the smattering of rebels that would comprise the extraction team. "This is gonna' be dangerous, but we're gonna' do this the right way." He assured them. "We've got about fifty Yinchorri in need of rescue, and a small window to do it in. We've gotta' hit it. This whole thing is about saving lives, not losing 'em. The longer we're in there, the longer the assault. The more chance of losing the lives we're fighting for." He let his words sit, and then sink. It was a perilous situation, and he hoped that was understood when he looked at the youth painted on the faces of some members of the rebellion.

"Anyone with strategic and tactical experience, meet me outside at the edge of the cliff's shadow to plan our route of entry. Everyone else, ready up! And if I don't get a chance to say it before the operation starts, may the force be with you." With that Rinoi threw his black overcoat on, and marched out of the ship. "Kid, grab my AGORA out of the ship and help yourself to one of the hover bikes." He directed at one of the younger members of the extraction team. Then he was off to the shadow's edge to meet with the other tactically inclined rebels.

Rebels & Allies: Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Alysanne Alysanne Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Roth Likonis Roth Likonis || Open to more Rebels
NIO & Allies: Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Koda Fett Koda Fett Thane Thane || Open to more Imperials

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Rinoi Ssiv

To say Aeshi didn't know her business would be an understatement. As she stepped lightly out of the speeder, eyes glancing towards the sky, she carried several crates. One was full of .48 Enforcers, with appropriate armor-piercing, hollow-point, and steel-jacketed rounds, pre-packed into magazines. She gestured to the others in the area.

"If you want one, take on. Kicks like a Bantha though, so don't try anything fancy yet." The other two crates had bottles of Liberty's Flame whiskey and canvas shoulder-bags to carry them in. She'd test the bottles long before this, ensuring they needed more than vigorous jostling to break all the way open. These too, she distributed freely to whoever wanted it.

That gave them a fairly heavy armament for those who wanted it. Slugthrowers capable of punching through light vehicle armor and incendiary weapons for infantry. The goal, of course, was to save lives. But she intended to be prepared for anything. Her Sneakthief and Omnicutter was ready, stowed with the utility belt, while the Voxyn Charric hung around her shoulder. Her own .48s rest comfortable on her hips and she pulled up a cloth scarf to cover her face, working her way towards the overview.

"The Underground sends their regards," she said, shading her eyes with the brim of her hat. "Let's see what we're looking at."


NIO | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis
RA | Rinoi Ssiv | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian


Oh abrasive Yinchorr. There were fewer worlds that bore a better repertoire for causing trouble. Not only had the competing castes bled themselves for years at one another's blade in tribal conflicts that pockmarked the entirety of the barren wastes of Yinchorr, but so too had it made itself a political pawn, most recently over a decade ago.

Tol Kachorn had seen the first battle between Imperial and Alliance forces since the fall of the First Order and both ideologies faded into the sunset only to find themselves as resurgent Galactic Superpowers in their own diverging forms. It was a short-lived conflict, but a noteworthy one nonetheless. Thus, as soon as word spread of the seeds of rebellion permeating upon the world, the Imperial Security Bureau immediately sunk its talons into the ashen wastes to snuff out any scent of rebellion.

Of course, the last the Imperials faced resistance here, the Galactic Alliance had a direct hand in it.

It was through personal intelligence-gathering operations among the operatives embedded with the still loyal-to-the-Empire Warrior Caste found out about Alkar. To evade growing rebel sentiment, contracted through Aurodium Sword, ISB tapped Koda Fett Koda Fett to snatch the high value target and bring her in for questioning. The exchange was underway as soon as the rebels began their operation, with Alkar nestled to rot in a cell, awaiting interrogation- Thane would deliver payment to the Mandalorian.

"As quick and clean as ever, Fett. Excellent work. I've sent verification of the mark's capture to ISB, once they get confirmation they'll wire the credits and the fuel chit for your payment. Shouldn't be too long I'd imagine. Might be worth it to stay planetside until the interrogations have concluded- if she names names, there'll be more work cut out for you." Thane says to the bounty hunter within the control center of the prison complex.

Though of course, he couldn't flame Fett for wanting to jump ship either. Hardly a world he'd want to stay long in.
Location: Yinchorr, Rebel LZ
Objective: Prisoner extraction
Tags: Rinoi Ssiv | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian

Yinchorr was a particularly inhospitable place. Not only was it a desert planet, but Palpatine's Empire had devastated much of the world and wiped out most of the population. The academy that trained Royal Guards had been set up specifically due to how harsh the environment was, and later a base for a stormtrooper division. In the centuries since then the planet had bounced back decently enough. Well, bounced back in that the population had grown and much of the artificial devastation was no longer immediately obvious unless one knew where to look. Still a hostile desert planet though, likely nothing short of a complete Vong-forming campaign would change that.

Audren typically wasn't too big on formenting rebellion for the sake of rebellion. Despite being good for many kinds of business, it inevitably led to loss of life and that trumped profit. That said, when he thought the fighting justified he was all for it would would be on the front lines. He'd heard through Underground contacts that the New Imperial Order had taken the Yinchorr system. In and of itself this was not a cause worth fighting for, though the natives may think differently and were absolutely within their rights to resist. Where it became an issue for him was the lockup of one of the natives for spreading anti-Imperial sentiment. No doubt there were two sides to the story but his contacts had been certain that the lockup was unjustified, and they'd been trustworthy before.

So the Sephi found himself on the way to Yinchorr with several others on a nondescript freighter. He wore spacer's leather rather than his typical robes or custom-built armor and two sets of prosthetics: one that turned his pointed ears into curled horns and another that subtly altered the shape of his face and added two small horns to his chin. Dye had easily darkened his hair and a bandana would cover his nose and lower portion of his face. Just for the dust, of course.

Many of those present had brought party favors. A woman the elfin Jedi recognized as Aeshi Tillian - despite the scarf she used to cover her face - had brought a couple crates, which turned out to be Morellian Enforcers and what looked like...whiskey. In his mind the two didn't mix very well but to each his own. His own contributions were being brought out of the freighter's cargo holds now: two Trast A-A5 speeder trucks. An old model, to be sure, but solid and restored up to good working condition. Both had been equipped with a repeating blaster mounted at roughly midpoint on the roof and a couple hatches that could be opened to allow gunners freedom to take action. There was no way they would keep up with the hoverbikes that were being pulled out of one of the other ships and their turning radius would be wider than a bantha's, but they would serve to get the prisoners away. Crew on each would find a heavy blaster rifle with under-slung grenade launcher in the cabin. Plus a few spare grenades and power packs of course.

Along with several others, Audren headed towards the cliff's shadow. He was by no means a tactical expert but had helped plan a few operations in his day and was willing to chime in at need. Along the way he grabbed one of the .48 Enforcers with a holster, along with several assorted magazines. He'd left almost all personal weapons back with his ship. No Silk Holdings particle blaster, no imbued daggers...they were identifiable and this was not a time to be identified. For close-in work he carried a stun baton and a generic vibrodagger, and he carried a blaster carbine slung across his back for moderate ranges. He had his lightsaber as well, but that was well-hidden and would take him some effort to bring into play.

"So what are we up against?"

NIO | Thane Thane | Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis
RA | Rinoi Ssiv | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | Audren Sykes Audren Sykes

He shared no affection for Yinchorr, neither the Yinchorri themselves; brutal and barbaric beasts, their nature had been brutish and an annoyance - if nothing less, their warriors had been a credible threat. Still, it had not taken too much of his time to locate the Yinchorri HVT, rather it was her fellow warriors that had continued in droves whilst his arsenal had shown itself able to overcome their own abilities.

The Mandalorian had taken his share of knocks, be it a bolt that struck the armour or a test of their muscle. It mattered not now, as he stood and she was to die once her value had come to an end. An increasingly popular trait.

"I'll be near, should she talk." Fett answered, his syntheised voice carried out from beneath the helm. "Unless I should attend to another task now."
Rebellion. It was perhaps the only thing Julius seemed to do without ease, sober or intoxicated, and at which he was just naturally good at. Well, that and dueling. That still came like a fish breathing water. But when he had heard the ping go out through Underground channels, he had responded. Quick and clean operations like this usually did no favors being heavily armored by any stretch of the imagination. So he came in simple clothes. A Corellian longcoat, his gypsy spacer outfit, his bracers and his jed-cred dangling outside his shirt freely. Strapped to the thigh holster was his faithful bryar pistol which had seen more battles than some of the people assembled here likely. Heck, it might be chronologically older than some it seemed. The opposite hip saw his primary and secondary lightsabers. Beyond that was his ring and prosthetic arm. Overall he looked like almost any other aging spacer with dubious ties to the Force rather than a washed up former Grandmaster of the Green Jedi.

Stepping out from his ship, he walked over to Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian and Audren Sykes Audren Sykes . He knew both, but doubted they remembered him with a beard and going so heavily grey-white. Smiling at the kids, he adjusted his beskar pauldron from his departed wife.

"Well kids, what's the good news? We got some Imps to wreck?"

Thane Thane

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde

Friendly Units:
Enemy Tag(s): Thane Thane | Koda Fett Koda Fett
En route to rendezvous
Her buir had once told her that the galaxy had a way of correcting itself when things went to haran in a handbasket in a hurry. Once she was told enough to really understand what that meant, she'd come to realize that this was usually some poor tired di'kut with a gun who'd had enough taking the fight to whoever he felt was responsible for his problems, and sometimes a few people in between. Saram had helped forge and put down her own fair share of rebellions in her over a decade long career at this point. Nothing this big. She hadn't gotten involved the last time the company had tried to help foment a movement to eat away at the Sith Empire, but when there was work to be done, she and hers weren't very good at sitting down and doing nothing.
So once more, Davaab had followed her out into the breach. Even if the New Imperial Shabuire hadn't been made up of ex-Sith Empire officers and other miscellaneous chakaare, they weren't exactly any of their favorite people even if the Alor hadn't taken that dar'jetii's deal to get their people back. Even if they hadn't swallowed up the remnants of the Mandalorian sector without so much as a second thought like they had swallowed vast sectors of space. Now they were getting into it with the Galactic Alliance. As if the galaxy needed another shabla war. As far as she was concerned, she'd be more than happy to help anyone who was set to give them something else to think of.
Of course, she recognized the irony of someone who made their living out of fighting other people's wars for them taking issue with two groups of people who she could care less about getting into it with one another. Few realized, however, that galaxy spanning war wasn't as good for long-term business as it may immediately seem. All that, was a problem for later down the line, the only thing that was of any concern right now was helping their new burc'ya out with their particular Imperial problem. All courtesy of the company, which was the real reason they were here in any case.
"I still think they'd be happier to see a crate of guns," deadpanned her second in command, Ran Netra, over short-ranged squad comms as they made their way over to the RV. They'd been droppped off by Galaar 1-1 a ways off in order to draw as little attention to the RV point as possible. Not that a stealth gunship like theirs was going to draw attention, but better to be safe than sorry. There was already plenty of ways this could go wrong. Ran's line, however, did manage to draw a light chuckle from her.
"Since when do you care about what a few aruetii think, Ran? Especially when there's plenty of di'kute to shoot," she asked, a gin plastered across her features. It wasn't that Ran had any particular distaste for aruetii, no more than any of them did, but none of them were the sort who liked being told how to do their job, and in this case their job was to make sure that they rendered any assistance that these rebels might need.
"I don't. Just making a point. They're going to take our help and like it," replied Ran immediately, his words ever so slightly tinged with amusement. She didn't need to be able see his face to know that he had an osik-eating grin plastered all over his features.
"Burc'ya vaal burk'yc, burc'ya veman..." started Viraen Kyrdol, Davaab's other marksman, only for the squad to break out into laughter at his comparison of the rebels and their work here to most of the contract work they do.
"People don't always have the best reactions to armed and armored Mandalorians, Ran. So we'd best put on our customer service faces," she said, sensing a need to dial back the humor as they neared their objective. Her armor's advanced sensor systems easily picked out several individuals collected at their rendezvous. She didn't need to run an ID scan to be able to tell that these were the people they were going to be working with today. She let out a sigh as she quickly looked over what would appear to be a collection of assorted spacers at first glance that they were steadily nearing.
"Impassive blank t-visors?" asked Rusana without missing a beat. Saram bit back a laugh. Rusana's dry wit was only matched by her skills with a rifle, and was always a welcome addition. The intermittent chorus of choked back laughter from the others demonstrated that they felt the same.
"Exactly," she said though the involuntary smile that occupied her features. It wasn't long before they were close enough to the group that it was best to make themselves known. Most people didn't take too kindly to phantasmal figures flickering into view as heavily armed, armored Mandalorians. One by one, they deactivated their armor's cloaking devices at about half the distance that they'd have become visible ordinarily before making their approach. "Sorry we're late. Didn't miss anything, did we?"
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective : Blockade the planet
Location: Yinchorr's orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | New Imperial Order | Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves
ENEMIES | Rebels

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
AIV L'Effroyable
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Louis Fort-Drake​
AIV Le Téméraire
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Schwanhelt Bulge​
AIV Le Malin
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Arthur Leywin​
AIV L'indomptable
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Philippe Montcalm​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Escort frigate X101 Pride of Anaxes
Commanding officer : Commodore Albrecht Herlock

All of the ships of the Task Force 58 were conducting artillery exercises, shooting at some random asteroids near the Yinchorr system, while Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves' fleet was patrolling in the system. The ships deployed their starfighters, which were taking their formations as a defensive screen. Then, the third main turret of the Pride of Anaxes stopped shooting.

"Turret n°3, status report."

"This is turret n°3, our firing system has overheated and can't fire anymore. I highly doubt that the maintenance crew can repair it with the few spare parts we have on board."

With a turret down, the ship could still fight, but Herlock preferred to have a fully operationnal ship. He ordered the Navigation officer to turn back and fly towardsthe Dalness docks, while giving orders to the rest of the fleet.

"Task Force 58, this is the Pride of Anaxes. Due to a turret malfunction, we're heading back to the dockyard. I temporarily place the fleet under Commander Richthofen's command. Pride of Anaxes, over."

The ship started to fly back to her dock, while the rest of the fleet continued their exercise.
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Commanding Officer of the Azure Shield
Objective : Patrol in the system.
Location: Yinchorr's orbit
Equipment: uniform

ALLIES | New Imperial Order | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock
ENEMIES | Rebels

Fleet composition : AIV Shield of Anaxes, 20 Le Fantasque-class patrol ships, 20 La Confiance-class defense corvettes
Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Defense frigate AIV Shield of Anaxes
Commanding officer : Captain Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves

The Shield of Anaxes was patrolling, escorted by ten ships from the system's defense fleet. Honoré was finding that the place was too calm. He had put the thirty other ships on alert in the spaceport, His purpose was to defend this system no matter the cost and to prevent smugglers from coming here with forbidden assets. His operators were doing their job, controlling every ship coming in and out of the planet's surface. Then, he saw the Pride of Anaxes coming out of hyperspace, alone.

"Comms Officer, open a direct link to the Pride."

"Right away Sir."

"Greetings Commodore. This is Captain d'Estiennes d'Orves, on board of the Shield. What brings you here alone, if I may ask ?"

Then a reply came from the frigate, echoing in the Shield's speakers.

"Greetings Captain. Our ship is having a malfunction with the weapon systems, so we're heading back to dockyard. How are things doing on your side ?"

"Well it's the usual stuff. Have a safe return. Shield of Anaxes, over."

The two frigates came close to each other. Honoré gave one last order before the Pride of Anaxes docked.

"Attention to port !"

All of the crew members suddenly got up of their seats and gave a salute to the fierce escort frigate. Once the X100-class ship got in the Dalness docks, the people present on the bridge got back to their tasks.
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Duty brought Belkora far and wide, both to the Imperial worlds and outside, the threats were endless to the Imperial state and the natural order of society. The rebels proved to be a constant source of annoyance for him and his colleagues, sabotage here, a shooting there, it all had a pattern that reeked of outside involvement. The Sith rebels were disorganised and chaotic in their approach, but these rebels were organised and efficient. Belkora had arranged for a solution to the issue, but like all good plans, it took time to grow and develop.

But for now, such problems required outside helping hands and none were more efficient than the Mandalorian mercenaries who excelled at the art of murder. Koda Fett had rightfully earnt his reputation serving countless hands and states, and he demonstrated truly once again why he was the best.

"Real show there Koda, surprised you didn't rough them up some more, ahh well, they're here and that's what matters," Belkora added in on top of Thanes comment, flicking a cigarra stub into the nearest trash can with effortless ease before moving away from the wall he was leaning against and joining the trio.

"Oh she'll talk, they always do." He grinned self assuringly in response to Kodas own words.

Thane Thane Koda Fett Koda Fett Rinoi Ssiv Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian




It had been by far one of the easiest rebel roundups in a while; though even calling them them rebels was almost insulting to actual rebels. The Yinchorri were more like pawns in someone else's game and if the Alliance could play then so could the Empire. It had not been difficult to infiltrate their ranks and now they had plenty of time to ponder on their gullibility while they sat in Imperial imprisonment.
She approached one of the holding cells containing a Yinchorri who had been accused of conspiring to commit treason. Her expression was one of contempt. They were an ungrateful people, not incapable of reformation, or rather re-manipulation, but spineless creatures all the same.
While she was by no means part of the interrogation sub-division, given the impressionable nature of the Yinchorri, she wondered how much could be gained before the situation needed to be escalated further by handing him over to the specialists.

The man was looking down, dejected, but upon noticing a silhouette appear in front of him, his gaze rose to meet the agent's. "What?" He asked in a gruff voice. "Listen..." She started, pulling the hat from her head as a gesture of respect and humility. "I know you're just doing what you think is best for your family and community. I respect that, I do but do you really want to drag them into a war you cannot finish?" She asked. There was no reply.

She allowed the silence to remain for a few moments before continuing. "You know, I understand how you feel." She told him in a gentle tone, now trying to relate to him, trying to erode the guard he had placed between them. "You're angry with the world and have a burning passion for change, right?" His gaze met hers which she could only assume was confirmation.

"I completely understand but your quarrel isn't with the Empire. We only want to help Yinchorr thrive but we need your help to do so. The rebels are terrorists and they've taken advantage of you for their own gain."
At least there was perhaps an ounce of truth among her façade.

"So help me out and I'll help you out. Give me the names of the people you conspired with and you'll be released." She offered an ultimatum. "And if I don't?" He replied. "Then you'll have to remain under custody, unfortunately. If we can't determine that you're not a threat to society... I'm sure you can understand."

"Oh, I understand alright, officer." He responded with an obscene gesture and an angered "Go to hell," which provoked little response from the agent aside from an unamused "Charming."

Bringing up the commlink to her mouth, she spoke to the communications officer on the other end. <Add holding cell C-8 to the interrogation list and pull up family records.> Once completed, she turned back to the Yinchorri. "Let's see how strong your desire to protect your family is now." She threatened him, calmly.

Melvain hadn't been part of the initial Yinchorri conflicts. Had he not been tied up in the Empire's business elsewhere he would have gladly bled to keep Rebels in line. Now though, it seemed he was being ordered to do just that. Since his conversation with the Emperor he'd been tasked again and again to seek out Rebels and he was beginning to think of himself somewhat of novice Rebel Hunter. Along with that territory came the constant run ins with the Emperor's favorite Devil-Eyed Chiss. The ISB, regardless of how much it was needed, never left a good taste in his mouth but combined with those soulless red eyes...Well, Thane was downright unsettling. But he was starting to get used to him.

"That one's good," he said conspiratorially to the Chiss officer. "Slide me his contact info, I might be able to make use of him myself." The bounty hunter Koda Fett had been active a long, long time. He had known Mandalorians all his life, even some Fett, but he would have thought that one of them would have mentioned him. Maybe the man was what they called dar'manda, exiled from his own clan or house. The armor told a storied history of battles won and lost and the number of credits he'd seen transferred to this man told a story that those losses were minor and the victories great.

He mentally winced just thinking of paying the man.


ALLIES | HHA | COMPNOR | MERCS | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves | Don Belkora Don Belkora Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Thane Thane Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis | Koda Fett Koda Fett
NJO | MERCS | Rinoi Ssiv Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire | Saram Kote Saram Kote


— 874 ABY, TodHusars' HQ, Yinchorr.

Doing administrative work.

Something Kelga’an hated. Something essential but boring as hell. Essential; he had to focus on the fact that this was essential. Just a little more hours of work and he would be able to join his men in to oversee their training. Just a couple of hours…

After twenty or so minutes, he arose from his chair, took his uniform coat and opened the door of his office, only to leave behind him that pernicious atmosphere, full of ‘boring’ and ‘essential’. He was now in the corridors of the TodHusars’ headquarters, looking for something to do that would not be ‘essential’ of ‘boring’. And this appeared quickly, as Fi, a Banshee he knew for a couple of years now, since ‘65, if he remembered correctly: Operation ‘Broken Steel’. « Well, was that… Ten years ago? Or nine? Merde! » he thought while putting his gaze on Dub-Fi’s armour. The soldier waved in his direction, slowly running to join his captain: « Cap!
AC-055 reporting for duty, sieur.
Anything wrong, Corporal?
No sieur. We just got some reports about Kawa Company’s activities in Ringo Vinda’s sector, » the soldier explained, « and I have to show them to you.
That sounds good, » the captain answered. « What about talking about it elsewhere?
Elsewhere, sieur?
Yep, elsewhere. I mean in another place – like in Husars’ Memorial, y’know. So?
Uuh, that’s… Kind of strange but anyway, why not, sieur!
Start your presentation now, Corporal, » the officer asked.
The two paratroopers were now in The Memorial, the place where had been buried all their comrades fallen during Operation ‘Husars’ Flag’ and, then, all 1st Brigade’s soldiers who died during the campaigns led by the NIO all over the Galaxy. The Anaxsi-Imperial were known in all the Empire for their tenacity and their fighting spirit, but also to be one of the most stubborn soldiers of the GDF, far ahead of the Galidraani.

Fi and Kelga’an were sitting in mud, looking at the graves of their dead brothers with melancholy and remorse. All those boys fallen? This wasn’t possible. That was too much. Two or three hundreds of Husars had been buried here since House Haskler of Anaxes set its foot on Yinchorr. Why so many losses? Sometimes, Kelga’an didn’t understand war, killings and all that. Sometimes, he prefered ‘boring’ but ‘essential’ work.

On the main stele, there was a simple phrase: « Si tu as tout perdu, souviens-toi de sauver l’honneur. » This was the motto of the 1st Brigade. And this means an important thing: honour comes first and last.

« I never asked you, » the captain started as Fi was turning his head to put his gaze on his uniform, « how do you feel about your past life?
You mean… When I was a simple soldier? Or before?
I… I shouldn’t, sieur.
I read your folder, remember? You’d not be here if you did not accept my proposal. You’d be with your family, maybe with a wife and some children, just entertaining, nothing more. Why did you rest here? We’ve got a golden retirement for you. Is it duty?
No, » the Banshee replied, « that’s honour, sieur.
Well… »

He felt sad for thoses boys – his sons. They were good commandos, better soldiers, but Kelga’an was the only who had a life. A real life. His Banshees never exited the HQ, always involved in training and war preparation; this was wrong.

« Can I ask a question, sieur?
Sure. Go on.
How did you feel during ‘Husars’ Flag’?
Well, that was terrible. Vessels, bombers and commandos everywhere. I hope you’ll never know something like that in your soldier life, Fi. »

After a silence, Kelga’an just stood up and said: « Get up. We better not be late for your training, commando. » Before following his captain, Dub-Fi took a look at the stele, reading this name: MILO HOLT.

He knew him better than anyone.
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Rinoi Ssiv

A motley crew assembled around Rinoi. There were blaster pistols, and bottles of whiskey that had more in common with a bomb than a drink, being thrown around. There was excitement and nervousness in the air. The dangerous mission ahead had painted all colors over the crowd. Rinoi wondered how he looked as he took a swig from the bottle. Liberty's Flame. It definitely burned going down. Hopefully it wouldn't burn them. "Be careful with that stuff." He said, looking at Aeshi but passing the bottle off to the next pair of hands on the disguised Audren Sykes. Little bit of liquid courage.

As the clock to the assault counted down, Rinoi looked on the facility through a pair of night vision binocs. He plotted and planned with the others. "Alright. I think we've kept a pretty good lid on this thing. There are security patrols and guards but they're standard. They don't know we're coming. Once the Intelligentsia make their move, all Imps on the outside should be distracted." Rinoi smiled. "The second we hear the sound of fighting, we haul ass on the speeders, anything bigger and we give up the element of surprise."

The Jedi Knight pointed at the Prison facility's walls. "Stop shy of the wall, then grapnel, climb, or jump up." He announced as the squad of armored Mandalorians, courtesy of Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities, swaggered up. "You didn't miss anything," Rinoi answered the mandalorian. "Once we make it to the top, if the wall ain't clear, clear it. And Quickly." He added.

"After that, watch each other's backs 'til we're inside. Then, split into teams. Team One, with me. There are two levels of holding cells and we'll be taking the lower level. Intel is limited, so be prepared for anything. Team Two, get your orders over there. Anyone got anything else they want to add? You'll be heard and any crack ideas will become part of this plan."

The clock to assault was in its final moments. Rinoi hopped into his Agora and pulled up between Julius Sedaire and Saram Kote and the mando security squad. Rinoi had never met Julius before but he knew a Green Jedi when he saw one. "Hey, Corellia!" He spoke over the chorus of speeder bikes being mounted and readied. "You ain't no Spring Chicken. You sure you're ready for this?" The Chalactan Jedi teased with a smile.

He looked to the right and turned to the Mandos. "I don't know if this is just a gig for y'all, but thanks for being here." With a nod toward them he hit the throttle as the desert winds began to pick up.


An explosion in the distance could be heard. Then blaster bolts lit the area of the prison facility's north entrance. "SM-1, Now!" The Assault Leader shouted into the comm. "Copy that!" Rinoi answered, as he throttled the Agora. "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" He ordered the others over the comms channel as his evergreen colored speeder dipped into the valley. The winds were high and sudden. It would slow him down just a bit. Those on speeder bikes with less experience riding might even be knocked off course. At top speed, all they needed was twenty-four seconds to reach the prison facility on the other side of the valley. Twenty four seconds, a wall to scale, and then any guards who got in the way.



NIO | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
RA | Rinoi Ssiv | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | Audren Sykes Audren Sykes | Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire | Saram Kote Saram Kote


"That one's good,"

"Slide me his contact info, I might be able to make use of him myself."

"Oh yeah? Come across a run of enemies have we, Knight Regent? No one broaches the idea of bringing up Koda Fett 'less they need someone hard to get 'disappeared' forever." Thane jests with a faint laugh to Melvain's inquiry into the contact details of Koda Fett. Very, very few ever needed the bounty hunter unless they wanted someone brought in cold. But even such, that was a moff's matter. Hardly anything to do with ISB. For now, at the least. With the growing rebellion, however, Thane doubted it would ever be.

"Oh she'll talk, they always do."

"If you care to do the dirty work, by all means, Belkora. I'm not sure you've the muscle to force a Yinchorri to bark but perhaps power of persuasion might be best suited here." He remarked, ever weary of the Tetan. Where as the ISB conducted its business in the manner that it was, an intelligence and investigative agency- Belkora was one of the agents of COMPNOR proper who served the organization's unconventional needs and operations. Thane thought of him and many others as little more than paid thugs cutting their checks from the Empire instead of a criminal syndicate.

So long as the work got done, he supposed.

Then, the attack began- an explosion rung out on the other side of the prison block and the alarms began to sound to the sound of blaster fire. Immediately, Thane's haunting crimson gaze snapped in the direction of the intrusion. He grit his teeth in aggravation before turning to the prison's command console, looking up the comms menu and opening the line to the guard post closest to the attack.

"Besh 1-2 do you copy? Besh 1-2 do you copy? ...Fuck." Thane said before he turned to the others, a hand running down to undo the clasp of his hip mounted holster as he made way for the door, the metallic hiss opening it before him.

"Care to make some extra credits, Fett?" He asked the way of the Mandalorian before nodding in the direction of the commotion.

Good a day as any to put some rebels down cold.

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde

Friendly Units:
"Scale a wall, shoot some shabuire, rescue the prisoners and get the haran out of there for a nice clean extract. I'm starting to like these guys," said Jaing Nihut'tyr over squad comms. Jaing had a point, plans that were overly complex and didn't account for enemy action were far more likely to go to haran as soon as contact was made. This, however, was about as good a plan as any. Simple, and it left plenty of room to deal with any issues that might come their way. Having that diversion was nice, but once the Imps realized that it was just that, they weren't going to have long before the whole shabla facility was going to be bearing down on them.
"We can handle whatever you need team two to do, let you deal with getting the prisoners out while we buy time and handle whatever else it is you need us to handle," offered Saram on hearing how he intended to split teams. Saram's armor could pick up that more than a few of those with them were force sensitives, jetii too if it was to be believed. She had no illusions about the fact that they could more than likely handle themselves with her proposed team division. They hadn't brought any Ysalamiri today, so in the very least it'd be useful to have them close at hand if things went wrong, though she was very much hoping not to run into any force sensitives, even if the armor's taozin skin liner would made them more than a little difficult to detect via the force.
"My mother always told me to do what I enjoyed, and we might be getting paid to help you kill Imps, but enough of these shabuire helped the Sith both before they pushed as out of our home and when they came for it. Let's just say we're more than happy to be here," replied Saram with as much of a reassuring tone as she could manage with her buy'ce on. Switching to squad comms, she addressed her unit before they got started, "Winds are a little high, but it's nothing we haven't dealt with before. Let's get this done, vode." A quiet chorus of "oya" answered her as one by one, each member of Davaab vanished into nothing.
It was a tense few moments before they got the signal to move. None of them said anything. No, now the members of Davaab were performing last minute triple and quadruple checks on equipment and steeling themselves for what was about to be done. They could hear the sound of blaster fire before they heard Rinoi give the order. As one, they rose into the air on invisible wings of fire, occasional bursts of invisible thrust from their pack's rocket thrusters kept them racing down the valley toward their target. Where normal repulsor packs would be screaming loudly as they hurtled their user forward, theirs was almost totally silent, easily drowned out by the drives on the others' vehicles.
With the aid of her helmet's macrobinocular zoom function, she could see the facility up ahead. In her teenage days she might've given in to the temptation to open fire. That, however, would give away the vector of their attack and expose them all to unnecessary return fire at best, or give away their true purpose at worst. So electing to wait till the others tried to scale the wall to provide any cover fire, Davaab squad raced onward undeterred. Thank the Manda for the gyrostabilized flight, else they'd probably not made it intact thus far.

The ground rumbled slightly with the explosion where she was but the most telling evidence of the intrusion was the blaring alarms that followed, warning the Imperials of he trouble they were about to face and providing a note of hope for the Rebels within their jurisdiction.

With newfound confidence, the Yinchorri gave a bold statement. "First you'll see how strong my family's desire to protect me is." Which prompted no reaction from the agent other than a frustrated sigh as she walked briskly in the direction of the explosion, bringing up the commlink to her mouth as she did.

There was no point wasting time asking what was happening, it didn't require all too much intelligence to piece that together. The first two attempts at contact with anyone were met with static until she made a third, successful connection with another agent who was evidently much closer to the heart of the unravelling conflict judging by the intensity of background blaster fire.

<942, where are they?> She asked. <North entrance. Hurry, they're- agh!> The line fell silent. Heeding his words, she broke into a run towards the exchange of blaster fire, unhooking a blaster from each holster at her side in the process.

Did they never learn?

ISB and COMPNOR, it was all the same to the Mandalorian. Both served their Emperor, their methods differed yet their results stayed the same. Fett listened to them both, that and the Knight-Regent, before the sudden blast had consumed his attention - the T-visor turned towards the sound itself and then returned to Thane. Someone had not been fond of his handywork, he mused, all too aware that it was far too tied together to be mere chance. Someone came for Alkar, whoever it was. Vengeful allies, heroic saviours, they died all the same.

"Heh," his body recoiled at the amused huff, "If I bring one in alive, I expect a bonus."

He turned, next, not awaiting another answer. He made his move to the commotion, his blaster in hand.

It could have been a peaceful day. Jerec had been healing slowly through the past months, and he felt ready to return to the field, to escape the burden of bureaucratic work. He enjoyed working directly with Moff Haskler, yet he could not help but envy his security detail, men he had trained and tutored personally, the cream crop of the TodHusars. These men were dedicated to the most important task any Anaxsi could have dreamt of. More important than protecting their foster home, Yinchorr. More important than making the Empire shine throughout the galaxy. Moff Haskler embodied the hope of a return to their home, a dawn of glory for the Azure people. He was, in this regard, more important than any other Anaxsi, especially as he was now surrounded by rumours of alliance with undead servants of Anaxes…

Jerec swallowed with amazement when he realised what his thought process was becoming like. He could not accept Carlac used dark magic or undead witchcraft, yet he had no qualms about allowing his own to use the same tools to provide victory. This morally grey field of thoughts was worrying. He would have to investigate more deeply in order to set things clear with Moff Haskler. Perhaps when he asked him permission to return in command of his unit?


As the Captain was returning to his office, he could feel the weight of the fortress on his shoulders. Yinchorr was a dustball, a desert of mountains and rocks. Nobody cared about this planet, yet the Anaxsi had chosen it. The hardships of life, there, remembered anyone on the planet why they were here: because they had failed to free their planet; because they had to reconquer it from Jedi hands. The instalment of the Anaxsi on Yinchorr had no other purpose. For no other reason had they restored and massively built up the Imperial Royal Guard Academy, were the TodHusars training in the Squall. Yinchorr was merely a staging ground for liberating Anaxes. From there, the Imperials could watch over the Core, excite separatism, strengthen imperialism and prepare covert operations. But as the Cold War progressed on, as the operation on Kuat mired on, the weight of the fortress was becoming real.

There would be, however, no time to rest. In a way, it would make Jerec happy. As he entered his office, his comlink blinked several times.

Planetary alert…
Imperial Detention Centre attacked…
Units awaiting orders.

War had come to Yinchorr at last, he thought. A true invasion, something to fight back with brutality and pride. But as he tried to find more intel, more details on the size of the space invasion, the place of the landing… Nothing. How could it be? Communications seemed to be shut down between the penitentiary complex and the fortress-capital, and there was nothing more to it than a satellite that had scanned the complex two hours ago, and that had continued its orbital rotation. It was impossible to rely on it for twenty-two more hours. The TodHusars would have to go there in person and clear this out.

Coldly, Jerec prepared his battle plan before giving any orders out. The attack could be planetary: he could not ask Planetary Defence Forces to intervene on that one. The attack could also be a diversion: he had to look out for other potential locations to attack. There were many possibilities, but the most likely was still an attack to free or silence a prisoner. Whatever the objective, Jerec had two orders to give first.

He sat down at his desk and opened a liaison with the spatial forces he could reach. At the moment, the Azure Shield was dispersed throughout the system, and only a vessel of Task Force 58 of the Azure Hammer Command was available, headed back to the docks for repairs. Using the highest priority codes, the Captain made contact with the ship.

Commodore Herlock, this is Captain Yularen of the TodHusars Corps speaking. An unknown-sized attack on imperial facilities is currently underway down here. We are powerless to react until we get proper intel on the suspected locations of the attack. We request you send down a squadron of recon fighters to inform us of the whereabouts of the Imperial Detention Centre. Prepare your forces to intercept a potential attack, incoming from Alliance space, and watch over the orbit. Central Command, over to you.

Now that space units were on alert and ready to defend the planet from any potential attacks, the matter was of reinforcing the detention centre from any incoming attacks. Central Command was virtually blind to the enemy, and Jerec could not divert troops potentially vital elsewhere just to clear the problem out. He had to send a patrol force strong enough to reinforce the various elements present already, but quick enough to assemble not to waste precious time.

Quickly, the officer sent orders out to squads and individual soldiers close to the various landing pads. They were directed to the nearby arsenals to equip, whilst gunships were scrambled to the take-off zones. In a matter of minutes, Yularen had assembled a task force of twenty soldiers ready to intervene. Coming from reserve companies, Banshee Company and else, these soldiers were heteroclitic in experience and fighting strength, but they were the only ones available. The only trusty officer in the sector was given immediate command with orders to rally the landing pads and lead these units to the Detention Centre.

Captain Kelga’an, Nukth, this is Jerec speaking. There is a problem with the Detention Centre that require our immediate attention. I have formed a task force of twenty soldiers, ready to follow you and investigate. The potential attack out there cannot be an excuse for diverting forces, but I am preparing my own men to take off as soon as you assess the scale of the attack and call for reinforcements. Until then, go, and find out what is going on.

In the event of a loss of control in and around the Centre, you will be authorised to execute the valuable prisoners and destroy the data vaults of the complex. Nothing can fall in the hands of invaders. Jerec out.

With a deep sigh, Jerec got out of his chair and contacted his company. In half an hour, Kelga’an and his men would be on target. At that precise moment, Jerec’s own would have to be ready to join the fight.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective : Defend the system
Location: Yinchorr's orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | New Imperial Order | Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves Honoré d'Estiennes d'Orves | Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an | Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen | Espivent Espivent
ENEMIES | Rebels

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
AIV L'Effroyable
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Louis Fort-Drake​
AIV Le Téméraire
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Schwanhelt Bulge​
AIV Le Malin
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Arthur Leywin​
AIV L'indomptable
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Commander Philippe Montcalm​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Escort frigate X101 Pride of Anaxes
Commanding officer : Commodore Albrecht Herlock

The Pride of Anaxes was docked, undergoing repairs for one of their turret in the Dalness shipyard. Reports came frequently from the Tonnant, which was doing military exercises with the rest of the task force. Albrecht was taking some time to relax in his room when the someone on the intercom called him.

"Sir, this is the Comms Officer. You are needed on the bridge, we're receiving a communication with the highest priority level."

"I'm on my way."

Herlock came down to the bridge and sat on his command chair and listened to the important message.

"Commodore Herlock, this is Captain Yularen of the TodHusars Corps speaking. An unknown-sized attack on imperial facilities is currently underway down here. We are powerless to react until we get proper intel on the suspected locations of the attack. We request you send down a squadron of recon fighters to inform us of the whereabouts of the Imperial Detention Centre. Prepare your forces to intercept a potential attack, incoming from Alliance space, and watch over the orbit. Central Command, over to you."

"Captain Yularen, this is Commodore Herlock. I'll launch my aircrafts as soon as possible and gather the fleets. Pride of Anaxes, over."

"Status of the third turret ?"

"The turret is not fully repaired but is still operationnal."

"We'll finish our repairs on the way. Contact the Shield of Anaxes and the Tonnant. We gather the fleets to defend the system and prevent any unauthorized craft to, leave the planet. After we've taken off, launch the Rei-sens. Are we ready to launch ?"

"Aye Sir."

"Pride of Anaxes, take off !"

The frigate took off from the dock, joining the Task Force 58. The two Rei-sens starfighters launched from the catapults and headed towards the Imperial Detention Center. They were in contact with the frigate and the Central Command, so they could make reports directly to Captain Yularen. They quiclky arrived on the spot and began scouting and sending reports.

"Pride of Anaxes and Central Command, this is Aurek Leader. We are on target and beging reconing the area. There seems to be a frontal assault on the Imperial Detention Center. But our sensors are also detecting a few vehicles on the other side of the complex. We're descending to check this out. Aurek Leader, over."
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