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Faction Ballad of Shiraya: Crowning A Queen | CIS



Location: Naboo
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Nico Kaidshau , @Open


The last time that he was here, well it was a disaster. Not going into detail he stayed in as many well congregated, well-lit places as possible and was not going to speak to anyone unless spoken to. Nico was not far away, so at least there was someone he could hang with, but really, Caltin was here to watch, and just be a spectator. The people needed to be able to have a night where they could hope for the future, with all of the recent strife they had experienced. There was going to be something special happening tonight, he had been a spectator to crowning ceremonies in the past, but there was something about tonight that was going to be worth seeing.



By itself, the brilliant alabaster temple was an impressive structure if not sheerly for the size of it; and for tonight's event, they’d managed to make it look like something straight out of a fairytale. Pressing through the crowded throngs, she could not help but admire the artistry. Even though she’d grown up surrounded by such beauty her entire life, Teyla was still utterly captivated by the romance of it.

All around them, the alabaster Temple of Shiraya stretched with a panorama of color - from the pastel floral arrangements spilling from their pillars and sconces, to the decadent dresses and outfits that swathed the nobility.

Teyla as well, had dressed the part expected of her.

gown she wore was comprised entirely of shimmer silk, its complicated design dipping down in the front, stopping just short above her navel, highlighting the ratio of her hourglass hips and waist. The color of the gown was that of a powdery Moenia blue, which contrasted nicely against the bronze color of her skin and the dusky hue of her elaborately done-up hair.

To her side, she felt Marcus pull and tug at her hand. Glancing over, she saw him struggling with the collar of his outfit again. It was his first time to an event like this, so a little push-back was to be expected. “Marcus, you need to leave it be and stop fiddling with it.” she sighed.

“I don’t like it,” he protested with a grimace, a dark-boyish lock coming lose over his brow.

“Come now.. It’s only for a little while,” Teyla knelt to eye level and brushed his hair back into place before reaching for her son's crumpled collar. “You want to look nice for the Queen, don’t you?” Marcus nodded slightly, still looking utterly miserable as her nimble fingers worked to straighten it back out, smiling. “Then come along… or we’ll miss the ceremony.”

“Yeah, come’mon! We have to hurry to auntie ‘Lora and ‘Ina!” Careina tugged on her brother's hand, attempting her best to behave, her platinum ringlets bouncing. “I see them already!” her voice was a pitch higher and with an extra skip in her step, Careina bounded ahead to the others, Teyla following behind at the proper pace with Marcus until she reached Baros side.

The prying eyes and whispering voices of the elite were not lost on her as she reached her other half, though Teyla was adept at entirely ignoring them, and made it a point to take his arm. “Glad to see we’ve made it in time.” a warm smile stretched across light-pink lips. "You look radiant today, Mina."
Last edited:
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure

Another Coronation, Another Queen. In as little as a year’s time Naboo had seen instability centered around the position of queen. One assassination plot had been uncovered, a mess that Gerwald had been required to investigate. It had not been his discovery, but the report of the following inquisition had made Gerwald leary that more attempts might be made. An unstable Naboo was not good for the Confederacy, so while others were there to enjoy the event, Gerwald was there to ensure it remained secure. This was their capital after all, and events such as the celebration they were attending today were highly attractive for malicious intent.

Perhaps some would consider it an overreach, but Gerwald had assumed the oversight for security. Knights Obsidian, supplemented with Naboo’s own Royal Guard, were positioned all throughout Theed. The new queen had been assigned her own personal escort to ensure her safety at all times. Gerwald would shadow that escort when available with the two he had chosen for this particular event.

Oleander Webb Oleander Webb was the master of shadows. Several interactions with the Anzat had made him someone that Gerwald trusted explicitly with matters which were of a more delicate manner. There were some who would say Gerwald was a kind person, but they did not know the darkness which he held inside him. His position required him to keep his hands clean, that was what Oleander was for. The things Gerwald could not be found doing, the alien would do for him. His enemies and rivals would slowly disappear over time, and none would be any the wiser.

His other companion was there for two reasons. Despite the fact Lunara Azure Lunara Azure had proven she was a capable warrior in the force, Gerwald still needed reminding of proper etiquette. Palm-Imer Palm-Imer would have also been good help, but her connection to the force was still questionable, and if there was danger, Gerwald needed people who could sense it before it happened. Lunara was a force master, she was a dear friend who had no problem telling Gerwald if his manners were out of line. The blonde was one of three people who could currently speak to him in a manner that would see others killed. Besides, Gerwald would be lying if he preferred her company to others he could have chosen as well.

“Keep a sharp eye out for any trouble. There is a lot that could happen, there is a lot that has already happened with Nabooian politics as of late. We cannot afford instability in our capital,” Gerwald said to his compatriots as they stood at the edge of one of the many palace balconies overlooking the celebration below. “This feels too much like Ryloth to me. The people in the streets, having a good time, completely unaware that something was about to happen. It is a good thing none of them are aware of the rumors. Our citizens need more reasons to smile these days, not less.”

Gerwald let his eyes wander about the crowd as he looked off in the distance. His mind recounted many memories of loss. The Confederacy was not the galactic titan it was because of peaceful ventures. Routing out slavery and corruption had not always been something which could accomplished at a diplomat’s table. It had a bloody and violent past, one that had seen people Gerwald was close to pay the price he wished none had to pay.

As it often happened, Gerwald reached for the ring that hung on a chain around his neck. The wolf could not think of such things without his mind finding his memories of Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath . Naboo was her home. She would have been happy to see this, the people happy, and the Confederacy finally having abandoned Geonosis. Oleander would not yet know why Gerwald constantly toyed with the ring, but Lunara already did. They had grown close in sharing their grief over loved ones they had lost.

His eyes searched for hers with a knowing look. There was nothing he would need to say that she did not already know. Being on Naboo was hard for the Lupine for that reason, and that alone. The one person he knew should be there was not, not in a way that Gerwald had wished it.

He finally moved away from the balcony, letting the ring fall back to his chestplate.

“Shall we make our final sweep before the queen leaves her chambers?”

TAG: Octavia Bardot Octavia Bardot Daeryn Neoma


The night started off nicely, Othello made it to the nights entertainment without hardly an incident. As long as his cup was full Of drink and his hand filled with a lit deathstick he was happy. Or as happy as one could be at this type of event. Only one word was coming to his mind about the whole affair as Othello took a drag from his deathstick.


These court functions were such...boring affairs. Very...manufactured. Fake. A show. Full of peacocks. It seemed as if nothing here was real. The people? No. They wouldn’t be here if it wasnt considered in poor taste. The food? Hah! Try surviving off of the Hors d'oeuvres that were being served to the guests, and as Othello glanced towards his sister, Octavia Bardot Octavia Bardot and... he remembered even the love was fake as she arrived alone.

Poor Tavi. he thought, Othello was a lost cause. At least, that’s what their parents had figured. He wouldn’t amount to anything and wouldn’t be a good match for anyone. So they didn’t embarrass any family. And Othello was usually pretty good about scaring away the lower families who tried to use him to marry upwards. But his poor sister... try as she might her fate seemed sealed. A fake love, fake marriage, pretty on the outside? Well....

Naboo was pretty. Mindnumbingly so Which was...fine he guessed.

Better To be boring then be dead, I suppose he thought as he took another drag and dropped the deathstick to the ground, crushing it underfoot as he went to go try his best to make his sister smile. With a big, warm smile on his face he called out, “Sister!” Waving his Arms wide and as flamboyant as he could. Othello loved the attention and looks he got. Nevermind most of them were in either shock or annoyance. And if they were annoyed with him... maybe they wouldn’t be annoyed with her.

“Nothing quite like Coronations right?“ he asked as he playfully punched her shoulder.
“Seems like yesterday we had another one here on good old pretty old boring old Naboo.” He turned away from the crowd and got quiet, Leaning in close,

“I saw you arrive alone, Tavi. Is-“ he stopped himself. He wanted to ask if everything was alright. But it wasn’t. Of course it wasn’t. How could it be? Instead he smiled.

“Can I get you something? Little fancy cheese and cracker sandwich maybe? It is a party after all. Supposedly. So they tell me. Let’s live it up with stupid pointless little snacky snacks!”
Tags: TBD/Open
Wearing: X

After everything, life had found a semblance of stability. Family, her family, was everything and they were closer than ever, every one of them throwing in to do their part to return some sense of normalcy to their days. Settling into Evenfall after its reconstruction had been bittersweet, yet a comfort, allowing her to set her focus further outward once again towards the people, a focus that saw her seated as Naboo's Governor in recent months, trading one portion of her full plate for another.

She bore it with nary a complaint. She had been raised to, moulded into who she was. A legacy of her father, that those who had known him saw well, and such reminding words were taken with fondness and thanks, more than the solemnity that ruled her for long after the loss, though that was still a trailing thought and feeling. Pouring through his journals had become just as much a continuance of his counsel and lessons, as it was a remembrance, and still a precious unit of time in her schedule that was made up of duties to her people, and the now mostly smooth-running management of her house.

Despite the interloper planting gossip in his wake, in her garden, so to speak... her mouth assumed a brief line at that thought, and she pinched the bridge of her nose, breathing out a sigh. Her aide, Rallisa, tentatively reached out, her face writ with mild concern.

"Governor Ee'everwest, are you...?"

After a moment, Alora's hand dropped and her head rose, her face as composed as ever; she turned her attention to the younger woman and offered her a cordial smile.

"I'm alright, Ralli, thank you," and a pensive moment, "are the girls..."

Rallisa brightened.

"...almost all present and accounted for, Governor."

Alora lofted a faintly perturbed brow.

"Miss Teyla, ma'am. The children."

The brow went down, and she breathed a light sigh, nodding. "Oh. Of course. Yes."

Still on maternal leave, and with Damon not passed, after all, co-parenting had added another notch in the schedule of the eldest of her younger siblings, and another niece and nephew added to her large family were welcome additions, even if the interloper was the cause. None of this was right, none of it proper, but the babes couldn't be blamed for it.

"We have ample time before the ceremony begins, if you would like to stretch your legs more, Governor."

Precious moments to herself? Observing the citizenry? Ruminating on her thoughts? Assuming she wasn't accosted by any number of people, but it was early enough that most were still arriving... Alora rose from her seat. "I'll have my comm with me, then."

Rallisa gave a short nod, "I'll be here, ma'am."

With that, Lady Alora, head of House Ee'everwest and Governor of Naboo, slipped loose from the seating arrangements and went for a wander through the temple grounds...


TAG: Srina Talon Srina Talon


Rann couldn’t help but sigh as he joined the festivities at the Temple of Shiraya. Try as he might, it sure seemed like Rann couldn’t escape these CIS commitments. It hadn’t been very long since his duel with Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner ....​

...perhaps he’d avoid whatever part of the party that would have him around. Bad blood and all that. Depressing, humiliating. This was a party after all. And self-preservation dictated Rann behave himself. Be quiet, listen, learn, maybe enjoy the night?​

There was another presence Rann felt that he hadn’t felt in a...long time. One that made his heart skip a beat. It was her. It had to be. She wasn’t the strongest, the scariest, perhaps not even the most well known signature to him given his scrap with Gerwald, but he could never forget that battle in Dorvalla.​

He could lose a thousand battles. Die a thousand deaths. Nothing, no one, could ever humiliate him or make him feel more powerless then she did. And she didn’t even do it intentionally.​

She’s here. he thought to himself. Fear crept into his heart. And a little excitement that he worked to stow away. If he got too worked up he’d end this night dead, having tried once again to cross a name off his list and fail, horribly. Better to remain calm, take his time.​

Enjoy. The. Night. he forced himself to think. So what if she’s here? She’s here for the same reason he was. Enjoy the night.​

It would probably have been best to just avoid her out right. But Rann...figured it best to remove the bandaid. See her, remind yourself how intimidating she was, move on.​

He took a deep breath and...took another deep breath. Then he got a drink and took a quick sip. Then another, then he drank the whole thing.​

Then one more deep breath. Get his nerves under control.​

Lets see her. he thought to himself. See the Apprentice. Enjoy the night.​

Just try to enjoy the night.​


Dak Hobson



Tour Stop: Naboo
How’s the crowd?: Anxious
How did you get there?: “The Golden Wings
Whatcha’ playin’?: The introduction to the Queen and the Royal Anthem

Who are you playing to?: Objective I Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Srina Talon Srina Talon @Open

You know, it's weird. On a night of truths, I have to live in secret. LOL wait, that didn't come out quite right. Anyway, what I mean is that I see, and can feel the presence of so many fellow Knights of the Obsidian, and yet I can't say anything to them as maybe one or two only know me for what I really am. The eye of Pantera protects and conceals any knowledge of my connection to the Force, so I am safe, but I wish that once in a while I could just be myself. Don't get me wrong, I karking love performing, I do, and not only that the intel I get and am able to send back to the Royal Court and the Knights Obsidian is invaluable. That is my cover, it is who I am, I do not mind this life at all...

... except when I'm here at home.

Oh, I'm "Dak", no matter where I go, but it would be nice to have been able to compete in the tourney. LOL then again I probably would have had my butt handed to me as it got booted out of the first round. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it gets a little lonely on nights like these. Oh, don't look at me like I'm all sad and pathetic! I'm fine, it's the alcohol craving right now, I know what it is. Yeah, I'm a recovering alcoholic, and Lechner over there knows it, just like he knows who I really am. I mean, he's my boss after all.

I don't really know where I was going with that last part. Oh well.

I am honored to be able to play at the coronation. Meeting her highness, and playing the Anthem for the people, I'm looking forward to this next part. I guess celebrity DOES have its perks!

Alright, they just gave me my cue. It's showtime. Wish me luck.

"Thank you, everyone! Being up here right now is the greatest honor in my life to this point...."



Tag: Rann Thress Rann Thress
Objective: Crowning Ceremony
Location: Balcony [Near the Dancing, Chatting, and Drinking.]
Dressed in: White
What Are You Doing: Waiting for the call for the Ceremony for Svana Neoma Svana Neoma (Queen Livina) to start.

Naboo was picture-perfect.

It was the epitome of what most would consider to be an idyllic world. Complete with pristine cities, flourishing greenery, and bottomless fresh-water lakes that put most other sovereign systems to shame. It was everything that Geonosis wasn’t. Temperate and enchanting; while the former Capital of the Confederacy had been little more than a planet-sized convection oven. Srina should have been able to take in the blooming floral arrangements and smiling faces with a sense of pride and satisfaction.

Only, she did not.

She hated this world.

Naboo was the place in which she had once thought to make a home and build a family of her own. In the deceptively safe confines of a quaint chateau by the water in the middle of nowhere she’d let her metaphysical walls fall and crumble to dust. She had done the unthinkable, a truly, insipid thing. In unmistakably blind faith the pale creature had allowed her heart to take the lead rather than her head. She chose emotion over logic. Srina was Echani. She knew better. She had always known better. Her hubris, her mistake, had cost her more than she had ever thought possible.

That dwelling stood empty, now. Just a shell. Untouched and buried with notes of antiquity while she deliberately left it to rot slowly. There was nothing there for her. Nothing, but a barren cradle that had never rocked the child it had been built to hold.

This world was the source of her greatest, however fleeting, flashes of contentment. It was also the birthplace of her greatest suffering. There was nothing so cruel as to bless someone that had been living in the darkness for decades with sunlight. To let them feel its warmth, charity, and the benevolent way it allowed hope to spring from infertile dirt. Then—To take it away. To feel it, no longer.

To hope, no longer.

The silvery specter leaned idly against a metal and stone railing in a gentle solitude that suited her wintry persona. Her choice of clothing had fallen on her own personal culture rather than the bright flashy colors Nabooian citizens seemed to fall victim to. A long ivory dress clung to form as if she had been poured into it while a translucent cloak, embroidered as it would have been on Eshan, softened the emphasis of feminine curves. The hood lay down to expose a river of silken, snow-white hair, that fell to the middle of her back. Formal braids, twists, and a few curls led the eye back to a silver pin that kept it all in place. Perfect, in every way.

Arkanian geneticists had seen to that a long, long time ago.

It was the Festival of the Moon. That resonated with her, perhaps, almost as much as the significance of being in attendance at the Coronation of a Nabooian Queen. She was an Exarch and therefore required to attend the crowning of the leader of the planet that hosted the capital of the nation, but it was bittersweet. She hoped that ( Svana Neoma Svana Neoma ) Queen Livina would reign long and well so that Naboo could regain its lost sense of stability. It was the thing that no one talked about, but everyone knew.

The Confederacy was only as effective and as stable as the capital in which they dwelled.

It was beyond time to right their own house.

A gentle breeze stirred the cloak that sat low on slender shoulders and she turned, briefly, at the feeling of eyes piercing the back of her head. Most of the citizens wouldn’t recognize her. She was glad of it. If she was wearing the Obsidian Strike Armor or perhaps even her Exarch Robes, she would have never gained a moment's peace in an already energetic affair. This meant that the individual who seemed so content to inspect her, as thoroughly as one might scout new land, knew her. By sight, or through the Force—She did not yet know.

Mercurial eyes took on a sharp glint for a moment while her mental presence rose from the depths of her mind like a great leviathan breaching the cresting waves of an endless sea. Where she moved the Force and all it entailed tended to ripple, swiftly, proving that which she required. In a crowd of hundreds, thousands, a singular face took shape. The thread that bound the whelp to his father touched the dotted line and, in a flash, quite like the flare of a match—She knew.

Rann Thress Rann Thress .

Srina turned back around and her gaze refocused on the skyline. If he wanted to be her voyeur for the evening; so be it. She had heard of his duel with Gerwald, her wolf. It was neither here nor there. She did not have the same perspective that others might keep, regardless, of how violent it became before the end. A fight, a duel, was so much more than a clashing of swords. It was a battle of will. A test of endurance—A statement to the heavens.

It appeared if whispers held true, that the progeny of the Vicelord had spoken.

“Why are you here, all alone, by yourself—With no one to accompany you?”

An unfamiliar male voice interrupted her thoughts and she drew her gaze away from the velvet sky that was sweeping over the land. A quick glance told her that he was noble, though, intoxicated. It was no surprise. Wine flowed from one end of the temple to the other. Srina did not respond immediately but her eyes returned to that which she preferred to see. Endless, stars. “Leave.”, she uttered, though, her tone was neither cruel nor kind. It was soft, almost lilting, and fleeting as the wings of a hummingbird.

The man sputtered and his mouth opened and closed a few times while he tried to form words to reply. “W-What House are you from? I demand to know. Didn’t your elders ever teach you how to address your betters? You should look at someone when they speak to you. What am I to do with this?”

“You may leave.”

The same airy deadpan greeted the foolish man and she did not need to look to know his face was turning various shades of red and mottled purple. Angrily, full of liquid courage and instability he reached to grab her arm.

Location: Royal Palace | Theed | Naboo
Dress | Shawl
Tagging: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb


Blue eyes met blue eyes across the room, words unsaid, unneeded between the friends as they both stood there lost in their memories. In Gerwald’s eyes Lunara could see traces of the spirit that haunted him, his lost friend, the rod he still punished himself with. A sad smile touched the corner of the woman’s lips, it wasn’t like she was much better than him, not really. A nod in the wolf’s direction before Lunara turned away from the group, crystal blue eyes drifted over to the window as the blonde lifted a pale hand to press against the glass.

The palace here wasn’t so different from the palace back on Zernia, where she’d spent so many happy days and nights. This whole planet, the new capital of the Confederacy reminded her of home, of the people and the planet she’d left behind. The woman tilted her head forward, errant curls falling to frame her face as she rested her head against the cool glass. If she closed her eyes she could imagine she was somewhere else, falling backwards in time, a hand coming up to grasp the paired rings on a chain that lay around her neck.

For a moment Lunara wasn’t in the palace on Naboo waiting for the coronation of Queen Livina, she was in another room years ago waiting for her own reveal, there was so much about the day that felt similar. The energy of the people that coloured the force that flowed around them, the anticipation, the excitement in the air. She could remember how she’d barely been able to breathe, to keep down her breakfast, the nervous energy filling her body. She’d paced around the room again and again before ending up here, mirror her pose now, staring down at the street, at the passersby that all stared up at the palace, the happiness on their faces. She’d known that that day would change her, that she would no longer be able to melt into a crowd again, that her life would no longer be just her own. She’d been resigned to it but…the fear remained, what if she made a mistake, what if she tripped or embarrassed herself. They said first impressions were important…what kind of impression would that give to the people, to the planet that would turn their eyes onto her for the first time.

She’d barely noticed the door swing open, expecting a summons to leave and join the Emperor and Empress. It had been too soon, she wasn’t ready, lips parted to frame those words, to ask for a few more minutes before she felt a familiar hand slide around her waist pulling her back. Words of anxiety, of fear, died in the warmth as a smile had wreathed her face, leaning back into him. Lips had brushed her cheek, a hand coming up to tuck those errant hairs that had frustrated her even then behind her ear. That voice had smoothed away her fears.

“You look perfect Amica.”

They’d stood like that for what had seemed like eons, but what could only have been a minute or so before he’d reached for her hand. He hadn’t let go of her hand all day.

Lunara could almost hear that voice again, feel the warmth of that around her for a moment before reality struck, blowing that feeling away from her despite the desperate need to reach out and pull it back. The swing from warmth and contentment almost too much for her to handle. For a moment the woman’s shoulders shook faintly, sending a wave through the blue fabric of her silken dress like waves rolling up onto a beach. For a moment the surge of emotion almost broke through her mask, rolled over her defences before Gerwald began to speak. It was an breach that would have been taken as a sign of weakness, was a sign of weakness. The woman didn’t want to fall to pieces, but the memory had been so strong, the feeling of loss so strong she didn’t know what to do with herself. She could hear Gerwald talking, her friend’s voice an anchor she could use to pull herself back, to regain control.

A sigh, delicate hands coming up to brush at her face rubbing at the tears unfallen in her eyes before she turned back to the group, fingers brushing against the ring around her neck before she turned to face the group, once more a perfectly in control.

“We’ll never be able to sweep the entire palace or route by ourselves, it might be better to focus on the area that we can right now. Making sure the Queen and her entourage are safe right now, we can clear the rest of the route as we walk.”

The woman took a step forward, her shawl floating up from the back of the chair she’d draped it over to wrap around her shoulders, tying itself into a bow. The message she meant to send was clear, they weren’t normal security. The force was a tool for them to use that gave them advantages the rest of palace security lacked, the ability to sense danger before it came.

“Although now I think about it…”

Heels clicked on the cloor as the elfin woman moved closer to the Knight Commander, her voice dropping as she pressed a finger against his chest.

“Last time I got all dressed up and you took me out my dress got ruined and I had to throw this together for the coronation. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you owe me Wolf…and if you manage to ruin this dress too I’m going to be very…unhappy.”

Aito Vautah

Tags: Open to interaction
Location: Naboo, tourney area
Attire: Casual Fighting Gi
Equipment: A wooden stick... A wooden stick?!

"What do you mean we aren't having a death match to celebrate the coronation?!" Aito sternly asked the official who was nervously checking their clipboard.

"It... It... It was deemed excessive and not in spirit of the queen's coronation...?" The official responded.

"Tsk. Well then, this coronation shall be boring and very unlucky. And that is on you!" Aito growled, he had come here hoping to get a clean death match and aim to impress whoever was around. Aito looked at his wooden stick that he had been handed and tutted hard at the stick. Swinging it around, Aito feels a weight of the sword and thought about his chances in this tourney. Aito couldn't see anyone threatening at the moment, mostly amateurs and a few pros that Aito saw in other fighting tournaments, most of them he had defeated in combat.

Adjusting his gi, he felt a bit odd out of his armour since this wasn't a death match, Aito decided that he wouldn't wear the armour since then it would be way too easy for him to win. And while he felt that this contest was in the bag for him, Aito couldn't shake off the pre-match jitters, well it might be pre-match jitters or just a slight withdrawal effect since it had been awhile since he had some spice or a drink. Aito tied the sword to the belt of his gi, keeping it close to his side.

Entering his room, Aito searched his room and pulled out his spice taking a little bit of time to enjoy his spice before the tourney started. Seemed the actual ceremony and the crowning were taking its time. Typical, boring official stuff and then no death match, who wanted to watch a tournament where no one died? Aito finished his smoking and let the buzz fill his head, it was nice to relax before a tournament. Aito allowed his thoughts to travel through battles he has had, shifting through the combat stances and thinking what fighting style he wanted to go for in this tournament. What best showed off his skills and could impress the audience.

Standing up, Aito left his room and wandered to a training area in the tournament. Several competitors were training against dummies and such, Aito pulled the wooden sword out and started slashing the air in controlled, measured movements. His face darkened with determination and the need to win at all cost.

The interview was grueling.

After the "disappearance" of the second monarch, life had been hell for the shinobi. Having been tasked with her protection, all eyes fell upon Hisashi for answers. Yet, the former Queensguard was just as blind, deaf, and dumb as the rest. Were it not for the intervention of the Knights Obsidian to prove his innocence, his head might have been on the chopping block. Nonetheless, Hisashi found himself in a shameful position. He was, once again, a blade with no wielder. A warrior with no master. It was anathema to his existence - and so the search began.

Fortune smiled upon the shinobi in the form of the Ee'everwest clan. They were far more perceptive than most of the noble houses and suspected nothing of the warrior. Their leadership found his skills valuable - and following a rigorous series of questioning and physical trials, Hisashi was granted a new home. A new purpose. For one who had been cultivated by killing, it was different to raise his blade solely for defense. Yet, in the wake of Mila Karr, a world where Hisashi served as guardian was not so bad.

Despite this, the void remained.

Twice now had Hisashi found the gaping hole in his chest - an absence where the heart once resided. He had lowered his guard twice now. Allowed two souls into his life who had both, one after the other, shattered what little affections he was capable of giving. The warrior knew little of love. Knew even less of maintaining a home, or a relationship for that matter. What Hisashi knew was sacrifice, and he was always willing to give of himself for those few he cared for. It seemed that those his heart longed for did not feel the same. Thus, yet again, though surrounded on all sides by eager souls, Hisashi never felt more alone.

The demands of the day were such that he could not dwell upon it. Now, garbed in a kimono that was comfortable enough to fight in, the warrior strode quietly behind the Ee'everwest clan. His eyes, sulfuric, swept across the patrons - attempting to suss out any and all threats. Before him stood the youngest of the clan, Mina, whom was being address by the eldest Teyla. Reaching out, Hisashi gingerly plucked a flower off of a nearby display - a minute action that would catch no attention in the day's festivities. Saying nothing, at first, he offered it to the young woman.

"...For you." he said, offering a light smile.​

Mina Ee'everwest Mina Ee'everwest | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Svana Neoma Svana Neoma | Baros Sal-Soren | Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou + Open

Ala Quin


It was all so pretty. And that was just the drive to ceremony. It was all glittery, sparkly and utterly splendid. Caltin had been quiet on the way to the event. She wasn't surprised, given what had taken place at his old estate, she was not really surprised. Honestly, she had not handled it well, nor supported him to the best of her ability. The distraction of the ceremony would hopefully be exactly what they needed.

As she entered the orbit of the ceremonies proceedings, Ala wasn't aware that she was far from the actual elite. The people around her, though just the upper class of civilian society, all seemed so fancy and well dressed. Ala nervously smoothed down her simple white gown. She didn't have anything better, and felt horribly out of place among the people of Naboo. She wondered how they were all so beautiful, and tall, and elegant. Was it living on the planet that made them this way?

Caltin had his on purposed for being here, so Ala simply wandered into the throng of people outside the temple. She made her way to the edge of the masses, and into the fresh air of a nearby patio area. She closed her eyes, and took in the scent of the the planet capital. There was so much history here, and it was a joy to be a part of history again.

"Excuse me miss," said a voice from behind her.

Ala turned, feeling awkward that she had been lost in thought and unable to sense their approach.

The young man that stood before her looked so dashing in his outfit. Ala felt heat rise in her cheeks as she blushed, her mind already racing to the possible reasons why she should be picked out to converse with.

"Yes...sir," she said expectantly, with a dip of her head and as polite a tone as she could muster.

"Could you please bring my friends and I some refreshments?" He said and then extended his arms, palms towards her, "that is if you are not working on something else already..."

"What?" She said, flustered at his question. Her brow furrowed as she shook her head a little. This. Was unexpected.


"I...I do not work here I am afraid...I...uh..."

"OH!" He said, looking embarrassed, "forgive me...its just that you...well...I am so sorry. I should not have assumed...I am deeply embarrassed, so sorry."

With that he was gone, back to his friends that seemed to get a good laugh out of the situation. Now Ala's cheeks felt heat again, but only in that she rued her attendance. Her place was not in such locations. She should stick to the backwaters towns and villages, and leave finery to the refined.

She spun, shoulders slumped and her spirit forlorn, and marched with arms crossed into the cool of the garden.

[ Rann Thress Rann Thress , fyi ]

| Tags are OPEN |​

Tag: Darth Elyria Darth Elyria + Open​
Attire: Suit
Location: Crafting Table​
Music: Luca

Perhaps the Vault was getting to him.

Those were the words that the eldritch woman had uttered in passing - a fact which was nearly laughable. Was that a hint of actual concern that was being offered? Or was it simply ensuring that an investment did not sour? Darth Metus could not put his finger on the intention of the words, yet his instincts said that it was the latter. For the totality of their time together, the monstrosity had prattled on about being out of sync. That he was not the Sith that he was meant to be. Not the man that he was meant to be. And, for as much as his pride would say otherwise, perhaps there was a nugget of truth to the matter. To say that Darth Elyria "cared" for him was a stretch - but she did seem to know him quite well.

And what she knew? What he felt? Failure.

In recent history, yet another child was robbed from existence prematurely. For as much as Darth Metus prided himself on attempting to protect his own, claiming that this was his motivation for raising the Southern Systems, he was...terrible. Since taking the reigns as Vicelord, many of his offspring had perished - Adela, Riggs, now Runi. Hell, he couldn't even keep his Apprentice's unborn child from dying. Though he was not directly responsible for their deaths, how many more would he fail to protect? Even now, Damsy galavanted across the stars - how long would it take until death consumed her? Rann lived with ambition burning in his soul. How long until he was consumed? Was there anything at all that one of the most powerful men in the Galaxy could do to keep his children breathing?

Apparently not. And now, it seemed, he couldn't even keep a monarch alive.

While the Confederacy certainly took the sovereignty of its worlds seriously, there was responsibility for safeguarding from harm. With armies vast and fleets monumental, one would think that it would be elementary to keep pivotal figures free from harm. Alas, in the case of Naboo, two monarch had risen and fallen in short order. Now it was that the Vicelord was present for the third coronation. As was expected of his office, he spent most of the time exchanging pleasantries with the local nobility. The warmest of greetings was extended to the next monarch - and once all was said and done, the Sith departed from his entourage to delve into the crowds. It was not that he sought Her out due to affections. No, no. It was concern that she might eat a child...or several.

Though his face was professionally pleasant, the man's mood was absolutely abyssmal. It had been for quite some time - enough so that it was a reflection of the ethereal Vault Elyria called home. Dark. Cold. He'd much rather be there, or home at the Well, than hanging about a multitude of grinning faces. He had half a mind to cut his appearance short and to do just that. But, as he ruminated, he felt the ice of the primordial one long before he caught up with her. She had stopped moving. Angst radiated through her presence. But also...curiosity. Darth Metus lofted a brow as he approached. And what he saw damn near caused him to laugh aloud. Here she was, the all mighty beast, seated beside a youngling.

Folding paper.

This one is broken. said Elyria.

No, no silly. It just needs a little more love.

Priceless. Darth Metus wasted no time in occupying the stool beside the primordial woman. He was greeted by the embrace of all things. The locks seemed to have a mind of their own - as a few strands coiled about his dominant wrist as he settled down. At least some part of the primordial one seemed to like him. "Hello dear." he said, emphasizing the affectionate title. "I see you're learning from an expert today!" He offered the child a kind wave before reaching for a piece of paper of his own.

At the very least, he could succeed in making a paper airplane. Or so he hoped.


Location: Temple of Shiraya | Theed | Naboo
Outfit: XoXo
Tags: Fevris Derzelas Fevris Derzelas | John Locke John Locke | @Open

The pale woman felt remotely out of place amongst those who were dressed up to welcome a new Queen for Naboo. This was the third time that a Queen had been crowned and the woman questioned the length of this one’s future as a monarch. Perhaps she would succeed. Perhaps she would fail. However, all that she knew, was that it was her job to try and make sure that her birds would be able to do their job successfully; to make sure that they could thwart any more attempts upon Naboo’s monarch from the shadows. The Minister of Secrets felt that weight upon her shoulders as she felt the shadows stir within the force and she very much wished that she could disappear into their cold embrace once more. Yet, even as that fleeting thought passed through her mind, she turned to face a welcome face amongst the crowd.

Fevris. The good doctor had done the impossible and stolen a Shadow’s heart. Even now, when her icy blue gaze drank in the woman’s appearance, she wanted to secret the woman away from any roaming eyes that might dare to look upon the golden haired beauty. Whenever Shalita’s physical appearance wasn’t needed, the assassin could be found upon Dosuun. For she wanted to spend as much time as she could with the woman and tonight, perhaps maybe she would seek out an answer to a question from a family member.

That was if he made a physical appearance; given that the news she had given him not long ago, was not news that she had wished to give. Death lingered all around the shadow, so the news had not shaken her like it had her brother, Darth Metus Darth Metus and such an event had seen to the Minister deploying even more of her birds to Kaas. A mission that was to seek out more information ahead of their arrival.

Her trust within her birds when it came to such an important task, meant that she could enjoy such precious moments with Fevris and both hands lifted in order to quickly snag two flutes of champagne from the passing tray of a waiter. Quietly, she handed one to the woman with a soft smile that played upon her lips. ”Have I ever expressed how radiant you look tonight?” She said softly and leaned in to lightly take the woman’s hand. Without taking her eyes off of Fevris’s own, she raised the hand up so then her lips could caress the back of her hand in a soft kiss. Moments like these were rare for one such as herself and considering that she was surrounded by death every day, she learned to enjoy the small moments of bliss; moments that the doctor had shown her. It was a side of life that she had never thought possible, till now. Perhaps that was why there was one question that burned a hole in her metaphorical pocket and her gaze dropped to view the appendage for the briefest of moments, before she released it from her grasp.

With her now free hand, she gently brushed the woman’s shoulder, only to spy a man that the good doctor had taken a great interest in. He was also a man who had peaked her own interest and she smiled softly. ”Come, I see a John who somehow appears to be alone within a crowd.” Chuckled the Shadow and she proceeded to lead the good doctor through the crowd towards the man.

Even as she approached the man, she could see the way that he shifted and adjusted the suit that he wore. She could sympathise in a way, as her own outfit was not one that usually wore. However, she could also surmise that there was another reasoning behind the man’s actions, one that by chance might be linked to an even deeper issue at hand. For now, however, the shi’ido did not mention it, as it was supposedly a time to celebrate a new monarch, after all. ”Ah John.” Shalita greeted upon approach, ”You really don’t do a very good job of hiding. Do you?” The woman said and a smile curved her lips at such a mischievous question; a smile which reflected the unusual joyous mood that she appeared to be in.​


TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure

If Oleander had a list of things he didn't do, first off the list would be far longer than he or anyone would care to admit. Secondly, coronations would hold a rather surprising place in the sublist of 'never of my own accord, but this isn't my first rodeo'. Funny enough, the position he held now was in direct conflict with the position he kept the last coronation he attended what must've been a lifetime ago. Two lifetimes, depending on who he was counting for. A hidden blade turned enforcer, should things turn sour and present company took on roles of judge and jury, he would take that of executioner.

To a simple individual, they might suspect he looked forward to things turning sour. That the loosely tailored suit jacket slung on top of his armor equated him to a monster playing dress up until it was time for the slaughter. And while that wouldn't be entirely wrong, especially in most situations, Oleander would at least like to think there was just an inkling more to him than that.

The pale knight cast a curious gaze between his two compatriots with a furrowed brow. With one clutching a chain at his neck and the other, well, also grasping a ring around her own neck as she turned to address them after moments of silence, he could only assume that something or other had triggered memories for his compatriots.

'Or you could just ask. You're allowed to ask questions, you know that, right?'

It seemed not even he was immune to the call of voices past, though perhaps he lucked out in terms of vulnerability. There was no ring to grasp at as if to conjure the lost individual into the space around him, no memories of a particularly tender moment. No, any chances of that sort of connection with an individual had been dashed away before he'd truly started to process the concept of friends not food friends for the sake of friends.

But that was long ago, even if it'd never feel that way to Oleander. Such was the boon and curse of stasis, not even taking his own longevity into account. He snapped back to reality with maybe half a blink. "Let the other knights handle perimeter sweeps," he suggested, nodding in agreement with Lunara's point. "Unless, of course, there's a particular area we're expecting a breach from."

There were a couple areas he had in mind himself, ones that he'd scoped out, you know, in case he needed to get into the palace for extremely official reasons where stealth was still key. And such areas he'd paid a couple visits or glances to throughout the day, or kindly suggested a knight scope out threats in the general area, though he'd never direct them there himself only point in the right direction. Nevertheless, if others had particular areas in mind, he was ever so curious.

Yet as Lunara turned on Gerwald once more, talking about ruined dresses and the like, Oleander found himself slowly inching away from the conversation. The easy answer, at least in his opinion, would simply be 'then don't wear a dress' yet even he knew better than to say it aloud. No, that'd be a grave Gerwald was welcome to dig on his own and Oleander would be none the wiser watching from afar.



Zachariah Borgia


Naboo, tourney area
Dress: Casual
Equipment: Wooden Stick
Tag: Aito Vautah

The Corellian swung his wooden toy around haphazardly like an amateur would and the attire he wore would make anyone think he was extremely ill prepared for this tournament. As ill prepared as many common Naboo men who had signed up, just for fun or a chance to impress the ladies. Zach he was no novice though, but he wanted those he practiced among to think he was. Play himself off as the easy target until he got in the arena and proved them all wrong.

As he swung his sword around, he fumbled with his footsteps moving back and forth swinging his sword about. Several combatants gave him disgusted looks, like what the hell was this loser doing here. That was the question besides playing mind games with the other opponents making them think he was a completely worthless opponent what exactly was he doing here. A Corellian who had spent his most recent years living in the slums of Zeltros had no business among posh Naboo inhabitants.

In all honesty the answer was complicated two parts business, one-part general curiosity, and one part thrill seeking. The Business part was actually the more complicated part, he had a target his last contract for his botherhood the one he had just taken before it crumbled to dust like most orders eventually do. A man in this tournament, which meant Zach would have to kill him but make it look like and accident. Even wooden sticks could kill, but that was not the hard part. He would have to hope they ended up in the same brackets, it all came down to chance and greasing the right palms.

The curiosity part was the prize, though didn’t care for stuff he did like the idea of unrevealed prize. It was the mystery the drew him in more so than the actual prize what was it. The thrill well he always did love a competition, a chance to prove he was the best at any challenge he put his mind too. At the end day though the job came first everything else was second.

He danced about jumping like a complete imbecile when he bumped into Aito Vautah . "Oh I'm sorry..." He said playing the apologetic idiot. "I'm totally new to this, but maybe if I do good the new queen will notice me? You think? I bet your experienced right, like pro level? Maybe you can give me a few pointers?" Zach smiled pretendign to be hopeful this guy who seemed to carry himself like a soldier of some type might show him something. Zach even managed to put on a good a Naboolian accent to cover he natural Corellian one.

Location: Naboo [Theed] - Temple of Shiraya
Objective: Crowning Ceremony
Wearing: XXX
Tag: Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Svana Neoma Svana Neoma (Queen Livina) | Baros Sal-Soren | Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou | Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest | Hisashi Hisashi + [OPEN]



Mina almost tip-toed through the throngs of people, spinning, and weaving when necessary. Her stomach felt like it had bottomed out while nervousness and excitement warred within. She could have sworn that she had seen either Teyla or Alora up ahead but no matter where or how hard she looked she just couldn’t find them. Had she simply imagined them while distraction caught her at every turn?

Nervous hands had begun to fiddle with the strap that kept the beaded satchel on her wrist. She would never fidget, chew on her lip, or any manner of behavior that might be unseemly for a woman of her lineage. She had been raised with proper tutors and nannies when her parents were away. Wilhelmina didn’t have the mind to lead like Alora, nor, the head for adventure like Teyla—But she did have heart. She mourned the loss of loved ones by turning her affections sensibly on those around her.

The auburn-haired pixie grieved for the dead by caring for the living.

Despite the fact that she was perfectly safe hazel eyes began to sting while she searched for her family members. She just had to be with them during the coronation or else it wouldn’t be proper. She didn’t want to disappoint Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest so soon. She’d only recently taken on the mantle of Governor in the wake of the tumultuous rise and fall of their leaders. It would be a blow toward those that might naysay her if her family didn’t seem to be in order, in line, and so Mina fretted.

‘Where are you all gone?’

A familiar voice, warm, and reassuring broke through her sub-conscious like a breath of fresh air. “Oh Baros, oh, thank goodness.”, her voice rolled forward, a touch pitchy, though sweeter than honeysuckle. Never had she been so happy or so relieved to see someone. How he had found her in the masses she would never know. There were so many people that it felt impossible. How had he even heard her over the singing, laughter, and music? Perhaps, it was just luck. “I got lost…”

“I know where I was supposed to go but I got completely turned around and then I couldn’t find my way back—”

She paused, realizing, that she was rambling. A little upset. A little comforted. A little elated. A little embarrassed. Baros Sal-Soren would be used to her expressive and emotive nature more some of the other nobles she might cross at this event. He wasn’t the only one watching, though. Her sisters may forgive her, not judge her, but political affairs could be tricky. She’d seen enough by eavesdropping through barely opened doors and listening in when she was supposed to be tucked away sleeping.

Regardless, she took a deep breath, before gentle features blossomed into an enchanting smile.

Her Sister’s Mister was a lifesaver.

As if Baros had some sort of sixth sense a few voices caused her to turn around and her smile widened even further. She never noticed the strange looks Teyla and Baros received. Joy anew washed through her at the sight of Marcus and Careina, though, it she felt a little cruel for enjoying their wonderful outfits while Marcus clearly wanted free of it. Her arms opened and she welcomed a half-hug from her excitable niece while Marcus held onto Teyla as if she were his security blanket.

It made Mina happy. If nothing else tonight, seeing them, made her heart happy.

A delicate blush stole across her cheeks at the compliment Teyla paid, though, it was partially in disbelief. Did her sister not know what she looked like? Mina couldn’t hold a candle to that. One day, maybe, she could walk tall like Alora and Teyla. Until then, she was just little Mina. “Thank you…”, she stuttered out, quiet, hoping the spotlight would shift. “I—”

It was then that she caught sight of the shadowed form behind Teyla. Burnished orange eyes with a light tawny glow stole her focus from her family and she swallowed hard. Hisashi Hisashi . A small amount of fear crept into her being unbidden. It wasn’t that he had done anything wrong. He had never been unkind in her presence, but there was something about him that always gave her a bad case of the wiggins. Mina really didn’t know what it was. Sometimes, it wasn’t even him.

Just the invisible storm cloud over his head.

He said nothing and for some reason, she felt like she might be in trouble. Similarly, to when she’d left Evenfall in the middle of the night to visit a sick friend. Wilhelmina wouldn’t have thought too much of it except that security had gotten much tighter since the assassination of two royals. Hisashi hadn’t seemed to enjoy having to hunt her down. Mina, felt bad for it still. This left her entirely frozen while he removed a flower from the display. Uh oh.

She tensed.

"...For you."

Mina stared at the flower Hisashi offered with a doe-like expression that seemed uncomprehending. Suddenly, it melted, and she accepted it was a faint incline of her head. She didn’t know what she had done to place herself in his good graces. She wasn’t sure she trusted him, yet, but for a body guard, he seemed fairly genuine. The devil was in the details. He could have picked at her for getting lost, or, for accidentally turning the household upside down when she disappeared…But he hadn’t. “Thank you so much…”, she uttered before reaching up to tuck it in the gold clip at the back of her head.

Maybe, he wasn’t so bad.

Aeson Rora




TAG: Svana Neoma Svana Neoma | Open

It had been a flurry of confusion.

He had been a mere soldier under the short reign of the two previous monarchs. Nothing of note. He was not known in the investigations. Yet, he was the one that was pushed forward when the previous Captain of the Guard had stepped down. He was the one promoted when the new Queen was elected. He doubted he even possessed the knowledge necessary for a post such as this.

Yet here he was.

Standing guard outside his Queen's quarters, ready to escort her to the Temple of Shiraya. He bounced on his toes as he checked the time once more. Exhaling through his nose, he looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.

She was running behind schedule.

Of all the monarchs, it had to be the clumsiest, most nervous one he was to be Queensguard to. He turned and knocked on the door, waiting for one of the ladies to open it.
"Your Highness, I don't mean to rush you, but we really should get going. No use in making everyone wait forever." he told Svana Neoma Svana Neoma , speaking past the handmaiden that still held the door.

She did look exquisite in her gown. Hopefully she wouldn't break her neck in it. Or her ankles in the shoes. Aeson really was not the most patient man in the Galaxy. So being stuck with a clumsy monarch was not exactly his idea of a good time.



Location: Naboo, Temple of Shiraya
Objective: Crowning Ceremony
Outfit: Here
Tag: Open

Cord leaned on the railing of one of the terraces overlooking the ceremony that was to play out today. Long time ago Cord had sworn off Royal weddings, ceremonies, and funerals. To bad as a Lord Marshal of the CIS she found herself once again having to attend these kinds of events. Finding herself having to act all diplomatic and proper, she much preferred the criminal life. The only good thing about these events was that they always seemed to have an endless supply of top shelf booze.

She looked around at the beautiful architecture of the Temple of Shiraya, it was so weird to her she had been to Naboo a hundred times, but this was the first time she had ever been in the Palace. Her orange eyes glanced down at the drinking and revelry going on and a slight smile came to Cord’s face.

A waitress with refreshment on a tray walked by. “I don’t mind if do.” Cord whispered to herself as she grabbed a glass of wine. Like the uncouth heathen he she had become over the years she down the glass in one short heave towards her lips. The Waitress had only got a few steps away and Cord already grabbed her second glass. The Fine wine went down like water it didn’t have the burn of the cheap rum that keep her warm at night.

Maybe she could pretend to like the posh side of life for a day so long as refreshments stayed as pure as they were. Though she did feel naked with out her weapons and armor that was the other thing about these parties having to dress up. Putting on makeup, doing your hair, and wearing a dress all things she had shed from her life for the most part.

As for the political talk of the day Cord wasn’t in the loop even as a Lord Marshal, she had pretty much kept to herself only having done a few diplomatic missions for Dagata on behalf of Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Minister of Science of the CIS. That however didn’t give her much knowledge on the current state of the Confederacy. Hell, she had just found out Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner was the new Lord Commander of the Obsidian order. Granted she had only briefly met the old one Voph . To say the least she had no idea what was going on anywhere, but she pretended well which is probably how she stayed employed either that or Visanj was paying people off.

As she downed her second glass perhaps, she should mingle get to know more people she thought. Considering a good chunk of her friends were long dead at this point perhaps she should look into getting some new ones. What better place for back water trash to find them then in the high society of Naboo right?

Aito Vautah


Tags: Zachariah Borgia
Location: Naboo, tourney area
Attire: Casual Fighting Gi
Equipment: A wooden stick... A wooden stick?!

Aito was so focused on his movements that he didn't notice the guy who decided to bump into him, mid movement, so he was nearly knocked onto the ground. Looking over to the guy, Aito hadn't been paying much attention his actions but looking at the stranger, there was somewhat of a conflict in the Mandalorians mind. It was clear that this was someone pretending to be bad, the careful movements of mistakes and poor skill could only be achieved by someone very skilled. It looked natural to most but Aito had dedicated his whole life to fighting, he knew how to pretend to look bad to make an enemy overconfident in their victory, however, as he grew older he saw little honour in such tricks. He felt an opponent deserved to know from the start they were outmatched and that he would kill them if he got the chance. So having someone who clearly wanted him to think he was an amateur was frustrating, was this person believing that he was dumb?

"So, you want to learn from me? To impress the new queen?" Aito narrowed his eyes, his brow furrowed as he stared at this man, his accent sounded local but from his lying about his skills, Aito was suspicious. "I don't teach opponents my fighting styles, especially skilled ones." Aito then leaned in close, "fool everyone else with the act, but I live in fighting pits, all I know is fighting, I can tell you can fight well too." Aito's face was very serious, he felt very compelled to show that he was smarter than this man took him for, that he wasn't just someone who took things on a face value, it was a risk because it revealed his skills as well but he wasn't gullible. The gullible died.

Looking at the real amateurs, Aito sighed and rolled his eyes. "Doubt it will be hard to impress the queen against this lot anyway, not like this is a death match either, no one is fighting for their life. Most of them won't lose their honour in defeat either, no stakes, means that the reward isn't high either." Aito commented to the stranger, "but that just might be Mando in me," pausing, Aito lowered his voice, "so, what is the real reason you are fighting here? Seems that this match is beneath your skills, so you here for an easy win or to cause some chaos?" Aito was curious, he had his own reasons for being at a tournament that he believed was beneath him, so he wanted to see what drove this other man. See if there was honour in someone so willing to lie to his enemy for glory.​

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