Rann continued to walk alongside Srina as they traversed across the temple floor, and reflected upon what he had said, how it had made him feel, and how Srina might react. Honesty truly was the best policy. He had no secrets now. They were useless anyway. Better to be honest. Truthful. True to himself. He was who he was. He felt how he felt. And he would not apologize for it.
As Srina walked her irritatingly perfect walk across the marbled floor, Rann followed. He walked with grace, decorum, but her movements just seemed...otherworldly. Perfect. Too perfect.
She even walks perfectly. he thought to himself as he shot her a sideways glance he was sure she would notice. She seemed to notice everything. The knowledge of that fact, strangely enough, put him at ease. He didn’t need to be sneaky or deceptive because, truly, it was useless. When she began to speak, he listened.
Hard on the senses. Like Gungans.
“Hah!” He let out a chuckle and looked at her with a half smile.
“In the way that fire and water both cause death, sure.” He laughed quietly afterward. He followed Srina’s eyes and looked at the Gungans in attendance. Rann never particularly cared for Gungans. Before the Knights Obsidian moved to Naboo he never knew they existed. What he’s seen since their discovery was a native species with too much pride for their own good, and more than a bit of buffoonery.
He kinda liked them. They reminded him of him.
Gradually, the Temple became silent as a tomb while the new Queen of Naboo was crowned, and Rann watched with interest...and a bit of homesickness began to bubble in his belly. Naboo and Onderon were two sides of a coin. Different in more ways then they were similar but a similarity they did share was a monarchal system.
Rann was a poor child on Onderon. Abandoned by a father who never knew or never cared for his existence to a mother who, try as she might couldn’t care for him by herself. So she married. And Rann’s step father saw in Rann only a burden. Hatred. A drain on their coffers even as he fathered several children with Rann’s mother. Rann was at fault. Rann was the problem. “Bastard” he was called.
It wasn’t until Rann’s powers over the Force were revealed that the tune changed. He remembered exactly how it happened. His stepfather had taken a toy from him, and thrown it from their window. Rann had recalled it with the Force. And that was that. Suddenly the dynamic changed. Suddenly he was the golden child at the expense of his half-siblings.
A beautiful gift. Twisted almost immediately for Ill. Rann was ‘trained’ to use his power for thievery. For wrongdoing. For trickery. Even as he got out on his own, started doing the Amazing Rann bit in Iziz marketplaces using the Force to confound and amaze, he did it for the wrong reasons. But every night he looked up at the Royal Palace and dreamed. Dreamed of luxury. Of security.
It always seemed so out of reach. So unattainable. Yet here he was, now. On Naboo. Attending a coronation ceremony as the Vicelord of the Confederacy’s
son. Night and day. Yet it filled him with sadness. And
rage. That this life was kept from him. Yet he still missed home. His ‘family’. Those dreams of royalty. It gave him drive. Helped shape the man into who he is today, yet he felt more out of place than ever. A charlatan, a shame. Just like he was in Iziz marketplaces.
He shook his head, returning to here and now from the daydream that had gripped him and looked around with eyes wide, trying to reacclimate to the situation. He once again glanced at Srina Talon. And what he saw caused him to raise an eyebrow.
So still. So quiet. So cold. One could be forgiven for assuming she was either dead or a statue. Rann stifled a chuckle borne out of anger.
Rann peacocked. He dressed fancily in battle and out to project an air of superiority. It was perhaps the biggest lie he had ever told. He was a warrior. He wasn’t a statesman. He wasn’t a diplomat. He wasn’t a good person. He was a Sith. He was, arguably, an evil person. What’s more he didn’t attempt to hide it. Pale skin, yellow eyes displayed for the world to see, and they saw. Sideways glances here and there. But he didn’t belong. The fancy dress suit was a lie. Finery hiding the ugly beneath.
But Srina? She wasn’t lying. The lady she displayed here, and most definitely at other social functions, was just as much who she was as the unstoppable juggernaut Rann knew her to be on Dorvalla.
The only saving grace Rann had, was that she wasn’t exactly
human. He could be forgiven for not being up to her level. They were just...
But he wouldn’t forgive himself. Ever. He had to be better than her. One day, he would. Or he would be dead. This was the promise he had made himself, and it wasn’t one so easily broken. After a few seconds of his silent pondering He found himself staring out of the corner of his eye for, pretty much the whole time and turned his attention back to the ceremony at hand.
By this point he had missed the entirety of whatever speech or formal words were supposed to be said. Lost in his madness and anger.
“Long May She Reign.” He celebrated, knowing only the right moment because literally everyone else in the Temple carried the cheer for him. Once the Queen had dismissed the procession, Rann and Srina moved with the crowd. It was starting to be a bit overwhelming. Too many people. A party? Ryloth.
He breathed a bit heavy. Panic grew inside him. Just a seed. A feeling in the back of the back of his mind. He endeavored to keep it from his mind for now. Enjoy himself. Have a good day.
“You are a strange boy.” She stated, so matter-of-factly.
“So I’ve been told.” Came his quick response.
“But I aim to be the Best of them.”he said with a quick smile as they moved onto the Dance floor.
Dance floor? he thought, looking around. Oh.
Then Srina put her hand on his shoulder, and he recoiled slightly out of shock, before taking a microsecond to process. With a deep breath, he placed is hand in hers, and gently rested his other on her waist.
“Don’t get me wrong. The last thing. Absolute Last Thing I want is your respect given to me freely.” The music began to swell and the two of them began to move in time, gently swaying to the music. All things considered it was quite nice.
I seem to have a knack for conversationally stimulating dances. he found himself thinking with a smile on his face as he remembered the bright spot,
Ala on Onderon. He looked at Srina with the smile still on his face as she spoke.
“No. My only saving grace is that you were forged into what you are. It means that that level is attainable for me. If you were simply born this way...I don’t think I could take it.”
As they danced, certain...ticks seemed to form.Forget Combat. Dancing was the truest form of communication. He doubted a simple conversation over tea would yield as much. And he listened. He absorbed. He hung on every word. It was enlightening to see what the Dread Queen thought. Her...perhaps not
true feelings but more than the stoic she purported to be.
He allowed her to finish, and pondered quietly for a moment.
“Srina.” He used her name for the first time.
“I don’t wish your fate upon myself. I don’t know what you’ve gone through. I don’t know why you’re the way that you are. I can’t imagine the hardships, the struggles, the sleepless nights you May or may not have faced. What I see is the result. I don’t wish to walk the same path. I wish to arrive at the same destination. I’ve begun down my path, for better or worse. I’ve encountered my own hardships, my own struggles, my own sleepless nights. And I’d loathe to go through all that, go through all of my own trials to just become another you.” He stared at her, his yellow eyes unblinking staring into her silver.
“I don’t want to become another you. And your why of it all doesn’t concern me. You do what you do for whatever reason you do it. Perhaps it’s duty. Love. Perhaps because it’s simply in your blood or it simply just is to do what they cannot.” He jerked his head to the side to indicate the masses.
“I don’t know. You have your reasons. I have my own. We aren’t the same. We have our own paths, and I wouldn’t change mine for yours.” He chuckled.
“Sometimes...I wonder that, if I could would I choose to never leave Onderon? Ignorance...” he looked at his robotic right hand,
“Would have been so bliss.” His own eyes shown of sadness. Regret. But as quickly as they flared they were silenced. Steeled into determination.
“But I am here now. And I desire what I desire. And regardless how you feel about how you acquired it...Lady Talon, I desire your power.”