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Approved Tech Balun Vale's Field Apparel

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  • Manufacturer: Balun Vale Balun Vale .
  • Affiliation: Balun Vale Balun Vale .
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: Custom Field Apparel.
  • Modularity: Yes.
    • Gloves/Gauntlets/Vambraces/Combat boots.
    • Protective Plating (Shoulders/Arms/Legs)
    • Bandoleer/Utility Belt/Equipment Pouches
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Neithweave, Songsteel.
  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High.
    • Kinetic (Piercing): High.
    • Kinetic (Bludgeoning): Very Low.
    • Lightsabers: High.
    • Elemental: High.
    • EMP: Very High.
    • Force: High.
    • Acid: Very Low.
  • Stealth: Woven from the elusive Neithweave, Balun's Field Apparel possesses a remarkable quality: it induces distortions that confound even the most sophisticated security monitoring systems. Once draped in its embrace, the wearer becomes a spectral enigma, their visage shrouded in a veil of ambiguity. No surveillance camera or vigilant sensor can penetrate this ethereal cloak, leaving Balen Vale to move through the realm of surveillance unseen and unidentified.
  • Protective Wear: Crafted meticulously, Balun's Field Apparel boasts a repertoire of formidable defences, each woven into its very fibres. Its resilient materials stand steadfast against many threats, forming an impenetrable barrier against the onslaught of adversaries. From the scorching blaze of blaster fire to the searing strikes of a lightsaber, from the disruptive pulses of EMP and Ion attacks to the relentless force of piercing kinetic strikes, this attire stands as an impervious bulwark, safeguarding its wearer against all manner of harm.
  • Acid & Sonic: Amidst its formidable defences, Balun's Field Apparel harbours vulnerabilities revealed in the face of inevitable adversities. While its resilient fabric rebuffs the onslaught of many forms of aggression, it remains susceptible to the penetrating assault of sonic waves and corrosive acids. In the presence of these insidious forces, the protective embrace of Neithweave falters, leaving its wearer exposed to their corrosive touch and deafening resonance.
  • Light Armour: This protective garb ensemble, classified under the light armour category, showcases a remarkable balance between resilience and agility. Its construction, predominantly composed of flexible materials, eschews heavy plating in favour of mobility and versatility. However, unlike the fortified armour donned by soldiers or Sith warriors, this attire offers limited protection against blunt force trauma and explosive impact. In the face of such formidable assaults, the wearer is not shielded from the full brunt of the force, exposing them to significant repercussions.

Balun's journey to define himself through his attire was meticulous, infused with layers of symbolism and personal significance. Rejecting any lingering ties to the New Jedi Order, he instead sought to embody the lofty principles of the Lightside of the Force. Each element of his ensemble paid homage to his unyielding allegiance to his Master, the storied veteran of ancient conflicts, Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , a figure steeped in the lore of the Galactic Republic.

His attire, a deliberate fusion of soldierly resilience, mercenary pragmatism, and Jedi honour, was painstakingly refined until it struck the perfect balance of his complex loyalties.

Balun's journey into crafting his field gear began with acquiring the Hexarium Body Glove Mark II, a departure from traditional Jedi design and his first foray into personal combat gear. However, he quickly realised the Galaxy's dangers demanded more than a simple body glove, especially if he entertained the notion of breaking away from the confines of the New Jedi Order. Thus, he devoted his time outside the Temple's lessons to researching and sketching concepts for a gear that would be both formidable and stylish. Guided by the wisdom of a Master from the Artisan Workshop, he sought further inspiration and advice from Locke and Key Mechanics via the Holonet.

Today, the culmination of Balun's aspirations stands before you through his carefully crafted attire. While still reflecting his apprentice status, it serves as a testament to his dedication and burgeoning skill in the art of craftsmanship. Though he might not openly acknowledge it, Balun recognises the invaluable training provided by the New Jedi Order, including weaponry and armour maintenance teachings that have contributed to his journey of self-discovery.
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