Banned for banning for something so badass.
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Jul 22, 2014 #282 Banned for having blue eyes... Other Vulpesen incarnations have gold.
Warren Century Credits: 6.5 Million Character Bio Jul 22, 2014 #287 Banned because soon I'll have the required number of posts to create my char's equipment.
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Jul 22, 2014 #288 Banned for not giving a reason specific to the dude above ya
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Jul 23, 2014 #293 Banned for not knowing Orzhov is white and black. Sorin was an orzhov card and my ace in the hole before my first deck got stolen.
Banned for not knowing Orzhov is white and black. Sorin was an orzhov card and my ace in the hole before my first deck got stolen.
Carecen Guest C Jul 24, 2014 #294 Says the guy who proved me wrong, thus raising Sorin to an even more badass-y level.
Judah Lesan Jr. Abs Lesan Character Bio Jul 24, 2014 #298 banned for not having the trademark registered with the proper authorities
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Jul 24, 2014 #299 Banned for twenty posts of pure games. *scurries off to trademark mah hair*