Banned because i'm banning the ban even though I say ban, meaning i'm banning the ban that is ban.
Mrrew Monstercat Oct 11, 2014 #501 Banned because i'm banning the ban even though I say ban, meaning i'm banning the ban that is ban.
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 13, 2014 #506 Banned for banning whom ban those whom ban others who ban those who banned people
Sovereign Character Oct 14, 2014 #507 Nomad Crimson said: Banned for banning whom ban those whom ban others who ban those who banned people Click to expand... Banned for blowing my mind. [member="Nomad Crimson"]
Nomad Crimson said: Banned for banning whom ban those whom ban others who ban those who banned people Click to expand... Banned for blowing my mind. [member="Nomad Crimson"]
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 15, 2014 #508 banned for both quoting and mentioning Nomad Crimson in! the same post
Puta'Nium Theynyn Alcoholic Cyborg Oct 17, 2014 #515 Banned for having "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" displayed while talking about waffles
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 17, 2014 #518 Banned for initiating a ban war with a ban war hero