Banned cause I can
Alan Blessed are the peacemakers Dec 30, 2013 #64 Banned for (sorry bro) bad editing job five bucks on me for language/insulting/or general rudeness
Onrai Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Character Bio Dec 30, 2013 #65 Banned for being too emotional over his dead wife.
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 30, 2013 #66 Banned for being too much like She Hulk
G0-T0 Guest G Dec 30, 2013 #73 Banned for making me apologize for being Sexist I'm sorry about being sexist
Akodya Mune Guest A Dec 30, 2013 #74 It's okay, we forgive you. Banned for being sorry for being sexist! :O
Hemlock Briar Plant loving Draethos Character Bio Dec 30, 2013 #77 Banned because your avatar makes me think of DBZ for some reason.
Onrai Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Character Bio Dec 30, 2013 #78 Banned for having almost no lower jaw.