Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bandor Kre'fey


NAME: Bandor Kre'fey

FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Commodore

AGE:42 years old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 173 cm
WEIGHT: 51 kg
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Golden brown fur
SKIN: Golden brown fur



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Resolute: Kre'fey is doggedly determined in his pursuits. This helps him unusually calm and collected even in strenuous situations. One of his mantras passed around his command staff is "Finish the mission, no matter the cost".

Connected: Kre'fey has more than his fair share of connections. Some of these are from his distinguished martial clan, the Kre'feys, but many of them are of a more personal connection. He is known to have close professional relationships to the Directorate, which seems more than willing to supply him with extra equipment as he needs it. He is also rumored to have connections with several information brokers and the Bothan Spynet.

Distrusted: Between Kre'fey's ambiguous political and shadowy personal connections and his steadfast willingness to sacrifice men and material to achieve objectives, he does not easily engender trust. Rumors, both true and untrue, always seem to linger around the man. This has not been helped by his species' reputation. There is almost always at least a few allies or crewmembers who distrust the bothan.

Restless: Kre'fey is not a patient individual, and often has trouble keeping still, both personally and as a command personality, even when it would be more prudent to remain in space. He rarely can abide in long meetings without having to get up. He has noticeably moved several ships from their positions without orders because he felt that they were doing 'nothing'. He has so far managed to cover up what could be considered "disobedience of orders" with "taking the initiative", though this has not endeared him to some of his superiors.

Bandor Kre'fey appears to be a stern bothan with light golden-brown fur that is starting to prematurely age. He often comes across as both abrupt and stiff, especially for a bothan. He is also noticeably taciturn in public, and seems to dislike public speaking.

Bandor Kre'fey was born into the distinguished Kre'fey family on Bothawui, known for their military lineage including Traest Kre'fey, a prominent New Republic and Galactic Alliance admiral. Being born into such a family quickly acclimated him to the military, space flight, and politics at a relatively young age. His father would perhaps best be described as overbearing, trying to live vicariously through his son afer a speeder accident removed his own chance to serve in the military. The young Bandor tolerated his father's presence in public, but secretly chaffed at it and quietly rebelled in his own way, frequently disappearing for periods of time under the pretext of "training". While no-one knows what exactly that entailed, he seemed to have several new friends of less than savory character after these "training periods".

Under heavy pressure from his family, and with the promise that his father would take a less active role in his life, the adolescent Kre'fey attended a military school which set him on the path for military service among the stars. Ironically, he actually had his first commission as a captain in a corporate security fleet that operated in Bothan space. While this offered him a good stepping stone into his career, and it provided him with plenty of interesting contacts, he soon grew tired with this posting's lack of action and small reach. He jumped around shipping firms and even commissioned into several small planetary defense fleets, but he never felt satisfied. Eventually, an old family connection managed to pull him into the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces in the nascent stages of the government. He served with relatively unremarkable performance during the liberation of Coruscant and in the following First Order-Galactic Alliance war. Yet the rise of war with the First Order again appears to have ignited a drive in the bothan that may see him finally break through being a mid-level commander.

None yet




Thus Always to Tyrants: Kre'fey leads his command as the Galactic Alliance invades Varonat.

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