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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S






  • Intent: To create an assault ligh tank for the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade.
  • Image Source: Pictures | Headers: Kainan Wolfe
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A




  • Powerful: The tank's main weapon, as well as the two medium cannons paired with it, are quite strong against more distant opponents. And the laser cannon is perfect for use against infantry near the tank. Overall, the light tank armed is quite significant.
  • Defences: It is made of materials that make it extremely resistant to attacks, not to mention the fact that shields also surround the tank, and any other methods also help with defence.
  • Fast and Agile: Compared to other light tanks, the Banvænn-class is much faster and easier to manoeuvre. As a result, they can also be used on narrower streets during city sieges. Last but not least, it can be a great complement and supporter of infantry.
  • Stealth: Thanks to the Skuggalegt polymer layer, it is very difficult to detect these tanks until they start to open fire.
  • Repair: Thanks to the Dral Kayatr thus the tank is able to repair itself.

  • No Cargo: It has no cargo, the whole tank is a massive "piece of metal". For this reason, no extra equipment, spare storage, or the like has no space in the vehicle.
  • Terrain: Because the tank has only tracks and does not have a repulsorlift drive, meaning it can’t float/hover, it can’t travel on difficult places because the terrain won’t let it. It should also be mentioned that the manoeuvrability of the vehicle is not the best either, which makes the movement even more difficult. Not to mention the tank's weight is very heavy compared to the similar light tanks.
  • EMP/Ion: Even though the tank has a high level of protection against such attacks, there is always a level of EMP / Ion attack that damages and destroys the vehicle.
  • Explosion: Basically, the vehicle is made of well-protected, resistant materials, but nothing is indestructible. Damage to the vehicle's cargo space (where the rockets are stored) or HAPU can result in a fatal explosion.
  • Repair: Although the Dral Kayatr and thus the vehicle is able to regenerate, however it can easily get too much damage that this metal can no longer repair anymore. Because the metal can be damaged so that regeneration is no longer effective, not to mention the regeneration is a slow process, in battle this is useless.

The war never ends, the Eternal Empire, along with Ashlan Crusade, is preparing for war against the Maw. This is why Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström also wanted new tanks in the arsenal of the Eternal Empire. Overseer ordered light tanks that are relatively fast and agile, not to mention having good protection and more serious firepower. The HPI Consortium began working on the Banvænn-class light tank on behalf of the man.

The tank was mainly designed for urban sieges, this why it gets a track, and can be controlled quickly and easily. This makes it perfect for fighting on the streets. Because of their speed and agile, they can change positions quickly, making them easy to regroup. These abilities make them a great fit to be auxiliary units to the infantry, or even to other vehicles.

Its armament is quite strong, it can be used against more distant targets or even infantry. And since the tank is also fairly well-protected, it can be used for stand-alone tasks as well as support. Overall, the Eternal Empire's and the Ashlan Crusade's Army received a great tank for many different military operations.

Not least, the light tanks are also available to individual buyers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Listib Hibin Listib Hibin

Interesting; to me, the link is perfectly working... however this is the old one, I see the link is updated after I renamed the faction and the number is changed in the end from 147 to 85... weird! However, edited, I hope this will be good now.
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