Jorus Q. Merrill
I'm a Vima-da-Boda, honey
- Image Source: Mathieu Chevalier
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: Baobab Astrography (original submission)
- Corporation Name: Baobab Astrography
- Headquarters: A market stall in Zoronhed.
- Locations: No other locations at present.
- Operations: Navigational data, navigational components, and navigational services.
- Parent Corporation: N/A
- Subsidiaries: None
Baobab Astrography is a small Outer Rim company that sells navigational data and instruments. It also offers unique services like charting and stabilizing hyperroutes.
Jorus created this company in the mid-840s, not long after he and his wife Alna walked away from their fortunes. Originally he based it out of Cloud City, but a First Order takeover prompted him to relocate to one of his favorite ports of call: Zoronhed, capital of Zonju V.
Though Baobab Astrography has never been a large company, these days it's usually just Jorus and some droids. The company name covers Jorus' sales of star maps and modified hyperdrives, along with various consulting services.
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