Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bar at the End of the World (Open to All)

[member="Eralam"] [member="Vaulkhar"] (Sorry! I forgot it was my turn >.<)

Muttering something about stuck-up children and the state of the galaxy, Tiola slid off of her barstool, yanking her boomerang out of the top and tucking it back into its place. She took two steps forward, then hesitated. Attached to her belt was her mask, and for a moment she wasn't sure whether or not she should put it on. After all, she'd been parading around town without it, letting not only these two gentlemen see her face but also Two Shot. If they saw she had her mask, too, any crossing in the future would blow whatever cover the Jumper wanted to maintain.

Screw it. Boomerang put the mask on and pulled up her hood, just like old times. She glanced at the droid. "I guess you're stayin' 'ere, then?" she asked, her voice deeply distorted and mechanized.

Without waiting for an answer, the woman walked out the doors and caught up with the blind kid. "Got a plan, boy?" she asked him. "Or are ya just gonna go around cutting things with yer fancy light-sword until someone shows up?"
Vaulkhar considered her words momentarily. He surely did not have a plan, as one was not entirely necessary. On a planet such as this, way out in the outer rim, there was no law. Just death, drugs, and other rather pointless crimes people committed for the hell of it. He then just shook his head in answer to her question.

"My idea was to go to the mines and kill every single person in them. Though I am completely up to making a plan, if you so desire."

He strode towards the edge of town, not slowing or stopping for anything really. His blindfolded gaze fell on each person they passed, studying them with great interest. It was unknown what he was looking for, or what it is the young man could want, but it was clear he wanted to find something.

[member="Boomerang"] | [member="Eralam"]
Two Shot swore and ducked behind a building. Despite the midday heat, he couldn't help but shiver.

The intent to kill was strong in the air.

Two figures were walking down the street, a blind man and a masked being with some sort of weird bladed weapon. He didn't know how, but he knew they were looking for him.

Why? He thought he had covered his tracks. There was no way that damned Shard or the Sith could find him here, so why did these people want him dead?

"To hell with this," he growled, as his hands reached towards his blasters. "I'm not going down without a fight."

Some people thought his quickdraw trick was magic, but it was nothing of the sort. It was practice, day in and day out, whenever he had a free moment to try. His pistols and their holsters had been dramatically altered over the years to come up without snags and with as little friction as possible. The muscles in his arms, shoulders, neck, and back were conditioned for lightning quick speed rather than brute strength, something he had struggled to maintain after months of swinging a pick.

He had made himself the perfect killing machine, or so he thought.

If they wanted to kill him, they were going to have to work for it.

He stepped out from his hiding place as calm as could be, and then drew and fired on the pair in the blink of an eye.

Vaulkhar had only just picked up the aura of the one known as Two Shot, and then suddenly he moved from behind the corner of a building, pistols raised. He dove out of the way, the Force enhancing his movements greatly as he managed to dodge out of the way of the shots fired. He pressed himself up against a building and withdrew his single bladed lightsaber from it's place at it's side. He activated it with a flick of his thumb and stood up straight. He held his lightsaber defensively, watching Two Shot with a perked brow. He studied his form with his force sight. And rather suddenly his eyes widened slightly from beneath his blindfold.

Two Shot was a woman.

He considered sharing this information with [member="Boomerang"], but he decided against it. It was purely information that held no importance to the mission. He began to stalk forward, his blade still held before him defensively. This woman had slighted the Sith over simple mining operations on the moons of Atrisia. Her death was warranted fairly, as none could get away with such actions, but he still felt a pang of regret for having to kill someone who's life was literally worth nothing more than the sand beneath his boots.

[member="Eralam"] [member="Vaulkhar"]

"Great plan," Boomerang said, all of her sarcasm oozed into those two words. She would have said more, but just then a curious figure entered her peripheral vision.

And then said figure began to fire on them.

"Damn Two Shot!" The Jumper leapt and rolled to the side, dodging the shots and taking cover behind a building. The boy, meanwhile, withdrew his lightsaber and began to deflect the shots. His lightsaber, mind you. "And damned Force User!"

Well wasn't this evident of the Universe's love of irony?! Kill Two Shot and earn money, or team up with Two Shot, if he'd even agree to that, and then attempt to kill the Force User -- and most likely lose her money and her life. She was between a rock and a hard place all of the sudden, but Tiola would make do.

While Two Shot and the boy were occupied, Boomerang studied the building she'd ducked behind. There was no fire escape, but there was a window -- with a sill she could grab on to. From there, it would be simple enough to get onto the roof.

Taking a moment to stretch, Boomerang made good use of her Terellian Jango Jumper genes and leapt up towards the window, her fingers finding purchase. From there, she swung her legs up until she was doing a precarious hand stand on the window sill, hooking her toes on the edge of the roof. She then began to carefully walk herself up, almost losing her balance once or twice as she bent her legs or moved her feet back when necessary.

Even so, Boomerang finally managed to get completely onto the roof, almost feeling like she was on top of a really boring, pitiful world. Story of my life, she thought wryly. But man, was she proud of her acrobatics from just a moment ago. Too bad no one else saw it.

Resigning herself to that small travesty, Boomerang withdrew two of her boomerangs, took note of the wind and the position of Two Shot, and then threw.

She had her blaster, true, but Tiola rarely, if ever, missed with her boomerangs; at the very least, she always drew blood.
Two Shot swore violently when he saw the lightsaber.

"Karking Sith!" he snarled. That was one scam he hadn't felt bad about. The bastards were poison, and getting one over on them had seemed like a service to the galaxy at the time. It looked like no good deed would go unpunished.

There was no choice to stand and fight. The Dark sider was standing his ground, and his partner looked to have hightailed it at the first sign of trouble. That was fine with him. Taking on a Force user in single combat was dangerous, but it was a game the con had played before. The trick was to make it impossible to block every single blaster bolt.

To that end, he began pumping the triggers of his blaster pistols as quickly as he could. This wasn't clumsy, random spray and pray, oh no. Two Shot had earned his reputation the hard way. Each bolt went exactly where he wanted it. There was no patterned to it, save that he tried to have at least three bolts in the air at the same time. Some shots went towards the feet, others to the head, and still others to awkward to defend places like the shoulders or ankles. There was little conscious thought involved; the young human was doing his best to keep his mind clear, lest his intentions give away his points of aim.

His only hope was to saturate the Sith's defenses and pray that a stray bolt would get through and take him out of the game.

Vaulkhar's right hand moved a heavy blur through the air, blocking and reflecting oncoming bolts upon it's own. His left hand however moved towards his belt, unclipping a second saber that had been hidden beneath his robe. As he activates it with a click of the hilt, an orange saber bursts forth and weaves a beautiful pattern with his own saber, blocking the oncoming bolts. It becomes clear to Two Shot the Sith's body is moving faster than possible by normal means.

To those sensitive to the force, they'd note Vaulkhar is incased in a blanket of it, utilizing it to enhance his speed greatly. To those not sensitive, a display of speed unparalleled by a normal humanoid creature would be evident.

"How do you feel knowing you are incapable of killing me, Two Shot?" He asks, brow perked up. "I suppose it's the lack of balls, so to speak." A wide grin spreads across the young Sith's face at his own taunting; the pun rather pleasing.
[member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Eralam"]

Boomerang's hands reached out, deftly plucking her boomerangs as they returned to her. Two Shot appeared to be unfazed, even turning his shots at the boy and completely ignoring the figure on the roof.

But Boomerang wasn't ready to let herself slip away, ignored. Upon inspection, the Jumper had noted a very , very small amount of blood across each blade -- but it was enough. She'd nicked Two Shot, which meant she still had it.

And with the target's attention still away from her, the woman came up with a new plan.

Drawing herself about her, the Jumper ran to the edge of the roof and jumped, landing neatly on the other building and continuing on until she was directly northwest of Two Shot (from the boy's perspective, anyway; to Tiola, Two Shot was directly southeast).

Before she leapt down, though, she had to dodge an errant bolt, deflected by the Force User's lightsaber. Damn kid, she harrumphed. In any case, she flipped him the bird (knowing full well he couldn't see it) and jumped to ground level.

Withdrawing those two boomerangs again, Tiola ran behind Two Shot and threw again. This time, the Jumper estimated she'd get in more than just a nick, as she was closer to the target.

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