Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Barbarians at the Gate

In her modest apartment in the capital of Yutan, Cath Lorr sat on the sofa as her personal droid served, an R-10 Household Droid, brought her a cup of herbal tea. She didn’t favor humanoid-looking automatons, even ones which vaguely resembled a living species. Thus, even the arm of the R-10 unit, which she lovingly referred to as Manfred, kind of creeped her out a little bit.

If she had her way, she believed that all droids deserved equal protection under The Right of Sentient Species act which had recently been amended to include clones. But that was a measure to enact further down the line when the galaxy was more at peace.

There were more hot-blooded barbarians at the Republic’s gates, than cold assassin droids.

HNN had been covering a war that had broken out on Balmorra between the Silver Sanctum and the One Sith, a siege of an Imperial garrison to rescue a Jedi hostage. The coverage kept Cath on the edge of her seat for a few moments, until the end of the report, when the chirpy, blonde newscaster stated that “Two Sith have been captured and are awaiting transport to Silver Sanctum space, where they will likely be under jurisdiction of their laws and subject to a trial.”

It was speculative at best, but this prompted action from the young Eldorai hybrid.

Nearly stumbling over Manfred to get to her own holo unit, she made a few emergency calls until she was able to locate the name of the Jedi Knight who held the Sith prisoners.

[member="Junko Ike"]

“Patch me through to Knight Ike if you can. Tell her the Home Secretary of the Galactic Republic would like a word with her about the prisoners. Make it clear that she is not in any way, shape or form, in trouble or danger. And that we thank her for her service in making the galaxy safer."

She could hear an exasperated sigh, but the government official did as he was told. While she knew the Silver Sanctum were the Republic’s staunchest allies, she knew not of the laws which governed their ranks. Tucking that vulnerability away to address later, what she really wanted was to make sure the two Sith were not harmed. Cath envisioned a new Republic where innocents were not slaughtered for the greater good, and even Sith lives were valued to some extent.

They were prisoners of war and did not deserve to die.

[member="Rapax"] [member="Belgerath"]
[member="Cath Lorr"]

There was a small beep, the silver sanctum and the jedi order had records same as the force enclave while the one droid on Shri-Tal's temple spoke. Harmony offering a look while the silver bodies HRD with the strange skin before she spoke. "Which Ike may I direct you to?" Harmony had a small moment though while presenting it and at the Aoi temple in the lowest levels Junko was meditating. The world on the surface was beautiful with rich mountains and farmland, massive cities but below it all. The massive network of tunnels and chambers created to protect from a siege of the world. The massive jedi temple they had constructed by converting many of the things was there and below that in sections was a place for the jedi family that had helped construct the temple. The carved stone in the walls pulsed from the crystals as she was meditating in them. The ship with the two sith on it, one in the medical statis pod and the other in the brig were in the large hanger they had under the lake. Great for detering escape as without the right codes it was kind of a long and cold swim to the surface if you didn't cut through the doors.
Dressing into a more formal gown with elegant robes on top, barely brushing her hair and rushing to her apartment hangar, the young Eldorai took The Celestina to Silver Sanctum space – the planet of Shri-Tal specifically. She would have preferred to meet in the bosom of the Republic, but Cath recognized that she would have to abide by the jurisdiction of the Sanctum for now.

After a hyperspace jump which had her nauseous from not eating or drinking anything but tea, she fixed up a ration pack from her ship so she could hurriedly eat, and touched down upon Shri-Tal near the Aoi Temple.

Again, the Home Secretary of the Republic traveled alone, completely disdainful of a thick security presence around her. This is foolish, I know, Cath thought, but nonetheless she felt protected in Sanctum space as the SSC and the Republic were staunch allies.
Upon walking down the ramp of The Celestina, the Eldoria was greeted by Temple Security.

“Please let Knight Ike know that the Madame Secretary of the Republic is here and interested in visiting with the Sith prisoners from Balmorra.”

[member="Junko Ike"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Belgerath"]
[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Belgerath"]

Junko had remained down below until she heard news that the woman was here. Well she had never met her but she was being asked for and so was Noriko... and Nico... it was a strange thing while she was moving over a couple of things and when Balmorra was mentioned she was careful. Someone coming to talk about that as the small atrisian was moving. To the lift to take her up to the temple within the Kimono leaving her hair to cascade down her back while she held under her arm a parasol. "I'll meet her then up top." The jedi knight came out of the first lift and into the lower levels of the temple while they continued upwards and she took the lift up to to the surface as the lake side temple was an important thing. It looked more a private home which it was just converted on the surface when she was coming out and opened the parasol walking as she looked at the silver clad guards in their armor. "Welcome to the Aoi temple, I must admit I am surprised and was not expecting visitors. I dind't go to Balmorra to make a name for myself."
It appeared Padawan Lorr was in an underground network of tunnels which lead up to the Aoi Temple. So far, she'd only witnessed the majesty of Shri-Tal from the viewscreen of The Celestina.

But Knight Ike provided a very dignified sight with her long, flaxen hair, her ornate robes and her parasol. A parasol indoors. Must be ceremonial, thought Cath. Either way, it was a lovely touch.

"But you made quite a name," said the Eldorai stateswoman. "You captured, not just one, but two Sith Knight Ike. That's no small feat indeed.

"Your temple is beautiful, but I did not come to admire the sights. Please take me to the prisoners," Cath said. "And while we walk together, can you help me by explaining their health, both physical and mental? This would help me greatly as… we decide what do to with them."

Again, the House Secretary did not want to overstep her boundaries in SSC territory. She only wanted to make sure the prisoners were being treated well, but once glance at the elegant Atrisian and she was assured they were most likely faring well.

[member="Junko Ike"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Belgerath"]
[member="Cath Lorr"]

Looking at her with a small frown she was unaccustomed to this... feeling. Sure hearing praise was something she liked but at the same time she liked it for her real actions. Yes she took possession of them with a nod of her head. She had helped the other one who was gravely injured and spoke watching them. "I suppose I did, for the moment they are on my ship, some skills have them even if they get out unable to find the exits." Based though on her small amount of time with them she doubted that would be a problem. The real danger was moving the one who was injured. "As for well being, one of them is fine, the other needed medical attention and was stored in a hushed casket for stasis until he could be brought fully into a medical station. We've since had Sakura healers working to repair what they can but he was buried under rubble and some of the garrison. He will likely not be conscious for several more days. The other one called Rapax is just in the brig."
“I’d like to meet the one named Rapax first if he’s conscious, and then we’ll take a look at the more critically injured Sith.”

Cath would be thrust into a war zone soon as a Padawan fighting for peace. She knew that, given her nature, she would most likely try to disarm or capture versus kill a Sith, but violence or even death was a choice she might have to make if her life was severely threatened. The reality of these wounded darksiders drove home the magnitude of the fragile galaxy situation.

As they boarded Knight Ike’s ship where the two Sith were healing, the Eldorai stateswoman asked, “How did you capture them if you don’t mind me asking?”

The brig was near to them now and as Cath waited for the sleek-haired Atrisian’s answer, she spied Rapax, a dark, furred creature of some kind, a species that she’d never seen before.

[member="Junko Ike"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Belgerath"]


Rapax was curled up on the floor of the cell resting like any wolf would rest. The scars where all over his body marking his time among the sith and the training he was put through. He was even missing a right eye it seemed however his good eye opened and his yellow eye moved to the two females but he didn't move at all. However the scars over his body was like a battle counter for him and showed how brutal the sith can be to there own.

His aura still pulsated with the dark however there was a small spark of light inside. When he saw [member="Cath Lorr"] He saw a species he never met before however if she was to be his interrogator then so be it. He noticed [member="Junko Ike"] was with her but paid no mind yet for if either of them had questions he will do his best to answer for now he decided to just sit there until spoken to.
[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Rapax"]

Junko stood there looking at the prisoners, he was strange but they had not really taken the time to judge and look at him. treating some wounds if they could while still keeping him under guard. Not wanting to risk others coming to harm when they had the medical droids as well as the guard droids. "I found the one injured with the sith leaving him in the rubble that was there in the base. This one the padawan [member="Aria Vale"] captured but I had the ship to hold him and with my skills in alternative force abilities the sith would not be able to sense us." She was looking over some of the things there tapping. "Hey, are you up. Someone here may want to talk with you and it might mean getting out of this cell." For a larger one but she dind't say that standing there and checking her outfit and hair so Cath could speak.
Being on Yutan at the time, training at the Enclave, she had been tapped to accompany Secretary Lorr as part of part of her entourage. The senior Padawan had some experience with the Silvers, through some visitors at the Enclave, and on a joint mission once pacifying some ruffians. As a matter of discretion, she left her usual bunch of Dragoons on Yutan. They weren't really needed in the relatively safe space of the Silvers. She dressed up for the meeting with the Knight Junko Ike, donning a tasteful sky blue dress for the occasion. She didn't expect any trouble here, but she still went through the precaution of arming herself with a few compact weapons under the dress. She had a Republic official to look after, and they were about to encounter Sith.

She remained quiet during Corr's initial exchange with Ike, but followed her to the detention center to inspect the Sith for herself. In all her years of fighting, she came across a great many of them on the battlefield, but never like this. Sometimes she wish she could sit down with a Sith out of battle, to figure them out with an honest conversation. Maybe now she would get the chance.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Cath Lorr"]


Rapax stirred at [member="Junko Ike"]'s tapping to wake him up. He opened his eye to face the group and simply stood and crossed his legs laying his hands on the shins of his knees and looked to them. He had the face of a predator yet his stature showed other wise as if he was trying to calm himself given his hatred for prison environment's They can tell he was slightly agitated however he was keeping his temper to himself. It was a wierd way of seeing the world for him as on his right he sees like everyone else sees yet on his left he can see the world the way a Miralukan sees it was rather disorientateing but ti was something he adapted to.
Rapax was quite wolf-like, and in this respect, Cath really did wish she had a protocol droid with her now to help identify his species. The Eldorai official noticed Padawan Yune approaching, and now with the three of them gathered around the brig, it felt a little like they were admiring a zoo exhibit.

“I’m assuming he speaks Basic?” she asked Knight Ike since the Atrisian had spoken basic to him.

The darkness that surrounded him was profoundly strong, but there was balance as well. A lightness could be felt as Madame Lorr scanned his Force signature. She knelt down so she wasn’t towering above him, although at five-three, Cath barely stood taller than anyone she knew. She was petite due to her human heritage.

"Your eye. Did you lose it on Balmorra?” she asked in a soft, almost soothing voice.

From this vantage point it was difficult to see how fresh his wounds were, but she definitely noticed his battle scars. “Your name is Rapax, I’m told. Do you go by any other names?”

[member="Rapax"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Belgerath"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Belgerath"]

Junko looked at him and then at the woman as she kind of waggled her hand. "He hasn't really spoken but he seems to understand it at the least. So that makes it a little easier, I do not have the skills to speak telepathically with him like others might." She looked at him though and offered a look over all of his features oblivious to the darkside aura but she could work with that. Usually those who tried to attack her were the darksiders and it was easy to figure them out before she worked to make their lives hell with the white current or some of the magics. "Oh hello." She turned to look back at the one girl with her attention at the other Atrisian. "Hello."


He listened to [member="Cath Lorr"]'s calming voice in his head it was rather soothing to say the least never the less he took a more relaxed pose, Simply prowled on over to her until he was at the wall of the cell facing her nothing but that thin cell wall between him and her .When he heard [member="Junko Ike"]'s remark toward's if he can speak basic or not he chose to ignore however he let a small growl escape him when he saw all three gather around for some reason it made him feel like a animal in a zoo and that only served to agitate him. However he shook his head to clear his mind or try to of that anger it will do no good here to lash at them especially when he is trying to get on there good side.

He spoke in a calm yet deepish tone. First to the Artisian woman who wondered if he spoke basic or not. For the record i can speak it very well.

Was all he said to her before turning his attention towards the young Eldori woman who asked about his eye then his name.''I lost this eye long before Balmorra. I lost it when a stupid Kaleesh acolyte decided to use a power he was no where near ready to learn.'' She could tell simply talking about that part annoyed him a little. As for my name Rapax was the name I was given when I was given the title of Sith Knight by my old master @Mythos. My real name is Naga Itesak however I keep this name as a reminder of what I left behind after Balmorra. What is your name...if I may ask.
The dark-furred being stalked over to the side of the cell, seeming both human and animal at once, but when he let out an annoyed growl at the three of them, Cath realized that he was angry and probably a little frightened.

Truth be told, the young Eldorai hadn’t met any Sith at this point in her life. When he spoke it was with the graciousness and poise of a well-studied professor. He knew Galactic Basic as well as any of them. Cath shifted onto her knees to get in a better position, now eye level with the Sith.

“I was expecting someone a little different,” she admitted aloud, mostly to Rapax, but also to the group. “A silver tongued Knight waxing poetic about power, passion and the darkside of the Force. But you, Rapax… you’re just a soldier. And a fairly banged up one at that."

Although she knew he was a powerful Force user, more so than she, and that he may just crush her bones with his grip out of spite, she reached her fingers into the cell to shake his clawed, furred paw-like hand.

“I’m Cath Lorr, House Secretary of the Rebublic. Do you want us to put in a cybernetic eye for you? I can have that arranged, if you like. In the meantime, please tell all of us how you came to be on Balmorra, and what your plans would be now, provided you weren’t locked up in this brig?”

[member="Rapax"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Arisa Yune"]


Rapax watched her speak to him he chuckled a little when she told him her expectation's. She had a point and was right to assume as a good majority of the sith do take on the silver tongued boast's of power to try and salvage what pride there capture and defeat has shattered into pieces. If this was a few months ago he would have most likely crushed the young woman's throat with his own claws however today was different.When she moved her hand into his own cell he looked at it for a moment then back to [member="Cath Lorr"]. She was a brave one most wouldn't be this close to sith like him much less put any part of there body into the cell with him, He gently wrapped his hand around hers and shook it he could see how small her hand was compared to his so he had to be extremely careful not to accidentally crush her hand. When she told him her name and offered to replace his eye he pondered for a moment. There where many a time during the One sith since his incident with the kaleesh that he could have replaced the eye but for some reason he never did and cybernetic eyes do come with there advantages. After a moments pause he simply nodded to her as a sign that she may do so, When Balmorra was brought up he let go of her hand and pulled his legs closer to him before speaking. I suppose I shall start from the beginning on this. Another former Sith knight named [member="Darth Ax'no"] I believe was her knight name I believe one of the knights here already faced the rather lovely blue haired Sith before I came along. She captured a Jedi Knight on one of her missions and brought her to Balmorre to face interrogation by order of the Grand Inquisitor himself, I a fellow inquisitor arrived to help in the ...processing procedures as it where. Another more seasoned Sith Knight decided he wanted the prisoner for himself first, That is when Lady Ax'no lost her temper. He chuckled a little before speaking again.I never thought I would see her so furious over a prisoner. theres more too it then that but I believe that answeres the why i was on Balmorra question. As for what my plans are now if I wasn't in this brig?. .....I dont know...I might try the Shapers of Kro'var to help with my elemental shaping more but ..I was hoping to for the first time since I matured enough to even understand the force it self. To touch into the light side arts, I have only seen its touch when I fought other Jedi but never really stood there and felt it as they have. Perhaps the Grey side like the Silver Sanctum can take me ...if they are willing.
While Cath remained completely alert for signs of hostility, she did not flinch or tremble when Rapax took her hand. He was as gentle as a kushiban.

“The Sith are not known for their patient temperament,” remarked Cath over the "Lady Ax’no’s' behavior. “But you seem like a very calm and patient soul. I also sense much lightness in you, and yes, along with it, some darkness. But from my perspective, you’re not a lost cause.”

Padawan Lorr finally rose and turned to Knight Ike, who likely had more authority than herself and Padawan Yune, even though the Eldorai official held a political role in the Republic. They weren’t standing in front of a Republic cell after all.

“I am one for giving second chances, especially if this soldier wants to join the lightsided ranks. He may have murdered those in the beginning of his Sith training, but we have no proof of this now. Again, he’s a prisoner of war, and forgive me that I don’t know the SSC policy on war prisoners but I would imagine, that under some sort of probation and watch period, he should be granted amnesty. Would you agree, Junko?”

Cath had heard about the light-haired Knight’s skill in White Current from that very Balmorran skirmish. Once their business was done with Rapax, she hoped that she may be able to get a demonstration.

[member="Rapax"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
"Hello," she replied with a slight nod of her head towards the other Jedi. She felt it inappropriate to offer any more than a polite acknowledgement, as she didn't want to become the source of any interruptions as Secretary Lorr began to engage with the captured Sith.

The man seemed almost eager to divulge details, but the threat of death often had the effect of loosening lips. She may have felt just a twinge of sympathy when first saw his disfigured face, but that feeling quickly passed as she learned of his identity as an Inquisitor. As far as Sith went, she found Inquisitors to be the worst of the worst, goons specifically tasked to eliminate Jedi, and to cull seditious elements from their own ranks, real or imagined. A look of disgust slowly crept up on her face as he made an appeal for mercy. There could be no mercy for the man, only justice for his victims. He already had it good being treated humanely by the Silvers. She was sure the prisoners under his watch had never fared so well.

"Secretary Lorr, if you would indulge me, I'd like a turn at questioning the Sith."

Up to this point, she had been standing far behind Lorr, but then she stepped forward to pass around the other woman and come close to the barrier, staring the man straight dead in his remaining eye with a stony expression. Her aura had taken a chilling quality that gave a hint to her loathing of him.

[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Rapax"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

She was listening to Rapax and Cath speak while she was looking over some of the things. There was a look on her face while she spoke. "There are some things that must be done and [member="Coci Heavenshield"] as well as [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] would have the final say. I can only say if he is being truthful he can be heard out. There is no promise of him being accepted and I do not know if there there might evidence of him somewhere on the holonet of him killing babies." She had a look on her face and well she couldn't promise anything except fair treatment some respect, three meals a day and a place to sleep... also a bathroom. Coci and Thurion would need to make the decision as she turned back to look at Arisa. The girl might be a padawan but she had some talent she was sure of it and wanting to ask questions she could see the face she made.
"The Sith has already incriminated himself," she replied to Junko as she held her gaze on the one-eyed man. "He admitted to being an inquisitor, and involvement with the capture and torture of least one Jedi. That's one too many in my books, but I'm sure the Grand Inquisitor keep him plenty busy with other victims. All this is on top of whatever you caught him doing during his apprehension."

As the Sith was in the custody of the Silvers, she had no actual say in how he was handled, but she would do everything within her power to ensure that it wouldn't be an easy experience for him. She was all for the idea of rehabilitation - the Jedi were not meant to be executioners - but from inside a stasis cell.

"Rapax is it? Going back to your story, what happened to the Jedi, the one you had intended to 'process'?"

[member="Junko Ike"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Rapax"]

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