Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Base Delta Zero

The gold in the commodore's eyes glistened as he watched the flagship drop out of hyperspace and instantly send the enemy space forces into a panic. He chuckled, a sound more akin to a drowning frog than anything human. But the joy of the sound was not lost on his crew. There was plenty for the old officer to be joyful about. Even as Delta squadron reported in, the X-wing fighters ran afoul of the mine field that had just been laid. Delta swept up the survivors easily.
Then Pterois and Mora, the two Retribution-class heavy missile corvettes under Goonch's command, dropped out of hyperspace. They were new vessels, their hulls shining with starlight. And they packed a punch.
"Pterois and Mora have successfully deployed." Goonch advised. "What say I direct my flotilla against those defense platforms, admiral? I believe I can whip them." He turned to his captain. "Dive the fleet. Move so that the defense platform guns can't aim at us. They'll re-position, and thus expose their topsides to our missile boats. Delta squadron, form up behind the mine-layers, steer clear of incoming fire and fight off any remaining fighters bold enough to interfere with our course of travel."
Pistris and Lolligo dropped into a steep dive, angling only slightly towards the defense platforms as the request to attack them had not been confirmed. Their engines flared as the arms of the planet's gravity tried to pull them down. The defense platforms tried to track with the mine layers, but their guns bottomed out. Thrusters on the platforms roared to life, angling them downward. The topsides of the platforms were presented to the missile boats, their shield generators and sensor clusters looking like so many fruits to be plucked by a hungry farmer.

[member="Rath Exigo"]
Tags: [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Formorta"] @Fresslyn Cantor [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] [member="Ilsa Visel"]

Taozi led her clan with the Empire's troops, directing them to aid soldiers as they fell, and to avoid enemy fire as much as they could. Any Empire soldier that fell, was quickly attended to by a Tal medic, who would apply whatever medicine needed to get them back on their feet. Taozi herself surveyed the field as they charged the base, helping any soldier who fell near her, as her clan members spread themselves out among the chaos. The Alor frowned behind her helmet as her clan began reporting some soldiers needing additional care.

"If any of you come across an Empire soldier too injured to continue the assault, get them back to Zhang and the others as quickly as you can. No one is getting left behind, or left to die alone, understand?"


"Once you get them to safety, if it's safe to rejoin us, gather the other wounded off the field and take them back to fight another day. Let them protest, but drag them back by the collar if you need to."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Location: Planet: CCX-9133212VC12, hutt space
Equipment: Bio link
Tag(s): [member="Darth Tacitus"] | [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] | [member="Formorta"] | [member="Kresslyn Cantor"]
”I’m a trained assassin my lord. I was trained to kill force users too, without the Force, with only everyday weapons, or without them, in melee combat. I can handle the situation, and you know that my lord!” she replied on their private communication channel.

She was stubborn as always. Of course she didn’t ask her emperors commands, or words, just complemented them. If she use her little Force knowledge on them, they will know, she is only an acolyte, an apprentice who easy to beat. She hated when others saw her weak, unless if this was her goal. But this time was not. She want the enemy saw her strong, they didn’t want to give them a chance to saw the opposite. She hoped the emperor understand this.

Under this, she joined to the Ultranauts and the attack may have begun.

”Scouts ahead, I want a continuous report from the enemy and our movements!” she start to giving orders.”Tanks and assault weapons, vehicles in the first line. The Ultranauts troopers followed them, and I want air cover too!”

Of course Ingrid was trained to soldier on the CIS’s military academy and gained lieutenant rank when she finished the academy, but basically she was fighter pilot, not a warlord. That was her first combat where she needs to give orders to others. Other times she was who execute the orders as an assassin, or agent, maybe a pilot, so she hoped, they will not lose because of her.

When her units start to move, she joined to them and led them. One thing is never changed, she fight in the first line.

What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
The rumbling of battle echoed out from all around the city as the pale women looked over the stretching pile of metal. From atop the semi collapsed sky scraper non were spared from her sight. If her hawk like sight didn't pick up on movement, the thermal end did, if not, an amiable motion sensor and microphone did the trick. The light tapping of feet through the other side of the wall being all she could hear over the thump of shells and the crackling of fire below.

It was a clam and almost peaceful moment, until such serenity was distracted by a powerful boom as her oversized rifle roared to life. The high caliber bullet slamming into the target ball, burrowing through to the other side, exploding like a miniature tank shell. The violent rock making a small cloud of dust poof from her nest as she continued to scan the area, making 100% sure her shot had hit it's mark.

No movement... mo sound but lots of blood, still, better safe then sorry. Yet again another boom echoed from atop the building as another round sailed towards her target, a second explosion finishing off the target for good if the first round didn't surface. "Formorta here, Jedi target neutralized, relocating". Once again the cloaked women shimmered back into nothingness, eyes scanned for another target until told otherwise.

[member="Ingrid L'lerim"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Goonch Bagarius Yarrelli"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]

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