Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Base Subjects

Ardgal stood from his headquarters that stood in the middle of the center-most continent like a rugged prefab testiment of what he and the Vong were capible of. The slave labored Gamoreans who had survived the invasion and were chipped into submisison worked like faithful, obedient workers, moving the heavy materials that the Vong gathered and Ardgal's RMIA needed to make their new base.

But they could not do it alone. Ardgal knew that his base that he had would not hold for long, and certainly not against heavy assault. That would never do for this cunning, powerful General. He was calling in [member="Felix Hardy"] to help deal with this situation. The additional man-power and the extra eyes would aid in creating the base that he had in mind, something able to defend virtually any assault, for any amount of time.

For now, the general waited, overlooking the jungle clearing that served as their landing pad for now.
The shuttle came flying down towards the designated landing pad as he stood out the backdoor as they had gotten low enough in the atmosphere after getting off one of his cruisers that he had designed. Looking out the back of the shuttle hanging onto a handhold as he looked at the base from the sky until the ship touched down on the platform.

Steeping down he looked around for a moment at all the newly made slaves working, he looked behind him and nodded to the pilot as he hit his comm, "Send em'." He said into the mic as the ship above the planet started to send down shuttles full of worker droids to hell [member="Ardgal Raxis"] with the making of his facility.

Now it was just time to find the man.
When [member="Felix Hardy"] landed he would be greeted by a woman in full, black as midnight beskar from helmet to boots. She gave him a smart salute, pressing her two fingers to her helmet and standing at attention. "Mister Hardy, Virgil Raxis, second in command. I was sent to bring you to the general himself."

Her voice was cold and hard as the beskar on her body.

She turned on her heel without another word and led him down some of the hallways, her boots clomping on the duracrete pre-fab flooring with upmost athority. Dim flourescent lighting lit the passage, clearly placed up in haste, the entire place still had a "new" smell to it. She led Hardy to a room where a holotable lay in the center, showing the surrounding area, at its head stood Ardgal in his red armor and beside him stood a Vong shaper who only regarded Hardy with a cool, caluclating nod. Ardgal offered his hand in a firm business-like handshake, 'Thank you for coming with such discretion," he opened a manila envelope, revealing some of the scale blueprints he had in mind, covering a series of high security barracks, landing platforms, huge defense platforms against a variety of assaults, and a host of armories, "This is the basic plan, I will refrain from wasting your time, do you have an initial questions or additions?"
"At ease mam, I see he dresses you terribly, you must be sweating form head to toe, that will be the first thing I will make him fix, for your sake and ours, we can't have you all passing out in the glaring sun."

He eyes her in his steely gaze for a moment after he talked.

As she turned on her heel he began after her standing a few feet behind her as he glanced around as they made their way towards the man. He took note of the lighting and took a note of it in his head as they continued to make their way towards [member="Ardgal Raxis"]. As they entered the room he looked at the two in the room and nodded slightly back to the Vong as he saw it and then focused on Ardgal making quick strides towards the table quickly glancing at it and outstretching his arm towards Ardgal and shook his hand. As the man opened the folder and took out the contents he looked them over silently for a minute before looking up at the man. "The First thing we must do is get some effective lighting in this facility, the best way would be to use natural light, I personally suggest bulletproof windows, and also using solar arrays to light the lights for night, and if we are going to go with the window thing perhaps a security system that allows for a metal plate to close over the windows in case of battle."
Virgil's T-slit visor regarded him with a cold glare. Her next words carried a twinge of tension, "I feel more comfortable in my beskar'gam than in anything else, sir. I dress this way because I choose to."

It was like a metal protective security blanket for her, one that kept her from getting hurt at all, it made her invincible, from all things physical, and even more importantly--emotionally. With that, she really didn't have much else to say, she said her piece and it wasn't wise to go full-rage on customers and business partners. The woman had learned how to contain her rage a long time ago, and while it wasn't enjoyable, she could bite her tongue for months at a time.

Ardgal listened to the possible additions. He nodded, they could do re-enforced transparisteel, and blast shields from quadranium steel. He took a stylus and transcribed it on the margins of his own notes, "I think that sounds amiciable. I apologize for the poor lighting at the moment, however, in our defense, it was erected in a matter of a few weeks, under rather trying circumstances," he gave a friendly smile, that was an understatement. He grabbed two cool bottles of water. It was basic, but, hey, it was some nice water. He offered one to Hardy, "I do want to maintain the wide kill zones and the perimeter blockades, but we need to make sure that we can keep a wide berth to pin down any enemies caught in the cross fire, but," he tapped the two gates, "This feels problematic for my tanks in the event that we want a mass-deployment, I feel it would be time consuming."

[member="Felix Hardy"]
He would brush off the girl as they were walking and ignore what she commented on because it was of no concern to him what she thought about her appearance it was what [member="Ardgal Raxis"] thought that mattered.

Looking at the holomap he tapped his lip softly his eyes scanning over the plans and the map that was laid out on the table in front of him. He noticed several things and made some personal notes about them for later in the conversation as Ardgal continued talking about what he wanted to do about the windows and other ideas he had for the facility that they were trying to create their for his endeavors. As Ardgal finished speaking he stood there for a moment thinking about it.

Straightening up he looked at Ardgal and rubbed his beard a little as he started talking about his ideas, "I get that this facility that you are currently operating out of was made hastily just as a quick operations center but now that we are going to build this into a proper base of operations it will need a lot of upgrades and changes to make it applicable for you operation here." He pondered the ideas for a moment more before starting with his ideas, "What if we use a gate system, perhaps a shield or something that allows for the Tanks to move and deploy efficiently but keeps enemy forces out of the base, it would allow for mass deployments with little time spent defending the gates from a conventional attack by the opposing faction."
Well, at least he shut up and took a hint, Virgil thought to herself. A war was won with small victories all the time.

"Of course," Ardgal said when the man said that it was time to begin using it in a more up-to-code fashion for their needs. "I was planning on placing quite a few Cabur-class sentry droids on every available post and totally integrating them into the security measures," the droid he referenced would be in the blueprint foot notes, almost as an addendum attachment for, ya know, ease of planning, "as well as gravfield generators, ray sheilds along checkpoints through the halls and possibly pipe flooding for our auxilary CMO2-06 gas in case things get too far out of hand?"

He looked over their main blueprints that were laid out on the table as he thought over the idea that Hardy had brought up. It had its possible strengths, and the more he thought about it, the better he liked the possibility. He tapped a few buttons on the side of the table, enabling its edit mode.

"Alright so what if based on that we use Gungan Shields to surround the entire place?" he asked tapping at a few key locations on the map, "Then we will, of course, have Guardian systems on every roof top corner and burried in kill zones waiting for deployment under the ground for maximum kill effectiveness with overlapping fire arcs," he tapped several spots along the perimeter, leaving red dots, "And that would give us some serious defense for anything that could come in from the land assaults as well."

It was probably overkill, but Ardgal didn't care. If violence isn't your last resort, you clearly didn't use enough.

"Call me old fashioned but I do still like the idea of some sort of physical barriers to slow or impede attacks," he said with a sigh, "How can we do that without losing too much deployment integrity?"

[member="Felix Hardy"]
Well she's a character he thought silently to himself.

He nodded as he listened to [member="Ardgal Raxis"]' plan to put droids onto every post. Looking at the footnotes he read over the specifications of the droids and nodded silently to himself as he read it over rubbing his beard as he listened to the man talk as he read. He continued to listen to the man as he moved on and talked about generators and ray shields along with other plans if things got too far out of hand, he hoped they never would but they made for a good backup plan for the base just in case.

Watching the man as he placed the map into edit mode and started working on changing a few things up to what he had suggested he nodded looking at it and watched him work until the man seemed satisfied.

"I see your points, actual barriers would be a good idea just in case someone took out the shields. I think the best idea would be to have them be able to retract into the ground, so dig a hole and have them be able to go down into it and have the tops be flat so it would be able to have the tanks and other vehicles go over it and then come back up after they've passed." This idea came off the top of his head after Ardgal expressed his want for at least some blockades.

His eyes glanced over the map again and nodded again as everything looked like it was coming together.

"Other then that I don't see too much issue with deploying your tanks or vehicles with difficulty, the only problem I could see is the barriers being stuck up or down, but we could always put a manual release on it to be able to have soldiers lift it up or put it down."
Ardgal pressed his forefinger to his thumb, rubbing the tips together as he thought the idea over. It would take a little extra digging and some manual ground work, but he could do it. Or, rather his forces could. And, as he thought about it, the concealed factor could raise a new level of challenge to the enemy, if they thought there was no wall to protect the base at all. The only danger he could see is if they were raised too late. He pointed at the blue holograhic table before them, "I like that idea."

The warrior quickly snatched up his stylus and scribbled the idea down on the margins of the table, "You are right, a manual release would need to exist," but what would keep the enemy from manually taking the walls down? "We would probably need a key-code cylinder system to release them manually. Just for safe keeping and redundancies."

It was always better to have one too many safety features enabled than to have one too few and regret it.

He cracked open his bottle of water, surveying what they had so far. As the cool liquid flowed down his throat, the warrior felt another idea begin to formulate in his mind. "What if we push it back even further?" he set his water down next to a set of papers, "What if we even make ourselves a trench around the perimeter? We can then effectively create a choke point for pretty much everything on land, and if its deep enough, we can keep even repulsors out."

But then, they were at the same problem---deployment issues.

[member="Felix Hardy"]
He nodded softly looking at the map more and rubbing his thumb on his chin. His eyes glancing over the map over and over figuring out more ideas and plans as [member="Ardgal Raxis"] continued to talk about laying down the ground works for their project, what they could do with the barriers and etc. looking up at him as he wrote down some things in the note section. He thought about some more ideas as Ardgal scribbled down some more words onto the note pad.

Hearing the next complaint he would nod slowly and rub his chin some more thinking about it before nodding and coming to a conclusion for his idea. "A key card would take to long, it'd be easier to simply use a finger print scanner or something of the sort so it'd make it easier to raise them up. Perhaps an ID scanner would be better?"

He understood security but he also got how important it'd be to get the barriers up fast.

Listening to the next idea he nodded again looking at the map and rolling the idea around in his head trying to formulate an answer that would make them able to deploy fast. "Could we perhaps equip the tanks with personal bridges they can put down on the trench and then destroy after use? Or perhaps pick back up?"

This idea was a little out there but that was one of the only good ideas he could think of.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"ID scanner," Ardgal pressed the tip of his stylus into the palm of his other hand, spinning it as he spoke, "Your right, they key cards will take too long, they are too archaic and there are too many possible downfalls there, but our armor does come equipped with IFF transponders, and we can use those as ID Scanners," he turned his stylus, pointing it at Hardy, "That is a highly effective solution, a happy medium. I like it."

He turned the stylus over his fingers, he had heard in ancient times of tanks using crane attachments and pre-fab bridges to cross gaps. Some of them would even use the crane attachments and coils of tied together wooden planks to cross minefields.

"We could do that," he said, "Its very doable, old tech but doable."

He made a note of those final additions. "Alright, I suppose you would like to stay a few days to assist in the construction and discuss payment? What are your preferred methods, cash or direct payment?"

[member="Felix Hardy"]
His fingers tapped on the edge of the table as he thought about it nodding a little as he rubbed his chin more watching [member="Ardgal Raxis"] fiddle with his stylus as he continued to talk. They had a solution which was good, a middle ground, he didn't have to worry about making a new system for them to use they just had to get the barriers to work with the IFF tags.

Referring to some old technology he watched as Ardgal figured out a plan in his mind. He thought about it and nodded, it was a better plan then none and it helped provide the base with better defense then what they would've had previously.

"A plan is better then none." He commented looking at the man.

Ardgal made the final notes and he nodded slightly, "The easiest way for you will work, I do't mind as long as the cash goes into my account or into my hands is all that matters to me."

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"Very true," Ardgal said to Felix's comment about a plan being better than none. The warrior knew he had made the right choice by bringing in extra help, and that he had chosen the right man for the job. "When you run a mercenary organization like my own, you can never be too careful about money, tampering, and people tracking you. So if it is all the same with you, we will route the credits through a series of cash advances along the outer rim banking systems. It will take a few days to arrive for you, but it will be there safe and untampered with."

The warrior was as good as his word, and he would always make sure of that. It was bad for business to be anything less. Ardgal reached into his belt and retrieved a series of high denomination credit chips and tossed them to Felix. They would be wiped clean. Untraceable, untrackable, "That should get you started as a token of my good faith in payment."

[member="Felix Hardy"]
He nodded about the whole credit shenanigans that Ardgal was planning, he understood the worry and was not going to tell the man that he was wrong because his statement and doubt was well placed in the fact that the money would not be tampered through the way he suggested. "That sounds good, I will be expecting the money within the next few days then." He said looking at the man with a slight business smile on his face as he stood there.

Ardgal fished through his pockets for some credits and handed it to him. He immediately pocketed the credits and nodded, "Such a kind gesture of you to do that for me, to calm a mans fears that he will be robbed out of money. The base your building should be fine from here but I will continue to monitor for the next few days and make sure that everything runs smoothly before I have to return to other business deals I have." He told the man as he folded his hands together.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

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