Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bashing Royalty[TRE Hex Invasion of Serenno]

Tanomas Graf

Allies: The Resurgent Sith Empire & Friends, [member="Vraukt"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: The Dominion & Friends, [member="Lucien Galtier"], [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Arisa Yune"]
Objective: Grexit

The Silver Jedi fleet appearing out of nowhere startled the Commander, who herself had believed they had won the naval battle already. While they didn't have the time nor the technology to pierce through the dreadnought's three layers of advanced shielding, they were coming dangerously close to dissipating the first, which was, ironically, a first in the history of the Imperial flagship. "Power up the hyperdrive and get us out of here, the day is already ours; Serenno is broken." She announced to the bridge crew "We can rendezvous with the rest of the fleet over Ziost and launch an attack on a Silver Jedi world while the vast majority of their own Navy is here."

While the Jedi had placed an interdiction field in front of the SSD, it was all for naught as the dreadnought was facing Serenno and could not make the jump anyone. A matter of slight angling later and the SSD's fleet would disappear into hyperspace, followed by a loud whirring as the flagship trailed after them. The Silver Jedi may have won the battle, but so did the Empire by saving their pride from letting the scourge destroy it.

They also probably didn't realize that the Sith were turning the planet against them, atleast not until it was too late.

[member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Myn Eris"]
Dream No More

Although Aria'd admit to be far from an expert driver and might even (if she really had to) confess a level of anxiety at having to drive a speeder through underground tunnels, the Echani managed to keep up with the merc and her team with only a drop in speed every once in a while and a long stream of impolitenesses that would surely have gotten a 'mind your language' from her passenger if the latter Sith hadn't been too otherwise engrossed.

Regardless, she was still doubtlessly more comfortable driving once they surfaced again and more comfortable still once they reached a stop outside what turned out to be the Nalju estate.

"What's this fo-? Oh." Aria looked at herself as whatever technology the soldier'd handed her made her part of the backdrop. A muttered indication of her satisfaction with the disguise and she followed Aver seamlessly over the stonework, cheerful beneath her camouflage. She moved more slowly than the former towards the corridor (she'd run to begin with until she had spotted patches of disguise falling behind) but she'd more than caught up with the merc by the time she was past the final blast door.

As it turned out, killing people when you were near invisible was a piece of cake. Aria briefly contemplated toying with how long it would take the count to put two and two together, but in the end she kept it simple - fist to his jaw and then an arm round his neck before he could so much as realise he was going to die.
Piece of cake.

Location - Ord Radama, Marshlands.
Objective - Engage RE ground parties, finish the fight.
Allies - SJO and Dominion, [member="Marl"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Opposition - TRE & Allies, [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"]

The Colonel sort of pushed Jerit further into the foxhole directly after his barrage of questions, slugs kicking up dirt all along their cover. He sat his own back against the wall of dirt, rifle resting across his chest plate as he craned his head upward to get the best view he could without getting his head blown off. The young officer sat there in silence for several moments after his young jedi friend's question, listening to the every squad leads' communications.

"Got two more bad guys one-hundred meters out from your cover..Just over that log, see them?"

"We got a resurgent trooper element coming from our left! From broadsword three's position!"

"They're trying to cut us off!"

"Come and get some, you bastards!"

Valkren was suddenly brought back from his daze of listening to his subordinates speak when Darren Torran appeared out of nowhere, reporting to him. He was caught off guard, seeing members of broadsword two so suddenly. He pulled the zabrak into the foxhole with them as rangers continued to advance all around the group. The ground shuttered once more as the tank in their column let another slug loose, sending body parts and tree limbs alike everywhere.

He'd turn to the pair with him once more, before barking out over the gunfire, even if their communications made it clear as day. "We need the bengals from each of our columns to move up another hundred meters atleast. That will get them in position to start hitting the wreckage from the ground. APC's will set up along with them to help us set up a perimeter, make our own little forward operating base right in the hornets nest!"

A pair of dragoons used their jump packs to traverse the battlefield and right over their own foxhole with ease. They moved amongst the chaos and carnage with ease, before stopping at opposite ends of an enemy 'trench,' leveling their weapons into the enemies at hand and peppering the helpless enemies. Valkren couldn't witness what happened to the jump-soldiers after that, as his view was cut off as more mud and dirt was thrown into his vision, forcing him to retreat into the foxhole to clear his visor.

A transmission would come in, informing him about the local forces that had joined in the fight with them, had unusually turned hostile towards one another. A confusing transmission, but a transmission well heeded. If there was another factor at play here, affecting their allies, it was good that they all possessed the necessary yslamir nutrients in their suits to avoid this.

"Cover me!" He yelled, before clambering out of the foxhole and lifting his rifle out with him. The bengal attack tank in broadsword one's column taking off further ahead, several rangers and two berserkers using the rear of it as cover the advance up. Blaster bolts and slugs bounced into the mud around them and off of the berserkers' light shields as the engagement continued.

Valkren sprinted across the open side of the marsh, making it to the rear of the tank just as a slug sliced through the corner of his shoulder piece. The force of the round that traveled from an enemy weapon took the colonel off of his feet, twisting his body slightly and causing him to land helmet-first in the mud. At first glance, anyone could think that the colonel had bit the dust for good, but as several moments past and two rangers did their best to secure the colonel and his weapon as another provided covering fire, it was clear the young officer was moving..Just in shock.

He lifted a gloved hand to his visor once more to clear his vision of mud and gore, his HUD lighting up like an X-mas tree at the fact that his armor had been pierced, only grazing his body-suit and skin beneath.

"You good, colonel?!" A ranger crouched down and grasped him by his good shoulder, shaking him lightly. The soldier received an 'okay' handsign from the colonel as he was handed his rifle and helped to his feet.

Calderon got back into a fighting stance at the edge of the tank, now fixed in it's position as rounds bounced off of the front of it.

"I need more shooters up here! We follow the tank up to the next ridge, then make a fixed position! Come on, move up!" He'd throw his arm forward, begging for more of his platoon and broadsword two to move up with him. The tank itself was taking most of the agro from his own men as they tried to cross their positions to his own. If they could all make it atleast another hundred yards and hold until further intel and orders were issued, and broadsword three made their own way to the position, they could easily push the remains of their enemies back into the wreckage.

Valkren raised his ripper around the corner of the tank once more, letting another burst of slugs out toward a supposed enemy position, hoping for suppression or even a lucky hit. He retreated back behind cover and watched as a trio of remaining YVH droids strided out into the chaos, trying to make their way directly into the fire to mark more enemy positions. He leaned out of cover only to watch two of the trio get cut down easily, as a third leapt behind a marshy ridgeline, enemy markers suddenly popping up on his HUD, and the tank commanders aswell.

The tank focused on the position, and let another slug loose, absolutely destroying the entrenched area.

The explosion and gore reflected off of the outside of Valkren's dim visor as he watched the carnage. Just more bloodshed for the memory banks..


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Location - Marsh Surface
Objective - Survive
Allies - SJO and Dominion
Opposition - TRE

Post #3

After asking his question to Valkren, Jerit felt his friend push him more into the foxhole to avoid getting killed. Jerit had his back to the dirt and heard soldiers' voices echo in his helmet. They were all either shouting orders or hooah yells. After, Jerit saw a soldier jump into the foxhole. The padawan felt his presence before he charged into the hole, declaring the trooper was not a hostile. They were from one of the broadsword groups. Jerit gave the soldier a nod.


Jerit heard another shot let loose from their column's tank. He saw it launch into a plethora of enemies, sending their severed bodies everywhere. It almost made Jerit throw up. Now, the padawan was a bit disoriented by the fighting and needed to take a moment. Jerit put his hands on his knees and breathed in and out, catching himself. He heard Valkren yelling orders about getting forward with the tanks. After his orders were barked, Jerit felt a pain in the force. It felt as if two brothers had turned on each other. He heard in his comms that some soldiers that joined in the fight were turning on one another. Jerit immediately felt bad. The fog of war was a messed up place to be in. It can make soldiers turn on their comrades. What a horrible thought.

Jerit heard Calderon yell for he and the trooper to cover him. Jerit shouted in confirmation and he went out of the foxhole. Blaster bolts were flurrying around them. Jerit sensed where exactly they came from. He swung his lightsaber at the blaster fire and deflected them back to the hostiles. They were hit and dropped to the ground. Jerit sprinted alongside Valkren up to the rear of a tank. The padawan saw Valkren dropped. A slug grazed on on the shoulder and sent him to the ground. Jerit ran to him. Two troopers were on him, providing covering fire.

" Valkren!! " Jerit shouted.

He saw a ranger help the colonel up and Jerit assisted. Valkren recovered and soon resumed fighting. Now the group was behind a tank, providing fire to suppress the enemy. Jerit was on the side, out of cover deflecting more bolts. They were coming to fast and the padawan had no time to turn back. It was as if he had to stay in the same spot to avoid dying. He saw a bolt come to fast for Jerit to react and it got him in the left leg. He yelped in pain and fell down. He got back up but was now limping. He went behind the tank and walked with it...

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Adron Malvern"]
[member="Valae Kitra"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]
[member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Rakosh Saqai"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
Location: Serenno
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: The Dominion
Objective: Kill them all

Vilaz was quiet throughout the whole voyage as well as his warriors. The only sound coming from them was their breathing from their iconic, cultural helmets. He was not in command of this entire operation rather than his Sith employers. The Mand'alor and his men were just professional mercenaries with one objective. Conquer. Their efforts would be rewarded and they would also have their sweet vendetta against the Dominion for touching what belonged to the Mandalorians.

When he was informed of their arrival to their target the Mand'alor was glad of it as he disliked flying on any craft except his personal basilisk war droid. His fury and wrath came when his two feet were on solid ground. An immortal he was depicted among his people along with his brethren that were veterans of the cold game of war.

And so he was one of the first to be at the landing ramp of the Crestfallen with Samka the very first one to leave the shuttle as she spun out into the battlefield. Mere moments later the ramp would drop out to unleash the elite units of Mandalorians and Sith selected for this objective. The Mand'alor and the two Dark Lords stepped out into the scenario which resulted his HUD informing him of his surroundings, number of hostile within the area, and the usual.

To everything that the Munin came to see he simply said, "Amateurs," in regards of the defenses Blackgate Manor.
Location: SSV Ungul, Kushibah far orbit
Objective: Engage Sith flagship, task fighters to immediate redeployment to Serenno
Allies: Dominion and friends [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Darci Hopps"]
Enemies: RE and friends [member="Vrak Nashar"], [member="Yidhra"], [member="Tanomas Graf"],

"Get me a priority message to Master Arisa, inform her that our fighter complement will be exiting hyperspace shortly above Serenno. I am tasking them to your command while I engage a Sith flagship above Kushibah." As he said this he brought up the tactical display. Adjusting it slightly so that he could see the paths the high caliber cannon APHE rounds.

"Order the gunners to adjust fire for the middle of that giant Sith ship. They don't appear to have shields so aim for the center of the vessel. We are going to try and crack this thing wide open." As soon as he finished speaking the guns began targeting the large vessel tracking down the correct lead to give to hit the mid point of the ship. The 380mm shells would penetrate the armour upon impact and detonate inside the ship. Typically one or two salvos from just one of the triple barrel turrets would rip open an enemy ship causing near catastrophic damage. Sko had nine turrets all focusing fire in one fairly close close grouping to the middle of the ship. He strongly suspected that such a salvo of the twenty-seven shells would effectively gut the ship.

As soon as all ships confirmed ready Sko gave the word. "Cruisers open fire from left to right, space your rounds three seconds apart. We are going to see if we can't get some of the rounds to impact where previous ones hit and detonate deep inside. Once the cruisers are done have all three batteries on the Lucerhulk fire at once spaced along the predicted impact sites of the Munificent's guns."

1x Lucerhulk-X-class supercarrier
16x Fencer squadrons (384) (Transferred to Arisa Yune)
4x B-wings (48) Armed with Proton bombs (Transferred to Arisa Yune)

6x Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
2 squadrons each
12x Cyclone-class bomber (144) Armed with Proton torpedoes (Transferred to Arisa Yune)

4x Damorian Light Cruiser
Location: SSV Vánagandr, Serenno System
Objective: Establish Air Dominance, Neutralize TRE Ground Forces
Allies: Dominion and Friends
Opposition: TRE and Friends
Directly Engaging: Vrak, Vraukt, all remaining enemy fleeters, and soon Team Nuclear at Adron's Estate.
Fleet Comp: Post Here​


[Serenno System]

Everything seemed to be coming along. The Vánagandr had been primed to deal a killing blow to the GE's Super Star Destroyer as the main gun was charged. Her Silver counterparts were also beginning to put in work with their squadrons. A successful handshake had been established between Vánagandr's and Cedric's Wrath, essentially giving her control of all Dominion warships on the scene through Adron's flagship.

As Vánagandr's main gun completed charging, she would personally steer the ship to precisely control alignment to ensure she was on target.

Target locked, she felt through the vast machinery of her flagship and through the Force. All that was needed to give the order.

However, before that could happen, all GE ships would suddenly blink of view, escaping to hyperspace.

Dumbfounded, Arisa would halt to give the order with a quizzical expression. Even at quarter strength, Seolhyun should have shredded all the GE ships from fleeing. It was unclear how the jump was even made when they had been pitched toward the planet, at least the SSD as it had been engaged in orbital bombardment at the time she arrived from her microjump.

For a second time, the Galactic Empire had managed to evade her even whilst gravity traps had been deployed to prevent an escape. Slicker than a Coruscanti politician, the Galactic Empire always seem to able slip between her fingers as she readied the hammer.

Their advanced hyperdrive technologies would require much greater study in the future, but for now, she would exploit their withdrawal without complaint. With the retreat of the other formation (Vraukt) that pretty much left the whole space of Serenno in Dominion hands.

Sko'saht sent word that squadrons were en route from Kushibah, so she would order Seoulhyun's gravity wells to be shut down to prevent possible accidents, though it had been operating at only a fraction of its total output simply to discourage precision jumps like hers before. If he followed a normal jump route, then he would be fine.

With air dominance achieved, Silver and Dominion forces could reorient themselves to establish a blockade, then simply hold as reinforcements were rallied outside of the system. Below, all the TRE ground parties were now trapped and would start seeing some serious pressure applied by Silver and Dominion naval forces who were now freed up to provide direct ground support. Her flagship alone carried a whole corps worth of mixed units, more than enough to neutralize any threat planetside on her own.

<AXIOS, it looks like we're now on mop up duty. I'm going to move my ships into a defensive posture to cover Serenno. What else is needed of me?>

<Planetary shield generators and the shield gate require significant repairs. Serreno Sector Command Base remains operational but has sustained significant damage during the bombardment by the Galactic Empire. A major assault on the Archlord's personal estate has just been reported, and they risk being overrun without additional assistance with a 68.7% certainty. There are additional minor disturbances being reported, but they are being handled by local security forces and the Second Army.>

<I have engineering units that I can deploy to the shield gate and generator stations, while mobile shield generators can be immediately deployed to protect your Command Base. May I have more details on the assault going on at Adron's estate?>

<There is great difficulty connecting with the systems of Blackgate Manor. Presumably jamming is in effect. Satellites are now being directed on scene for reconnaissance, please standby.>

A few minutes later, several windows would be generated across the large room spanning holographic display, providing a top view of the battle unfolding at Blackgate. Enemy aircraft zipped around the estate, while the compound itself was flaming in several areas. Bioscans showed several bodies moving all toward the interior of the compound.

As she studied the feeds, she felt a sickening aura, one very familiar to her. It reminded her of a girl she had once met as a Padawan on Voss, tainted by darkness. She had also felt it during her battles on Togoria, Ossus, and Midvinter. Something about it demanded action that only she could bring as a Jedi.

<AXIOS, let the Archlord know that I'll be personally deploying with reinforcements to Blackgate. Last thing, I think a certain announcement is required. Can you plug me into Serenno's networks?>

<I can provide immediate access to public non-classified networks, but full access to our secured networks beyond what is needed for your current operations will require additional permissions from the Archlord. Shall I make the request?>

<No, that's more than enough. Thank you.>

<Copy. Connecting now.>

When Arisa received the green light from AXIOS, she would begin a transmission through the local public networks, and also through her own flagship on friendly subspace frequencies that were momentarily cleared from jamming protocols. The unencrypted transmission would be able to be received by not only allied forces, but also the general public and any remaining TRE forces currently operating in the system.

"This is General Yune to all the people of Serreno. The air battle for has been won! TRE battlegroups have all retreated with more allied reinforcements en route. Take heart, the Silver Jedi stand with Serenno."

As her message spread, a great wave of elation would sweep across the system. Manly soldiers and civilians would begin to openly cheer while a few would burst out in tears as the Silver Jedi and the Dominion had saved them from the terror of the Ascendency and Resurgent Empire. Many had fled to the Dominion as their former victims.

In the upper echelons of Serenno society, some aristocrats and other elites that had been mulling to conspire with these Sith - really, to save their bacon in the face of hamfisted gunboat diplomacy - would become less inclined to do so as they sensed a bad deal that could now result in the loss of their cushy lifestyles.

A few were aware of the informal arrangement between the Dominion and TRE to stay out of each other's hair while more serious threats loomed for both powers, so the Sith had already shown themselves to be untrustworthy right out of the gate, while the Dominion and Silver Jedi were fighting to protect their holdings as promised as the new powerbase of the fledgling republic. It was really no contest which side would be chosen by the people of Serenno at the end of the day.

The message transmitted, she returned to back to private comms to address her subordinates to coordinate for the coming ground assault. Another holo-window would pop up before her, displaying the reptilian face of Yinchorri Dragoon.

"Colonel Bardac, 7th Air Cav is on tap for an orbital drop on Blackgate Manor. We deploy in 20. Details should be provided by Subutai momentarily."

"Aye ma'am," the Yinchorri officer replied, lips curling into a toothy grin. "The 7th is always ready to rock."

While most sentients naturally abhorred combat without indoctrination, Yinchorri relished all forms of conflict with such passionate savagery that would even make some Mandalorian heads turn. Such passion was literally in their genes. For centuries, they had served as the vanguard of the Kiribian military for this very reason, happily striking down all that stood against them.

Arisa would issue a few more orders to her units across the region before slipping away from her command seat to suit up and join her Dragoons down in the hangars. It wasn't too often these days that the Grandmaster was in the position to throw down on the ground, but when she did, Sith were usually left broken in a fetal position.

[Ord Radama - Vrak Nashar]

Strangely, while the computer guided ramship Pac had been precisely oriented for a head on collision with wrecked Harrower, it would only clip the warship. No matter, as the field disruptors would engage to break past whatever shielding remained on the system, then the ramship would detonate its large payload of baradium bombs and ion charges at point blank range, more than enough to destroy or disable a ship of that size. It was basically one giant missile at that point. Wheezy was still tracking the Harrower, the relatively nimble rampship ready to swoop in on whatever was left of the Harrower as needed, coordinating its movements with Med-Beq's formations.

[member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Myn Eris"] | [member="Maleagant"] | [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="The Matador"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Vrak Nashar"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Marl"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Valkren Calderon"][member="Vraukt"][member="Rakosh Saqai"] [member="Rakosh Saqai"][member="Tanomas Graf"][member="Yidhra"]


Mars Tsosûtiyakûtiyuska
Location: Aboard the Udraitor, above Kushibah
Objective: Do what Sith do best
Allies: [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Vrak Nashar"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Rogal Aegrus"] | [member="Darci Hopps"] | [member="Sko'saht"]

Yidhra’s eyes flew open with a breath of delight.

It is done.

She knew it – she felt it. It was impossible to miss, especially so close to the epicentre. The Dark side screamed through her body, scorching away the fatigue that weighed on her limbs and mind. A clawed hand curled around the other, drawing them together in concentration.

Perhaps… she glanced down, but the sphere of Nairidira lay dark and quiet. Amber eyes closed, a furrow of frustration in the pale red brow above them. “Ajkitina. Nisosûti zo Soti’Tsis an nun.”

“Tsoâ, Kiyij Zion,” replied Lord Guhrrat with a grim expression. Whether the Dominion’s Star Destroyer was done for or not remained to be seen – they had bigger problems now.

His yellow eyes settled upon the remaining enemy fleet. The Silver Jedi. Their ships belched fire at the Udraitor with perfect concert, and they would watch it explode in violent fireworks along the shimmering dome of its shielding. Because of the Sorceress’ successful gambit, the Udraitor had barely suffered a scratch so far. There had been the momentary gap when the Eldritch had punched through, but minutes had passed since, and the entechment decks were working at full power. The Command ship was designed to take a beating, and then some.

It was also designed to return it.

The remaining few Hammerheads would keep advancing on the Silver fleet, spewing fire and anger in equal measure. They were failing, but when a Sith sunk his teeth into warm flesh, he didn’t let go ‘till the end.

“Focus fire on the enemy cruisers, Sith! Tear down those exposed bridge towers and remind them of their mortality.”

Yidhra, at the heart of the vessel, shared that sentiment.

Her eyes a burning amber, the Kissai met her victim with little ceremony. With a knife in her sleeve she escorted the young Sith to the black orb in the middle of the room, hanging just a step back – her limp had its uses.

“Kash kam tsiu dzi? Diji'izi oim midwan.”
Zinoti nu.”

The blade didn’t sing when she dragged it along that swanlike throat. For the longest time, the only noise in the chamber was the gurgling of blood as it skipped against stone.

She’d long since stopped slipping on the hot liquid. After a few unfortunate incidents in her lab, Yidhra had learned to navigate the treacherous red waters with uncanny ease. It was thus that she clambered back onto the Nairidira, and readied herself for the taxing ritual of sorcery.

Z̢̘̰̫͙͓ͧͮ̎̓ͯͥa̷̙̯̳̍̈͑ͬ͡r̟̮̳̘̥͇ͣ̌͢ͅi̊͋̂̒̽͒̔͛͝͏̖ͅ ͈͖͖̼̙͚̐ͬ̃̃ͯa̧̬̺̙͓̔̌̀ͩ̎̓̆ͬͅn̲̲̞͇̺̼ͮͩ̑̓̊̏̄͊͗́̕ ̛̫̬͇̞̳̖̼̅̾̚ͅn̷̨͚ͩ̓u͎̺͓͚̦̞ͭ̌̔̊͐͜n̬̩̣̯̉͒ͦ͂̍͌ͭ͘.̺͔͍̞͙̜ͭ̊ ̀ͥͦͦ̕͏̡̣͇̗̼͔͕͎̺R̞̱̰̺͉͗͛͡i̹͚͉͚̰̤͖͎͋̅͒͑̽̈̔́͡͞ ̛̼͓̣̹̼̭͇̱͂̉̌ͪͪ̔̚s̗̯̪̈́̍̓͢ọ̻̲͑͒ͦ͋͌ͯ̾͘ͅs̢̥̰͕̜̜͔͆̚͟û̸̹̝͕̥͍̌̆͞ͅt͎̲̹̻̙̽ͧ̿ͪọ̶̰̹̤͚ͥ͛̒́͟ț̛̗͔͈̦͂͊̌̇i̹̥̖̺̝͖̓͗̓ͫͥ̈́͂͝s̤̝̱̲̝̱̳̦͂ͬͧ͂ͯ̽͜ ̨̘̯͍̪̣̳̞̳̐̓ͥr͙̦͚͓̘̦̲̃̏͑̽͊ͫͮͅȋ̵̢̹͚̱̺ͯ͢m̢̖̗̆ͪ͜.̷̧̛̮͈̪̱̼̑̾

She would not craft illusion this time. Her focus was sharper, the Sosûtiyizatsa in her forehead glowing like a small sun. The Pureblood would seek to slip into the minds of their Captains, into their thoughts, their fears. She would drag them to the fore – paranoia, distrust, uncertainty – and empower them tenfold. An enemy in disarray was of greater danger to his own people than to any foe – such was the truth of war.

“Admiral. Bring a Pureblood to me.”
“Immediately, My Lady.”

“What is this? It radiates power.”
“I know.”

Come to me. Let us begin.
Location: Serenno
Objective: Break Expensive People
Allies: [member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Myn Eris"] | [member="Quietus"]
Playing games in the speeder: [member="Maleagant"]
Broski: [member="Aria Vale"]
Enemies: [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"] | [member="Formorta"] | Dominion in Carannia
Equipment: In bio | Force Disperser makes her look like a NFU

An appreciation for efficiency spread warm and tingling through her belly as she watched Mal’s Ladyfriend choke the life out of Serenno nobility. A pleasantly peasantly delight, perhaps?

With her disguise intact and brought to bear, Aver finally spoke. “Wouldn’t do that if I were you,” her voice was cold, just a touch of haughty there – and synthesized to sound male, of course. The count’s son moved his hand away from the blaster at the small of his back, eyes lined with helpless anger.


“You’ve had your share of warnings. You just refused to listen – this is your final reminder, Nalju,” the merc continued, taking a menacing step forward. The hapless gurgling of their father was the only sound in the room as the rest of the family watched, unable to turn their eyes away. Two sons, three daughters, wife, even an elderly mother in a hoverchair – a fine bouquet of piss-scared noblesse.

“Dooku, Borgin… oh, they’re weak. But you’ll stay loyal, won’t you, little Peregrim?” She was cooing now, pricking the blood-caked Sevai right beneath his stubbled chin. Still a fething teenager, and already so full of bile. His pride and lust for power would far outweigh any second thoughts when the Sith came.

Revenge fueled a resolve you couldn’t beat in a million years.

She shoved off the kid – he stumbled, would’ve tripped over his own feet if his sister hadn’t caught him.

“You bastard!” the newly anointed count of House Nalju screeched after her. “I’ll have your head for this! I’ll have all of your heads!”

Aver was already gone.
Location - Ord Radama, Marshlands.
Objective - Engage RE ground parties, finish the fight.
Allies - SJO and Dominion, [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Opposition - TRE & Allies, [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"]

Still crouched down against the muddy marshlands, Valae glanced towards a large shape in the distance -- wreckage, perhaps. As she turned her gaze towards where the Colonel and his troops were, it seemed that they were moving in that direction. Straightening up slightly, she noticed that the soldiers that had previously fired upon her were no longer doing so. Blinking, she attempted to take in the sight playing out before her. The enemy soldiers seemed to be fighting among themselves. Turning, she spotted a number of the local fighters that had joined the fight -- some seemed confused, others had turned their aggression against friendly forces. It was true, the fire fights and explosions could be highly disorienting... but this wasn't right.

And then, she she winced against a sudden pain.

There was darkness attempting to pierce her mind. Valae drew the force around her, and focused to strengthen her own mental defenses. Now, she understood what was happening. The shadowy force she had sensed was at work here -- it had intelligence and a will of its own. That will seemed to be a desire to sow chaos, the work of a Sith, no doubt.

As she stood from her place of cover, she was joined by Vash and Lila. The two healers had exited their APC, the looks on their faces spoke for them. Together, the three of them gathered the light to protect them -- their power stronger as a group. While the Rangers had their protective Ysalamiri bubbles, the Jedi had their own defenses, too. Attempting to hone in on the source of the darkness, Valae reached out with the force. And then it hit her. The sudden realization found her swiftly, why hadn't she pieced this together before?

The powerful dark presence hadn't moved, it was sitting within the wreckage... waiting.

"We have to warn the others," Valae breathed out, her eyes immediately finding Colonel Calderon up ahead. He was wounded, but his presence was still quite strong. "Let's go."

The three would keep their guards up, and their minds well fortified against the ongoing mental attack. The Colonel, along with the tanks, were pushing forward. Valae and the healers took off, hopefully they would reach him in time...
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Location: Ord Radama's Surface, Marshlands.
Objective: Engage TRE ground parties, finish the fight.
Allies: SJO, Dominion and Allies | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Arisa Yune"]
Enemies: TRE and Allies | [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"]

Darren was dragged into the foxhole, struggling to keep his balance, yet just saved himself from falling. He crouched down, waiting for his orders while still keeping his sights on the horizon to make sure no enemies approached them. Although he kept his eye down the sight, he was still listening closely to receive his orders from the Colonel. Without warning, the ground shook due to fire from the tank nearby. Darren was taken aback by this, though still keeping his balance, he took his eye away from the sight. Taking a deep breath, his went back to his previous position and took aim once more.

He nodded as Colonel Calderon explained his plans, his couldn't say he felt comfortable with them, but it was certainly the best idea they had. He took his rifle down, ready to move forth, and so they did. Calderon headed out first, followed closely by Kolomor then Darren himself. He took a few enemy troops down, using his LD-58 instead of his ripper in this case, due to it's more suitable range. Then everything seemed to go wrong within the space of a few moments. First, the Colonel was shot, though Darren knew he could handle it, then Jerit Kolomor was shot in the leg. The Zabrak watched as the Padawan fell into the mud. He was encased in mud and dirty water with a wound in his leg. Darren knew this couldn't be good.

He first shot the man who took the shot, straight through his helmet, then he rushed over to help Jerit. He knelt down, letting his rifle hang as his did so, "Come on kid." he helped the man up, escorting him over to cover with Colonel Calderon behind the tank. He let go of him slowly, making sure the Padawan did not topple over, before saying to him "No more of our men die today, kid. You got that? Try not to get shot again." He then left the Padawan behind, moving up with Colonel Calderon. The rest of Broadsword Two arrived shortly after to aid. As Valkren shouted out his next order, Darren let a smile surface under his mask, they were nearly there. They were so close to finishing off the enemy forces, he could taste victory, victory for at least this battle. Enemy forces were thinning, only a few groups could possible remain.

Darren ordered Broadsword Two to protect their flank as the large group made it's way up the ridge and that is what they did. They took out quite a bit of the enemy's remaining forces. Darren did the same at the front, joined by Broadsword One's remaining troops and Colonel Calderon himself. It was not long until they reached the top of the ridge, they had made it.

It was time to finish this.


Cedric's Wrath​
[member="Anya Loma"] | [member="Adron Malvern"]

The female human dived in front of the male and received the punishment due. Claws lacerated her face. Thengil contemptuously parried a wild blow from the saber with his gauntlet, face contorted in a sneer of disgust. The female fell back, screaming in anguish. From the tips of her fingers crackled a cone of fire. Thengil retreated backward, raising both paws before his face to ward off the flames. The armorweave underlay he wore proved a retardant to the fire, but the same could not be said for his mane.

He opened his maw in a feral roar cut swiftly short by a blast of telekinesis from the young human male. Ri'shajirr tumbled backward across the deck, rolling back over one shoulder and coming to his feet. Parts of his blackened mane still smoldered and the smell of burning hair hung thick about the bridge.

Ri'Shajirr bared his fangs and extended one paw, with an effort of will poured through his ring, the Cathar summoned a spear of midnight black. The weapon appeared ethereal in his paw, fading in and out of existence like fog. Grunting in pain, Thengil righted his stance, eyes narrowed on the foe before him.
Location: Serenno
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Vraukt"] [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Caid Centurion"] and TRE and Allies
Enemies: [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Norin Terrek"] [member="Formorta"] [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Arisa Yune"] and The Dominion and Allies
Equipment in Bio

After her fleet narrowly avoid [member="Tanomas Graf"] fleet, the Galactic Empire fleet made sharp Grexit.
FETH she muttered to herself, the Sith had just lost whole host of ships and ally in the fight. why did he go though.
She then saw her scanner, The Silver Jedi and the Dominion both had a considerable size fleet here.
She then got on to her com link, All ships DELTA FORMATION.
The formation was aggressive, and considering she was out gunned, and outmatched fleet size, this was not good idea.
The deck officers glanced at her, and one them asked her, Darth Banshee what is their to gain by this?
She looked at him, and she was not in the mood to explain herself to someone who may well die this day.
Then she looked at the rest of deck crew, and then decide to say something, as the fleet began to form up.
We need to buy time, for our forces to secure the planet, and secondly that gravity well will stop us retreating.
So our options are to run to planet, and hope we get reinforcements, or slowly be ground to dust, or press an attack.
Thus take fate into our own hands.
Now all ships open fire on that Centurion Battle Cruiser,
At the moment, only artillery ships where in range, but soon rest would be.
The fighter where all out, and bombers where starting to launch.
She then gave her next order, As soon as the last of the bombers are out, get the droids ready, I may have to take a little stroll.
The droids could survive in coldness of space, and in her battle armour so could she.
It take a little while for them to be ready, but if they got close enough to the enemy command ship, she would try and board it.
The fleet while moving at full speed, it took up shape
Her ship was in the middle, flanked by artillery ships
Behind them where two carriers, and the fangs.
Above and below her where the cobra attack ships, three above and two below.
The eagles moved in around the formation, but the bombers stayed close to fangs.
The ships moved as fast as they could towards the enemy command ship.
Whilst firing at the Battle Cruisers.
It was a gamble, some you win and some you lose, but that was they way she liked it.
I.M.D Tarantula MkI The Banshee 600s 600h
I.M.D Brachypelma MkI The Challenger 5500s 600h
I.M.D Brachypelma MkI The Warlord 550s 600h
I.M.D Trojan MkI The Hive 500s 500h
I.M.D Trojan MkI The Den 500s 500h
I.M.D. Boa MkI 400s 400h
I.M.D. Boa MkI 400s 400h
I.M.D. Boa MkI 400s 400h
I.M.D. Cobra MkI 150s 150h
I.M.D. Cobra MkI 150s 150h
I.M.D. Cobra MkI 150s 150h
I.M.D. Cobra MkI 150s 150h
I.M.D. Cobra MkI 150s 150h
I.M.D. Fang MkI 80s 80h
I.M.D. Fang MkI 80s 80h
I.M.D. Fang MkI 80s 80h
I.M.D. Eagle MkI 12 fighters
I.M.D. Eagle MkI 12 fighters
I.M.D. Eagle MkI 12 fighters
I.M.D. Eagle MkI 12 fighters
I.M.D. Eagle MkI 12 fighters
I.M.D. Hell Cat MkI 12 bombers
I.M.D. Hell Cat MkI 12 bombers
Location: Ord Radam, Southern Hemisphere
Objective: Fear
Allies: [member="Rakosh Saqai"] | [member="Vraukt"]
Enemies: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]

He felt them

Each life that roamed around the Marsh, each one that wasn't consumed by the bubbles of the Ysalimiri. They ran around, moved quickly, exterminated those they could. Vrak could feel them, see them like lights within the dark. They were spots, each one fading and glowing, but some were brighter than others. A small smirk fell upon his lips as he first noticed them, his gaze turning towards the brightest of the lights.


Within the dark they were easy to find, they radiated light above all others. As the Silver Jedi Troops and the local forces came together, consolidating under the Ysalimir bubble more and more, the Jedi became obvious to him. The smile on his face widened just a bit, his concentration growing. The grip he had on the orb tightened, and the wave of darkness that he had sent out earlier became more focused. The Net that he cast slowly began to reel in, and then as Vrak pressed his focus, it turned to a spike.

Instead of focusing on the troopers around them, instead of trying to drive all of the forces under the Silver Jedi mad, he targeted the Jedi. Every ounce of his concentration, every iota of his strength burned towards them. As the Jedi came up behind their allies a single word would ring through their mind, a command plagued in darkness and coated with temptation. Kill.

Again and again it would ring in the mind of the Jedi, pushing them to turn, to fight their own allies even as the troops of the Resurgent Empire retreated into the crashed Star Destroyer.

At the same time in Orbit The Tyrant finally took it's last lapsed breath. The men and women on board closed their eyes, the Admiral took a breath, and then the ship fractured. The engines were the first to go, rippling with explosions and sending a raging tide of flame up the center of the vessel. The blast fractured the Ships core, an in a near instant that too ripped itself apart, the surging force of destruction reaching The Tyrant's second reactor just a moment later. The two reactors overloaded in an instant, going critical and blasting the ship apart. The explosion tore through the silent abyss of space, bursting and sending massive chunks of the vessel flying in every direction, followed quickly by a blast powerful enough to rend whatever remained around it.
Exiting Hyperspace at Ord Radama.
Allies: [member="Rakosh Saqai"], [member="Vrak Nashar"]
Enemies: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Darren Torran"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Jerit Kolomor"]

Before the Sith Knight could even formulate a response for his Apprentice, he could feel the reversion to real space. Though it wasn't the sort of reversion that would've been considered 'natural.' Unbeknownst to the Red Sith, the Crimson Dawn was pulled out of hyperspace via a falsified planetary mass... Essentially, an interdiction field. Vraukt could hear the Captain informing him through the commlines.

:: Hostile forces in orbit of the planet! Hyperdrive engines damaged! ::

"Deploy all vessels," the Sith Knight commanded as he shut the ramp to his Infiltrator. Turning on his heel, he took a seat in the sizable chair, remade to fit his immense size as repulsors kicked in and the Daisya Infiltrator deployed from the hangar bay of the ship, following a stream of fighters.


The ships that had been pulled out of hyperspace were assaulted upon reversion to realspace. The destruction of the supposed Tyrant, had pieces of it buffeting the Terminus' that were pulled out of hyperspace first. The reversion to real space involved rapid deceleration from hyperspace, likely there had been cries, commands as command screens lit up and debris struck durasteel hull, but the first Terminus was knocked off course, a hole punched into its hull as it began venting atmosphere, careening off to the side.

The other Terminus Destroyers were already peeling off to starboard and port sides to avoid further damage, and as the rest of the Resurgent Fleet came out of hyperspace, - then followed by the Crimson Dawn. The ships had come out of hyperspace more or less in the same formation as they had left the Serenno System.

None of these ships will be leaving this system intact.

Vraukt thought to himself, though that was inconsequential.

:: All forces forwards! ::

The command came from the Crimson Dawn again, and Vraukt was forced to maneuver the ship manually towards the hostile fleet.
Location: Ord Radama
Objective: Blockade Ord Radama
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Velus"] [member="Marl"] [member="Satia the Cruel"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Darren Torran"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Vrak Nashar"] [member="Rakosh Saqai"] [member="Vraukt"] [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Music: Confrontation on Eadu

[Ord Radama - ground]

With the panicked heavy weapons crew remaining intact from the battle in the marshes, they took a while to return to the fastness of the ysalamiri bubble, where the panic gradually faded from their minds. In fact, they returned intact from the battle in the marshed because they remained behind the line infantry this entire time, which is down to about 150 line infantrymen that made it to the bubble, with the remainder dead or missing in action and amounting to roughly one-quarter of what was originally dispatched. The heavy weapons crews arrived only after APCs started forming up, and even then they were to Machine gunners took up positions between the APCs, covering the gaps between the firing arcs. Still somewhat panicked, the local field commander began to formulate a plan while he sees the equally panicked enemy retreat to the fastness of the Devastator, with [member="Vrak Nashar"] and [member="Rakosh Saqai"] not suspecting what is to come next. Thermobaric charges. In the commander's mind, victory could only be achieved by destroying the Devastator and ensuring that whatever high-value targets would be properly roasted, along with any enemy survivors. Two varieties were being loaded here. The smaller ones that could fit into a MiniMag PTL, the size of 3t4s, potentially capable of pancaking seven decks below and above the detonation point by provoking a vacuum to collapse those areas and hence capable of destroying a 15-story building if placed in the middle of it. The larger ones, loaded inside Jairdain 120mm heavy mortars, individually have four times the destructive power of those loaded in the MiniMags, which were already pretty powerful in their own right.

"Load thermobaric charges, now! Aim for the holes in the hull!" the local field commander ordered his men out of panic.

"Thermobaric charges locked and loaded" one of the mortar gunners reported back to the local field commander.


Since the Devastator looks like Swiss cheese by now, the heavy weapons crew has their pick of targets to fire their thermobaric charges at, timed to detonate almost simultaneously for maximum effect. Then again, firing thermobaric charges was best done in confined spaces, such as those one could find at the bottom of a hole in the Devastator's hull. Also, if somebody was caught in the blast radius of one, it will cause someone to suffocate provided someone survived the pressure blast, the resulting vacuum that would cause the lungs to rupture, or the heat that ensues. Also, with the mortar rounds flying slower than the missiles, the mortars fired first and a few seconds thereafter, the missiles were. Spread out pretty evenly all across the ship, or as evenly as the layout of the holes were allowing them to, the enemy redoubt would be targeted by an intense bombardment that would result in a big sequence of explosions that will likely cause significant portions of the ship to burst in pieces, if not outright put the whole ship ablaze. In addition to anything [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Jerit Kolomor"], [member="Valae Kitra"], or even [member="Velus"], could do. The game was on indeed. And then, once the flurry of thermobaric charges impacted...





[Ord Radama - space]


"The Tyrant... it's exploding! We did it! The Tyrant is killed!" the chief engineer reported.

"Evasive maneuvers!"

"Admiral, we are detecting two separate fleets coming out from hyperspace" the sensor technician reported back in.

With the Tyrant dead, the fragments of the dead enemy flagship were flying all over the place, with some fragments headed towards the fleet's starboard but quick maneuvering allowed the fleet to avoid the brunt of the damage, except for the Heavenshield, which amounted to suppressive fire that did nothing to help the shields recharge. But the big fragments were headed towards either the atmosphere or away from the fleet. And it was around this time where two fleets arrived in-system: one whose transponders indicated that it belonged to the Dominion, the Mystic Veil under the command of Admiral Beth (previously the admiral in command of the Ord Biniir system, according to the SJ intelligence files, based on Skor), and another commanded by [member="Vraukt"], which was clearly hostile and jumped in from Serenno. What happened to Admiral Beth or its grandee, the Governor of Ord Biniir? Jessica thought, while realizing that something was not right with [member="Satia the Cruel"]. Meanwhile, she watched the enemy get buffeted by the debris upon arrival from long range.

"The Mystic Veil seems a little suspicious. However do not fire the Mystic Veil until they fire at us!" Julie ordered.

"Roger, roger" the chief gunnery officer acknowledged.

"Monitor line, fire on the damaged Terminus!"

"What about the other ships? We are at long range from the enemy" the sensor technician commented.

"Heavy destroyers, Heavenshield, open fire on the Crimson Dawn, Immobilizer 419, Munificent line, fire on the first Centurion!"

The first Centurion would have a volley of thirty-three Nekogal heavy turbolasers, 6 Lusankya super-heavy turbolasers and six Bulkhunter heavy ion cannons, directed at it, even though they were not initially designed for long-range operations, it might just work, as well as 12 long-range high-yield missiles, 8 Toprawa heavy long-range turbolasers, nine 380mm APHE rounds and 2 Scarif heavy long-range ion cannons: a combination that can put a serious dent into the defenses of a light destroyer and destroy smaller ships outright, while the bombardment fired at the Crimson Dawn, which was by far the most dangerous in the enemy fleet in a ship-to-ship fight, twenty-seven 380mm APHE rounds, sixty long-range high-yield missiles, three hundred ten 88mm APHE rounds, forty-eight Toprawas, twelve Scarifs, ten stealth MIRVs loaded with seven Discord missiles each, each of which containing seven buzz droids, all in all, a heavy long-range bombardment that could tear many ships apart. As for the damaged Terminus, a dozen 420mm APHE rounds were fired at it in hopes of destroying the enemy straggler, while the fleet was protected by thirty-five squadrons of fighters that were not yet deployed to engage the enemy. Also, since the Mantis detected the presence of an enemy Daisya infiltrator, thanks to its crystal gravfield trap, and that the sensor readings from the Mantis were shared across all allied fleets in-system, the three C-9980s would open fire as soon as the Daisya enters standard turbolaser range of the frigates, in a volley of 168 turbolasers.


[Serenno - space]

"This is General Yune to all the people of Serreno. The air battle for has been won! TRE battlegroups have all retreated with more allied reinforcements en route. Take heart, the Silver Jedi stand with Serenno."

"Tanomas' departure is one thing, but another fleet has reverted. New enemy ships on the sensors: target the enemy cruisers and make the last round of proton rockets count! Vorzyd group, launch an attack on the Banshee, Samarkand group, split your fighters in two groups and target the Challenger and the Warlord"

While, of course, the Imperial fleet has left, mysteriously evading the interdictor, the maneuvering required to do so forced the enemy to prioritize movement; because the enemy focused on the proton rockets to the exclusion of fighters, they somehow managed to shoot all of them down, while inflicting no real losses to their launch platforms. Which meant that the attack run on the enemy destroyers was completely ineffectual. Then came [member="Darth Banshee"] and her squadron: a fleet of much smaller ships that could be mopped up with relative ease, knowing that the Silver Jedi have the advantage in terms of fighter squadrons, all of which are speeding forth to engage the enemy squadron, the enemy flagship will realize in horror that 80 proton rockets are headed their way, while the two artillery ships would see 40 such rockets fired at them. But would they need to rearm or just tie up the enemy fighter screen and point-defense? Only [member="Arisa Yune"] could tell which option would need to be exercised.

  • Ground:
    The local rapid-response force fired thermobaric charges (both from the MiniMag PTLs and the mortars) at holes in the Devastator's hull

  • Fired at long range on the Crimson Dawn using the battlecruiser and the heavy destroyers
  • Fired at long range on the damaged Terminus using the monitors
  • Fired at long range on the first Centurion using all the other ships
  • Fired at standard turbolaser range at the Daisya using the C-9980s
  • Directed 80 fighters to launch proton rockets on the Banshee
  • Directed 40 fighters to launch proton rockets on the Challenger and 40 more on the Warlord

Capital ships:

SSV Heavenshield (Lucrehulk-X-class supercarrier) | Shields: 60% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Crimson Dawn
SSV Midvinter (Mateus-class fleet carrier) | Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Crimson Dawn
SSV Caluula (Sionoma-class elite destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Crimson Dawn
SSV Dellalt (Sionoma-class elite destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Crimson Dawn
SSV Immobilizer 419 (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1
SSV Tano (Munificient-X-class heavy cruiser) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1
SSV Jarrus (Munificient-X-class heavy cruiser) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1
SSV Wren (Munificient-X-class heavy cruiser) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1
SSV Reath (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1, Daisya
SSV Chasin (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1, Daisya
SSV Chopper (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Centurion #1, Daisya
SSV Candybar (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: damaged Terminus
SSV Jawbreaker (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: damaged Terminus
SSV Grindmill (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: damaged Terminus
SSV Licorice (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: damaged Terminus
SSV Mantis (MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: enemy fighters

Attack craft:

583 Chiloon-class fighter/bombers​

Location - Ord Radama, Marshlands.
Objective - Engage RE ground parties.
Allies - SJO and Dominion, [member="Marl"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Opposition - TRE & Allies, [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"]

"Jerit! You dumb sunova.." His voice trailed off as Darren helped the young jedi back behind the tank. Worry filled, the young officer retreated back into cover to tend to his friend. He kept him sitting down, moving to the leg that had been hit.

"Corpsman!" Valkren yelled out, tearing away the armor and cloth that covered the wound on Jerit's leg. Guilt was starting to tug at his heart, seeing his much younger friend with a combat wound under his command.

This was his fault.

Valkren tore away the cloth, dropping his rifle so he could get a better view on the burn wound from the blaster bolt. Bolts were nasty wounds, as he much preferred getting a hole plugged in him with a slug then his skin being singed by a bolt, but he's had them all happen to him nonetheless.

This is your fault

The thought taunted him, his mind twisting and tangling with his friend laid out before him and his subordinates barking over his communications system. He fished out a syringe-like compact item from one of his utility pouches below his chest plate, moving to right above the burn marks on Jerit's leg. He didn't know if Jerit was concious at this point, as he didn't know the padawans' threshold for pain.

Valkren placed his free hand on the back of Jerit's neck, attempting to make eye contact with him through his visor. "This is going to hurt alot, kid." He thrusted the bacta injector into his leg above the burn, hoping it would start it's healing process/numb the pain imedietly for the kid. As soon as the device had depleted its bacta, he'd pull it out and toss it into the mud. Valkren soon after looked at Darren, his fellow ranger who was vouching for Marl's platoon of rangers at the moment. The young colonel grasped the soldier by his shoulder plate, pulling him close.

"You listen to me, Sergeant Torran. You stay by this kids side for the rest of the fight. I don't care where you all end up, but you do not leave his side. It's an order! No more harm is to come to him.."

The colonel had heard Darren's previous words, about no more people dying. Those words coming to his ears from one of his own brought a sort of relief..Knowing that someone else held the same beliefs he did. Those words just put Darren in a higher position, which made Valkren want to put him in a safer position.

"Make sure Jerit gets the attention he needs, and if anything happens to him...Or even you, I'll kick your ass. Understood?" He knew the statement he made didn't make sense, but he also knew that most of his rangers understood the concept of 'stay safe' when he says it. He pointed with a gloved finger at the sergeant, exaggerating his index finger at the helmeted ranger several times before picking up his rifle. Valkren stood up, shaking his head clear of the thoughts that went through his head. He soon slapped his helmet several times with his free hand, before turning about and moving around the corner of the tank and back into the chaos.

He completely missed sight of Valae running up on the group.

Valkren took off, his boots thudding heavily into the mud below him as he made his sprint to the position that he had previously marked on everyone's HUD. The last ridge. Valkren began to tumble slightly, tripping over some object as his fully-armored body met the mud beneath the last ridge of the marsh before the wreckage of the devastator. Valkren panted, rolling over onto his back and brandishing his rifle across his chest plate to secure his position, before spotting what he had tripped over.

Only the upper torso of the Katarn-armor-clad ranger remained, the visor shattered as Valkren could see the icy blue hues of the solider who had perished in the mud. The colonel stared for several more moments, blaster bolts and shrapnel alike peppering the ground all around him. Once more, he snapped back into it, gritting his teeth as he pulled himself to a knee to get into a firing position over the ridge. Shouldering his rifle once more, he let leash a flurry of rounds toward the enemy position, his adrenaline pumping so hard at this point that he wasn't sure if his rounds were making contacts with the enemies.

As the colonel made his way to the front, so did the Bengal, pulling up onto the ridge maybe twenty yards from his own position. Rangers started to fill the empty shooters' positions all along the area, setting up squad-automatic-weapons and getting into individual foxholes and areas of cover. Broadsword section was beginning to dig in, which meant they could start dealing their own damage to the wreckage ahead of them.

Valkren pulled himself back into cover, reloading his weapon before looking far beyond his own column's tank. Broadsword three finally made an appearance. Their Bengal battle tank pushed through the brush, stopping firmly and aggressively on their own chunk of the ridge. The main turret of the behemoth turning towards the wreckage in synchronization with the tanks of broadsword one and two.

"Miss us, Colonel?" Lieutenant Harris's voice broke through as all three tanks began to unleash their slugs and particle cannons alike onto the wreckage.

Valkren simply smirked behind his visor. He was happy to see another one of his friends survive the inferno that was battle..And here he was, pulling through to assist with the final part of the mission.

Colonel Calderon rolled back into cover once more. "All sections, begin engagement on the wreckage. Rangers, keep our tank crews covered and when it's all finished..You'll have your glory with the enemy. Bengals, give them everything ya' got!" He'd yell this before standing back out of cover, using his anger to block out the fear of getting dome-capped by a Resurgent sniper. His rifle unleashed another flurry of slugs into the enemies ahead, Valkrens' eyes dancing behind his facemask as he watched more and more enemy soldiers fall.


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Location - Marsh Surface
Objective - Stay Alive and try not to be useless
Allies - SJO and Dominion [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]
Opposition - TRE and Friends [member="Rakosh Saqai"] | [member="Vrak Nashar"]

Post #4

The pain felt impalpable to Jerit. He felt like passing out but his mind would not let him. He heard Valkren yell when Darren helped the boy up.

" I'm fine Valkren! I just need to get some medical attention! "

He saw Valkren rush up to Jerit, tearing away at his armor to reveal the wound. Holy hell it looked bad. Jerit turned away. He felt the air touch the wound and the padawan winced in pain. He looked back and saw Valkren holding a syringe. The boy's eyes widened to huge circles. He heard the Colonel say this was going to hurt, and Jerit tensed up like there was no tomorrow. He felt the needle go in his leg, right above the wound. Jerit gave a little yelp. He felt his wound's pain flooding from his body. It felt numb but would probably still hurt if he touched it or walked on his leg.

He saw Valae come towards the group, but Valkren went away to go back into the chaos. Jerit yelled her name.

" Where have you been? Are you alright? "

This was a painfully ironic thing to say as an injured Jedi to a healer, but Jerit was concerned for Valae. Even thought it did not look like she was physically harmed, he was still concerned whether she was doing fine or not. He reached out with the force to try to gain a sense of the enemy count, when he felt something... He felt darkness cloud his vision. It felt as some dark force user was watching them. Jerit felt cold. He felt fear boiling within himself.

Where was the source coming from? He needed to find out. If only his damn leg wasn't shot. He did not know how long it would take to heal, so Jerit declared he would wait patiently for his leg to recover. But, he did not want to become useless in this battle. He looked over to Darren and asked a daunting question. Since Jerit was practically unable to use his lightsaber, there was only one weapon he could possibly use now...

" Do you have a pistol by any chance? "
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Location: Ord Radama Surface, Marshlands.
Objective: Engage TRE ground parties, finish the fight.
Allies: SJO, Dominion and Allies | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"]
Enemies: TRE and Allies | [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"]

Darren looked behind him at the sound of Colonel Valkren barking orders. He held his rifle diagonal across his chest, taking cover behind the tank as he listened. He saw the man stab the Padawan that he had saved with some sort of syringe - he assumed it was bacta - and cringed, he could almost feel his pain. He'd been injected with bacta before, the pain was almost unbearable. As if the initial pain of being stabbed with a thick needle isn't enough, you then feel as the foreign fluid made it's way around your bloodstream, it is disturbing to say the least.

He nodded at the orders that were issued by the colonel, he needed to protect the Padawan at all costs and, though he wasn't particularly happy that he was fulfilling the role of babysitter, that is what he did. He stood by Jerit's side, covering the flank as he did so. He decided that it was best that they did not move, partially because of the Padawan's wound, but also because he saw Valae and he group of healers approaching at a swift pace. The Zabrak waited for the healers to come into range, then barked, "Oi you! We've got an injury! Come do your job, god dammit!" he was very impatient. He then looked to Jerit as he asked for a pistol. Darren fulfilled his request and handed him his sidearm, followed by a statement, "You better know how to use that, kid. If you end up shooting me by accident, I'm coming back to haunt you." the edge of his mouth attempted to grin slightly, but he then moved out of the way to let the healers do their thing. The Zabrak then continued to act as a guard as the Padawan was being healed.
Location - Ord Radama, Marshlands.
Objective - Assist wounded
Allies - SJO and Dominion, [member="Marl"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Velus"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Opposition - TRE & Allies, [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Rakosh Saqai"] | [member="Vraukt"]

As Valae continued towards the ground troops gathered behind the tanks, she noticed that Vash and Lila had started to fall behind. Their steps were labored, as was their breathing. Pausing, she turned a worried glance over her shoulder. Without thinking, her hand rose to touch the Sigil of Hope around her neck. It was a piece included with her robes, and after she had tapped into is abilities, it greatly aided her resistance to the dark power all around them. But her companions did not have such a trinket. Swallowing hard, she knew that they must have been falling prey to some kind of mental attack.

However, she knew that Vash and Lila would not give in without a fight.

"C'mon," Valae said, her voice raised. "We're almost there!"

Their eyes were changing, Valae observed with concern. Normally kind and caring gazes were turning hard. Taking the chance, Valae seized each of them by the wrist and pulled. With a quick burst of speed, they closed the gap. Now within the Ysalamiri bubbles, they would be unable to influence the force, but they would be safe... for the moment. As Lila and Vash knelt to recover, Valae requested a couple of extra Sigils of Hope from the Berserkers.

Surveying the scene, she noticed a number of wounded -- one of them was Jerit. Moving to his side, she knelt and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Glancing up at Sergeant Torran, she nodded, but chose to ignore the tone he had taken with her. These were stressful times, it took its toll on all of them. Lila the Mirialan healer approached to assist, though it was obvious that the mental attack had sapped much of her energy.

"Lila, it looks like Jerit has already been given an injection. Please dress the wound for him." Next, she looked directly at the padawan. "Jerit, listen to me. There's something troubling here, you must feel it, too. Stay close to the troops, their Ysalamiri bubbles will offer protection."

With a nod, Lila began to clean up Jerit's leg and gently wrap it with gauze and bandages.

Valae stood up, searching for Colonel Calderon -- it seemed that he had already moved on. She approached a member of his company and borrowed a comm device. Now patched into the Colonel's channel, he would receive her voice through his earpiece this time.

"Colonel, this is Valae," There was urgency in her tone. "There's something menacing within the wreckage up ahead -- I've sensed it. It's not clear exactly what's there, but it's dark. I've a hunch that it's a Sith. Be careful."

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