Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bashing things repeatedly with my lightsaber (OS Allies Only)

It seemed like an Eternity since Animus had been in Glee Anselm training Endlessly and going off on fruitless or fruitful adventures. Today however, tonight however, was different. Animus (like his writer) wes in a mad fit of rage and frustration. For a while it seemed like an endless treadmill, he felt stuck, immobile and enraged, his abilities apparently had a limit and he was so furious as his impotency to surpass what he knew was his true potential, that he took to the Training halls of Glee Anselm where the eyes of a hundred Acolytes beaded on him.... He had a giant target sign in his back...

For the last weeks he had been challenged by a few lesser Acolytes of the Order, none which proved a significant challenge anyway, this night however... it was different... Instead of going into the circle and awaiting a challenge he was here to address one. To Any Acolyte here present who wanted to face him in Combat, this was their chance, Animus was sick, and tired of being held back by the Force and it's abilities, he would make the Force his Slave this night, and every Acolyte who would face him now, was facing the Wrath of Animus Malgus, in all Beauty and Splendor...

People would die today... he would get scolded, perhaps even expelled from the Academy for what he was about to do... But they were not going to Ignore him, Anymore and he would bathe the Academy in the blood of a Thousand Acolytes until he Proved he was worthy.... The Sith'ari had No Limits... He will destroy the Sith and make them stronger than before.

The Acolytes swarmed around him in a ring as was customary, however they did not know that he was not here to challenge one of them in a duel, a traditional spar, he was here to take them all on, at the same time. Animus was blinded, truly blind, he saw nothing but rage and fury and Hatred...Yes... Hatred consumed him for the first time.... Hatred at the Acolytes who swarmed him, weak and unworthy of the Title of Sith, Hatred at his Masters for casting him to the side and banishing him to a realm of stagnation, Hatred for the Jedi... Hatred for absolutely everything and everyone around him. There was nothing right now that could Snap Animus out of this trance except the tidal wave of Blood and Gore.

Like a hot Pan being boiled under pressure Animus was ready to explode.

"Who Dies first?" Animus shouted in challenge as he unclipped his lightsaber from his belt... Time to practice some Juyo.​

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"]​
Sifa cocked her head to the side as the boy shouted his challenge. She had never been one for dueling, not in a fair way, really. The training she had received in the AgriCorps had never focused on dueling, not really anyway. It had been described to her as an idiotic practice, dueling only served to boost the egos of those participating. No matter what the outcome was, those who dueled never really gained anything, especially when it was an environment such as this.

Yet there was something else she had been taught, something that took precedent over everything else.

Her hands opened and closer and her side, one forming into a tight fist while the other fell to curled fingers.

"Excuse me." Sifa said quietly to the acolyte that stood in front of her, pushing passed the much larger Iridonian to move towards the front of the small crowd that had gathered in front of the boy. Her eyes wandered from face to face, and slowly she made her way through the crowd until she stood before them. Red and yellow latched onto the boy, a smile teetering on her lips.

She ran a thumb over the length of the lightsaber, then took one more step closer towards Animus. She made no move to draw her weapon, no move to attack him, but she said nothing either. Instead Sifa simply looked at him, waiting for for him to make the first move.
[member="Sifa Tirel"]
Animus was now greeted by a new face in the academy... he did not recognize her face, a face that was unique, her eyes of different Colors of Yellow and Red however he had no time for pleasantries. Animus was in a bad way today, as he was a person of passion and emotion and brought that to absolutely everything he did. His emotions were very... wild. They ranged from overjoyed to saddened, from Enraged to loving and caring. Mood swings and this one was the worse yet. The blue hum of his lightsaber now held at head height tilted upwards was the only sound he made as the First foolish Acolyte entered the ring.

Animus sensed him... a flashback to his battle with [member="Vengeance"] made him repeat the exact same move the Knight had used on him to give him the light scar across his right cheek. Kneeling down as the Acolyte lunged in a thrust of Makashi he plunged his lightsaber beside his rib pointed upwards impaling the Acolyte in the stomach and then twirling with Juyo in a lightning movement split the Twi'lek in half, a gurgled gasp of the impalement became a scream of death and was silenced in the exact blinking moment.... The crowd slithered in gasps and murmurs as Animus turned his eyes back to the newcomer now entering the ring. He looked at the corpse behind him then looked back at her as a warning. His stance fell back to Makashi as he expected another attack... however smartly none came. Animus Spat on the ground... His rage and hatred was only building, a maelstrom and hurricane of the Darkside swelled within him like a thunderstorm of Fury and violence awaiting to be unleashed.

This was going to be... Beautiful...


Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"]​
Her eyes flashed to the dead body that now lay on the ground, her lips thinning and her hands tightening at her side. She frowned slightly, her gaze drifting over to the Acolyte that stood in front of her. Sifa examined him, watched him as though he were a shark swimming in bloodied waters. Her gaze was penetrating, as if she could see every part of him. His lightsaber was a bright searing blue, a color not normally attributed to the Sith.

Had he once been a Jedi? like her?

"Why'd you kill him?" Sifa nodded towards the dead Acolyte.

As far as she knew such things were discouraged within the One Sith. She knew for a fact that Knights and Lords were considered equals, acolytes she knew weren't, but an acolyte killing another acolyte? She imagined there would be consequences for that, though with the Sith it was difficult to tell exactly whom the consequences would land on. Perhaps this Acolyte, or perhaps his Master for allowing him to run wild and slaughter his way through his peers.

Either way, Sifa was curious where things would fall.
Vengeance wandered the halls of Glee Anselm. He had not been there in quiet some time. Not since the planet was conquered for technically the second time. Although in truth it was really just one big conquest with a few surprising twists. The reason for being there was simple. Glee Anselm was the begining. The start of the journey that had lead him to where he was now.

One could call it a bit of nostaliga if they felt so inclined to classify it. As he passed by one of the training rooms he heard a familiar voice. The voice of [member="Animus Malgus"] still all rage and no ability to temp it. Vengeance slipped towards the door standing just outside it watching. He made no effort to make his presence known.

He was a bit surprised to see one of the newcomers [member="Sifa Tirel"] there though. Even as she sought to challenge Animus. Vengeance could feel the emotion radiating off of Animus and knew it was a dangerous idea for her to choose this time to issue any form of challenge. However it would not interfere, he would wait and see how it all played out.

Even when Animus killed one of the other acolytes with a move Vengeance very much recognized he hesitated. Not becuase he endorsed the death of an Acolyte of the One Sith but because he was curious as to how Animus would answer the question posed by Sifa.
Animus was more than just enraged, he was in a fire of fury and bloodlust. Another Acolyte came at him, and another, and another. Animus was Surrounded by three Cravens that saw their opportunity to engage him and apparently had been planning on it for quite some time. Two Zabraks and an Iridonian lightsabers held high and ready to pounce. Animus was expecting it and he needed to get them all in front of him so he simply executed a small move of Force Augmentation and Stepped back between two Acolytes to gain some distance and put all three enemies in the same side not to be flanked. "Unworthy, Cowards!" "Cravens!"

They lunged at him in a combination of Lightsabers and flurry Animus dove into the fray with Juyo as not only his Style but his mentality. Dodging the swing from the Iridonian who was at his far left he extended his hand to push the Zabrak in the middle pack in the perfect moment for his Vertical strike to Miss Animus completely. The Other Zabrak at his right met his saber in his right hand and Animus flicked his wrist to slash at the Shoulder of the Zabrak before using the Force to Dash at the mid section of the Iridonian at the Left who was in for another swing and he caught an Elbow to the Stomach that beat the Air out of him.

The Zabraks were upon him and Animus was meeting their dash, The Zabrak close to him swung low and horizontally as Animus Jumped and Kicked his chest for impulse. Jumping off the Chest of the Zabrak he overshot the Charging Zabrak he had forced pushed and landed behind him but before the Zabrak could turn around and set up a proper defense Animus unleashed all his fury and anger upon three mortal strikes that decimated the would be apprentice. Laid there in pieces, chopped up like butcher meat. If the Masters were going to Ignore Animus, he would just have to cause a ruckus. Animus wanted power, More power, yet everytime he searched for it, it was barred by the Masters or Forces of the One Sith, as well as kept secrets, he was told he was not worthy, or prepared to Assimilate. Animus was so furious, he let out a shout. Deep from his very soul, a mass wave of Energy that was given to him only in times where he was truly, deeply... Enraged.

The Shout Shook the Hall in such a way many Acolytes stood back, the Zabrak and the Iridonian however, directly in front of him, were sent flying back and smashing into the back walls...

Animus stood there... Bathed in the blood of Two apprentices and perhaps two more in the Impact on the wall was deadly... he did not care... He wanted to Smash his lightsaber into something that would hit back, he was hoping one of these would... He turned back to the Strange eyed lady... the New face. "Why you ask?..." Animus laughed... a sickening... dark laugh... one not of his person. The Dark side began to engulf him... the good in him began leaving... compassion, Caring... The laugh was so haunting it rang through the halls in an echo only compared by the deadly silence it foretold. "Perhaps the doors of ancient Secrets will be open when enough blood had drenched these floors and if not" Animus shrugged as he faced her and narrowed his eyes. "I just knocked down one possibility..." His stance came back again, he knew many of the Acolytes were not deterred by his shout... Cravens, the lot of them. They deserved to die, What pride can be had in victory without honor? No honor, No Dignity, just a stench and spat of weakness and filth. Animus had been out of control before... but not like this...

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"] | [member="Vengeance"]​
She raised an eyebrow as other acolytes began to challenge the man. They died quickly, effectively, almost as though they were children fighting a grown man. Perhaps she should have been shocked at the display of brutality, in awe at the blood and violence displayed, she had been a Jedi once after all.

Yet her face remained passive, still.

"It seems senseless." Sifa responded as there was a lull in the violence. "Pointless. What will killing them get you save for punishment? You must know that they won't look kindly upon the slaying of Acolytes, even if they happen to be trying to slay you."

She cocked her head, noticing that another man was gearing up to fight Animus. Sifa made no attempt to warn the man, no attempt to stop the other acolyte from assaulting Animus. Instead she simply stayed still, passive, her hands still maintaining those odd flexing motions as though she were running through exercises. "You could cripple them. It would be less of a waste. These men and women might not be destined for much, but they're still a resource for the future."

That was how they had to be looked at, a resource.

Nothing else.
"The Sith'ari has no Limits... The Sith'ari is the Perfect being..." Animus recited the poem of King Adas, it consumed him, it engulfed him... he was convinced he was the chosen one... the Sith'ari had arrived... The Sith'ari had come... Animus had been unleashed. Quick as lightning, he was ganged upon by a swarm of Acolytes that thought his extension of the Force shout made him exhausted.

The Acolytes Animus had just defeated were the Top Ranking Acolytes of Glee Anselm, they had been eyeing him for months, plotting ways to kill Animus in any way to make their ascent through the ranks that much easier... such was the nature of the Dark Side, pushed them to such intensity and extent they would do anything for Power and recognition from the Masters of the Academy. Animus was Swarmed, a Human female who had engaged him before in a Sparring match wielded a dual bladed lightsaber, behind him were Two Acolytes who preferred Dual wielding Two lightsabers and a bith finally who wielded a single one. Animus first was hard pressed by the Female, the Juyo she employed was greatly complimented by her choice of weapons, in the attack the Two Acolytes who dual wielded. Two Human brothers engaged Animus as well.

He took a shot to the shoulder, from one of the brother as a thrust from the dual blade passed his lips as he slightly angled his body to dodge it, with a swift movement he darted away and engaged the Bith who was charging with basic and classic makashi. Sidestepping in an odd angle Animus swiped at his knee cap tearing it with the very tip of his lightsaber then backflipping in Ataru and slicing apart the 4 Bladed assault he was it.

It was marvelous, The two brothers boxed him at all sides as Animus found himself hard pressed to defend against four different blades at off angles of the Jar'kai style, however when an opening was presented in the form of one Acolyte opening his arms for a double horizontal Guillotine swipe Animus Bashed his Shoulder in his chest and drove him back, jumping and executing a flying roundhouse kick that caught the other Acolyte square in the jaw and feeling the Crack and Snap of it's bone dislocating. Falling from the Roundhouse kick Animus; lightsaber clashed into the Female's dual blade and the Other Brother, who upon seeing his kin fall to the ground, and the Bith writhing in agony clutching his kneecap in intense pain came at Animus like an Oxibeast. 4 blades surrounded Animus again but this time Animus was not as hard pressed to defend against all of them as Juyo put HIM... In the offensive at all time.

Hacking and slashing with Fury and power at the Acolytes they backed off slowly but not before One Swipe an Acolyte did not calculate Severed his head from his shoulders... The head bounced on the floor as the Female's eyes popped open realizing, she was outmatched, however she thought he saw hesitation on Animus so she charged with another routine of the Dual Blade.... Juyo had one weakness... as the young lady would find out... in charging and attacking with no thought of defense of compliment of the force the style left one open for Force Attacks as Animus had been on the receiving end for more than once in his life. He Simply put his hand in a 90 degree angle towards her face and let her get close before blasting her point blank with a blast of Force Lightning. Her screams of Agony and Pain engulfed the room as Animus' laughter quickly joined it...
He stopped... relishing in the moment of victory. His enemy was defeated but he was out of control... "Feel the Might of the Sith'ari!" Animus blasted her one more time and her body stopped moving.

The stench of charred flesh permeated through the room, Animus breathed deeply... His Juyo was definitely improving thanks to the willing flesh of these Sith who gave their lives for the empowerment of the Sith'ari... "Punishment?" Animus laughed out loud. "Let them throw me in a Maalraas Pit! i will return with their Corpses as Clothing!!" Animus now stood defiant over the corpses of his fallen enemies... kicking their mutilated bodies as they stepped over them, the blood spurting from their open wombs, and he kicked the head of the Brother that was decapitated to the feet of the Brother who had his Jaw snapped clean off by a boot, his eyes of horror as he witnessed the head of his pathetic sibling was beautiful.
"Spineless, Cowards! The lot of you!" Animus spat in disgust, no acolyte had challenged him formally, they decided in the way of backstabbing and deceit... Animus had no mercy for Cravens. As the Bith Writhed in agony over his Shattered knee cap Animus stepped on his knee as he was walking to the Strange eyed lady... Animus felt no remorse hearing the bellow of scream the Bith emitted as he gashed his already Deep Bone injury even more with the sole of his boot. "If Adas were here... what would he say Pretty eyes?... What would he think of our Order?" His tone was dripping in Vicious ferocity as if expecting another Acolyte to attack him, which in all likelihood they would, "Would pride fill his heart? Or shame?" Animus ignited his blue Lightsaber yet again over his head holding it like a triumphant trophy over his head... he remembered now... something he read, something he also saw with Ferus. Adas was said to have the Ability to Charge his Axe with the Force and unleash a wave of fury that would decimate all before it... Animus had thought it impossible for him to do... But if the Masters were not going to teach him the Powers he sought... Then He would find them on his Own.. It could not be that hard right? He began to focus his energy... on the Beam of his lightsaber...

@Vengeance @Sifa Tirel​

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"] | [member="Vengeance"]​
Sifa had absolutely no idea who Adas was or why this Sith was referencing him, but judging from his words, the way he spoke and approached her, she was more than willing to guess that he had once been an important Sith. Perhaps he was ancient, perhaps this boy had fallen to tales of the ancient past as was enamored with thoughts of what had once been. Her back stiffened slightly, her eyes locked on to the young man, her lips curling into a thin smile.

"Cowardice." She began, the word a rasping sneer. "Is the way of the Sith."

"'Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.' The goal of Sith is conquest, domination, and most of all power. Even Adas would agree to that. He had his own Empire, and although his was the warriors way, he well understood the need for a cowards touch when it was called for." Sifa spoke as though she knew exactly who Adas was, as though she knew his ways and his means.

"Power is the end goal." Sifa continued in that same raspy voice, her fingers slowly wrapping around her lightsaber hilt. "It is what Adas sought and had, it is what he garnered through death, strength, and cowardice. As all Sith do."

She emphasized the last words, the slightest twitch of a smile tugging at her lips.
The Sith'ari has no limits... The Sith'ari is a perfect being... he repeated that, over and over and over again as if he needed it. As the strange eyed lady Spoke Animus channeled his energy to the beam of his saber and he felt it growing in it... Slowly, but gathering...
As if on cue an Acolyte stepped into the ring and darted to Animus' position.. from Animus' back... he was beginning to see the pattern here. The Act, was shameful to Animus and it filled him with Rage and fury that yet again! No attempt to face him with Honor and Courage yet a full affront had been made to face him with Deceit and treachery. He brought forth the image of [member="Darth Ferus"] in his mind, like an Illusion but in a flashback to the last moments of his fight with the Dark lord.... Animus would be under control by now if Ferus was here, Ferus was one of the few who could slap some sense and Snap Animus out of this Insanity! There were already Many dead in the ring, and their charred remains were quickly becoming a pile.

Animus closed his eyes harnessing the Darkside, the force within him like a tornado of tendrils shot from the bowels of the void itself as Animus willed the Dark Side of the force, bent it to his will, Enslaved it like nothing more than a tool or a Gun to do his work for him. The Acolyte came crashing in a Two handed overhand slice, with fury and determination.... Stupid boy. Thinking he could just end the entire destiny of the self proclaimed Sith'ari with a single swing of his sword. Animus turned as he unleashed his strike, the ground beneath the boy began to break slightly as the massive force smash, crashed into the boy in a small measure of the force that Ferus had dropped on him. Even a small measure of the impact Ferus had demonstrated, an attack that crushed Animus like a Giant Anvil was enough to beat the boy so far into the ground he slumped down as his head smacked the duracrete hard... Stupid boy... his head was split open from the smack, blood began to form in a pool where the small hole that his body had created was formed. The Boy was dead. Animus stepped over his slumping body to stand over the Lady once again.
"Adas... was no Coward." Animus shook his head, not even imagining what kind of books this foolish young girl was reading, "Adas fought his enemies as a Warrior and as a King." Animus sneered as his eyes narrowed... Recognizing the words she spoke. "Darth Bane was a fool! His pathetic attempt at consummating the Rule of Two is what lead the Sith to eventual Ruin, destroying all the knowledge of the Dark brotherhood in a pathetic attempt to focus all the Power of the Dark Side in a single Vessel...Yet as all Sith discover when their apprentices stab them in their sleep, or betray them at a grab for a power they can never obtain without training and dedication they snuff out the only source of knowledge that Holds the very power they Seek..." Animus shook his head as his rage and fury died down slightly...

"It is a Path of Ruin...and the Reason Cowards are Cowards.." Animus narrowed his eyes expecting another attack from all his would be rivals. "Is because they are too weak to be anything else..."

[member="Sifa Tirel"] @Vengeance

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"]​
She looked up at the man, her head shaking slightly as a small smile crept onto her lips. Perhaps it was because of the small bit of knowledge she held here, or perhaps it was a taunt, but she could not help herself. She smiled, a small smile that barely tugged at the edge of her lips.

There were more dead acolytes then she could count at a glance now. The boy had been fighting for fifteen minutes had used his lightsaber, the force, and a mixture of both to kill more than a dozen Sith of near equal measure. She wondered how much longer he could last, logically, no one was invincible, even if they did proclaim themselves so. Still, she could not help but continue to push his buttons, press in along their topic of conversation.

"And what, pray tell, ended Adas?" Sifa didn't know the answer for sure, but she could guess.

If there was one thing Sifa had learned in her time with the Jedi it was that Sith always turned on themselves. It wasn't so much a choice, as it was an impossibility. That very fact was being displayed in this very room, it was being shown by this very acolyte. Whatever the reason, it always happened.

"Oh." Sifa said almost as an afterthought, tapping her chin with her free hand. "And it was Revan who said those words."

That she knew. It was fitting that her first day with the Sith she had been called a scholar, that above all else was what she was. Sifa smiled at the Sith, a small, almost enticing smile. One that begged to be answered.
The Acolytes around Animus began to murmur... he knew this was the moment... He could feel it, as if he could sense the very thoughts in the minds of every single one of these acolytes... They were going to pounce... All of them, every last one, simultaneously no less, all gunning for Animus' head, the major Prize. The Very fact that Animus knew they could not work together sent a Smile across his face, then he saw it.

There were a dozen Acolytes in the Circle, the attack would begin out of three Robed Acolytes from his left that would approach in a simultaneous Dash, their shoulders touching each other stepping at Animus' center and Slashing Vertically, then two more Acolytes would spring from behind him directly slicing at his knees and then pouncing on him using fury and overwhelming attacks to use their Numbers advantage at it's best. His right side would be more intelligent, the three well toned females would unleash simultaneous Force Blasts at his position, the moment the Acolytes entered the fray from his right. Finally from the direction of the Strange Eyed lady two more would dash with Makashi thrusts at Animus, Aiming for his chest...
How did he know this?... He saw it, exactly as it was going to happen, just before it did.

Before the three Acolytes from the right moved Animus was upon them, in their second step they were caught off Guard as a Sarlacc Strike struck them down and disarmed the third. The two on the middle and right were dead by the time they hit the ground, Animus quickly threw the Disarmed one directly behind him as he deflected the makashi thrust from one apprentice and took the other one as it sliced his back and Jumping to Avoid the Tendon Slice from the Acolytes to his Back. The Force Blast caught the disarmed Acolyte as he was being pushed and sent him flying, Animus Executed a Saber throw Sweeping his leg and tripping one of the Makashi using Acolytes and the saber sliced through the other one.

Animus now drew upon the CQC of Naboo boot camp as he Stepped inside driving one forearm to the Face of the Togruta who sliced at his legs and busted his nose, his his other hand taking a hold of his wrist and blocking the Lightsaber of his ally. Lifting his boot he brought it down on the windpipe of the Downed Nautolan he had executed the sweeping kick on who shortly after died of the Injury. He saw the Females come forward with Lightsabers into the fray with what looked like Djem Jo... interesting choice of style... holding out his left arm covered with the blood of the Togruta his lightsaber ignited in mid air and came back at him, The other Nautolan who's lightsaber Animus blocked with the wrist of his ally was coming in for another swing but before his lightsaber could connect with Animus' neck the lightsaber currently flying through the air separated his head first. The three Ladies came at Animus in a very well coordinated team attack, Animus was caught completely by surprise for the first time thrown into Defensive Makashi that was unsuited to fighting multiple opponents at the same time.... They were good... Animus was in a bad position right now, that is until he noticed the weapon rack.

Parrying blows and being forced into Shi-cho to defend tightly he ducked a swipe but caught a blow to the forearm then rolled under and other Swipe laying flat on his back in the floor and blasted one Lady with his Force lightning and sent her reeling back in a fit of pain and Agony. The Slight moment of hesitation gave Animus the Millisecond he needed to curl into a ball and Dart to the outside his back to the Weapon rack.
It was then he thought of [member="Darth Azurea"]. Her tactic in the battle against [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] using the weapon rack to her advantage was... Genious. Animus had a passion for that Sith Knight and a respect for her the likes of which could not even be described, she had guts and she was a Genius, he knew. The Ladies charged at him, only when their blades met him the puff of Smoke that was his Illusion is what they met, he raised his hand as a massive polearm unhinged and pointed it's Business end at the ladies.

The two ladies held each other's hands and threw their bodies back in a strange *Dance Like* move that evaded the flying spear, her friend, raising herself up from the lightning blast, was not so lucky, It caught her in the belly, and pinned her to the floor... now she too was dead. Using the Force Animus called upon Three more Spears and the hovered ominously above his head and two beside each shoulder. ... the ladies looked about them... the floor drenched in blood... Acolytes and her friend lay dead, countless wounded, a pile of corpses now decorated the Ring of Glee Anselm... Fitting. Truly Fitting.
The Ladies did their Smartest move in all the Day... they Bolted at the speed of sound, heading back into the halls as the three spears smashed into the ground as Animus released their hold on them stepping now back to the Only Acolyte here (or whatever she was) who had yet to make the stupid decision of attacking him. He had heard her question, yet he was even considering answering her... somehow he did as he felt it was his Duty to bring Adas into the minds of all. "Adas died in a glorious battle defending Korriban Beside his People" Animus Threw up and raised his hands to the sides, "There might be no glory for some dead... but if there is no glory for all dead, How come it has been twenty thousand years since the death of Adas and yet here we are.. " Animus shot her a wink of victory. "Talking about him... is that not Glory?" Animus was drenched in blood and serious wounds, however he did not seem to show any signs of weakness apart from breathing in gasps of tiredness... he would never show it in battle however.. In battle his Stamina was different than when the Adrenaline left, in battle when your life was on the line you found a way to survive... Call it instinct... his Shoulder now sported a massive gash, and his back as well...particularly Nasty, from side to side of the back it ran, still smelling of Burnt flesh as it was oh so recent.

[member="Sifa Tirel"]​

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"]​
So she had been right in her assumption, the Sith had been ancient, old. Adas. She would have to remember that name. Perhaps that was the boys intent, or perhaps he was just insane. She supposed it didn't matter. He held himself tall, but the Acolyte looked as though he were knocking upon death's door.

"I believe." Sifa began, her voice a soft rasping coo. "You misunderstand the quote."

Her back stiffened, her lightsaber fell from its clip and into her palm. The long handle of the blade spun in her palm, thrice the size of any normal lightsaber hilt. She seemed to twirl it in a rhythmic, almost hypnotic motion until it came to a cold stop in her hand, emitter pointed behind her body. "Glory is all well and good. In life, it grants you fame, fortune, perhaps even power. There are testaments alive to that today. Lord Reverance, the Wrath. Lady Vrag, the Hand. Powerful, respected, feared. They have garnered gained glory in all its forms, whether they wished it or not, but if they were slain tomorrow. If their throats were cut by a lightsaber or their bodies were razed by the force...what would that glory have gotten them?"

Her soft voice echoed, the question hanging in the air. "Nothing."

Sifa smiled at the Sith, that same soft smile.

"The same could be said of Adas." She took a step forward, but not threatening, no intent of harm. "Imagine, if you will, if Adas hadn't died in battle. If he had ran. If he had survived another day. If he had taken the cowards way out. He could still be alive today, he could still be thriving. His Empire wouldn't have fallen, and his legend would be breathed to every corner of the galaxy."

Her voice still held strong, cooing softly as it rasped. In that moment Sifa had become a snake in the garden, the devil that convinced of ill deeds, and she enjoyed it. "Instead, it is only you and I who are speaking of him, and why? Because he sought glory."
Animus watched as all the Acolytes were not around anymore... it was just Him... and this strange lady with a Lightsaber who blazed like a behemoth and twirled it before him. His head cocked as he listened to her words intently, sparing no expense to inch on the syllables of her words... Animus was calming down... his fury was abating.... meaning he was beginning to see her point, and beginning to realize... she was right... This was useless other than to practice his skills this served no purpose. However she was wrong in some point...

"If Adas had chosen the way of the coward" Animus said pulling a fruit from his bag using Telekinesis and bringing it to his hand taking a bite of it savoring its sweet juicy taste before swallowing and continuing. "Korriban would have been doomed, everything he had built would have been laid to Ashes and the Sith as we know them would have never existed...." with his other hand he pulled out his favorite book from his bag... not only did it contain the Legend of King adas and the Legends of Old Korriban but it also was filled with all the Notes and Knowledge Animus had collected in his researches. "Here" He opened the book with the force in the Marked pages of Adas and his Legend. "The Prophecy of the Sithari... and the Legend of King Adas.." Animus' voice was finally calm and relaxed... took a while, would have taken less time if Ferus or Lord bane or [member="Darth Ophidia"] his Master had been here to Slap some sense into him before things got so out of hand but... He did learn much Juyo put his abilities to true tests and even gained a new ability he had no idea what it was even called.... "Take it" Animus said with a Smile. "If you are interested in the Legend this Notebook will provide an Impossible foundation to better, Not only does it have the complete texts and knowledges we know to be granted but also my personal notes and conclusions..."

Now... Animus was calm, snapping his bones and joints while talking another bite of the fruit he donned his cloak and his eyes narrowed at the Saber. "Phond Crystal?"

[member="Sifa Tirel"]

Sifa Tirel

[member="Animus Malgus"]​
Sifa reached out and calmly took the book.

Perhaps she would learn something from this, though the deaths of the day had proven less than fruitful. She had made inroads with some of the acolytes the man had slain, a few of them had even pledged themselves as allies. Perhaps they had seen this as opportunity to move against her, or perhaps they had just been greedy. Either way it was a pity. Her small hands wrapped around the spine of the book as she took it.

"Dearest." Sifa said as she reached up and patted his face. "If you can take anything from today, from your slaughter of these little whelps."

Her voice cooed again, as she looked at the dead Acolytes then back at Animus. "It is that the Sith survive. No matter who, no matter what. Like worms the Sith will always come back in one form or another. It is simply within our nature."

One last smile, and then Sifa turned around, clipping her lightsaber back onto her belt.

She wasn't quite sure what she had gained here today. She knew that she had lost something, inroads with allies, small opportunities to exploit and use those who she had come to know. Most of the acolytes she had spoken to were now dead, and she would have to begin all over again. Her lips thinned as she turned a corner, leaving Animus to [member="Vengeance"].
Sorry at work. it limits how much and how often I can reply

Vengeance watched the scene unfold from violence to debate to more violence and on to more debate. When it seemed like [member="Animus Malgus"] had quenched whatever blood lust had boiled over and [member="Sifa Tirel"] had turned to leave.

He blocked her path motioning her back over towards Animus finally making his presence known to Animus who should have felt it long before then.

"It has always been my path to let people dig their own graves much like others have done for me Animus." "It seems the lessons, even the one that gave you that scar on your cheek still fall on deaf ears."

He looked around the room at the bodies.

"These Acolytes were not yours to kill no matter what you may believe yourself to be." "You are not my Apprentice so punishement is not mine to mettle out." "So here is what is going to happen." "You are going to report to your Master on what has occurred here and he or she will decide your fate."

He sighed.

"In a weeks time I will touch base with your Master to make sure that you have done so." "Now you can tell me which of the Lords itis or I can find out for myself."

He looked at them both.

"Philosophy is a wonderful topic to discuss as is our past and our future." "I encourage you both based on the intensitity in which you discussed it just now to attended the next class on it."

He turned back to Animus.

"The One Sith will operating with respect to the ideals of the past do not operate by them." "Every Acolyte no matter how weak or useless they may be in your eyes have a purpose." "Their death better is metted out in the service of the Dark Lord than at the whims of a fellow Acolyte who still has issues with impulse control."

He smiled softly at Animus.

"I admire you passion Animus it is the only reason you are still walking right now." "Be careful that passion does nto cause your end."

Vengeance finally turned to Sifa.

"If you knew his actions to be wrong from the beginning why did you not attempt to stop him?"
Animus knew Vengeance, he had noticed his presence, yet he had dismissed it as a hopeful thought but he knew The Knight was right... he had gotten out of control and worst of all... once he started he could not stop... "Through passion i gain strength..." Animus murmured to himself however he had little joy in the words that came... The words rang true to his ears but he had been to blinded to see them as of now.. "I did see you... And you made no move to stop me... You could have easily... " Animus shook his head, it did not matter now. "My master is Darth Ophidia... and you should not worry because i am more than sure she will know about this if she does not already well before i have a chance to tell her..." Animus sighed but his grimace turned into a smile of glee and excitement. Another Chance to Spar with Vengeance? This time Animus was much stronger than before and he was Eager to have a worthy Challenge. He was Vengeance after all, not an Acolyte but a Knight a true Sith warrior, an Accurate way for Animus to put his skills to the test and possibly get a matching scar for the other cheek... he did like symmetry after all...

"In the meantime" Animus ignited his Lightsaber taking a bow of duelists before settling down in his Pyrrhus-ish Makashi. The blue hium of the Saber lighting the room once again. "I think you will find me much more powerful than you did in our previous encounter... May trouble you for a Spar?" Animus said laughing shaking off his cloak and baring his chest with the scars of many battles decorating his skin... Bacta could be used to erase them... but Animus wore them like badges of pride. "I do mean to learn more from you than just a few moves"

@Vengeance @Sifa Tirel

Sifa Tirel

[member="Vengeance"] | [member="Animus Malgus"]​
Sifa blinked.

The question didn't even seem necessary to her, it didn't even seem warranted. Her eyes set on Vengeance, her gaze never faltering save for a quick glance towards the man who had slaughtered a dozen Acolytes. It was all rather simple to her, it should have been simple to anyone. She didn't have the strength, nor the inclination to stop the man, so why would she try?

"It is not my job to stop anyone." Sifa's tone had a cold bite. "I am an Acolyte. It is my job to study, learn, gain power, and serve the Dark Lord. If my peers wish to slaughter themselves upon their own blades, then that is their choice. This did not happen due to my design or failure."

Her lips thinned as she looked at the Sith Knight. "If anything, the failure is yours."

Bold words, but there was truth to them. She was only an Acolyte. She held no authority, no power, no real ability to stop anyone from doing anything. The man in front of her however was different, he was a Knight, a true member of the Order. He could have stepped in, he could have stopped it, yet he had chosen not to, or perhaps he simple hadn't had the inclination. Either way, it didn't much matter to her.

She had reading to do.
Vengeance chuckled looking at [member="Sifa Tirel"] shaking his head.

"If it is your desire to be average then who am I to stop you." "However yes you are an Acolyte but so is he." "Your potential equals his with only your desire and work ethic to determine a difference." "I have fought Animus before."

Vengeance pointed at the scar on Animus' cheek.

"Who do you think gave him the scar?" "Or taught him the move he used to kill the first Acolyte."

He paused turning to Animus.

"That was a nice move by the way."

He turned back to Sifa.

"Animus has a Master and therefore is a reflection of his Master." "In that manner he no longer becomes a reflection of any other Knight or Master in the One Sith." "I am niether obligated nor recquired to accept any responsibility for his actions." "I care nothing for the lives of these dead Acolytes, none of them are my Apprentice, they are the Dark Lords." "In truth if I had not heard the words of the Wrath condemn such actions I wouldn't care."

Turning to Animus Vengeance smiled.

"Recieving further instruction from me is something that must be earned....................."

He scanned the bodies before looking back at Animus.

"Not impressed by the senseless slaughter of Acolytes." Do something of note or have something I need and I may consider teaching you a few more moves."

Sifa Tirel

She raised an eyebrow again. "I do not doubt my abilities, nor my potential. I cannot however disregard facts."

Sifa spoke quite plainly, there was no use in hiding her opinion, and being confrontational was something that she did rather well. Of course this could end rather badly for her, but then again she had to get her point across, lest they thought her a fool. She could deal with being a coward, but never a fool. That was too much.

"This man." She jerked her head back. "Even in his current state could very likely kill me. Sure I've had training, lessons, and even practice with my lightsaber. However, I am not warrior, yet."

"On my first day here you called me a Scholar, and there is no denying that. Perhaps in a week, a month, a years time I will look this boy in the face as his life leaves him due to my blade, but it won't happen today. My skills are simply inadequate at this moment." She found it important not to overestimate herself, only a fool took on a challenge that they couldn't win, and Sifa was no fool no matter how you put it. No, it was better to play to her strengths.

"As for the acolytes." She cast a glance at one of the dead females who had allied with her. "They may not be your apprentices, but one day they could have been your comrades."

With that, Sifa turned and moved passed the Sith Knight.

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