Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bashing things repeatedly with my lightsaber (OS Allies Only)

[member="Sifa Tirel"] [member="Vengeance"]

"Allies?" Animus scoffed. Slowly he got back out of his stance and threw his arms up in defeat. No one would face him, no one would give him the challenge he needed to prove himself strong. Animus came here looking for exactly that... A Challenge worthy of his skill... He had not found it.
"Thanks My lord, learned from the best" Animus shot him a wink. He trained with Darth Pyrrhus in the art of Makashi not too long ago.

Disappointed and frustrated but he would not show it. "What kind of Ally do you expect from one who charges his attack from behind?" Animus spat in disgust and shook his head. "No Pretty eyes, They were not liable to be Allies, ever. They lack the very thing that Allies need to be worthy..."
Animus showed her the scar on his back. "Loyalty...". Turning back and pulling out another Fruit from his bag and a Water canteen he finished by saying. "Do you really want an Ally who is liable to stab you in the back when you are not looking... I'm sure the Wrath would not condone that either" He took a bite out of the fruit and drank heavily from the water canteen as his stamina came back in force.
Vengeance watched [member="Sifa Tirel"] leave this time not bothering to stop her. Instead he turned to [member="Animus Malgus"] with a chuckle.

"Let it go Animus." "We all have our paths to take." "If she wants to learn from books let her learn from books."

He pointed back and forth between the two of them.

"You and I Animus we prefer the hands on approach..........the ones that leave scars that will never fully heal."

He smiled shaking his head.

"Did you know you are lucky." "You have a Master to teach and mentor you." "That was a luxury I did not have." "Succeed or fail my actions were mine alone and like you in the beginning nobody else mattered, nobody else mattered."

Vengeance tapped his own temple.

"Learn to use this Animus and you will be unstoppable." "Learn to control that fire and you will have no equal."

Vengeance turned and left leaving the Acolyte to ponder what he had said or not. Each man Sith or not was in charge of his own destiny.

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