Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Basking in the glory of Life.

[member="Zesiro"] [member="Vengeance"]

Anya listened and joined in with his laughing as she put her drink down and then stopped as she looked at her almost as if fire was around her waiting to consume her very being and soul

Yes! She dares to approach the flame then let us greet her with a closer view maybe see how flame resistant a moth can be?

She said with a giggle as she took a sip before she looked to the girl
Zesiro did not back down and instead picked a different approach. While the two of them considered their next actions, her body language changed. While she was not relaxed mentally...that would be a mistake.

Her eyes though still maintaining a slight yellow tint, turned to look [member="Anya Loma"] and then @Vengeance. Her face took on a feline look, her prey, the sith lord. She was already sitting back, now her posture took on a relaxed appearance. Her legs together, she stretched out, almost close enough to touch those of the man. One knee leg slightly bent to show off her thigh under her pants and the curve of her hip.

She rested one arm on that of her chair and her other she raised to her face. Gently cupping her chin her position clearly showed the front of her top and what lay under that.

Glancing again at the woman, but keeping her thoughts from showing...she had just made herself an enemy. She was going to get this red haired woman...Only a matter of time.
Marcus smiled to Anya giving her a nod before turning back to the little usurper. He noticed the position and demeanor change in the little upstart and shook his head. Marcus took a sip of his drink and stood.

"Very well but not here. I kind of like this restaurant and these gardens. I don't want the view ruined. Come with me both of you."

Paying the bill Marcus made his way towards towards the far side of the gardens. His walk was casual but the speed at which he moved was purposeful. Once he was confident he was far enough away from people and the gardens themselves he stopped and turned seeing which of the two women had followed and was now standing before him.

[member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"]
Zesiro noticed the shake of the man's head and he stood up shortly after. Whatever was going to happen to her, he didn't want it done here and in full view of everybody. He paid the bill and walked away.

Maintaining the whole sensual façade, for that was what it was, she got up and followed him. Not at quite the same pace as that would draw even more attention than she already did. The eyes of some of the patrons at the café followed her movements until she was out of their sight.

She kept the Sith in her sight the whole time and when he stopped, Zesiro continued and stood, waiting for the outcome of whatever was going to happen. Her eyes still sparkling with a yellow tint.

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"]
[member="Vengeance"] [member="Zesiro"]

She watched the woman carefully as she listened to her masters words, however she noticed the posture of the woman and scoffed at her then chuckled as she stood

of course sir this place is very nice rather not have a accident

She stood as she paid for her own and followed her master, she watched the girl and rolled her eyes....she really thought that could work? Least to anya it seemed foolish. Once they had stopped she stepped a little forward to looked at the girl, she looked down upon her knowing she could take her with ease...maybe even get her mad
Once both of them were there Marcus spoke first to the little upstart. He spoke loud enough for both to hear..

"You think you are the first to try and use their body to entice me child? I have found that which is so easily offered is usually found lacking. You wanted the flame so the flame she will give you. There is only one rule and it is very simple. If you survive you get to live."

Marcus turned and moved over towards Anya standing in front of her he spoke to her in a much lower tone.

"If she dies then she dies. She is your enemy and I expect you to behave as such. Do not disappoint me little flame."

Marcus then steps away moving a good 15 to 20 feet away from the two and waits. He waits and watches.

[member="Zesiro"] [member="Anya Loma"]
The man still had never offered his name and Zesiro had never asked. Her moves had been meant to be enticing, that was the purpose for them. They had worked for her in the past and if she lived through today, they would continue to. She did lack training though, so part of the statement was true. Zesiro still had some surprises up her sleeve to use however. He laid out the rule, if she survived, she got to live.

He stepped away and walked closer to Anya and spoke words Zesiro could not hear. After speaking, he moved away and stood watching them.

Her posture was still showing and tempting, if it didn't work with him, then it might with her. The thought that her life was on the line here controlled her reaction more than logical thought did. Zesiro turned her gaze to the woman, her full attention on her. She radiated want and desire to her, but she didn't get close enough to touch only close enough that anything said would be heard only by the red haired woman.

"I would rather take this private so it's just you and I."

Her eyes looked with lust at Anya, but in the back of Zesiro's mind she was repulsed.

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"]
[member="Zesiro"] [member="Vengeance"]

She waited patiently As she listened to her master talk to the other girl, her smile slowly grew as she watches him come closer and her smile grew wide as she chuckled and nodded as she looked to the woman fire and brimstone in her eyes

She watched the woman approach....was she trying to...this stupid girl...she really thought she could just seduce her?! This brought the fire in her veins to burn brighter as she waited to strike as she listened

Oh? Private? But why I enjoy showing off to others, especially if the other is my master so....HERES THE FLAME YOU BUG!

She said as she inhaled then blew dire right at the girl for a few second, then she drew her saber the orange blade springing to life as she chuckled
Marcus smiled beaming with pride watching his former Apprentice and hearing her words. She was doing exactly as he had expected her to do and he couldn't be more proud of her.

He was curious however as to how the little upstart would respond. Zesiro had failed to seduce him and based on the private comment tried and failed with Anya. So the question that tugged at the back of his mind was how would the little upstart respond.

[member="Zesiro"] [member="Anya Loma"]
Using one of the tricks her first master taught her, Zesiro smiled. Leaving an image of her behind to take the attack sent by Anya, Zesiro lept sideways to the left away from the flames heading her way. Her phantom form appeared to burn as the fire took hold of it. Her movements gave up the façade of seduction, but her master had taught her well and she still moved with grace that was natural and would still turn heads.

She did not yet ignite her saber, but held the hilt in her hand. Instead, she now sent a push in the force at Anya, hoping to throw her off balance.

Her full attention was on the woman, the man stood forgotten in the distance. This fight was between them and she hoped he would not interfere.

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"]

The little bug had tricked her, she pulled away her saber in her hands as she activated the blade springing the orang colors all around as she looked to her eyes of flame staring with a i tense gaze, however that force pushed moved her back some but she dug her feet in. She then ran at her hoping side to side making it so it wouldn't be known where she landed, she feinted a attack to her left then spun around her as she would kick at her back hoping to get her to the ground, and if so she would put her foot on her back...if not...well the fight would go on

Marcus shook his head watching the two of them. To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. The moth seemed to be refusing to show what she was made of and the flame was clearly holding back.

"Are you two going to fight or dance with each other?"

His voice coming out practically in a growl.

"You have five minutes and then I will end this."

[member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"]
Zesiro watched the random movements of Anya as she approached, she moved a well oiled machine bent on destruction. Drawing in a breath, Zesrio let out a Force scream at the woman. It was involuntary, but it held the power of her emotions. Her immediate hatred for the woman, her irritation at the situation and her own personal anger at herself for not being a fighter. The scream left a trail of destruction in its path, tearing up the grass and flowers in its wake.

The other Sith made to attack Zesiro to her left, but pulled the blow and instead tried to get behind her. She did not allow this and jumped backward away from the kick that had been aimed for her back.

By this point, Zesiro knew she was outmatched by the other woman. Her first master had taught her that if a situation such as this arose, then she needed to run. By staying alive, she could one day return and get vengeance for being out played.

Zesiro would again attempt to shove Anya with the Force, but this time to the side and out of her way, keeping a Force hold on her to prevent her from coming after her. Zesiro's will to live enhanced her ability here and the only way to break that hold would be if Anya wished to kill her more. If it worked like she wanted it to, Zesrio would then leap and then run away from the confrontation, still alive. If it didn't, well, she didn't want to even think about that.

In the distance, the words of the man washed over her, but she paid them no mind. This would be over before those five minutes were up either way.

[member="Anya Loma"] [member="Vengeance"]
[member="Vengeance"] [member="Zesiro"]

She was getting mad now

She knew that the sudden scream was not a good thing and moved quickly, however her blood boiled seeing her attack missed, then the woman decided again to try to force push her

She wouldn't allow this and moved away quickly, her master's words poured over her ears and she finally let go. She started after her fire kicking in her steps and around her, she then stopped and realised a wall of fire straight for her. Then from behind it she would jump over and behind her saber ready to slice...if she dodged oh well the fire would surely stop her enough she could get to her and end the bugs pathetic little life
Marcus watched keeping a close watch on the amount of time that had passed since he gave the warning. All he cared about was a quick resolution for now. There would be time later to reflect on the actions of both in more detail and provide critique to the winner or survivor. Marcus himself felt the pull of just annihilating them both but it really serve no purpose. Zesiro would fall too easily to be worth it and even Anya had not seen the full scope of his abilities.

[member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"]
Nubian Palace Resort, A Secluded Area

It had taken time. Months of tracking down the right people, and then breaking them just enough so they would divulge the information the old man needed. Months of traveling the galaxy, from one dead end to the other. Months of waiting in freighters, clutching his daughter's doll to his chest, wondering if he would ever see her again. Hell, the thought if Treya was even still alive passed through his mind more than a couple of times. But his patience had finally paid off.

He had found his killer.

Cinnic walked briskly through the gardens of Nubia, his cloak concealing the blue eyes that glowed with something unnatural in them. A simple lightsaber was concealed around the worn robes he wore as well, hanging from the belt that was wrapped around his waist. The former Jedi wasn't given a pinpoint location of where the voluptuous woman was, but he could sense the Dark Side's taint upon the area, and like a moth to a flame, he was drawn to it, eager to purge the galaxy of an unspeakable evil that was content to slaughter a father as his daughter watched, an evil that held no qualms about setting planets ablaze with war and death. It was that sort of motivation that drove the warrior on, even when things seemed bleak.

The old man stopped alongside an alley corner, taking cover in the shadows. He was close. Very close. A brief shimmer of light came from his side, and The Wraith was next to him, stroking his chin in thought as the fire died out from Cinnic's eyes.

"I must say, Cinnic, it seems your determination has paid off. Here we are. What do you plan to do?"

Cinnic glanced at the specter next to him, his face set hard in a determined scowl.

"Get the woman. Find out where the kark my daughter is. Then make sure she sees justice."

"Justice? Please. She doesn't deserve to live. Come on, old man. Even you have thought about it before."

The grizzled man shook his head for a second. He had forgotten that, when the wraith was bound to his corpse, they were literally one. No thought evaded him, and even in his most personal moments, the Wraith was there. Over the months, though, he had began to see The Wraith as less of a necessity and more of an ally, even a friend at points, especially when he attempted to comfort him when the grief was too much to keep to himself and the tears stained whatever pillow the old man was resting his head on that night.

"I know I've thought about it before. About hurting her the same way she hurt me. But I'm not doing that. We're better than her kind."

The Wraith let out an airy sigh, then shook his decayed, damaged head. Once handsome in appearance, the ghost had been bound to his appearance in the manner of his death, the details of which were unknown to the pair. The Wraith disappeared in a cloud of ectoplasmic vapor, and the blue fire once again returned to Cinnic's eyes.

Like a dog chasing a scent, the Jedi followed the taint of the Dark Side to a more secluded area, a place away from prying eyes. Cinnic observed from the shadows and the corners. It seemed a fight was underway. Fire flew about as two figures darted around, and a third figure stood on the side, observing the skirmish at hand. A low growl emanated from Cinnic's lips. The corruption of the Dark Side was thick in the air. It sent the hairs on the back of his neck standing up at full alert. The Wraith's voice echoed inside his mind, offering advice.

There's three of them and one of us. Well, two of us, technically...bah, you understand my meaning. The point of the matter is that I would rather not die again.

We've come so far. I'm not about to let her slip away.

As Cinnic thought this, his target was now in full view. He recognized her body, her form, the way she leaped about. It was a lucky blow that killed him the first time, a byproduct of years of not fighting and age. Now, he was once again in his prime. The Sith would know why he was called the Flame of Light in his time.

Cleanse through fire...

With a roar, the old man burst into motion, his blue blade a deadly blur as he executed a leap towards the two. A wall of flame came forth, and one of the Sith, wielding an orange blade, leapt over it. Landing where she would've struck, Cinnic timed a perfect block and sent a boot forward straight into the gut of the lackey before him. If it landed, the red-haired woman would be send flying back from where she came, and the former Jedi would turn his attention to the assassin, eyes burning with blue fire, words escaping his rough face in a growl.

"You're all mine, assassin!"

He would show the servants of the Dark Side then and there why he was regarded as the most skilled bladesman of his time.

Time to show these thugs how to really handle a blade...

Purify. Cleanse through fire. Let the Blue Light shine through the Darkness. May Light prevail!

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"]
Zesiro could only watch as the wall of flame headed in her direction, she was fast, but not as quick as the Force enhanced wall was. When she was little and still locked up in the pitch black room, she had woken up and found light burns on her body. Though she has no memory of how they got there, she recalled the pain that was with them. Not wanting to live through that again, she further enhanced her speed with the Force and flew over a raised flower bed, hunkering down on the other side as the wall of fire went over and around her.

As she went to poke her head up, a form of an old man appeared in front of her. For just a moment, her eyes widened in recognition. This was Cinnic, a man she had killed a few months ago. How was it possible?

She backed away from him, for the moment, the woman forgotten.

"Cinnic, how?"

Not bothering to wait for an answer, she came out of her shock, stood up, let out another tremendous roar this time at the Jedi and turned to run away. She could have maybe taken on just Anya, but there was no way she could take both her and Cinnic.

[member="Cinnic"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"]
[member="Vengeance"] [member="Cinnic"] [member="Zesiro"]

She was about to land that killing blow, her smiles growing, then suddebly a light colored saber blocked her strike and she moved away to beside her master as she growled looking at the two, herself between her master ready to defend him with her own life her blood still booking as she

what shall I do my master...shall I attack him and strike him down?

She said unsure of what to do but ever ready to strike down this...this thing
Marcus stood back and watched as a new figured appeared to complicate things. His first instinct had been to intervene. Then he realized how many times he had been forced to deal with being out number and even out matched. So Marcus held back and watched. After a minute the little upstarted seemed to flee the field and Anya moved over to his side and in front of him. Reaching out Marcus moved her off to the side and out from in front of him.

"Let's see how this plays out. Your opponent has fled. Let's see if our new arrival gives chase or turns attention to those that remain."

Marcus' arm slowly began to turn has his concealed Obsidian Knight saber slid down his sleeve and into his hand. He didn't ignite it yet just in case he was not the target of the new comers interests.

[member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"] [member="Cinnic"]
Cinnic's ears rang at his target's Force Scream. He evenly matched it with a roar of rage. Turning towards the two other Sith, who were standing on the sidelines, the grizzled man snarled out:

"She's mine!"

The assassin was fleeing. She recognized him, clearly. As much as the former Jedi would have relished to remove the galaxy of two Sith, his daughter was more important.

We must pursue! This is our chance!

Like there was any chance I was gonna let her go.

Cinnic took off in pursuit of his killer, leaving the darksiders to their own devices...

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Anya Loma"] [member="Zesiro"]

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