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Approved NPC Basulla "Tully" Tularhen

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Intent: To sub a unique crewmember, turning a PC into an NPC.
Image Credit: [X]
Role: A mercenary spacer and outlaw tech / engineer with a colorful history, who comes to join Visanj’s crew as her pilot and technician.
Links: N/A


Age: Late 40s
Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive; Tully shows real signs and natural aptitude / propensity for Mecha-Deru, and has a natural gift for navigating and piloting using the Force, though this is instinctual rather than through training.
Species: Quarth
Height: 1.86m
Weight: 93.5kg
Eyes: Orange rectangular irises
Hair: None
Build: Robust and powerful; Tully’s physical strength and stamina is quasi-legendary, with tales of his brawls, exploits and capabilities often told by spacers in cantinas around the galaxy.
Distinguishing Marks: Three distinctive claw marks over his left eye and cheek, a souvenir from a terentatek hunt many years ago.
Cybernetics: Locke and Key Mechanics’ Cyberlink (Base of the skull)


Name: Basulla “Tully” Tularhen
Loyalties: First and foremost, Tully is loyal to Visanj and his other crewmates. He considers her something of a little sister, and the pair enjoy a close friendship.
Wealth: Tully likes gambling, and more often than not, he wins. But due to his gambling, and his odd fixation on technology, he doesn’t hold onto wealth long. His life savings are lean, and he lives largely on the graces of his friend, employer, and captain, Visanj.
Notable Possessions:
Skills: A lifelong spacer, Tully has spent his entire adult life traversing the stars. From working aboard tramp freighters to serving on military vessels to working with explorer crews, there’s nothing onboard a starship that he can’t do. His natural Force-abilities make him an extraordinarily expert pilot and navigator, and there isn’t much in the skies that he hasn’t flown at one time or another. A talented engineer, with a natural aptitude for what could be styled as ‘Mecha-Deru’ type abilities, his skills with a ‘spanner and wrench are impressive, and he’s got a knack for upgrading and improving existing starship systems, droids, vehicles, or pretty much anything mechanical. Tully is a good marksman, and has enough battlefield experience and has been in enough brawls to make him a welcome ally in a fight.
Personality: Tully has a tendency towards being laconic, but when he speaks his deadpan, sardonic, acerbic wit shines through every time. He is usually gruff and aloof, especially with those he doesn’t know, and isn’t able to hide his emotions well. For those who earn his trust, he is absolutely loyal, reliable, and even a bit protective. Tully has a taste for gambling and taking risks, which doesn’t always end so well for him. Temperamental and mercurial, he is socially awkward in most situations, but when required to do so, or with someone he likes, he has a charming streak a mile wide. He likes a good meal, a cold beer, and never gets tired of seeing the stars from the cockpit.


Weapon of Choice: Tully prefers a heavy blaster rifle or slugthrower, but if he gets to pick, he wants the hot seat in a hot ship every time.
Combat Function: On foot, Tully is a good marksman with a blaster rifle, and although a brawler without much formal martial arts training, he can hold his own. But really, where he shines is in the cockpit. Put him at the controls of an able ship, and Tully becomes an ace pilot. He is a seasoned veteran, and his scars were well-earned in dozens of battles and skirmishes, as were the collection of medals he keeps.

[+] Tully is an experienced and capable spacer, with an almost uncanny knack for navigation, ace piloting, and working with anything mechanical.
[+] Tully is well-traveled, and has seen and experienced much over his thirty-years among the stars, from exploring ancient ruins and exploring far-away worlds to fighting on battlefields and battlespaces across the galaxy to tramping the hyperspace lanes as a salvager, smuggler, and mercenary spacer, he is a virtual encyclopedia regarding the galaxy and its recent history, species, and worlds.
[+] Tully is a tough and loyal ally, a caring and steadfast friend who’s always a welcome addition to any adventure.

[-] Tully has a fondness for gambling – taking risks in general actually – and is a bit of a thrill-seeker, possessed of daring, curiosity, and wanderlust, these traits often get him into trouble. At the very least, they keep his pockets light.
[-] Tully is haunted by PTSD, having been up front and center for more than few battles, and suffers from nightmares, depression and anxiety (Disliking crowds, etc.), and painful memories of his past.
[-] Tully has a bit of a temper, and can be moody and easily enraged, particularly when his friends are in danger or he witnesses injustice, cruelty, or oppression.


Homeworld: Coronet City, Corellia

He's been spacing his entire life, ever since leaving Corellia, where he'd worked as a mechanic and technician for his family's shop until he signed on as ship's assistant engineer's mate. After that, he moved from crew to crew, at some point working in most every ship's department, but above all, he loved the cockpit the most. Quarth, especially Force-sensitive ones like Tully, had a knack for navigation and as pilots go, you'd think they were born in cockpits, with skills to spare and ice water coursing through his veins. Tully could build it, fix it, fly it, and steer it through star systems like threading a needle. He preferred the solitude of the cockpit, or being alone in the engine room with just the hum of the drives to pierce the air, and didn't go in for crowds. Let him roam some far-away world, delve into some unexplored ruins or long-forgotten temple, or just sailing across the stars, and he was happy. When he had to deal with others, he was usually terse, even downright laconic, and gruff doesn't quite capture the spirit of his demeanor. But, in the right circumstances, he could charm the pants off a rancor. He'd been around, fought a few battles, did a little smuggling and salvaging, whatever kept him flush for the Sabacc tables or pod races. Tully liked to gamble, and depending on your source, he either owed money in the Core, which is why he was on the Rim, or else he had a secret fortune buried on some Force-forsaken rock somewhere in the Unknown Regions. All anybody knows for sure is that the Quarth has a chestful of medals and campaign ribbons, given out by at least six different militaries, and could tell you the ID number of a spaceship part - any spaceship part - at a glance. There wasn't anything he couldn't pilot, and well. He was good with a blaster and knew his way around military-grade hardware; a brawler in a fight; and though he had a mercurial and legendary temper, he was above all, loyal, fair and trustworthy.

Tully doesn’t speak about his wartime experiences with anyone, and the only thing to remind him is a small box of medals and ribbons, given for gallantry and service by several militaries. He’s got plenty of spacing stories, and after a few drinks, might get nostalgic with telling them, if he doesn’t become melancholy first.

Tully lost his ship, the Kraken to Visanj in a card game, but she offered him a solution. The plan was simple, to harvest the ship, along with her own, to build a new one, and he could have a place on the crew. Tully agreed, and not long after, Vi saved his life, earning his undying loyalty. Since then, he’s come to consider her a little sister, and an able spacer and starship captain, making him a steadfast and loyal member of her crew and a zealous follower of any of her craziest and most unusual ideas. “In for a credit, in for the fortune, all the way.”

[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

To start here I'm going to need you to link to the image credit to the artist's page where it appears, rather than just to the image direction (since that doesn't actually credit the artist).

The only other issue I see is that the Armor, Gun and the Cortosis Lacquer are closed market or specific affiliations, so I just need to see a market place purchase for these, or ooc permission from the creators.
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