@[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] @[member="Pandeima"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Menoetius"]
The thread has been reopened. Post your moves please!
Menoetius and Pandeima starts in the top left, Verz, Cyrus and Dranok in the bottom right.
During your turn you can choose to move any ships with functional engines. To do so, state which ship is moving to which hex and which hex side it is facing. The following chart contains data on each type of ship’s movement and speed.
Attack craft can make any number of turns, IE a fighter squadron can move to any hex within 6 hexes and face any direction freely.
Escorts have a set number of turns. They may turn any number of times up to their amount at any time in their turn.
Capital ships are slow and cumbersome. They must move at least one hex to make any turns. Alternatively they may choose not to move at all and turn.
Any Escort or Capital Ship may choose to use thrusters in their turn. For that turn they double their speed, but cannot turn or shoot. They must move the full double distance in a straight line. This is the only way a ship can ram another. Attack craft cannot use thrusters.
A ship may attempt to ram by using thrusters. Remember that a ship using thrusters cannot turn, so to ram the ships must be in a straight line. Ramming is not certain, and is dependent on the relative speeds of the two ships. Ramming is very dangerous to both sides and should not be done lightly.
Gas clouds and asteroid fields can be rather dangerous for ships to enter. In all cases these block line of sight as far as shooting is concerned. A ship entering a gas cloud cannot recover shields. A ship entering an asteroid field has a chance of suffering severe damage. Faster ships are less likely to be hit than larger ones. Larger ships though are more capable of surviving the impacts.
Launching Attack Craft:
Any number of attack craft squadrons can be launched or retracted each turn.