Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter I — GA invasion of DE held Tython



After months of brutal conflict and the devastating invasion of the Galactic Core, the Galactic Alliance is finally ready to strike back. The Dark Empire's forces have claimed several key planets within the heart of the Alliance, including Tython, a world sacred to the Jedi. Tython's fall had been a harsh blow to the morale of the Alliance, but after their resounding victory defending Coruscant, the tide of war is starting to shift. The Alliance now stands united, determined to reclaim lost planets from the shadow of the Dark Empire.

The Core must be freed once more.

The liberation of Tython is to be the first step in this counter-offensive. Once a symbol of peace and balance, Tython has been corrupted under the enemy's rule. For the Jedi, the liberation of the planet is more than just a military victory — it is a fight to restore the sanctity of a world deeply connected to their history and the Force. Now, the time has come for the Alliance to strike, and with their victory at Coruscant fueling their momentum, they have now turned their full might toward reclaiming the lost world of Tython. Fleets are mobilized, strategies finalized, and the resolve of the Alliance and its allies has never been stronger.

The battle for Tython is about to begin, and the galaxy will once again witness the relentless spirit of the Galactic Alliance.


Objective I — Akar Kesh
The Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order have mobilized to liberate Tython from the grip of the Dark Empire. One of their primary targets is Akar Tsis, the newly constructed Sith Temple built on the ruins of the Temple of Balance, a site once sacred to the ancient Je'daii Order. The mission aims to infiltrate and destroy the Sith stronghold, defeat the Imperial forces and Sith defending it, and reclaim the shattered ruins as a symbol of hope and balance in the Force. Success would deal a devastating blow to the Dark Empire's grip on the Deep Core.

Do you have a different story you'd like to tell on Tython? Bring your own objective!


Director of ISB & SHADES, Torture & Interrogation Officer
Objective: To protect the Temple
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


This place gave me the creeps; it did not make me feel comfortable at all. I think this place should have been for Sith and Dark Side elites rather than me. It wasn't that I didn't go out to war and various battles when needed, but I wasn't a skilled Force user. Not like a Sith, Jedi, or the like. I couldn't even use a damn lightsaber. I was trained as an agent and spy, using my mental powers to interrogate and torture others. And when necessary, I carried out assassinations against others. And I was good at my job, damn good. Otherwise, I wouldn't have become the director of the ISB at such a young age.

But standing my ground in a siege was not my job. But orders were orders. I had a feeling that there might be growing problems within the Empire lately. Such was the case with the foolish bailout of the Warlord, Sularen; which I opposed from the beginning. It ended in success, but it could have been a huge failure and loss. A loss so great that the Empire may never have been able to recover. It should have been left to die where it was. No one was irreplaceable. Maybe the Emperor, but no one else.

Perhaps I will be as lucky now as I was on Coruscant to capture someone who can then be interrogated and tortured. It was always so pleasant and I loved my job. I knew that the Sith also cared about the Emperor's Tython; I knew the lore about the ancient Je'daii order and Ashlan and Bogan, but it didn't really mean much to me. I thought that preserving these worlds here in the Core World near Coruscant was a huge waste of energy and resources. Especially since we didn't move anywhere and didn't even head "north" towards the rest of the Dark Empire. We should have connected the areas and even surrounded Coruscant.

That's what I proposed at the time, but nobody listened; or maybe they did and that's why I became the director of the ISB. But now it didn't matter. I don't know, maybe if we lose these inner worlds, the real leader of the Empire will realise that we could continue conquering elsewhere and become stronger instead of wasting resources and human resources here. So I would not have been sad to see the GA take this place back now. May they be happy with this ancient world which is really of no use and very difficult to even approach.

In the meantime, I have been looking at data and analysing it to help our people. Tactical analysis was also an important thing in a fight. Meanwhile, the enemy had arrived and the attack was well under way. I watched the monitors and the floating holographic images and looked where the fighting was going on and where, who needed some advice and help. I was also watching, of course, to see where anyone would turn up who was trying to break away from the main force and get into the huge complex to cause trouble.

I hoped that soon I would find something to entertain myself and not have to sit here during the whole fight...



Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

The RAL zipped across the tops of trees, having descended from the space above. Inside of it were a squad of twenty, all dressed identically in Sentinel gear, all olive drab. They had a mission to accomplish as part of the efforts to reclaim Tython from the Empire. Loathsome, vile people, the Dark Empire. None of them had any love for the people on the other side of the line. Even as weapons fire lanced upward, the RAL flew smoothly, scooting along with such speed it was difficult to track or take down. That was by design, and it was for that reason that Tycho, the leader of those inside, had made the purchase of the vessels. They were perfect for swift insertion and planetary interdiction efforts.

He finished typing out a message on his datapad as they approached their target. It was a note he sent off to Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal urging her to be careful on her mission. He also sent a message to Ran Serys Ran Serys urging her to be cautious and that he would be careful himself. Having people to care about was new for him, but he cared enough to that he would drop anything for them. He hoped they knew that.

"Approaching target drop zone," the pilot called over the internal comms. "Area is currently clear."

Tycho turned around and walked to the back of the craft, standing at the one position. Many people would wait, lead from the back, allow their soldiers to run out before them. He would not. He'd already lost people recently because he hadn't been aware of just how much danger they were in. He wasn't going to send them out first. Instead, he drew his saber to his hand and ignited the orange blade. It crackled with energy dancing along it. No, it was not the smooth blade most of the Jedi utilized, but then he wasn't a Jedi. He was the nightmare that the Sith and Dark Jedi had never dreamed of: a user of the entire Force who relished in hunting down evil.

The shuttle landed with barely a noticeable jolt and the hatch opened. He stepped forward, surveying the area both with his eyes and through the Force to double check that it was, indeed, clear.

"Clear," he called to those inside. "This is a combat search and rescue mission. You are not to directly engage enemy forces unless they engage you. Stay out of sight unless you see people in need of extract, and then get them out."

He motioned with his hand for them to spread out around the area and then he walked to the front of the shuttle, looking off at the temple in the distance. It wasn't far; just far enough for the shuttle to, hopefully, go unmolested so they could use it to extract people during the course of the coming battle. For his part, Tycho started the walk towards the temple, his saber trailing to his right as he walked, eyes and feelings spread out to his surroundings in search of dangers that he needed to be aware of, dangers that would come at him at a moment's notices. Dangers that didn't know how dangerous he could be.

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In Umbris Potestas Est
Akar Kesh
Friends: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim
Enemies: Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade ?

It was time.

Onrai had been the one to put together the present structure of the Akar Kesh temple after the Sith conquest of Tython. She had gone through the trouble of discovering and reopening the hidden gateways to and from the world itself. Through the hypergate in the Old City, linked to the experimental gateway on Ord Mantell, reinforcements to the world flowed in even as nonessential residents and resources flowed out. So too did the Prime Gate, once broken and restored by Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade as his escape offworld after the initial invasion, find use, transporting those who were needed elsewhere in the Empire to their respective locations. Only soldiery and the potential for violence remained here. Aging vehicles once pressed into Sith-Imperial service were deployed around the temple-scape, freshly armored Darktroopers taking positions in heavily dug in positions both on and around the temple site.

Within the temple itself, Onrai prepared. The amorphous shadowed form of the aberrant entity floated within the waters tainted by the Solipsian sacrifice of Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , a sacrifice that had tainted the Force Nexus of the site - and to a degree, of the world. It wouldn't have mattered to her if the nexus was still pure or not, for she drew off it regardless, the abominable energies of the Anti-Force festeringly comingled and ever strengthened by the draw of the darkness. With the Emperor having failed her obligations, her intentions were plain - this temple was not going to fall into the hands of the Galactic Alliance, regardless of the circumstances. A message found itself imprinted into the minds of those who defended the temple, from the meager supplicants extracting the facility's training tools and relics to the hardened defenders.

Once more the Alliance seeks to encroach on Imperial territory. Every man and woman will do their duty here or be devoured by that which waits beyond in the next life. There will be only slaughter, butchery, and the total destruction of our enemies. What happens next is up to you, but know this - if no one else is proud of what you do here today, I am. Now go, prepare yourself for bloodshed beyond reckoning.

With that, the form of Onrai emerged from the pool, once more congregating into her humanoid form as she left the temple exit. It was time to deal with the Jedi.



Location: Akar Tsis, Throneroom
Allies: Nearby: Onrai Onrai Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim
Enemies: Jedi Grandmaster: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The time had finally come. What had been anticipated for months had finally arrived, the Alliance Siege of Tython. Months did Tython become heavily defended, everything from Sith Monsters experimented on the moon of Bogan, reserve troops held in for months, conscripts that were sent to Tython in hopes of digging in deep enough to hold back the Alliance. The Dark Empire had been anticipating for so long when it finally happened, many seemed relieved by the appearance of Alliance ships in the Atmosphere. The dark side would reach out, rather than fear or despair claimed many of the defending troopers and Sith, a charismatic effect would bolster them. Many of them revitalized by the darkness that was emitting deep into the darkest depths of Akar Tsis. The sounds of turbolasers and artillery filled the air, as the defenses were activated in earnest in hopes of staving off any advancing Alliance ships.

In the darkest depths of Akar Tsis lied the Emperor's throne room, currently occupied by a mysterious figure that looked upon a map. Mechanical breathing would break the monotious rumbling of guns firing, the sounds of TIEs being scrambled into the air. Before the dark chamber was a red holoscreen that overloked much of the battle. Pale hands were clapsed together pensively, as a obsidian colored protocal droid looked on. "It seems they have come as you anticipated, Master Zuraxin." B3-ZX would say with a cheerful word. "The Battle Meditation is operating from peak efficiency if my readings of the reports are correct." B3 would say, the inquisitive gaze continued to study the battle going on. They watched as displays of Alliance Forces were starting to pour onto the planet surface. The pale man's hands still clasped pensively, while surges of dark side energy wafted off of him in waves. His focus was on the battle at large, but there was a larger agenda at work here.

"The Jedi will be here soon, much of the Elite has been informed. Now we wait to draw the flies into the web." He said determindly, a mechanical wheeze soon followed, a singular red eye could be seen through the darkness. "Master. I anticipate the full force of the Jedi Council will arrive soon." B3 narrowed his photoreceptors, as he watched countless Alliance forces start to pour into the holoscreen, while Imperial forces were digging in harder, manning fortified positions clearly not making it easy to be fought through. The pale man would scoff at his droid's response. "Let them come... There is only one we need to draw in. Unlike my predecessor, I will not allow her to win." Zuraxin leaned in, his pale features seen through the dimly crimson glow that adorned the chamber. "She will be allowed to enter, kill the rest who try to enter." The pale man known as Darth Versutus leaned in, his tone was filled with bitterness, an anger for the one Jedi Master he dared not utter. His goal was clear to lure her into a trap. Even the Jedi Grandmaster would be caught unaware of the revelation Versutus sought to unveil.

The Sith Lord switched between the holoprojector to that of his droid. "Make it simple for the Jedi to enter, inform the Elite to remain on guard. Only Master Noble is to be offered entry. Wipe out the rest... All of them!" Versutus would say with a raspy tone, followed by the mechanical breathing from the apparatus attached to his face. The protocol droid nodded. "As you command my Master. Noble will find her way to you. I will see to it." The protocol droid would say as he moved towards the exit, light poured in from the opening of the chamber, the chamber led through a long catwalk that led to the Emperor's throne. Various machines were attached to the pale man, his hands still clasped in pensive thought. Dark side energy flowed in waves, spreading from Akar Tsis to across the planet. His mind always reinforcing the Imperials with the urgency to fight, to hold their ground against encroaching Alliance forces.



Location: Akar Tsis
Objective: 1
Nearby: Onrai Onrai Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim
Enemies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Azurine Varek Azurine Varek

Kaleb would gently trail his fingers along the metallic hilt of his saber. He was anxious, energized and ready to fight. Having been summoned to Akar Tsis by order of the Emperor himself, he had been tasked with guarding the Temple. The Emperor's chamber had been guarded by two Imperial Royal Guards, the red clad figures stared out stoically while Kaleb eyed them with some suspicion. He felt power course through his veins, confidence that the battle could be eagerly won against the Alliance. The overwhelming urge to give into the shadows that stirred his mind, was gnawing him. Still he waited for any signs that the enemy would appear, through the rumbling of turbolasers firing, TIEs screaming off in the distance, or the loud blaster fire exchanged from below.

His senses were overwhelmed, as he felt the pull of the Light was heading towards them. The Bastion of Darkness would soon be under siege, with the Emperor in grave danger. After sometime the energized dark energy was too much to just sit and wait. He could wait for the Jedi to enter inside of the Temple, but he wouldn't allow any of them to pass. "You two, come with me." He said to two stormtroopers, two more following behind the Mad Inquisitor as he decided to step outside of the entrance of the Temple. The clouds in the sky was dark, lightning crackled all around. The clash of light and dark sides would cause Force Storms to appear in quick succession. Kaleb could smell the rain, hear the howling of the winds, and feel the intensity of the Light soon to crash down upon the Temple. Soon enough did the rain start falling, lightning would shoot out in arcs, the force of the winds so great that even Kaleb thought he was going to fall off the cliff edge.

Through the horizon he could see tiny pieces, ships approaching towards the Temple. "There they are! Open fire!" Kaleb would command the troopers, there were a few gun emplacements set up near the cliff edge. In succession would green bolts shoot out towards the distance, aimed for the ships attempting to get to the Temple. Quickly with a snap-hiss his crimson blade ignited. "Shoot them down, shoot them all down!" He said frantically. One after another would the volley of green bolts whizz through the air. The crews aimed carefully, shooting one down, then another as orange balls of fire mixed with the chaos of the storm. He gritted his teeth, his lightsaber raised in a pose ready for battle. He could feel the enemy coming closer, the question was if he could hold the Jedi off from progressing into the Temple?



Friendly: Rayia Si Rayia Si
Foe: Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin

"Ride into the fire
Face up to the empty promise
Walk a little wiser
Fight hard for the honest"

The last time she was here, she was giving Ko Vuto Ko Vuto a kiss on the forehead, and Taam a kiss on the lips. Now Ko had headed off to make his own name, and Taam was...gone.

The Reaper came down just off the horizon of the Temple itself. They had prepared for this, but Jonyna still had a mother's worry for her daughter.

Entering a sith temple was always going to be tricky. Luckily, the Alliance leaders and the NJO Council had timed this exactly. Planetary orbits were a funny thing, but they were at least, to a point, predictable.

That was the plan, at least.

Jonyna felt Rayia at her back as they rode the speeder towards the objective.

"We'll be okay." Jonyna assured her. They had to be. They had to be okay, because Jonyna needed Rayia to meet Jenn. She needed Rayia to take over as Watchman for Cathar. They had to be okay, because Jonyna was her mother.

Finally, the temple came in view, and Jonyna looked at the looming structure.

No fear. No pain.

"Rayia, here's where we're getting off."

The Temple itself would be a maze. She couldn't risk that. She needed to focus.

A wind whipped up around the temple. Soon, it rushed into the building, engulfing every single hall and room. Every nook and cranny of the temple felt the gust flow through it.


That was her target. The Dark Side Elite.

Landing on Akar Kesh
open to anyone hitching a ride to the Temple
Enemies: Nekana Quane Nekana Quane ; open

The New Jedi Order found itself in an unending war against its Sith adversaries. Master Hwo loathed it. But while he did not always see eye to eye with the Council, he did not hesitate to recall from his assignment in the Outer Rim territories to join the liberation of Tython.

Hwo stood quietly as the transport descended toward the planet. He was acutely alert, focused, neither nervous nor eager for the battle that lie ahead. The soldiers around him chatted nervously, some bragging about past missions, others talking of home. There were Jedi on board, as well, some joining in discussions with commandos, others keeping to themselves.

“Touch down in two minutes,” came the message from the cockpit. The shuttle rocked as it broke through the atmosphere and descended toward the planet. They had broken through the planetary defenses with relative ease. Others had not been so lucky. The men began strapping on their packs and double checking their weapons. The finest artillery for the finest soldiers. Hwo slung his much smaller bag over his shoulders and prepared for landing.

Before the troop transport even hit the ground, the ramp was already being lowered. The boots of the first soldiers off the ship touched the dirt in the clearing at the same time as the landing gear. They filed off in perfect formation, a group of 40 well-trained Alliance commandos accompanied by a smaller contingent of Jedi Padawans, Knights, and Masters. This would be the last time Hwo would see some of them alive. The harsh realities of this cycle of galactic war.

The group needed to move quickly to the Temple. It was not far now, only a couple of kilometers away. Hwo ran ahead, the ranger’s instincts naturally forcing him to the front of the pack. He could help the scouts spot traps or enemies lying in wait. He doubted they would encounter much resistance, though. The Sith felt comfortable, safe, protected in their fortified Temple. This was not a siege. There was no fear of being unable to wait the Jedi out. This was an attack, and the Temple was theirs. For now.

They soon arrived, not far behind Master Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and her Padawan Rayia Si Rayia Si . They had come a different route, but the objective was the same. Take the Temple back from the Sith, back to its rightful heirs. He and the scouts halted under cover near the Temple entrance, waiting on the rest of the team to catch up. Hwo peered ahead with keen eyes, embracing the energy around him. It was time.
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Objective: 1 decimate Akar Tsis
Allies: Vulpesen Vulpesen Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Hwo Hwo Rayia Si Rayia Si

THe rumors were always there... the jedi were going to Tython and well she could lend some help to it. The ancient temple of Balance had been rebuilt into a temple of the sith and the darkside. Her journey across the planet itself had gone a long way to visiting the temples in her youth which helped with much of her understanding of various force orders. THe beauty of the world was laid out before her as the jedi mater wasn't taking an army... she was taking the Magdalena which would be able to follow and provide a tactical air cover and a few Juggernaut Class Combat Biots would be able to benefit them. The juggernauts were made for this moment as they were walking engines of destruction before she was breathing in and out.. her focus on the energies around herself in the meditation chamber of the ships hold.

SHe was debating the best way to get to the world and there was a grin appearing on her face. The ship moving through its postions as it was coming away from other ships. Weaving between them and Matsu hjad it set up for the jedi who were coming down with her as the doors opened. The G Series Gliders were made for them to be able to quickly descend when the first moment came. The ship swooping before she was moving.. her robes adjusting as the materia form fitted into a silver bodysuit and Matsu let her hair blow in the wind. the shield of the glider expanding outwards and down to protect from anti-air. THe force guiding her as the descent took for a moment with her other hands coming outwards to deflect debris and attacks that could be incoming. The glider was making space and allowing the jedi master to get to the temple without having to fight up a massive mountain.

The debris was coming around from the pods that were being deployed with their gliders to act like decoys from defenses... The jedi masters hands arcing outwards as she was pushing them around with each glider coming into position. Her mind focusing on the moment... the force accelerating her perception as everything slowed down and she reached out. There were others coming from below so the least they could do it make sure there was enough noise to let them move around. SHe reached out with the force and was guiding the others... her view of it in the air allowing the jedi descending towards the temple to see it from the sky. "Approaching." She said it mentally into the force as she reached out to the flickers of light she could feel around herself and was pressing to join them into a singular cohesive wall.
The Aurek II. He cringed as he sat in the pilot seat, taking up formation with the other Jedi ships. He should've come up with a better name. Still, its close quarters formation was still loaded, so he could go at a decent speed. It was a sobering experience, to him. They'd lost it not too long ago, and with it had gone a great deal of history. He knew that the scholars and sages had grabbed as much information as they could to preserve it. This time, if they had to retreat, he needed to make sure that he got back to his ship, quicklky. He'd land far enough away, and then make his way on foot. The interceptor configuration of the wings would be more than enough to punch through enemy lines.

He didn't mind the waiting, what he disliked was his brain trying to invent scenarios, as human as that was, and so he centered himself. It was going to be a battle, a terrible battle, of that much he was sure. He waited... and waited.

The all clear was given and he watched as, one by one, ships jumped into hyper space, right for Tython. He took a breath, and pulled the lever, and suddenly his vision was replaced by stars.

He reached up and pulled the lever, dropping out of hyperspace, alongside the rest of the Alliance Navy. But he wasn't here to fight in space. He had to get to the planet's surface. It was time to really test out the Aurek II in a combat situation.

Raphael pressed a few buttons and flipped a lever. The ship began to accelerate rapidly, as if going in for an attack run. Then the wings folded back and his ship suddenly made a mad dash for the planet's surface, and began to turn it left and right, evading turbolaser fire. He banked a few times before doing a barrel roll around a concentrated turbolaser fire. Then he reponded, pressing the fire button on his ship, unleashing a salvo of return fire, churning the ground, before banking hard to the right, dashing past the fortress, as he'd originally planned.

The speed decreased as he switched the configuration back to close combat, wings returning to their original configuration and he swooped low, landing within a patching of trees. Then the cockpit opened and he stepped out. The dark side was strong, it's pollution had taken over and where he'd once felt balance... now there was just pain.

"It's like Qi-Ko, all over again..."

He made his way to the large looming fortress. True to form, he was still only wearing his same jacket. Nothing special, nothing fancy, and he drew his blaster as he made his way forward. With any luck he'd rendezvous with the rest of the strike team, before long, though for now, he was on his own. He had a feeling he'd find the rest of them near the temple, however, so going this way was right, for now. Another crossroads of destiny moment, it seemed.

Da Emeny: Onrai Onrai , others with the Dark Empire
Da Friendos: Jedi and GA peeps
Opening post.

Wearing: Bloodscrawl Jedi Armor

Armed With: Lance of Ession

In Orbit: Plague Destroyer

Arriving to temple in: TIE/SRRET (Multiple)

Party Favors: Plague Droideka (lots of them.

Trusted associates:

Clone Offense Troopers

Clone Force Commanders (4)

Unfortunate Necessity:

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

Nathan stared at the cargo bay, clad in an antiquated black armor with the bloody red Chevron symbol emblazoned on his chest.

This ship had been recovered in secret from the innards of the planet Katarr after his daughter purchased it at a price that had been authorized only because the return had been considered worth three times whatever she has purchased for it. The secrets of Katarr, it had turned out, were worth quite the exorbitant price...

This time he was trying a different tactic. This time he would be sending in almost purely Droid controlled weapons to wear out Sith Defenses. It was the first part of a two pronged strategy. No more casually throwing clones willy nilly...

He had failed the first time. Hadn't calculated the numbers he would have needed. This time, and the previous failure in a recent battle, meant this time, he was prepared to put the full weight of a dangerously powerful military machine and apply it as much as necessary to crush the Sith that dared occupy Akar Kesh, and profane it. The ancient religious indoctrination of his family sent a shiver of offended indignation at the Sith's crime.

Syd was here too. This time they would do it together. Unfortunately. He was learning to better close his mind off, her new level of power since absorbing The Battalion The Battalion at Khemost having shot through the roof. He stayed away from her as much as possible, seeing nothing human in her.

He was resolved to kill her as ever. The old justification of Primordial Wrongdoing had never once left his mind. First the Cult, then Syd. There was no negotiating with him on this. Not even after Khemost.

Only then would Lysandra's death be avenged. Only then could it be considered avenged.

The old Destroyer came out of Hyper Space, splitting away from another, much more heavily armed set of battleships, already taking fire, and already proving it was not to be fethed with as its fusion cannons swatted down a cruiser in two blasts, taking fire as its Droid Tri-Fighters were unleashed on the planet below to conduct strafing runs on air defenses of the temple, others escorting it the refitted squadrons carrying crack assault teams to the surface at high speed. Nathan and Syd had boarded one.

Syd no longer tried to talk to him unless she had to.

He sat next to her, Syd doing her best to ignore him as the shuttle sped down to the surface, operated by Clone Soldiers. Theirs was the one filled only with a clone pilot and the golden, floating spheres that accompanied them.

"There's so much we could learn from this bond. All this time together...and we barely understand it .." Syd said, retaining the Reflection's face, but the voice of Syd--which he knew as the voice of Darth Phyre..."

He said nothing, ignoring the cold, indifferent desire to violently throttle her.

"Killing me will not bring you peace...OR a Padawan, you must know that." Syd argued.

Not even a casual shrug of indifference.

(Cutaway of Fassbender Magneto sitting in in an elegant chair by a fireplace)

(Fassbender Magneto: Fancy a Coin Trick, anyone?)

"Nathan... Nathan, look. At. Me." she snapped quietly.

Nathan tilted his head to face her.

"I was reprogrammed..." she pleaded quietly. "I had no say in how my remains were altered after being blown apart. The Brain Demon created Darth Phyre, not me."

To this Nathan tilted his head.

"You say Phyre was created by that Abomination..." Nathan said. "Maybe...maybe."

Syd fell silent at his rebuttal as he turned his head fully to her.

"But it was your choice to do everything that came after Phyre was dead..." he replied icily as their shuttle landed, and they immediately came under fire as squads of Clone Offense Troopers armed with DC-15S Carbines, flanked by the Plague Droidekas firing their red continuous beams as they provided cover upon scrambling out of the shuttles. He watched Syd fly off, having decided to attack the Sith Temple from a different route. They would regroup together soon... unfortunately, from his perspective.

Nathan got to work, teleporting behind Sith and going full Vlad on them by running them through from behind with his saber lance, the Tri-Fighters strafing the ground, providing a distraction for advancing alliance Jedi Knights...

This time, Tython would be retaken, do or die. He was prepared to pull out all the stops to do it...

(Open for warposting. Will otherwise post if challenge is not met.)
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Son of Iron & Gold


Zhea Nox Zhea Nox



The air was almost acrid within the halls of Akar Tsis, tainted with the ever-potent flow of the Dark Side. Solipsis had truly conducted his blasphemy well, like a fiendish conductor bending the music of a hellish symphony to his very whim. The Force seemed to bend itself to his making... his vision...

His crimes.

Cesare had avoided returning to Tython for as long as possible, for every time he did, the all too familiar sense of loss welled up within his core. The loss of his father was what kept him going in these past months, but this was somehow... different. It was as if some primordial essence wished to sink its way into the very core of fallen son of iron and gold, some sort of distant instinct posing a threat to the man's soul. Yet, there would be no avoiding it forever, for fate had a strange way of bringing one back to such places of change... to such moments of pain...

His hand brushed along the top of the sacrificial altar in the center of the room, his gloved-hand caressing the profane structure as he looked upon the place of his father's final breath. Flashes echoed across Cesare's mind as he recalled the strange vision he had experienced that fateful day, sneaking their way back to the forefront of his mind as he held back his tears. Was the Force toying with him? There was no way for him to know, for he could only find stability within the hatred that boiled within his heart.

A deep breath finally produced itself from his lips, allowing him to pull himself away from the torrent of emotion within. His gaze snapped back to the entrance of the chamber, his mind shifting to the encroaching, unmistakable feeling of the Light.

So, the Jedi had come...



Post: 1
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Theme: Vendetta
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Tycho Arak Tycho Arak


War comes first, endless is the conflict in men's hearts.
Death is the inevitable outcome, for one cannot sate men's thirst for blood.
Rebirth the cycle is eternal and with out end.

A sarcophagus had been brought to Akar Tsis by a contingent of parishioners clad in silver robes their faces covered by faceless masks. Carrying the sarcophagus was six men in Mandalorian crusader armor devoid of coloring and markings stripped down to the bare metal of the beskar. Also among the parishioners were four death witches of the Krath.

The sarcophagus was brought to a side chamber of the temple, for any who wished to come in and view it they could. The Sarcophagus was black with inlays of silver that depicted the great crusade of ancient times the Krath, Sith, and Mandalorians waging war on the Galaxy. A story that ended in tragedy as all great epics seemed to do.

The parishioners in silver knelt before the sarcophagus and bowed their heads in respect. Yet they were not here to lay someone to rest, they were her to bare witness to a rebirth. The Maw's great crusade may have ended on Exegol, but to them the killing blow had been dealt on Empress Teta when the Silver Empress was buried beneath the Iron Citadel.

The men in crusader armor moved to the sarcophagus and carefully pulled the heavy obsidian lid off of it. Inside was a thick liquid of dark crimson, that began to bubble up as a pale white hand emerged from it.


She was now fully dressed in her holy armor just like the last time she stepped into a war zone. Her Jade eyes peered out from behind the mask covering her face. Today was one of rebirth, the New Emperor of Dark Empire had struck a temporary deal with the Krath that may in time become permanent with negotiations. For now, the deal was to help them hold back the Alliance on Tython so they couldn't as easily encroach on Empress Teta.

It was time for Dyan's to let her reemergence be known, The Empress of the Tetan Empire that fought with the Maw. It was time to let the Galaxy know the crusade's both past, present, and future were never ending. There was a lot of work to be done, today was the first step to that push back the alliance so tomorrow her and her people could build what was promised to them.

"The cycle begins anew my childer." She spoke elegantly and with bravado to those gathered around her. "Our crusade is far from over, and we need our strength." She lifted her sword in her right hand and pointed it towards the death witches who bowed their heads to her then turned and opened the doors to the chamber. People were ushered into he chambers they wore rags of clothing and had shackles upon their arms and legs.

"These are the traitorous and heretical, those that defy the order of things. They are weak of mind and spirit and the one's the Dark Emperor has condemned." Her Jade eyes looked on those in chains with disgust for what they were, weak. They were not her kinsmen, so could not be converted and taught strength. They were cattle of another world, cowards without value. "So, feast my childer, show their blood what true power is by letting it mingle with yours for a moment in in their short lives." Those in the silver robes rose to there feet and removed their masks showing their vampiric monstrous visages to the ones in shackles.

She would let them eat there fill then let them loose to go after the alliance that dared to defile the Dark Empires soil. As her childer began to rip apart the condemned she turned to one of her crusaders. "Take me to this Dark Emperor, also have your men let the childer free on Tython to have there fun."


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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery stood at the edge of the ruins, the once sacred ground of the Temple of Balance now twisted by darkness. The cold wind tugged at her robes as she stared up at the towering edifice of Akar Tsis, its presence oppressive and suffocating, like a scar on the planet itself. Dark clouds swirled above the temple, mirroring the maelstrom of energy that radiated from within its cursed walls. The Force screamed in warning, yet Valery's resolve only solidified further.

With a deep breath, she began her approach.

The entrance to the Sith Temple loomed like the maw of some great beast, ready to consume any who dared to enter. Even from a distance, she could sense the tendrils of dark energy spreading outwards, coiling through the jungle, the ruins, and beyond. It pulsed with power, feeding into the Sith defenses, bolstering their strength, and sowing fear among her allies.

This Sith Battle Meditation had to be stopped.

With her mind focused, Valery reached out through the Force. She felt the presence of her fellow Jedi scattered across the battlefield, their lightsabers igniting like beacons of hope amidst the darkness. They were pushing forward, each step bringing them closer to reclaiming this world. But for Valery, there was only one path.

She was being lured inside. There was no doubt about that. The absence of heavy resistance and the way the shadows seemed to shift and part for her were all designed to lead her deeper into the temple's heart. She knew the source of the dark Battle Meditation would be there. Yet she did not falter. Valery's fiery gaze burned with determination as she moved through the grand halls of the temple, her boots echoing softly against the cold stone floors. Her presence was a sharp contrast to the oppressive weight of the dark side that filled the air, her aura pushing back against it, a flickering light in a sea of shadow.

Valery pressed on, her senses alert for any sign of an ambush, her mind focused on the task at hand. Every wall, every corridor seemed to throb with malevolence. Still, she moved with the grace and precision of a huntress — a former Jedi Shadow — her hand resting lightly on the hilt of her lightsaber.

Finally, she reached a vast chamber, its roof supported by towering pillars covered in ancient Sith runes. Dark energy pooled in the air, thick and heavy, resonating with the rhythmic hum of machinery deep within the temple. The chamber was empty, save for the oppressive presence that filled it. As she looked around, Valery's mind briefly drifted to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and the kids, knowing that even the mental image of their faces would bring her strength. Similarly, those same thoughts shifted to her Padawans as well, and she wondered if they'd be safe. Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal and Azurine Varek Azurine Varek were young and strong, but this would be their first battle.

For now, she had to set her thoughts and worries aside.

"He's here," Valery murmured to herself, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the darkness. Somewhere, hidden within this labyrinth of evil, a great evil waited for her. But she would not be afraid.

Lifting her lightsaber hilt, she ignited the blade — a brilliant beam of violet light that cast long, sharp shadows across the stone walls. "This ends tonight," she whispered, her voice a promise that echoed through the silent chamber. With a firm step, Valery advanced deeper into the heart of the temple, ready to confront the dark presence that awaited her.




Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


Braze and his master, Jasper Kai'el, rode atop the massive Dragon Knight , its powerful wings beating as they descended toward the Sith temple. Despite its size, the armored beast kept pace with Raphael Gallustrade as he made his rapid approach to the surface. The Dragon Knight's shadow stretched over the landscape, a looming figure against the dark backdrop of the temple's spires.

As they drew closer, Braze opened the comms, broadcasting on Galactic Alliance channels.

"Azure Phoenix to ground team. We're commencing an aerial cavalry assault. Stay sharp and keep us updated if things start to get out of hand."

The Dragon Knight soared forward, carrying the two Jedi into battle, ready to strike from above as the dark side pulsed from the temple below.
"I don't know who I am anymore."

The Fight Begins Anew

Outfit: Clothing | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibroblade

Leaving behind one war and being brought into another. At least this was something deeply familiar, and Azurine guessed that her Master Valery Noble Valery Noble had thought the same thing when she'd asked her if she was willing to fight again or if she still needed more time.

She hadn't even realized that the Empire had survived all these years, and that fact alone sent a wave of fire through her stomach that translated into a bright blaze of determination. She wasn't going to sit by while it still remained a threat, not after everything she'd fought so hard for before she'd been ripped from everything she'd known before. If a bacon of hope is what they needed, then she was absolutely going to be on the front lines to set it free. She'd already lost a heart, her right arm, the man she'd loved, and part of herself to the darkside. She wasn't about to let them continue to take from people if she had anything to say about it.

This is it, Azzie. It's time. She thought to herself when the shuttle touched down at its landing area, her hands curled tightly around the hilts of her saber and her vibrosword. She was young, yes, but certainly not a child. Had she been raised in the temple, she very likely would have been close to knighthood if not already a knight by now if one had judged solely by her age, and she was more than ready. Or at least part of her felt like she was. The other part doubted her convictions, saying she wasn't strong enough for this.

The aura of oppressive, icy cold darkness pressed down on her mind as she reached out through the force to feel her surroundings. It was so much more overwhelming than anything she'd felt before, pure corruption. It threatened to spread through her soul, and she quickly pulled back, chills sent through her skin. Though she tried to hide the fear that crept into her piercing violet eyes, it was still there itching at the back of her mind. "Courage is not being unafraid. It's facing the fear head on," she remembered what her father had once said to her so long ago, refocusing her aura sense on the jedi and soldiers around her to ground herself again.

She took a long, deep breath, turning to Master Vanagor and giving a small nod and a playful grin. She could already tell he was not exactly the happiest with her here, for reasons she could only guess, but she wasn't about to make herself scarce or hide on a suttle for anyones comfort. The tattoos on her face and back marked her the sole heir of an Iridonian warrior clan long dead, even if she was small for a Zabrak woman. She would honnor that legacy and that of her time in the Rebel Alliance to the best of her ability.


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How we do anything is how we do everything.

TAG (ALLIES) : Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Hwo Hwo | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker

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Objective I — Akar Kesh

Master Alum could watch over things for now at the Shadow Temple, the place was built to be self-sufficient anyway. He was not going to be there, not even to visit other Temples, no he needed the time in seclusion in case he wouldn’t be back. So did Connel. They made sure to spend time with those who mattered the most. To recognize an emotion and not let it define you was to experience it to the fullest and move on. So that meant that the big man, and his son were spending time with the Matriarch of the family. Of course because since she was considered “family” as well and did not have one of her own, Ryana mina Ryana mina was also welcome to be there too.

There would be no time for this in the upcoming days.

They were preparing for something a Jedi should never truly wish for, an invasion. It was necessary for the big man though, he was a part of the huge coalition which defended the planet Tython so long ago from the massive assault only to see it lost recently. It was time to get it back. The planet was sacred to the Jedi, and to him in particular, so many memories that he held dear were on this planet and he would not lose them, he would experience them again, and relive them to future generations one day soon.


Title: Shadows Over Tython

The hum of the Galactic Alliance military shuttle reverberated through the cramped cabin, a stark contrast to the serene beauty of the stars outside. Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor sat in the shuttle’s rear, his eyes closed in meditation, but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Tython, the ancient home of the Jedi, was under siege by the Dark Empire, a malevolent force that sought to extinguish the light of the Force from the galaxy.

Caltin was a towering figure, both in stature and presence, with a mane of dark hair that framed his chiseled features. His robes, a deep blue, fluttered slightly in the shuttle’s artificial breeze, and the hilt of his lightsaber rested comfortably at his side. He could feel the weight of the mission ahead pressing down on him, but he also felt the pulse of the Force, guiding him, urging him to remain steadfast.

The shuttle was filled with a diverse group of soldiers and Jedi, each one a testament to the coalition formed to reclaim Tython. Among them was Captain Rhea Tann, a fierce warrior with a reputation for her tactical brilliance. She was reviewing the mission parameters on a holographic display, her brow furrowed in concentration.

“Master Vanagor,” she said, glancing back at him. “We’re approaching the drop zone. Intel suggests heavy resistance from Dark Empire forces. Are you ready?”

Caltin opened his eyes, the calmness of his demeanor contrasting with the tension in the cabin. The Force is with us, Captain. We will reclaim Tython, not just for the Jedi, but for all who believe in peace and justice.

As the shuttle descended through the atmosphere, the landscape of Tython unfolded below them—lush forests, ancient temples, and the remnants of a once-thriving civilization now marred by the scars of war. The sight ignited a fire within Caltin. He could feel the echoes of the past, the whispers of Jedi long gone, urging him to fight for their legacy. He watched Matsu and the gliders start to sail in tactically measured maneuvers, and while he was about to do the same, realized that they could use a distraction, so he stayed aboard for a moment.

The shuttle shuddered as it entered the fray, enemy blaster fire lighting up the sky like fireworks. Caltin’s heart raced, but he remained focused. “Prepare for landing!” Captain Tann shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos.

With a jolt, the shuttle touched down, and the ramp lowered, revealing a battlefield teeming with Dark Empire soldiers. Caltin ignited his lightsaber, the blue blade humming to life, casting a glow on the faces of his comrades. For Tython! he roared, charging down the ramp. Once reaching the familiar Terra Firma, he centered the Force in his right fist and slammed it into the ground sending Force imbued shockwaves everywhere.

The moment his boots hit the ground, the world around him transformed. The Force surged through him, amplifying his senses. He could feel the fear and anger of the enemy, the determination of his allies. With a swift motion, he deflected blaster bolts back at their sources, the red beams exploding in bursts of smoke and fire.

Around him, the soldiers of the Galactic Alliance formed up, their blasters firing in unison. Caltin moved like a whirlwind, his lightsaber a blur as he engaged the enemy. He was a master of the Form V lightsaber style, using his strength and agility to overpower opponents. With each strike, he felt the weight of the Dark Empire’s tyranny lifting, if only slightly.

As the battle raged on, Caltin spotted a group of Dark Empire soldiers attempting to flank his position. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of the Force crashing into them, sending them sprawling. But then, he sensed a darker presence approaching—a figure cloaked in shadows, radiating malice.

“Master Vanagor,” a voice hissed, echoing through the chaos. “You are a fool to think you can reclaim this world. The Dark Empire will consume you!” Caltin turned to face the figure, a Sith Acolyte whose eyes glowed with a sinister light. I will not let you harm this planet or its people anymore, he declared, his voice steady. The light will always prevail.

The Sith lunged, igniting a crimson lightsaber that clashed against Caltin’s golden blade. The two warriors danced in a deadly ballet, their strikes and parries a testament to their mastery of the Force. Caltin felt the darkness swirling around the Sith, but he remained anchored in the light, drawing strength from the memories of the Jedi who had come before him.

With a surge of determination, Caltin unleashed a powerful Force push, sending the Sith stumbling back. Seizing the moment, he launched himself forward, his lightsaber slicing through the air with precision. The Sith barely managed to block the strike, but Caltin pressed on, relentlessly.

In a final, decisive move, Caltin channeled the energy of the Force, amplifying his strike. The blue blade met the red in a brilliant flash of light, and with a swift motion, he disarmed the Sith, sending the weapon clattering to the ground. This ends now, Caltin said, his voice firm.

With a final thrust, he incapacitated the Sith, who fell to the ground, defeated. The big man looked around to see battles rage on, but there was a pull of darkness calling out to him, taunting him, drawing him further.

It did not work when he was Knighted, it won’t work now.

This was Tython… it may be under dark rule… at the moment… but this was Tython… TYTHON. There was maybe one, or two sentients in the galaxy who knew this planet as well as he had. There was heavy weapons fire on them, and he was hard pressed to dodge everything as they were being directed by darkness. Caltin was going to bring light to that darkness…

… whether they wanted it or not…

now he was mad


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Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

The Sith has a wide variety of creatures at their beck and call. They always did. He'd studied about their kind when he'd been learning the Sith arts. Nothing more than modified creatures. They were all, in their own right, susceptible to techniques in the Force, and he had no problem cutting down beasts with no sapience to them. As he emerged, he left a trail of corpses in his wake, his clothing still spotless, his blade still trailing at his side even as more of the things came at him.

His pace was slow, methodical. There was no reason to hurry. The more that came at him, the more he could kill. It wasn't even hard for him. In fact, it barely looked like he was moving anything other than his feet as he walked. But how could that be? Simple, he worked with his fingers, and tendrils of darkness rolled across the battlefield before him. Not quite as deadly as a truly concentrated form, but he could still manipulate them well enough to destroy Sith spawn without even touching them. It was this that allowed him to stay perfectly clean. The ones that got near by attacking from his side he dispatched with purifying light.

A walking contradiction: light and dark.

There were much worse things ahead of him, he could feel that, but he was fine with it. Dealing with one problem after another was the nature of being what he was. Methodical and calm. The enemy of justice must perish. The creator of monstrosity must be brought low. And soon, other creatures poured forth to feast, similar to ones he was preparing his daughter to face, but not quite the same. They spread out, but one of them set its sights on him, and he narrowed his eyes at it, coming to a halt where he stood.

"Tell your master to come forth," he called to it, knowing full well it could understand him even in its lust.

It ignored him, as it was want to do, and he drew the Force within him down to a single, small point inside. The creature would be drawn to him, all that power so concentrated, but it wasn't going to have an easy time extracting it. He didn't need it to deal with this beast anyway.

Making sure his blade was not on the stun setting, he waited for it to attack him. It complied. He utilized his training from his days as a Kage Warrior to avoid its attacks, luring it into a false sense of security as he didn't counter with his own attacks. He let it think it had him on the run, backing away and allowing it to push him backwards. But then, just went it felt confident in itself, he struck swiftly, driving his saber through its chest with enough Force that it drove the creature backwards several steps, only for him to stop near it, it's shocked expression upon him as his left hand grabbed it by the side of the head.

He reached through the Force, through the tether this thing had to its master, and launched a mental message. Come forth and face me lest all your children die. As soon as that was sent, he ripped his lightsaber upward, cutting the creature in half from the chest up, and then used the Force to set its remnants alight.
Sword of Dusk


| Location | Outskirts of Akar Tsis
| Objective | Take the stronghold
| Focus | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Pollux was not the Alor of House Kryze. That woman was a skilled diplomat and a cunning tactician, whose voice commanded calm in times of turmoil, and awoke a fire within the hearts of her warriors when it was needed most. With every act, she seemed to ascend further and further into legend, inspiring all those who followed her...
But Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze was not here. Not after the disastrous defeat at Echnos. Where a lesser soul would have fallen, she had endured, and her legend grew greater still for it - but throwing herself headlong into battle whilst her body yet needed to heal? There was no courage in that. Only foolishness and misplaced pride. Grievously wounded as she had been, The Redeemer would not miss the chance to assist the efforts of her allies in the New Jedi Order... and to carry out the vengeance of Onderon against the Dark Empire.
Bloodied as they had been by recent conflicts against Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and Sith alike, the warriors of House Kryze remained undaunted in their resolve, leaning on their auxiliary force of Hastati to shore up their numbers and avoid being outnumbered by the foe - and so too were they backed up by a small, if professional detachment of the Onderon military and a few sympathetic Beast Riders as well, united in their thirst for vengeance in the name of their homeworld.
And Pollux, Alor'ad of House Kryze, would be the one to lead them into battle.
If he harbored any doubts as to his ability to take these assembled forces to victory, the master-at-arms hid them well beneath his beskar, riding out atop his horse along the battle line. Beast riders in the front, Hastati behind them - and the Onderon military in a support role, ready to shore up any part of the formation threatening to break.
The transport ships that brought them planetside were kept in reserve, ready to evacuate casualties. For now, they were grounded, well out of range of the temple's defenses. Although aggrieved by the notion of watching those she loved charging forth into such a deathtrap, Karrys complied nonetheless, as did the rest of the pilots.

"Arise, Mandalorians! Arise, Hastati! Arise, Beast-Riders! Arise, Soldiers of the Queen!"

Pollux pointed his spear towards their objective, in all of its baleful glory, and inhaled deeply. His voice lacked the supernatural edge Jenn possessed, and it took great effort, for it to carry loudly enough for all within the formation to hear.

"The dread day of reckoning is upon us! A day of righteous vengeance for those they took from us! A sword-day, a red day!"

A great cheer arose from the ranks, the indignation and anger built up since the days of the brutal, if short-lived occupation brought to a boil by his words. Although the House of Kryze had only recently established itself on Onderon, their devotion to the cause of the homeworld was made undeniable by their commitment to this fight. Blue and white was their beskar, and proudly did they carry their banners in the wind, etched with the sigil of their House.
Pollux thought of Thibauld, the one who had put an end to his numerous trysts and captured his heart, waiting for him back on Onderon. He thought of Jenn, who had given him purpose after a life of aimless errantry... and so too did he think of Varys Amun Varys Amun , whose brave heart humbled even him.
It was their love he carried within his heart as he lowed the visor of his helmet in place, set over his face for what may perhaps be the final time. If he was to fall this day, then it would be an honorable death - his life spent in service to The Redeemer. In the service of Onderon.

"Ride now, ride now! Ride for death, and ruin! Forth, Mando'ad!"

Pollux spurred his horse, as did the rest of the Hastati behind him.

| Friendly | @ Jedi / GA
| Hostile | @ Dark Empire
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Location: Lost inside Akar Tsis
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble | GA
Enemies: Open | DE

Italic = helmet distortion.

Setting foot upon a corrupted Tython, so far removed from the Jedi sanctuary it had ever been, had sent chills of ill forebodance through the very core of his being. Even as the Ironsides marched against the mockery that was Akar Tsis looming over them, their Chief had more than once turned to their Grandmaster with worry only to find courage in the set features of that youthful yet wise visage. This was no time for banter or gallows humour. This was Tython, ancient birthplace of the Jedi Order. Every blade of grass, every rock was sacred ground to a follower of the Light.

Unexpectedly, they were met with non-existent resistence save for the suffocating aura this dark edifice projected across the land and the living. He and the Ironsides had faced Sith plenty before, as recently as Coruscant, but to stand before an actual Sith temple bathed in such utter blackness and despair was a wholly different thing.

He looked to Valery one last time but asked not for orders. They knew their task, for it was what they knew best: Kill the enemy.

With visor lowered and gun in hand did Chief Ironside follow the Sword of the Jedi past the threshold, his team following his lead. Internal sensors went haywire upon setting foot inside the dark structure, playing tricks on their HUDs and sophisticated interfaces. Thirdas looked over his shoulder at the other Ironsides experiencing the same technical difficulties.

"Visual interfaces off," he told them. "Trust nought but eyes and ears from now on." By the time he returned his gaze to his front, the Grandmaster was nowhere to be found. Stopping dead in his tracks and rifle raised, he called out into the void. "Lady Valery! Grandmaster!"

It proved a futile effort. Valery Noble had simply vanished, engulfed inside the overwhelming blackness. Or, perhaps it was they who were lost; locked away inside this mind-bending structure of treachery and foul sorcery. "Everyone, stay close," he ordered, switching on the flashlight mounted to the side of his rifle. He heard them do as told, but no other lightsources joined his. Another glance over his shoulder revealed none at his back.

He was alone.

"Creed, report! Yarrick!" He attempted to hail his first and second officer but to no avail. "Anyone on this frequency, come in!"

Footsteps — too many to belong to his men. His flashlight switched off in an instant, Thirdas dove into the nearest corner and wrapped himself in the camo-cloak, becoming one with the cold, black stone architecture. Silent as the night he pulled out his combat knife in case an opportunity presented itself for a quick kill.

But the patrol hurred past his location, heading the way he'd come. Once out eyesight, Thirdas stood and shed his disguise.

"The others would try and link up, failing that proceed with the mission," he thought out loud. United or apart, their orders remained. Foregoing the bulk and heft of his rifle, he pulled out his sidearm and equipped its silencer, then proceeded farther into the infinite void with the utmost stealth. In a way, it reminded him of his initiation into Dorn Company all those years ago.

Only, this time Gunny wasn't around to keep an eye on him.

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