Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter I — GA invasion of DE held Tython


Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

It seemed, at least to him, that she did not understand what she faced. This was fine. If anything, it was to his advantage that she did not. Thought, it served as something to anger him when her next attack once again fell against the bubble of the Force with which he surrounded himself. It spread out in a large arc, annihilating almost anything it touched, killing many that had no stake in their fight. Collateral. Nothing could anger him like useless collateral, but this was still death of those who couldn't defend themselves.

But as the attack rippled away, he felt a strong confluence of darkness approaching, and turned on his little island of undisturbed ground, to look at the real form of the woman who controlled the Force vampires. Yes, the one behind him was, as he suspected, a form of projection, meant to wear away at him while the real one approached.

In this case, the real one approached while devouring those around it. This was no mere Force vampire, but something else entirely. His desire to kill it grew, but he maintained his calm as he stared at her with golden eyes when she came into view. A trail of carnage in her wake that had echoed his own approach to the battlefield, though far different as his slaughter had not served to strengthen him, only to lessen the numbers of evil that plagued this place, lessoning the damage that could be inflicted on soldiers of the alliance.

"So, you are the one behind these things," he said, saber pointing at the burned corpse on the ground. "Good."

His fingers started to move and the barrier around him fell. She might think this an opportunity, but it was already too late to catch him. Fueled by the hatred he had for those who twisted others, the hatred of those who destroyed, the hatred of monstrosities like her, tendrils of darkness rose around him. Some shot out at the doppelganger that was now behind him, some raced ahead at the creature before him. This was no Jedi that she faced, she would understand that now.

But that knowledge alone would not be enough to save her.
Location: Charging up the Steps of Akar Kesh
Allies: GA
Enemies: DE(Open)
Loadout: Battlefield

Tython. It wasn't the first time Vulpesen had spilled blood on its soil and he highly doubted that it would be the last. One of the Jedi Order's most ancient of homes. It was a constant point of contention between the jedi and the sith and in their last push against the forces of light, the sith had managed to capture and desecrate this sacred place. It was time to set things right.

All around him, his men were charging at the sith forces, blasters and launchers being used with lethal efficiency. For them, this was no battle of ideals. It was simple, brutal, kill or be killed war. For them it was simple. There was no eternal religious struggle between jedi and sith. No cares for light and dark. All Cyclone Regiment cared about was earning their pay from the Galactic Alliance, and fighting well for the Colonel who strode up the temple steps, his lightsaber sitting unlit within his hand.

Somewhere along the line, Vulpesen figured he'd changed, fallen into that belief. The light and dark didn't matter. Whether a jedi pushed a soldier off a cliff, or a sith blasted them apart with lightning, the result was the same. Someone died. What mattered was the intent, what they killed and maimed for. For the Valde, that was the code. Life, Freedom, and Unity. The sith were a genocidal cancer of tyrants in the galaxy. It was time to remove them.

Already, he could hear the battle raging in the temple. Sitha dn jedi had already met in a clash of blades and mystical might. He was late to the party, but he'd be damned if he didn't revel in its noise. His saber ignited and with a feral growl, Vulpesen dashed forward, his mask dropping over his face. "Come on. Someone get in my way," he growled, "I'm beggin' ya."
The world around him was quiet, too quiet. Not in the literal sense of "no noise going on" as, in fact, there was a lot of noise going on. There were explosions, there were the shouts of people into comms devices, in fact he could hear people shouting into his comms. He was quiet, as he walked forward, through the brush of Tython. He'd expected more resistance from the Dark Empire and he had to stop and consider for a moment. Had he just landed in an area where they hadn't deployed troops? Given that his ship had flown overhead that didn't make any sense. Were they trying to lure him into a trap? No, he wasn't all that skilled compared to others, so that wouldn't have made any sense, nor would he have any information or was that easy to turn...

Raphael holstered his pistol as he walked forward, confidently. There was no hate, there was no fear. He knew what was waiting for him, and it didn't really matter. They were there. He could feel them. They were fighting, there was power, there was rage and there was anger, there was love and there was joy. Keep going...

Onrai was the only person that was against them that he could feel and she was releasing energy... He could feel power emanating from the jedi, as they all began to come together. He wasn't sure what this meant, but it was a shift in Tython's energies. He sighed, as he kept walking towards the fortress. At the very least none of them were crazy enough to go into the fortress on their own, to confront whatever-- Oh wait, yes there were some of them that were crazy enough for that. He sighed, a bit frustrated, but he just had to let that go. It was also possible that their adversaries wanted her alone.

The walking wasn't too bad and, before long, he was standing before the fortress itself. He could feel them all, though now the individuals were bleeding together into a chaotic mess. Though, perhaps that was the best thing to happen. He stared at the chaotic battle unfolding before him, eyes glancng over the scene, as a whole and lightly patted the blade at his side. A sword, a lightsaber, a pistol. Was that going to be the truth of victory? No. Every single cut and slice would do so very little, every shot couldn't necessarily save everyone, but he could do what he could do.

Perhaps Tython, would have to be the one to save itself...

Enemies: Onrai Onrai , Dark Empire people and sith
Friends: GA, Jedi lotsa people



Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Onrai Onrai

"Right, here's the plan," he began. "Fortunately it's quite simple. We're finding the strongest guy here and killing them. Any questions?"
"Strongest guy got it... Looks like we'll be hitting that 'gatekeeper' pretty hard, then."

Tempest, the Dragon Knight, rolled left and right with relative ease, dodging the barrage of projectiles and shots coming their way. Flying low, he briefly slowed his speed, allowing the two riders to disembark before charging toward their target. A storm of firepower rained down as the massive beast attempted to crash claws first into the target, Onrai Onrai , with full force.

Braze tumbled to the ground, taking a moment to jump up, his eyes scanning for Jasper to make sure he landed safely.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective: 1 decimate Akar Tsis
Allies: Vulpesen Vulpesen Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

THe gliders continued down as others were going inside.. she could see more jedi coming and there was more within the temple itself.... something drawing at it and she landed with a soft landing behind two soldiers. SHe looked at them as they turned and pushed them to the sides as her senses continued to accelerate her perceptions. The air charged and structure shifting... their hands touched the wall and like a mold they sank in asshe solidified it. Their hands and legs moved to remain off balance. Art of the small to a degree only a few saw while she manipulated, moved, stacked.... broken down and changed. She would spend hours upon hours training it and stretching her senses to the limit as she moved. The sound of a charging Vulpesen Vulpesen coming up the way was there and the jedi master didn't say anything as she sought out through the temple something different.

"Clever." She said it and was feeling more as the presence of something was there... allowing the force to shift and wrap around.. and then cease... she knew that feeling. They had studied it as the engineers and workers pierced the barrier in a way. SHe spoke into the force focusing on Caltin and Vulps. "Buy me time." THe jedi master said it while she was walking... allowing the force to wrap around herself and slowly leech outwards... to bleed out and she was pulling the heat from molecules and at smaller levels... she was allowing the energy to fuel her abilities when frost began to form on her skin but she was moving faster to the eyes of soldiers who could see her. THe sound came as the two biots crashed through the wall and they were massive beasts. Her bodyguards but they were moving slowly to most perceptions she had.

"Deeper." Her voice came out through as she peered lower and lower... deeper and deeper through rock and metal and time allowing the force to divide and seperate as she was seeking the base of it all.. the foundation where they had twisted and bent it.


Location: Akar Kesh, Sith Temple
Objective: Disrupt defenses for the main attack force
Tag: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim


The attack was swift and calculated, their element of surprise had given them the fortune of taking down a mixture of soldiers and latter Sith who weren't expecting opposition so quickly. Once the last body had fallen to the floor, each of them went their separate ways without a word. They knew if they wasted a second longer the Sith would have a whole swarm of reinforcements down on their position. Whatever happened now was in their hands, they needed to make this count.

Carefully walking through the halls, he chose to put away his lightsaber for now and keep to the pillars as a means of cover. The last thing he wanted was to be spotted, which was only proven when a group of heavily armored soldiers came rushing through. Silas came to a halt and pressed his back against the pillar to keep himself hidden, only peeking around once their backs were turned to him. They were no joke, facing them head on would not be a good idea in the slightest.

He just hoped many of them weren't around by the time the alliance arrived.

Silas moved forth once more and was keeping an eye out for anything that could be to do with their communications. However, just as he set foot into another hall something else made itself known. The knight stopped in his tracks and listened to the unusual voice goading him to come forth, clearly looking to guide him into a trap. If someone was doing this chances are they already knew exactly where he was. So, if anything it was only right to spring the trap and take control of his fate.

"Show yourself, or do you wish to hide in the shadows like a coward?" The knight said back in his head calmly as he kept to the pillars again, keeping his eyes out for enemy troops that may be helping with her trickery. Around him, statues of long deceased Sith were watching over him in eery silence, something that could make any Jedi a bit more paranoid with his surroundings.

"I will not be deterred from my mission by words alone, stranger."
Last edited:


Location: Akar Tsis, Chamber
Enemies: GA: Valery Noble Valery Noble

A singular red eye glowed through the darkness. The wheezing, breathing of the apparatus around the mysterious Umbaran’s face. Various machines, wires and tubes were connected to the man as if the throne he sat on had supported his existence, his hands were still clasped in pensive thought. It was as if the mechanized monstrosity of the dark side had posed no threat, nor ill will to the guest that had stumbled so deep into the Temple.

She entered into the camber, her violet blade was alight with deadly anticipation. His hands still clasped together, the pumping of dark fluid into his veins from the various tubes inserted into his body. The machines that had processed various functions through his form, a grotesque union of Sith and Dark Side machinery. His skin was pale, veins appeared making him more sickly. Still, in the darkness he was shrouded from her view, she could see his breathing apparatus, a glowing red prosthetic, and a burning yellow gaze in one good eye filled with questions, answers and a blazing vision not easily understood.

“There is no need for such crude implements of such false light.” He would say a pale hand gestured to her violet blade. “I thought Jedi preferred diplomacy over taking life.” He said through the mechanized tone, even she could tell there was some subtle mockery to his words, for she had walked into his chamber, saber in hand appearing to strike an unarmed man down. Had the Jedi come to this? He looked to her, narrowing his one good eye, the red prosthetic flashed as he scanned any biometric data from her. He read everything from increased heart rate, body temperature, to pupil dilation. Imperial data fed to him, as he danced around her words. Zuraxin desired to know his prey better, to understand his enemy before making his move.

The Jedi Grandmaster kept her distance from him. She asked questions, trying push her need to understand everything. Zuraxin still remained silent, as if puzzled by everything that she asked. The moment of silence persisted, the breathing of his mask, the pumping of various machines hooked up to his body was still at work. “Interesting. Darth Solipsis spoke of you, but he never mentioned how you’re so full of questions. Long have I waited, yet you came with an interrogation .” He would say, his tone sounded somewhat disappointed as if he expected more from the New Jedi Order’s finest.

B3 stood next to him, his red photoreceptors zeroed in on her, his arms hang limply at his sides. “She is very inquisitive, Master.” He would chime in, as he stood as an assistant and aide to the Shadow Emperor. Another mechanical wheeze followed before his gaze fixated on hers. “Who I am? My friend I’ve always been watching. Always seeing at the path Solipsis laid out, but he lacked the vision that is found in Imperial dominance. He sought to destroy in order to create. I intend to make order from chaos. The foundation remade anew, but not torn down. For you see my Jedi friend, you may call me Zuraxin.” He would say, the term of “friend,” made it sound a simple gesture, an olive branch of sorts if only his tone wasn’t so mocking with each utterance of the word. He interlocked his fingers together, careful to not reveal all of his plan, his vision, or even his Sith identity to the Grandmaster. He was playing with her, toying with her mind. He studied her intensively.


Tags: Braze Braze

Lux Ultima
"Strongest guy got it... Looks like we'll be hitting that 'gatekeeper' pretty hard, then."

Jasper nodded, fixing his attention on the physical manifestation of Onrai Onrai . They seemed to be a pocket of particularly potent dark energy. In other words, the clearest target. As the dragon hurled itself into the darksider, Jasper lept down and landed beside Braze, sparing him a concerned glance before properly standing, dusting himself off. A subtle frown spread across his face. He had seen what he was going to attempt done before, a strange action that cut individuals off from the force. But what happened when an area of the physical world was cut off from the force?

Well, he certainly had his theories.

"Alright, get yourself ready, kid," Jasper began. "They'll be on us soon I imagine."

No doubt things were about to get messy.



Zhea Nox Zhea Nox | Cesare Demici Cesare Demici


This was personal for Zhea, and there was nothing he could do to stop her from this mission. Although she separated herself from the Jedi Order, this place remained sacred to her and wished to draw out the corruption coursing through the former Temple of Balance. For Simon, he did not felt any sympathy for Tython’s desecration; years ago, during the Great Hyperspace War, he tried to destroy the what ties Tython had to the Sith and Jedi when he served the New Imperial Order. End the cycle of those two destructive dogmas.

Still the darkness afflicting the planet earned a sour, disgust look on his face.

It was obvious detecting Zhea’s emotions and her newfound stance. She had discarded much of her pacifist tendencies and adopted a more proactive approach against the Dark Side. Much had changed since Coruscant, a worrying sign for Simon.

“We can do better than what happened on Coruscant. I’ll follow you, and don’t stray from me,” the Dark Side was more potent than they faced on Coruscant, yet it did not bring his beloved to her knees. She had grown strong in spirit since their venture in Coruscant. The Imperial followed the Kiffar, a small detachment of Stormtroopers following to find whatever it was Zhea was after.


Post: 4
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Theme: Vendetta
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Tycho Arak Tycho Arak

Electrified blast wasn't ever meant to harm him, its purpose was twofold disrupting the ground and ionize the area. The death it caused was just another added bonus. As the man stepped from his bubble an unleashed his Dark side tendrils revealing his true nature. There wasn't time to contemplate the hypocrisy that Jedi would accept the aid of one with such Darkside prowess. It came at both the Dopplegänger and the real deal, the tendrils depending on power could annihilate anything they touched and Dyans wouldn't underestimate that ability.

The Dopplegänger dispersed into energy before the tendrils reached it. The energy divided itself and moved for the corpses on the battlefield. Reanimating them back to zombified corpses, it wasn't instantaneous as they slowly began to rise from ground. It gave Dyans an army though under her command now. The feeding made her stronger but there was another purpose to the death she had caused.

"Yes, good." Came a guttural animalistic voice from beneath the mask cover her face. Her hand shot up a s the tendrils came towards her. "Is that all your hatred, anger, and darkness." A bubble wrapped around her much like his bubble, as the tendrils wrapped around it and began to eat at it. Force feeding on force the tendrils squeezed tighter and pulled at her.

She could feel it eating at her force barrier consuming it. Dyans dropped to her knees, her form much larger than its normal state. Her red eyes looking at Tycho Arak Tycho Arak fury of a beast in a trap with no way out. He didn't realize, he was in her trap though, she wanted him to put more into tendrils everything he had. "Is that all you got!" She screamed in guttural at him as she was feeding on the tendrils absorbing the force into her body the bubble being used as a filter to avoid annihilation and burning to fast.



Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython


The weight of Tython’s air choked Cailen’s lungs the way invasive vines choke an unsuspecting tree. It creeps silently, diligently, intentionally, its goal always to smother the host. Every few moments, Cailen had to remind himself to breathe. Luckily for he and Master Farr, his sharp inhalations were masked by the roar of distant battles.

Are we close, Master?” the boy whispered. It wasn’t impatience or fear, but dread and bitter acceptance. Cailen found the golden kyber crystal that hung around his neck and rubbed his thumb over its cracked surface.

It seemed to ground him some to remember that the pendant was there. The kyber crystal belonged to his fallen Master who’d died on Tython during the Mawite siege, a grisly loss that Cailen had witnessed firsthand but was whisked away by Alliance soldiers before he could do anything to help. Not that he really could have survived anyway; the witch that killed Tarus Undara Tarus Undara did so like he was little more than a sparring droid.

Cailen winced at the memory and instead focused on the woman ahead. Efret Farr Efret Farr reminded him so much of Master Undara. Both of them were Lorrdian. Cailen could tell by the strangely familiar way that she used every muscle faintly to accentuate her tone and mood. “It’s called kinetic,” Master Undara once told him. A secret body language developed by the Lorrdians to undermine their captors during centuries-long periods of enslavement.

Overhead, Nirrah was a protective guardian. She was Efret’s convor, Cailen learned, a deeply personal friend who enabled the Jedi to perceive the world around her. No doubt, the avian was keeping careful watch for signs of Imperial forces or Dark Side elites.

A distant rumble halted Cailen’s feet just long enough for him to realize it wasn’t an immediate threat. Hopefully Efret wouldn’t lose faith in him. Being here was so much harder than he imagined.

Akar Kesh Temple Steps
GA folks too numerous to tag
Enemies: Nekana Quane Nekana Quane

The battle at the Temple entrance had erupted quickly and violently. The team of Jedi and troopers that Hwo arrived with were soon joined by several similar teams and immediately met with heavy resistance. The Jedi Master fell into action, moving swiftly to confront the small enemy contingent approaching from the nearest route into the Temple. With the troopers laying down fire, Hwo ignited the green blade of his lightsaber and sprinted into the attack force.

While he favored the fifth form of lightsaber combat, Hwo’s base was form III, allowing him to safely deflect blaster fire aimed in his direction. Fortunately, these were grunts that had not been trusted with the more expensive Jedi killing weapons favored by the Dark Empire’s special forces. Once in immediate proximity of the Imperials, he moved into a low position, then slashed upward with an aggressive one handed swipe, cutting the first soldier down. He used the momentum to spin toward a second, winding into a forward lunge, stabbing his blade directly through the trooper’s chest. As another took aim from just a couple feet away, his head rocked to the side, a blaster bolt from one of Hwo’s commandos catching him in the side of the helmet before he could take a shot. The Imperials along the periphery continued to take similar casualties, unsure how to focus their efforts between the Jedi in their midst and the Alliance soldiers shooting from behind him.

A new threat emerged, a Sith acolyte arising from behind the squad, leaping over his team and bringing his red lightsaber clashing down. Hwo met the attack with a high block, using his strength to push the dark sider back. Undeterred, the Sith struck again, a flurry of blows in fast succession, an effort to overtake the Jedi Master quickly and avoid a prolonged duel. But the acolyte was reckless, too aggressive, leaving openings with each swing of his lightsaber. Hwo studied his opponent as he blocked the strikes, analyzing his form, mindful of gaps in his defenses. The frustrated Sith brought three heavy diagonal slashes, the first two crashing hard against Hwo’s green blade. On the third, Hwo made his move. Rather than block, he parried, spinning around with his lightsaber horizontal at shoulder level.

In one swoop, the Sith’s head was disconnected from his body, and he dropped to the ground. Hwo quickly regained his composure and reverted into a defensive stance. His allies were beginning to storm the Temple, and he led his team forward to the entrance.


Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Where she saw hypocrisy, he saw reality. The Force was neither light nor dark. There was only abilities and intentions. They certainly wouldn't approve of his methodology, even Valery Noble Valery Noble had frowned about his actions, but they knew his intent. They new why he did what he did, why he believed what he did. He was different. He was someone molded by a difficult life and intense study. Motivated by a desire to see justice prevail, even if it meant sacrificing much of himself to make it happen.

So even as the tendrils ate at her defensive barrier, and the others began to divert to the corpses that were starting to move, he wasn't going to give in to the darkness. She could goad him all she desired, but he had a ground that she could never know, two people hidden deep within his mind, protected through compartmentalization because of the nature of mental warfare. They kept him who he was.

Suffice to say, he could see there was more going on her, and so fingers stopped moving and the tendrils died away. It didn't matter how much she fed, not to him, but he didn't want to be the one feeding her, and he could tell that was exactly what was happening here.

With his saber still ignited and held off to the right, he began to walk towards her. He didn't say a word, didn't respond to her antagonism. That had been trained out of him before he was even ten years old. He'd become an emotionless warrior for the most part. That had slowly changed recently, but only in certain circumstances, and not on the battlefield. Even as he approached the feasting woman, he was drawing the Force from around him, feeding it into himself, coalescing it into the very center of his being. He would kill her.

He would purge the stain within himself, and purge her at the same time, a light beginning to emanate from his very body, spreading outward in brilliant glow. It hurt him to do it, he could feel it burning the parts of him that had been twisted by his darkside usage, but he ignored it. Injury was of little consequence when it came to defeating a powerful enemy, and this creature before him was far greater than mere Sith, a monstrosity so steeped in darkness it had the pull of a nexus itself, and it grew stronger from his previous attack, revealing more of its true nature to him, and he felt no choice but to submit himself to the agony of the light in order to bring her down.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery raised an eyebrow at the Sith Lord's words, and a small, almost mocking smile curved her lips. "You challenge the Jedi's focus on diplomacy, but a few questions are too much for you to handle?" She tilted her head slightly, the amusement in her gaze sharp and clear, "Make up your mind."

She shifted her stance slightly, lowering her blade just a fraction but keeping it at the ready. "But if you'd rather I skip the questions, I can certainly oblige." Valery continued before he finally gave his name. She didn't react with shock or fear — just a cool, assessing look as she processed his words.

"Zuraxin," she repeated, rolling the name around her tongue as if testing its weight. "Well, Zuraxin," Her voice rang out, strong and commanding, as she took another step forward, the glow of her violet blade casting eerie shadows across the chamber. "All your talk about order and creating something new… it's nothing but a mask to hide the destruction and chaos you cause. You want power. Control. You want to twist the galaxy to fit your own vision, no matter how many lives it costs."

Her chin lifted slightly, and a spark of challenge lit her fiery gaze. "So, here's your choice: stand down now, or I'll drag you off that throne myself."

Valery's gaze never wavered as she held his one good eye with her own, the heat of her determination nearly palpable. "You call yourself the new Emperor, but in the end, you're just another coward who hid in the shadows until nobody was left to oppose you. So what's it going to be, Zuraxin? Surrender peacefully… or do I have to take you down the hard way?"

She paused, letting the silence stretch between them as the challenge hung heavy in the air. "Choose wisely, because I'm not leaving until this is over. One way or another."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

The temple of the Dark Side was one of the most important fortifications of the Dark Empire. One that needed to be recaptured, or destroyed in order for the Jedi to take a foothold on Tython. For the attack on us, it was retaliation, but also to filter out those who fought on the side of darkness and the regimes of power. The troop shuttle dropped down in heavy fire upon one of the open terraces of the temple. Hovering just enough over the floor that we could drop out. Even as blaster fire took out some of our own defense force, My azure saber relfected blaster bolts back at the enemies who sought to bring us down. Protecting those who attempted to drop from the vessel, I took took my drop in.

As they say, first in, last out. I gave them a chance to not be shot from the open doors and landed before influencing the force to my advantage. The speed at which I closed the distance with my saber to cleave through a rifle, was a blur of my greyed armor. My fists clenched, A charge of the force was welled within me. Trusting my armor to defend me from the blaster bolts as it was released. The expansive force pushed back enemy forces, some flinging from the terrace as I then slammed my hands to the ground. A wall of violet energy formed. Blaster fire slamming into the shield as the rest of the troops gathered themselves for the offensive.

Some attempted to close the distance and pass through. Yet they were met with my saber. Cleaving through one, only to pivot and swinging wide behind me to clothesline a solder trying to run on my other side. His body being nearly cut in half and flinging itself through my plasma blade.

"I need a Squad weapon front and center!"

My voice yelling over the coms to come forward and help clear a path. Yes I could have done it myself, but I needed to be prepared to fight whatever was inside. Sith were much more harder to handle than troops. So for that, I would conserve my energy as much as possible for that conflict. A moment later, a soldier came up with a heavy repeating blaster. His size and stature was larger than myself, but able to wield the massive weapon with barely any effort. I formed a hole in the shield for him to fire through. Sending down suppressing fire so that when my shield would go down, I could go on the offensive.

Once more, speed sent me forth. Closing the distance to send my open hand into the face plate of the trooper. Yanking him from his kneeling position, to be a shield for me. His body being struck by round after round for a moment. Only to then be flung at them. A more distraction than anything else, The rest of the distance was closed with saber in hand. Cleaving through another rifle, then piercing into the chest plate of the soldier.

The assault on the temple, was only just beginning.
The soldier holding the repeating blaster didn't even make it a few burst before through the smoke, fog, and dust in the air-

A knife, came soaring through. It rotated tumbled- and found purchase in the barrel of the weapon, and the soldier clicked it twice, the barrel rotating until it exploded in his hands, sending him flying away, writhing in pain, his hands mangled. And more importantly, it was strategic- tending to a wounded man took more out of the fight than simply killing him.

And through the fog, Death himself approached the advancing Jedi.

His armor, and the way it was done in the old style, made him quite the imposing figure. His armored hood commanded a presence, the unflinching gaze of his T-visor peering at nothing, but everyone. The Jedi's violet light was reflected in the jet-black visor. His crushgaunts curled into his fists, and his hands reached to his belt, removing his tomahawk slowly- the same one that nearly felled Careena Fett Careena Fett .

He approached the Jedi, the Mandalorian massive, imposing, and wreaking of death. Through the force, he was an ocean of hate, a sea of anger. Hate, malice, fury cast a darkness in the force, even worse than some Sith. His crushgaunt adorned hands tightened their grip, and his right held the tomahawk, and his left hand held another, longer beskar knife.

He didn't say anything- but he brought the tomahawk down on the Jedi's shield. Preliat's height, mass, and weight brought it down hard- and hopefully, surprised the Jedi with it's brutality, his raw brute strength. He was nearly six inches taller than the Jedi, and without the armor- had nearly 80 pounds on him. Preliat was an animal, a brute like no other.


He was Cuir Rekr.

A horseman of the apocalypse.

Death himself.


Location: Akar Tsis
Enemies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Azurine Varek Azurine Varek

Kaleb looked as he had slashed the back plate of the Jedi’s armor clean through with his crimson blade. Kaleb had once knew Caltin, if only by reputation. As a Jedi Lore Keeper within the Archives back on Coruscant, he used to know many of the New Jedi Order, even sparring with them several times. He had seen faces, knew many of them. Even as a keeper of the Jedi Archives . He had been fully prepared to meet his former brothers and sisters. He was after all an Inquisitor of the Dark Side Elite. He was a servant of the Emperor himself, though he wouldn’t allow the Jedi entry into the dark sanctum by any means.

He had hoped to cut deep into Caltin, with his burning blade but didn’t pierce flesh only metal. In the same time another Jedi, a Padawan would jump to the other side. “Interesting, an Ataru practitioner.” He remarked with an intellectual curiosity, before he turned back to Caltin who thought to taunt him, mock him about his past. At the same time did slash from the yellow blade attempt to strike him. He brought his crimson blade into a spinning arc, attempting to clash against her yellow blade with a crimson one, the stoke of her vibroblade only caused sparks to shoot out from the shoulder armor, the armor of an Inquisitor was not to be easily underestimated with, the resulting strike caused Kaleb to respond in kind with a savage kick of his boot against her gut. He jumped backward his red blade spun, hoping to create some distance between the pairing.

His red blade hummed with malicious intent as he looked upon his enemies. His mental guard was up, trainings as a Jedi Lore Keeper he knew the mind tricks and gestures. He was too strong willed to be affected, not when he knew the New Jedi Order so intimately. “Lower? Is it lower to have been denied access to the greater mysteries. I’ve never felt right, not with you in the temple, preaching that you follow peace when you destroy. The Jedi are nothing more than liars and hypocrites. Master Vanagor.” He spat out the title mockingly, but gave the hint that Kaleb was a familiar face within the halls of the Temple on Coruscant. A fallen angel to the rest of his order.

He raised his crimson blade, giving a mocking salute to the Jedi as if it was the training dojo. He readied for himself on the offensive, pacing around like a deadly Kath Hound in the plains of Dantooine. There was a moment of quiet anticipation, before letting out a feral cry, his saber raised in offense as he followed with his training. He was sticking to the attack. Instead of heading for Vanagor he went straight for the Padawan wielding a yellow blade, giving her a vicious smirk, before with a twirl of his red blade aimed to slash right through her side, his eyes staring right for her, he anticipated the Jedi Master would rush in to save the Padawan.

"I don't know who I am anymore."


The Fight Begins Anew


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

As Azurine had expected, the attempt to push any suggestion into Kaleb's mind proved woefully unsuccessful. She really needed to put some work into perfecting it in the future, if she made it that far at least. What she hadn't expected was the forceful impact of his boot against her chest, knocking the air right out of her and causing her to stumble back. She had to perform a swift roll in order to recover in a way that she would still be on her feet. She gasped for a moment, having to get her barings, and watched his moves carefully. She analyzed every tick she could observe, every flick of the wrist. As she listened to him speak, she couldn't keep the glare from forming.

"So, you'd trade your sanity for it? That doesn't really seem like the best deal to me. Actually, it sounds more like you got duped," she commented, glancing between the two. There was some kind of history here, at least on Kaleb's end. She could feel the emotions roll off of him, the anger, the feeling of superiority, in just looking at Caltin.

Her violet eyes narrowed and she reacted quickly, flipping forward the moment she saw the inquisitor before her make any sort of movement. She'd been in this position before. Go for the smaller target that is assumed to be an easier one in hopes that the other will let their guard down to protect them. She'd been on the receiving end of that tactic at least twice before and she didn't have to see it flash before her eyes with her battle precognition to know to brace for it. She brought her blades up in front if her in an X formation as his dark and sinister red one came down for her side.

Then came the sickening series of cracks and pops, her eyes going wide when the blade of her vibrosword shattered almost instantly upon contact with the blade of his.


She grabbed hold of the hilt of her lightsaber with her other hand, dropping the hilt of the now practically useless blade in the process, in order to keep the force of the swing from continuing on it's intended path. The clashing of yellow and red cast an almost orange glow onto her face, being mere inches away from it, and pushing a glimmer of fear through her expression. You can handle this, Azzie. She thought and locked her eyes with his, staring directly at him with a pure unfiltered defiance. Calculating her next move, she allowed the visions to pass freely before her eyes.

Schring! Azzie unignited her blade, twisting herself to use the rest of his remaining momentum and channeling the force into her body for the movement to push herself off his chest, flip backward, and put space between them. She reignited her blade mid flip, hoping to land a retaliatory strike against his arm or the near vicinity in the process. In doing so, though, his blade caught the edge of her left thy, nicking a burned line through her armor and into her skin. It was a risky move, which she paid for, but it definitely could have been worse. Her landing stumbled, the smell of her own skin burning filtered to her nose. She was just lucky that she had such a high physical resilience when it came to pain thanks to her blood.

Faster, you need to be faster! She took a quick glance at Master Vanagor, flashing him a quick soft smile to try to convey that she was alright, at least for now, and once again vanished into the force hoping to reposition herself. Working with only one sword was going to put her at a disadvantage, and she knew that, so she'd have to use everything else she had to hopefully close that gap. She was strong, but this was not a fight she could do alone, and for that to succeed she would have to make sure that she wasn't the prime target as often as possible.

Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Enemies: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Nearby(?):
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Good Men Don't Need Rules

A blade flew from the shade of smoke and fog from the destruction. Finding its home in the barrel of the squad weapon. Exploding with results, Being in closer proximity, I was barely able to throw an arm up to cover my faceplate. feeling the explosion rock my frame. Blowing me backwards even from behind the barrier. The Armor prevented major damage, but it hurt. That singular instance of seeing hit, prepared me just enough to not fall over. Staying on my feet but sliding backwards with force. Luckily the shield was up, but not for long. A Mandalorian came out from the shadows.

Of course the man had to lore walk towards the shield for a moment before charging at it and bringing down a tomahawk down upon it. I released my hold on the force projection. Letting the troopers fend for themselves at the moment. Sure it was just one or two men down due to the injured soldier, There were enough to secure the platform for now. I arose to my feet. Holding the saber aloft. Ready for this fight. Bringing my saber up, I performed a salute with the blade to my helm. Holding it aloft to my right.

At least the Mandalorian wasn't keen on speaking or talking for the moment. Always hated when someone thought it was pitiful attempts at goading me into attacking. Duh. I was going to be fighting you since you clearly were here to fight the big dogs.

My feet carried me into a sprint. Closing distance to him. Swinging the blade from its lowered position in the sprint, to cleave in a fore hand upper cut. and quickly bringing it back down onwards to his head. I didn't want to test him. This was a fight. This wasn't a game. He gunned for me. He wanted me.

So I'd give him a fight.

He didn't need to do much to manage to not get cleaved by the upper cut. All he had to do was lean back- and watch for it. It was a simple move, one that many Jedi and Sith had used before. Come up, come down. The Beskar knife came up to block the lightsaber, holding it there above the Jedi's head. Fighting a taller opponent- you generally didn't want to put your lightsaber above your head.

"Jedi. So predictable."

His voice was cold, distorted from behind the mask.

He let the knife slip down, and his body stepped inwards, avoiding the crashing down of the blade. He seemed to know, much more intimately than most, how Jedi fought. So his tomahawk went around behind his leg- not to cut, slice, but to put off balance, to knock him off of his feet, perhaps even lift him up.


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