Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle of Balmorra [Corellian Confederation Dominion of Humbarine/Balmorra Hex]

Objective: Capture the Lord Admiral
Current Goal: Clearing the Path

Kian acknowledged the responses from the others and began evasive maneuvers as they moved into contact with enemy fighters. Kian immersed himself in the force, feeling the effects of the battle meditation that was being used by the other Jedi and allowing it to improve his performance. Kian could feel the chaos of the battle around him, and yet, through the battle meditation and the force, he could make sense of it. It was an elaborate dance with deadly consequences.

Pulling his stick to the right, hard, he got a weapons lock on an enemy fighter and pulled the trigger, his laser canons eating through the enemies shields and reducing the ship to debris. Jared Starchaser reported a clear path and Kian acknowledged. Lets end this indeed. Kian thought pushing the ship forward quickly heading toward the flagship of Lord Admiral Bao.

"Can you get me an entry point?" Kian asked of his astromech as he maneuvered away from the husk of what was once a corvette. After a few moments, the astromech began beeping and whirling and a readout appeared on the screen in front of him. The droid highlighted the hangar's location. If they could destroy the shield generator that was securing the hangar, they should be able to gain entry.

"Thoughts on this as an entry location?" Kian asked, sending the information to the others.

[member="Kylie Talor"] | [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] | [member="Arage Bao"]​
Location: Humbarine Flagship
Allies: [member="Mav Vohaloveer"] | [member="Arage Bao"]
Enemies: Balmorra Fleet Remnants | Corellian Confederation Arrivals -- [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"]
Objective: Crush the opposition

::: Lieutenant Commander, I have gained entry into the communications network of the Confederation. ::: Juno, the AI of the frigate Vherdun, stated through the comms. ::: It seems they are attempting to execute a boarding maneuver against Lord Admiral Bao's flagship. :::

Julius' hand dropped from the comlink on his ear and his eyes locked in a frown at the Lord Admiral. He quickly reported the news. "Lord Admiral, Juno is inside Confederation comms. They want to get aboard the flagship."

"Perhaps we should rethink boarding them ourselves." Julius commented. Suddenly the situation had spiraled out of control. From the offensive they were now heavily leaning on the defensive and the lieutenant commander of the Humbarine Naval Intelligence did not like it one bit. The barely visible twitch of his finger on his rifle's trigger said as much. "I can order the Vherdun to focus on picking off boarding vessels and starfighters from the Flagship's vicinity."

The upright back was now slightly hunched mimicking a predator's readiness.
The Admiralty
Location: Humbarine Flagship
Allies: [member="Mav Vohaloveer"] | [member="Julius Rhein"]
Enemies: Balmorra Fleet Remnants | Corellian Confederation Arrivals -- [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"]
Objective: Crush the opposition

It was a complicated battle, but one that Bao was increasingly more comfortable with.

They were winning.

Plain and simple.

Until they weren't. They only had seconds of forewarning, before the gargantuan Resurgent-class Battle Cruiser reversed from Hyperspace. It filled the viewport and made people reel. From one moment to the next space that was first empty? Was now being dominated by it and its escorts. To Bao's merit, her expression didn't twitch into any noticeable expression.

Unflappable to the very end.

This brought peace to the rest of the bridge, which had erupted into a cacophony of commands and questions shouted back and forth. If the Lord Admiral was calm... then everything would be alright, no?

Her commands came crisp and quickly. Re-position capital ships, releasing the fighter wings she had kept behind specifically for this kind of situation. It was only Rhein's voice that snapped through her concentration. A momentary expression of irritation. Quickly rolled back again. "History tells us that no matter how hard we try, there will always be at least one, if not more boarding parties punching through our defenses, Lieutenant Commander."

Cold eyes met his.

"Let us make sure they get a proper welcome, shall we?" Shifting towards the comm officer sitting at the console. "Engage the droids, officer. That should keep them busy for a moment."

Rising from the Admiral's seat, she rested a hand on her blaster.

"I do not plan to sit here as a neatly-wrapped present for the Corellians. Let's see if we can make things difficult for them."
The Ion cannons were in sight now. With a glance to the sky he could see flashes of the battle above them and hoped to the Force that they hadn't been too late to reach the Ion Cannon. The ground shook as one of the massive bulbous cannons fired and the young Master cursed under his breath.

One of the massive Corellian battle droids lurched forward, its arm mounted cannon firing into the fortified position of the Humbarine soldiers. The sound was so loud and disorienting that the little Jedi nearly fell to his knees. The Corellians surged forward, shock troopers in their black armor leaping over busted walls and crumbling foxholes.

"For Corellia!" one shouted. "For Balmorra!" came another. Morteg joined the fray, charging the line towards the Ion cannon batteries, his lightsaber raised above his head and his mouth open in a battle cry. His voice was lost among the other shouts and blaster fire. The smell of ozone and burning plastoid from armor mixed in his nostrils in a nauseating mixture that would have made his head spin if he hadn't known Jedi breathing techniques. He sank into the Force, letting his blade be guided by it.

"I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." he muttered under his breath as he cut through weapons and limbs.
"Hold on, your gonna be okay." The Jedi Master whispered as he knelt down near a wounded soldier. The Jedi placed his hand on the young man's shoulder while a medic had arrived to assist Kahne. He was by no means a full fledged healer, he knew some practices. However this wasn't his field and he needed to catch up to Master [member="Morteg"] as he knew he was nearing the Cannons by now.

The Jedi glanced up and quickly raised his hand and a force barrier formed in front of them as it deflected blaster fire coming their way. More Corellian soldiers showed up to aid in their defense as well as more medical personnel.

"Take care of him." The Jedi said as he stood up and the barrier dissipated and the Jedi moved forward to catch up with the green Jedi Master.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Location: Capitol Building/HCLI headquarters
Allies: [member="Morteg"]?

Harley eyes up a holo map of the surrounding areas, one of his advisers nearby, "Word has it that the Corellian forces have begun their assault on the ion cannons, other council member forces have lent aid, or the CC have requisitioned them from local garrisons, all we can tell so far is that they have made headway towards their objective". The Ehcnai gave a small nod, eyes continuing to scan the readouts, "what about local forces under my command, how are we holding up and can we lend any aid? I'd like to get word to the CC", something that was hard at the moment due to signal jamming tech.

"We have several droid and infantry squads holding a sector nearby, but they are in defensive positions keeping back any enemy advance, moving troops could alter them and any assault may overwhelm out defenses". A small frown appeared on Harely's face, thinking about it for a few seconds, "direct some of our artillery units at the enemy front on that sector, fire a few salvos to have them take cover, during that move our droid forces away and send them to make contact with the CC ground forces". The adviser gave a small nod, sending orders to the field forces defending the capitol building. "I never knew war was such a pain in the ass,".

Ashani Kyp

Objective 2
On the scene with; [member="Krystal Estain"] @Morteg [member="Kahne Porte"]
"High right!"

They'd made it. She'd cut her way through the side streets, and taken out a flanking unit. With the corpses of troopers littered around, and a smoking blaster wound in her thigh; she could go no further. Up ahead Master Morteg was leading the final assault on the controls of the Ion Cannon. She'd have to come up with some way to help them, and quick.

"We'll draw their fire, set up positions on the roof, I'll cover you!"

And cover she did. As they climbed and scrambled for rooftops, she was there next to Kahne, swatting blaster bolts back to their source. She was getting tired. The finesses of her form was breaking down into sloppy swipes and hammering blows. She was literally batting bolts back to their source.


With overlapping fields of fire her team was in perfect position to keep the enemy suppressed.


The field lit up. Morteg and Kahne would find they had a lot less blaster bolts coming for them.

Exhausted she dropped behind a shattered column of steel and slumped down back to it.

The lightsaber deactivated, and she let her arm fall like a lead brick.

"Keep firing!"

She needed a moment. So much death, so much loss in the force. It was impacting her.

She closed her eyes, and dragged her wounded leg into a criss cross position. Then she began to meditate....

Anne Albright

Local Space
Post 7
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Julius Rhein"] [member="Arage Bao"] [member="Dracken Pryce"] [member="Yularen Nova"]​
"Enemy vessel is in range!"

She nodded, keeping a wary eye on their gunnery displays. All weapons were charged. But sometimes blind fire was not the best angle of attack.

"We have a boarding party trying to get in to apprehend Admiral Bao as well."

"Very well , stand bye for orders."

She turned to her tactical table. Two small blips showed Admiral Nova and herself. Another several red blips before them showed the position of Admiral Baos flagship, as well as escorts. She reached down and tapped a key, then spoke in a clear voice.

"Razor, Magnify Tac Map."

The tac map lifted into a hologram, and expanded. She whirled it with a few strokes of her hand to realign her sights. Now she could see the fighter balls surrounding the thing. They seemed to be outgunning them 4:1 at this point.

She intended to push those odds over the cliff.

"Launch all fighter squadrons in attack formation delta. Have them run interference on enemy fighters."

"Aye Ma'am, squadrons away!"

"Helm cut thrust to equal Lord Bao's. Gunnery can we get a clear shot on their Drive Housing?"

"No, too many fighters."

She clenched her fist. Most of her sims had been straightforwards. She had always taken the shot, but now with lives at risk she was torn. Conventional wisdom said to do it. Her own voice in her head said no. They'd already lost a few men today.

"Get me the most concise shot you can with Turbolaser batteries. If we need to move we can."

"Aye Ma'am, pitch down, one quarter."

"Helm do it."

"I have a semi clear shot."

"That'll do then. Hold all other weapons, fire Turbo-Laser Batteries only. Standbye to rescue any downed pilots. XO?"

Her Xo nodded.

"Confirmed. Take the shot."

From the Razor a punishing rain of green bolts streaked towards the Lord Admirals Engines...

Kylie Talor

"Looks as good as any to me. I see they have their shields at maximum though."

She veered left, waving her wings up and down to keep random target locks from catching. There was still a lot of interference from the enemy. She glanced up as the tactical display beeped. A stream of fighters was coming in, all bearing the Corellian Sigil.

"Looks like we got support from the Fleet. Let's break off and make a run on the Shield Generators. Lead us in, I got your six."


Smart girls don't win by being polite.
Objective: Ground Assault
Wearing and Wielding: Custom armour, Sith Blade, Small Leather Backpack. Verpine Shatter Rifle, DL-44 Pistol (modified), and KC-95 Ace of Spades Blaster, as well as various knives and small explosives.
Tags: [member="Morteg"] [member="Kahne Porte"] [member="Ador Horn"]


Krystal pulled her canteen from her pack and took a long sip of water. She was grateful for the break in attacks, for though she was well equipped she did tire fighting with Danzatore. It seemed to sap at her energy and feed off her force, even as it killed. But she would not allow it reign of her, or her mind. The sword was only allowed that which she would give it, and would not corrupt her light.

She quite loved using it, though. It sparked with the delight in killing, and seemed to amplify the adrenaline that was already coursing through her each time the blood spilled. So she would continue to use it, and as much as the sword may dislike her light, it would simply have to deal.

Though she did keep watch around her, she did so with a lazy eye for she knew her allies would approach soon and it seemed the flow of enemy soldiers had slowed. Sipping again, she wondered who she was waiting for. A yoda, she knew, but who else was “we”? The Correllians had a diverse army, so she simply hoped the allied soldiers would make themselves known upon arrival.

Well, they certainly knew how to make an entrance.

Out of nowhere, a green creature came flying at her. She instinctively raised her blade to protect herself, taking the lightsaber at an angle to allow her to sidestep the creature. Thank god for Sith craftsmanship. She’d probably need to repair the edge later, but it was still entirely sound. The green creature had already returned to fight (before she could breath, it seemed) and she parried his blade twice more before she stepped back and threw up a force bubble around her -- for, she believed, this was the yoda she was trying to contact.

Channeling energy into the shield, she placed her blade and one of her guns on the ground (for the others were concealed, and there was no reason to entirely disarm herself) and held her hands in the air.

She would drop the bubble and speak with the thing, if he indicated he was willing....

But it seemed talking wasn't on the agenda for the small green creature. She was sure he was going to talk some jedi-master-bullpoodoo at her about 'not using a sith blade' and 'avoiding corruption' and that stuff, but that, it would seem, would have to wait until after the battle. He simply nodded and made off towards the ion cannons. Krystal picked up her weapons and bounded after him, barely keeping up. He seemed to cut a path through the soldiers, and before long they made it to the ion cannons. Morteg was muttering somethings under his breath, and battle cries abounded all around, but Krystal prefered a more efficient way of doing things.

She slipped away from behind Morteg and pulled four small black objects out of her bag. Darting up to the wall, she attached each at the corners of the sealed doors to the cannon, protecting herself with a the force and staying out of the crossfire. Soon she was back in the fray, and managed a quick, "Ion cannon doors soon to explode, watch yourselfs. Five, four, three--"


She had been a little off on the time, but it was no matter. Three of her four explosives had already gone, leaving gaping holes in the doorframe. The fourth left... a large pink splatter.

That's where the pink paint bomb went.

Krystal let out a laugh before nodding to Morteg and sprinting in, to lead an assault inside.
The fighter pilot was definitely ready to take the fight to the peak of it. And that meant getting his fighter, and self onto that ship. Sure, he wasn’t his father, he knew he couldn’t go it alone, but the Force had brought Master Karr into the mix, and between at least these two, and whoever else make it to the deck before the blast shields shut were all welcome to come along. Falling in line behind the Master, Jared rolled his fighter.

“I’ve got an idea, you’re not going to like it. Head for the shield.” He was going to take care of the door. Pushing the throttle up, he was making sure weapons were primed and he began firing. “Vortex, we got this, cover the hangar from anyone trying to take us down.”

He saw the level of damage on the shield generator and nodded. Another volley. “Go, now!” He shouted through the Force and through the comms as he squeezed off another round. The four blasters lit up and the shield generator exploded. He knew that the blast shields would shut but he was hoping not until after he landed himself on the hangar floor. And by land, he meant skid and crash the Clawcraft.

[member="Kian Karr"]
Objective: Capture the Lord Admiral
Currently: Doing something stupid!

"Go now!" Came the shout from [member="Jared Starchaser"] and Kian thrust his ship forward, moving evasively to avoid any fire from the ship. Kian had boarded enemy vessels before, but this was the first time he'd done it while a blast door was slamming closed. Kian suddenly found himself laughing as he pushed the ship to its maximum speed. He had faced off toe-to-toe with Sith Lords, been ambushed by Dark Jedi, fought againgst Vong and their beasts....what a way to die this would be, splatting against a hunt of durasteel like an insect on a speeder windshield.

Not today. Kian thought as he passed through the open hangar door. The blast shield was closing rapidly but he sensed the others right behind him and, while it would be close, he thought for sure they would make it. This line of thought was abruptly cut short, however, as Kian's ship slammed into the floor and with a sickenly screech began to grind its way across the hangar. Kian's slid found him turning, his cockpit facing toward the interior doors heading into the heart of the ship. As he did so he caught side of the welcoming party. Battle droids, arrayed in battle formation.

That is much more like it. Kian thought to himself, the chuckling returning. Slamming his hand down on the console controls, his canopy broke away and putting the force into his legs, Kian leapt into the air, propelling himself forward and away with the force, being sure to keep himself out of the line of the other fighters coming in. His ship continued its slid across the hangar, slamming into the far wall. Kian hit the ground hard, his knees buckling. Kian relied on the force and went with the momentum of the drop to propel himself into a roll, coming up and igniting the green blade of his lightsaber all in one motion. Just in time in fact, as the droids opened fire.

Kian pulled the force to him, like an empty vessel submerged in water. He felt the energy flow into him and his limbs moved as if of their own accord. This was Kian's element. Kian practiced Form V of lightsaber combat and had always favored the more defensive Shien variant. Smacking aside blaster fire and sending every few bolts back to their targets, by the time Kian had cross his way to the first group of combatants, his ricocheted shots had already halved their numbers. Falling into the group, Kian made quick work of them, but was once more beset upon by a hail of blaster fire. Kian hadn't experienced combat like this in some time and while he did not miss it, it did feel familiar, like an old acquaintance you did not really like but whose presence made you feel young once more.

Kian continued to press forward into the droids, cutting his way toward the main doors, knowing that his allies would be close behind him. Once they cut through these enemies, they would hopefully have enough of a reprieve to formulate a plan. But until then....the fight was one.

[member="Kylie Talor"] | [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] | [member="Arage Bao"]​
Location: Humbarine Flagship
Allies: [member="Mav Vohaloveer"] | [member="Arage Bao"]
Enemies: Balmorra Fleet Remnants | Corellian Confederation Arrivals -- [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"]
Objective: Crush the opposition

The disagreement with the Lord Admiral clearly shone on his eyes. Julius had absolutely no desire of having Arage on the front lines. Too much depended on her. Humbarine depended on her.

But he was a soldier. Chain-of-command was clear and when her orders came the Lieutenant Commander simply nodded.

Reports of successful boarding rang through his helmet's HUD, a clear dot on his integrated HUD map pointed to him where the Corellians had breached the flagship. Julius led the Admiral along with his best two - Rix and Lena. Operatives of the Naval Intelligence Unit detailed to the Vherdun. A detail often named the 'Hand of Bao' between Intelligence circles.

Alarms blared and droids rolled out to defend the ship from hostile targets while the Humbarine party followed the dot until they reached a wider corridor, a cargo bay where the sight of a Jedi slinging his lightsaber left and right send the group behind cover. Rifles out and aimed ready for his order. In turn, Julius cocked his own carbine and took aim.

"Fire." The order came through the comms. A hail of accurate blaster fire would come down upon the Jedi along with ionized sonic waves from Julius' own carbine. He blessed his luck on wielding a sonic carbine rifle when meeting a lightsaber warrior.
Objective: Capture the Lord Admiral
Currently: Surviving

Kian sensed he was in danger before the hail of fire erupted at him. He had cut down another group of droids and was clearing the distance to the interior doors when the non-droid combatants arrived. They sent a hail of blaster fire at Kian and he swatted some aside, but dove to the side to avoid the majority of the shots. Sonic weapons! Kian shook his head and slid behind some storage bins that were stacked to his right. His lightsaber would be of little help in that situation. Kian looked around for the others and to see what options he had. There was only one more place of cover between him and the door. It would require him to dart across an open area and leave himself exposed and force him to defend himself, which against the sonic weapon would be difficult. But perhaps a distraction would aid him in clearing the distance.

Kian stretched out his hand and grabbed some of the broken and dismantled droids he had fought and, lifting them into the air, hurled the debris in the direction of the combatants. As soon as the droids were in the air hurling toward them, Kian leapt from his cover and, relying on the force to speed him, made for the crates on the far side. This would, hopefully, put him in a better position to fight back against the new combatants and put him in striking distances of the doors.

[member="Kylie Talor"] | [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] | [member="Arage Bao"] | [member="Julius Rhein"]​
A tingle ran up his neck as the young woman placed her explosives. He had a feeling she just...didn't know exactly what she was doing...And he was right. Three of the explosives went off prematurely, not giving him or the troops enough time to get back. He threw up his hands and with the Force created a protective bubble around them, the explosion dancing harmlessly around them. When the smoke cleared he glared up at the woman but before he could say anything the Sith Sword wielding woman was gone into the gun tower.

He cursed under his breath and followed, leaving the soldiers behind to come in at their leisure.

The hum of his green-white blade was loud in his ears. Blaster fire came from up ahead, nearly missing his head and singeing a lock of hair. Allowing the Force to flow through him he deflected the other incoming bolts back into the darkness and charged ahead, leaping and bouncing off the floor and walls. They would take this gun tower and a comm message from a second team was already chattering about breaching the other door.

The tower wasn't well defended once inside however and with the Force influencing his speed he was able to quickly clumb the stairs leading to the control systems. He passed the mystery girl and flashed her a smirk that screamed 'try and keep up'.

[member="Krystal Estain"] [member="Ashani Kyp"]


Smart girls don't win by being polite.
Objective: Ground Assault

Wearing and Wielding: Custom armour, Sith Blade, Small Leather Backpack. Verpine Shatter Rifle, DL-44 Pistol (modified), and KC-95 Ace of Spades Blaster, as well as various knives and small explosives.

Tags: @Morteg @Kahne Porte @Ador Horn


Krystal had everything totally under control. Or... mostly under control. Under control enough, okay? Though it clearly wasn't enough for Morteg -- she caught his glare just before she darted off. The inside of the tower wasn't nearly as dangerous as she thought it was going to be. Danzatore flashed, blocking blasterfire as she wove her way through the bolts up the tower. She whipped her head around just in time to see the green creature darting past her, as he flashed her the most abrasive smile she had seen. Krystal's eyes narrowed as he shot away up the staircase.

Fine, if you want to play that way.

She stopped running and looked up. Raising one hand above her head, she deployed the grappling hook she had built into her suit and wrapped it around a railing, around four floors up. Bouncing off her repulsor boots, she shot up into the air as her line returned itself to her left vambrace. Finally, she flipped over the railing to land in a crouch, not unlike a cat, and grinned as she stood up straight. She had barely beat the Yoda there, but that was good enough for her.

Remembering the glare he had given her when she had maybe possibly almost killed all his soldiers, she gestured towards the door with one hand before she spun to shoot another battle droid. "How would you like to lead the way this time, Master...." She trailed off, not knowing his name, but was ready to follow him and take the cannons.

"Good choice," the Green Jedi muttered as he closed his eyes and outstretched his his hand. He sank into the Force and with a little concentration made it an extension of his being, exerting pressure on the door. It creaked once, twice, and then exploded into the control room, cracking the thick transparisteel. Making a low sweeping motion with his free hand he gripped the two shocked guards with the force and slammed their heads into each other.

Panting up the stairs behind the two Force users Shock Troopers flooded the room taking positions at the Ion Cannon controls. A short minute later a crackle over the comm from the other team.

"We've captured tower B"

"Hm! Tower A as well!" he chuckled. The Ion cannons belonged to the Corellians now and they had shifted their targets from the Corellian vessels to the Humbarine ships.

"Ground team to space team the Ion Cannons are ours."

[member="Krystal Estain"]


Smart girls don't win by being polite.
Objective: Ground Assault

Wearing and Wielding: Custom armour, Sith Blade, Small Leather Backpack. Verpine Shatter Rifle, DL-44 Pistol (modified), and KC-95 Ace of Spades Blaster, as well as various knives and small explosives.

Tags: @Morteg @Kahne Porte @Ador Horn


So the yoda had a little more finesse than she did. Krystal liked to think she made up for it with her fabulousness. Morteg seemed to have the space under control as he quickly took care of the guards and defences. She flicked her braid over her shoulder as she strode into the room behind him. The speed at which Shock Troopers filled the room was a bit of a surprise to her, and they took no time recalibrating the guns to the Humbarine ships. The tide of the battle was quite obviously turned, and it seemed like the Corellians had everything under control from here. She had come when she was needed, and would now leave -- sticking around to clean up the mess of battle was never Krystal's thing.

One thing before she left, though. She approached the green creature, who was now supervising the operations of the cannons. Despite her teasing, the yoda had earned her respect -- he was quick and very powerful in battle. So she'd leave him with her calling card before she left.

"Krystal Estain, at your service."

She handed him a small, holographic card, on which was printed her name and contact info. It shone pink when it caught the light properly.

"Thank you."
The bridge was tense as the Resurgent moved closer and closer to the Humbarine fleet, its massive bulk floating through the inky black. Turbolaser bolts glanced off its shields as it began taking the brunt of the attack but when the Resurgent slid over the Ion Cannon firing arc...Nothing happened. A moment later a comm message came through declaring the Ion Cannons had been taken. The bridge erupted into a cheer which was short lived. Yularen didn't believe in killing the mood, but they had a job to do.

"Bridge!" he shouted, his booming voice quieting the bridge crew, "The Ion Cannons are ours, we've won this fight. Direct all ships to advance on the Humbarine fleet, ion cannons only. We take their ships intact...They'll need them." This drew a few eyes and would draw ire as well, he knew, but they had proven that they had some strength to offer...And Yularen would make use of that strength.

"Full power to the ion cannons. Target their lead vessel."

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Julius Rhein"] [member="Jared Starchaser"] [member="Arage Bao"]

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