Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle of O'reen (Invasion Rep vs. Fringe)

@[member="Aleidis Ijet"] @Je'gan orla'en

(My house net is down so I'm using my phone"

The White Current, that's what the girl said and that's what she meant as her and her master split into several mirror images. It had been well over a thousand years since he had fought anyone who knew of this technique and they we're barely skilled in it. It had few weaknesses expect for one fatal flaw, it took a great deal of concentration to use it. That was his only chance, not that he didn't trust his own instincts, it's that he knew he was at an disadvantage.

The dark one closed his eyes and began to summon forth the dark side allowing himself to become its nexus. He exhaled slowly as he opened his eyes, in a flourished motion he let loose twisted tendrils of lightning that twisted and danced around the area in an ever expanding circle. This wasn't strong enough to kill or cripple but more then enough to tip the scales of attention.
Vs. @[member="Karen Roberts"]

His opponent was beautiful, older than Alen perhaps, with deep azure hair and sureness about her that spoke volumes of her experience. Her power was evident too, its Light outweighed Alen's Darkness by an evident sum. Na'Varro gritted his teeth. Whatever the odds, he had to prevail. O'reen had to stay with the Fringe. Freedom had to triumph over tyranny. The Republic would not paint the map light blue, not while he drew breath. Against Karen Roberts, Jedi Master, he was outgunned. She had the raw Force power advantage, which translated to elevated speed and strength. Alen had only his mind to answer, and an absolute savagery that he was sure she could not match. It would be a war of attrition, and he'd have to roll with the punches better than the Jedi in order to aide a Fringe victory.

The Jedi started a circling strafe, a spreaded fire technique to keep him from gaining a footing. Its weakness was a lack of firepower concentrated on any one area. Na'Varro, being a mind capable of sensing the weakness in an enemy's attack and exploiting it, noted the strafe for what it was, and instead of falling into her tactic, he chose simply to ignore it. Lightsabers could not deflect stun bolts back to their sender, but a skilled lightsaber wielder could use his blade to dissipate the energy, making use of angles. Walking forward at a similar speed to Roberts, his blade worked efficiently, intercepting any stun bolts that he could not avoid outright at a ninety degree angle or thereabouts, meeting energy with energy and protecting himself from harm. The bolts came at random but even with his limited precognition ability, which was definitely not his specialty, his blade was able to answer the call. He had come under much heavier fire, especially recently at Trevura.

Na'Varro and Roberts slowly drew closer together, and the Dark Jedi knew her blaster would run out of juice at some point.
@[member="Basaba Willamina"]
Damn grenades, everyone always wanted to throw them, which is why he had a rebreather handy which he quickly placed on his face as he rolled his eyes at the woman. Eldoc used the force to move his body out of the way of the shot and began dashing towards Basaba, moving in a zigzag using the force to increase his speed. His saber was not ignited yet, as it would just let her shoot at him better if he had a giant glowing green light, no he moved, his saber still uninitiated as he ran towards Basaba's postion. It was time to kill himself a foe.
The Admiralty
Even if she did not want to sit that did not mean he could not. Still courtesy was important he guessed, as such he kept standing. He would not be able to linger for much longer, he had to make a decision and stick to it. People were dying outside of the compound and he had to help in any way he could, but he could not do that from here. Seemed to him it was easy enough, but was she really free?

"Simple. Join me and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Or you can leave this planet. Wake up in your Jedi Temple, pretend this was all a dream and that the Republic is still the protector of Peace and Freedom. The choice is yours."



Disney's Princess
Bridge One
vs: @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] (p2)

All in life is choice and Karen could learn much about her opponent by the actions he chose. She was not an Echani by any means, but there was some faint truth to their beliefs that all conflict was a divine form of communication. Alen was Nature's Chaos now. Empowered by the Force to whatever destructive means he so desired. This chaos was not to be tolerated or admired by a Jedi, but it must be respected. Power was real and Karen would be wise to note that her tactic did not off-set her opponent's guard in the slightest.

Sadly, it was time to begin the dance.

The Jedi turned on a dime and raced towards her opponent, her rate of fire only intensifying. At the last moment before she could ram into her opponent, she leapt. Soaring high into the air like a spinning top. Inverted. Her feet faced the clouds as her shoulders remained squarely down towards her target. Eyes watching his every move. Her features were unemotional like drifting stone. She continued to fire at a fantastic rate, but was much more picky in her targets now. Sailing through the air, she was so close that she could almost taste him. Watching. Waiting. Observing. ...And like any good flying hornet her pistol lashed out again and again. Streaking blue bolts upon his guard just as fast as she could pull the trigger. With only her shear bounding velocity and her mirroring shield as a defense.
@[member="Karen Roberts"]

Awareness of one's surroundings was something that Na'Varro drilled into his apprentices and those he mentored. The environment in which a fight took place could greatly effect the outcome, so much so that often the difference between victory and defeat was knowing how to use terrain to your advantage. It was a basic dueling principle, and it was one that Alen adhered to strictly. Another was only leaving the ground when he had to. When you had both feet clinging to the turf below you, you had some sort of control over your movements. In the air, you were vulnerable. There were some Force Users who were like birds, home in the air. Alen was not one of them. He preferred to stick to the ground where he could maintain a solid defense, and not be blown off course by any jackass with a semi-decent Force Push.

And Alen was no jackass. His crimson blade was forced to work more intensely now; Roberts knew what she was doing with that blaster. Unable to keep up with her rate of fire, the Dark Jedi shifted from spot to spot on the bridge, looking to disrupt her targeting and make her guess where he was going to be next. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he worked furiously to stay alive. Gorram blasters. Troublesome, when the firer knew what they were doing. And Roberts could fire fast. Very fast. Na'Varro was barely staying in this without taking a hit, and he knew he could not afford to fail to defend himself. If one stun bolt hit him and he was done. See you later. That wasn't on the bearded man's to-do list. Every shift to a new position gifted him about half a second to work with, and on his third shift he worked with it.

They were on a bridge, and below them clear air stretched down seemingly into nothingness. Alen had decided during Roberts' heavy firestorm that he was going to use that to his advantage. His problem was not her Shield, which would only partially protect her from a Force Push in her airborne, distinctly unanchored to any solid object by gravity, position. His problem was her sheer velocity, which due to the laws of physics (mainly inertia here), would allow her to not be knocked too far off course. Thankfully, Alen had a trick up his sleeve. Force Shield was an interesting form of Force energy, and it was available to be manipulated if you worked hard enough. Like Anakin Skywalker during his duel with Count Dooku on Geonosis, Alen created a wall of Shield-like Force energy smack-bang in front of Roberts' flight path. Velocity, Karen Roberts plus Force Shield versus Alen Na'Varro's novel Force Wall technique. The unstoppable force meets the unmovable object.

If Roberts found her momentum stopped mid-air by the wall of Shield-like energy, she would feel a wave of powerful Push energy rushing towards her, looking to knock her away from the bridge and into the open sky below.

OOC: I'm off to bed. Night :D
LOCATION: Republic Lines
TARGET: @[member="Selena Halcyon"]

Bowing to @[member="Avy Valla"] in deference as she exited the battlefield, Orcus summoned his Drexl back to his side and clambered back into the saddle. His opponent, at least, had made a wise decision. Perhaps all of those here could make a wise decision. But no. The battle would rage on... unless he could stop it. Black eyes turned toward the front of Republic lines, where he could feel a familiar presence. Selena... the Grandmaster.

"Come, beast, we ride for the end of things."

The Drexl screeched as it flapped up into the air, wheeled once, then headed for Selena under Orcus' direction. The Drexl landed heavily some distance away from Selena. Orcus dismounted with an ominous thud. He activated his purple blade, feeling a surge of power from the Soulsaber as it fed him full of anger. Orbalisk armor pumped his body full of venom and he clacked his teeth with the slow building rage fueled by both pain and self-righteous anger. He stalked straight for Selena, only sparing a glance at her opponent.

"Selena, I am here to finish what should have been done a long time ago."

Opening his maw, Orcus unleashed a massive Force Bellow at her that tore up the ground and splintered boulders in its path.
Despite having no intention to sit down, his offer made her seek out a chair and slump into it. She had expected many things to happen, like keeping her as a prisoner of war and then exchanging her for Fringe soldiers captured by the Republic; if the Republic bothered to take prisoners, anyway. Jared's offer would change her life forever, Ane'irna realized that. She could not betray the ideals of the Jedi though, just as she could not return to the Jedi Temple and pretend like nothing happened while she knew the Republic had became an aggressor trying to expand its bothers, waging wars in the name of peace. There was not time to think about it too much though, Ane'irna had to make the decision fast as the Republic forces would undoubtedly come soon. The green skinned teenager closed her eyes and gave Jared her answer, trying to sound as calm as possible while realizing the impact her words would have on the rest of her life.

"I am a Jedi. I will protect the innocents and my blade shall defend peace against all threats, be it Sith or the Jedi. I will join you, but as a Jedi, defender of peace and freedom." She said and opened her blue eye, blankly staring at the man. She had made her choice.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
Trying to reach Command Center Omega
Target: @Jared Ovmar
Mission: Recovery @Ane'irna

The paladin stopped in his tracks and saw the cavalry of men before him.


He force sped off back to the direction he avoided before and pushed himself closer to the walkers. He skated over the gravel and stopped again as he found himself forked by two oncoming attacks. Frustrated and annoyed, he exhaled at the situation he was in. Going towards @[member="Darth Arcis"] and @[member="Darth Vornskr"] would be sure suicide and running back to the tanks and soldiers would be just backtracking. He had no choice than to run towards the nearest walker, which itself the idea was just ludicrous but he had no time to think or try, just do.

He force sped forward once more and put himself out of range of the walker's guns and force jumped onto one of its legs. He nearly slipped off but quickly regain himself by pressing his back in a groove. His eyes widen as the battle ensued before him.

"Damn it all."

He grabbed at his utility belt and pulled at a grappling hook. He eyed around the corner of the leg and fired off the cable under the walker. The impact jolted him and had him swinging loosely under it. He scrambled about and held himself on the cable as he almost slammed into one of the rear legs of the walker. He rummaged around his belt until he mashed the reel of the cable, zipping him upwards under the walker. The paragon ignited his emerald blade and broke off the panel. He peeked through and saw a soldier with a blaster rifle pointed right at his face. Startled, he jolted back as blaster fire went off through the hole.

Now hanging off an edge, he took his emerald blade a few inches in through the metal to graze the soldier's boot. The distraction was mere seconds and Darc grabbed the soldier's boot to drag him out of the hole; plummeting him down below him. The paladin grabbed onto the edges and force lifted himself up into the vehicle. Darc quickly dispatched the pilot and pushed him aside to take his seat. He lit up the console and turned the walker's head to aim at the cavalry. Soon shots were fired off, hopefully destroying most of the opposition that was storming forward.


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Andreas Wintergreen"]

Saki kept her eyes trained on the man when he rolled at her, he really wasn't that good it seemed and she moved. No need to back flip, no need to do more then back pedal from range of the sweep. The blaster being flung over the bridge while her hands came up and the blades ejected. Her eyes remaining on him though while smirking. No need to speak he wanted to show enough bluster for both of them and she wasn't about to really fight after a master. She needed something helpful and skilled before popping her hands to her belt, a jedi utility belt where what she needed was. Glad to have stopped at those silk gas stations and truck stops with the kolcta gel tabs. It was like a space seven eleven as she quickly popped one i her mouth and kept going back. Foregoing the bridge and ending on the plateau. She didn't have to retreat since it gave her more space to move around.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Aleidis Ijet"]
@[member="Arumi Zy"]'s area-of-effect would have done a really good job of distracting Je'gan, if Je'gan had been anywhere nearby. White Current illusions, in the hands of a master of the Fallanassi arts, could conjure false fleets across thousands of kilometres. Je'gan's effective range for illusions was something like line of sight, with a few exceptions. And since there were only two solid ways to handle a mirror maze -- jump out, or area-of-effect -- Je'gan just kept backing up. Density of an AOE decreased proportional to the square of the radius between emitter and target. Even now, a modest distance from the lightning storm, only a couple of the lightning tendrils got anywhere near him, and he intercepted both on his lightsabres without fully breaking concentration. The mirror maze flickered oddly, but remained-

But that subtle sound of lightning hitting lightsabres? The master illusionist moved that sound, strongly suggesting a direction for his position. A direction that was actually over the edge of the flat bridge. A highly mobile duellist like Arumi would probably, at a guess, take the jump to get out of the maze and engage at close range with its creator. Such an advance would carry him over the low lip and out into open space.

To cement the effect, he added a false sound in the opposite direction, a howl of wind as if the long fall was that way.

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
Bridge Omega
Fighting @[member="Arumi Zy"] with Je'Gan

Fighting a master illusionist was one thing. Fighting him while he was supported by his protege was another entirely. Aleidis intuitively understood Je'Gan's strategy, having worked with learned from the man for nearly all of her career as a Jedi, and took steps to support her Master's ploy without hesitation. When his material form disengaged from the battle, she followed. Understanding that he was better at defending against the tendrils, the slim teen positioned herself behind Je'Gan so that he could defend them both while she concentrated on her phantasms.

And where Je'Gan moved the sound of clash, the crackle of lightning-upon-saber, Aleidis formed an illusion of her own. Matching up flawlessly with the sound, the Illusion of Ghostlings jumping through mirrors seemed to pause like a reel of film caught in the spool - a tell-tale sign of a White Current illusionist losing her concentration. A perfect duplicate of Aleidis Ijet reeled in that spot, as though Arumi's lightning strike had forced her to defend and her illusions were failing as a result. Gritting her teeth as she tried to recover her balance, the Phantasmal Aleidis regained her footing in a moment and disappeared. The whole point of it was to convince Arumi that he'd managed to find the more frail of two illusionists for a split second, and convince him to leap for the attack before she could re-position herself under cover of invisibility.

If he took the bait, he'd be leaping off of the bridge. She had to make it very convincing bait, naturally.
@[member="Penumbra"], @[member="Moira Skaldi"], @[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Strength mattered little to Selena. His attacks were feverish in pace, but she was skilled in deflection. She glided away from blows, redirecting them away from her body, not taking their full force at all. Just small, subtle hits were all that she needed. His blade barely even touching her own. The darkness that enveloped them was of no consequence to her either. She did not need her eyes, the Force is really how she saw at this point anyways. She could see every move while it was happening. Her movements also very aware of the droid, always moving around Penumbra to keep her on the other side. And firing into a black abyss would likely be difficult even force a droid with extensive scanners. Any attack she made would be fired straight at the back of the Sith there.

See Selena was quick, that's how she survived. She was not gifted in external force powers at all, but those within her what she thrived off of. Senses were probably her best but physical enhancement was easily a second given that of the three areas of the Force those were the two that she could actually use. So with deft moves she danced around her opponent, using the darkness to her advantage and his wreckless attacks as easy cover from the droid. All was simple. Move, deflect, move. It was a dance which she was all too familiar with.

Then the Herglic showed up. The traitor to the Order. His bellow was all she needed, the currents flowed forth from it. It ripped up the ground. A dreadfully terrible power that was certainly frightening to most. Most were not Selena Halcyon. She opened herself up to the Force as she danced exceptionally far from Penumbra, out of his dark sphere but still with him between her and the droid. The swirling power as seen through the Force from the bellow flowed right into her, transforming from the lethal form it had maintained before into just raw force energy flowing into her being. Absorbed into her, powering her. Giving her needed force power. It was also the one way that she could use telekinetics, through the absorption of Force energy from similar attacks as that or energy in general.

Spinning she expelled the energy with added Force all around her in a might force push targeted at all in the immediate area that opposed her. The energy whipping and churning in violent torrent around her.
Bodies of Fringe soldiers lined the battlefield, almost as if in a literal line. Blood soaked the terrain as carcasses littered it, one after the other seeming to have fallen mercilessly to some sort of blade. A lightsaber, obviously.

At the end of a trail of bodies stood a man under a hood, staring up at the sky. If he was catching his breath or looking back at how coldly he'd killed these men... It was unknown. His mind reeked of one with a vendetta, a new reason to fight.

The man flipped the hood off his head, and his blonde hair flowed in the air as determined eyes pierced the moon. And like that, he was gone.... The Current flowed like a gust of wind, taking the Jedi Master with it...

Something had been awakened.


The Grandmaster was outnumbered, it seemed. 3 against 1.... Almost didn't seem fair.


The force push would send her opponents away from her, giving ample room for something to suddenly appear behind the Grandmaster.

"Evening, Grandmaster" someone spoke quietly behind her. The words were intended to be lighthearted, but it was obvious the voice behind it was only using that to comfort the Grandmaster into knowing it was him, instead of an illusion, judging by the tone behind it. The tone itself sounded almost cold, emotionless... Much like the Grandmaster herself. There were no "Grandbooty" or "Grandmaster Elsa" jokes in this situation, it seemed.

Josh DragonsFlame had re-appeared from the Current once the dust had settled... And he looked more focused then before. Whatever seeing Aleidis fighting for the Fringe had done, the Fringe would not like...

There would be no more mercy, no more holding back...

The Jedi Master didn't know the Ghostling's true allegiances, but seeing her fight the Republic on the side of the Fringe was the best indicator at the moment... This had just become personal. And the Fringe wouldn't like the results of that...

He didn't recognize the droid and the other person, but he recognized one... Darth Orcus, otherwise known as Hion The Herglic. Bah, he was tired of traitors.

The blue hue of Josh's lightsaber hummed as he engaged it, standing alongside the Grandmaster. He didn't say anything further, only waited for his enemies to attack... The odds were a little more even now.

He was awake....

@Penumbra, @Moira Skaldi, @Hion the Herglic, @[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Yusan looked looked down the path of each bridge, sitting on a rise with binoculars to his face as he shouted commands to his droids through his headset. Then his droids in response would fire off a volley of blaster fire from their positions, snipers being their weapon as they took out Fringe soldiers and more importantly Sith scum that decided to resurface. He made sure they were common soldiers though, he would let the Jedi have their fun against their Fringe counterparts. After all this battle and invasion were a worthless waste of time, the Fringe were not the Sith and there was little reason for them to even be here on O'reen.

A sigh left his lips as he lowered the binoculars. "Squad A, fire upon the enemy at will, i want radio silence unless there is a problem." He shut off the mic to his headset and waited for the resonating sound of distant rifles going off, his droids were no doubt firing at the closest targets for optimum accuracy and were well from the front of the battle so to provide them some protection. Yusan on the other hand sat atop a ridge that overlooked the bridges, he could look down each and watch each battle, without the strain of having to worry about an enemy. Of course he still sat ready, expecting a enemy to break through sooner or later, or for someone to realize what he was doing from his post, sending information for targets from where he stood.

It didnt matter though, a rifle resting beside him, his pistols on the ground, and saber at his side, he was ready for any threat that presented itself. Infact, why not pass the time. He reached over for the rifle and fell to one knee, prompting his leading arm's elbow on his raised kneed and pressing the butt of the rifle into his right shoulder he waited for his first target to come into range and firing, though he made sure to aim for officers. There was no point in killing a grunt, that caused no havoc, but killing an officer would cause havoc and his men would be lost. And that was all that was needed. And of course, all he needed to do was wait for one Dark Jedi or Sith to come into sight, and then it would certainly be a challenge.
Tallia was really starting to have a bad day. Her troops were dead before her expected reinforcements had arrived, and she had been shot at, nearly split in two, and had come close to being incinerated. She mourned the loss of the men under her command. She had failed them, but she wasn't finished yet. As she engaged the Force Recon soldiers, she was once again put under attack by a burst of electricity. She groaned in pain and faced the Sith.

"Is that much FETHING lightning really necessary?" She wailed. Then the troops laid down gas grenades. She couldn't be sure, but the formula probably consisted with something like dioxis or another poisonous fume. In a confined space this would have been a big problem, but out in the open air, diffusion could quickly settle in and cause the poison to be harmless. She helped it along with a gust of force wind from her outstretched hand, hoping to blow it away. Unfortunately, she couldn't blow away bullets like she could gas. Rounds from a flechette shotgun fired at her at medium range. She tried to avoid being hit by the burst as best as she could, but as she spun away, she felt the intense burn of shrapnel hitting her in the side.

Oh this was getting better and better. She yelled out in pain and grabbed her side. With her other hand she reached out for the soldier who fired the shot and began to push. Tallia didn't push against him, but rather all around him. Eminence pressure began to build against the soldiers armor as she continued to tighten her grip around him. Such a powerful grip could have very likely killed him, or at least put him into intense pain. She felt confident that that one was out of the fight, but the other with the launcher was still a major threat. She again sprinted away from the Sith.

"Give me a moment and I will be right with you!" She quipped while charging the Force Scout with a flechette launcher, and baring down on him with her lightsaber. She was feeling quite pissed at the moment.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"] @[member="Evangeline Sage"] @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
LOCATION: Plateaus near Omega Command Center (@Darth Vornskr @Mikhail Shorn
TARGET: @Darc Xavior Talus
OBJECTIVE: #TeamNuclearHolocaust'

The King's eyes never left his target, however far away he was. However something mighty peculiar happened. Rather than choosing a direction to move, the Jedi Master held his ground and moved to fix defensive systems for himself. "Veer left." The Sith'ari bellowed, swerving the cavalry through a series of hilly terrain, no doubt giving even more time to the foe to prepare himself for the incoming onslaught.

Within moments, the entire column was bounding for the single target and his support personnel ranging further behind him. Arcis's sun-hued eyes caught sight of sparks and sizzles along the the leg of a walker, tracing up to the rear of its head where a stray blaster bolt sprang before a body was thrown from it. Feth. The nerf herder's going to pilot the damned thing. The machine stood still for a moment before it awakened to take a step forward and fired a blast at the incoming speeder force, then another, and then another.

"Take him." King Arcis growled at Zambrano before cutting his bike in front of the Black Iron Tyrant's and igniting the second blade to his saber, lowering both of their lengths to an easily maneuvered standard. The King veered right into the path of the projectiles, slamming a red finger down on an auto-pilot button before jumping up to balance himself atop the zooming speeder. A master of Soresu and defensive arts would paint his masterpiece this day.

The first shot, blazing hot with green plasma, screamed at him with pure hatred. Clawed digits struck out as if to grab it, but instead snatched the plasma like a throat and slammed it into the ground with burning passion. The second wasn't so easy, trailing its fallen brother by a mere second and heading straight for the King. The twin blue-grey blades of his staff swirled with his might, elongating to full length and batting the blast to the left flank of his column, narrowly searing a few soldiers. His eyes went wide. The third blast had been fired so close to the second that it was hidden within the fiery green trail of the second and he hadn't noticed it.

It was too late.

King Arcis barely had a fraction of a second to dive forward off of the speeder before greenish haze erupted from his previous location, spewing shrapnel and flames each and every way as it smashed into the ground and tumbled under rows of cavalrymen. The tumbling bike didn't stop there, it kept rolling before it landed fuel tank first into a rocky structure, exploding its reserves into the middle of the entire force and downing more than enough men with it.

"You cannot stop me!"

The Sith'ari roared as he rose, his left arm blackened and pieces of his battlemail strewn from his armor. Another guttural sound etched its way from his throat as if the primal instincts of an apex predator had awoken. He grunted, set his feet, and blasted off with Force speed at the walker.
Ordo was up and moving once again. The aquired assault rifle's butstock high in his shoulder. He kept the muzzle up as he moved behind the enemy lines. His eyes sighted along the weapon as he moved knees bent leaning slightly forward to absorb the shock of the weapon as he fired into anything that got in his way a fringe trooper fell across his path as he moved from cover to cover and Ordo simply stepped on his head and moved passed.

His thoughts were singular, determined, and dangerous. He was an angry animal. A primal thing with only one purpose. He had to find @[member="Rianna Organa"]. He had come to this battleground world for no other reason and now he feared he was too late.

The over sized can opener on his belt was his last resort as he fought his way back to the republic lines. He wanted to see her off this planet alive and like any beast whose family is in danger he was ready to breakdown worlds to do it.

He fired his way along to one of the Fringe tanks and he went up the back taking fire and dropped a frag grenade down the hatch and kept moving. The bridge was getting close now. Which bridge? How could he know it was just a darn bridge.


He was hit again, this time from behind. He turned and fired back at the mindless soldier just doing his job. The man crashed to the ground and Ordo began movimg again.

He didn't know who was winning and he didn't know what the battle was over. All he knew was had someone he loved down here some where and he was going to find them no matter what.

"Ri'ika." He called over the buy'ce comlink. "I'm here."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tallia Farn"] @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] @[member="Evangeline Sage"]

The little Knight was a blur of motion despite continuous Force Lightning, but large as he was, Rasho could very nearly keep up with her. Hutts were fast. His lightning continued unabated.

"Get it through your head, girl. You are not welcome on this world as a conqueror!"
LOCATION: Plateaus near Omega Command Center (@[member="Darth Arcis"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"])
TARGET: @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
OBJECTIVE: #TeamNuclearHolocaust

Kaine nodded to Arcis, and veered away from the column of mounted cavalry to take a wider arcing path towards the hijacked walker. The wind roared in his ears as he brought his speeder around to flank the walker, and with a great leap in the force he lunged from the bike and slammed into the side of the walker. His hands found purchase on the side of the walker, and he began to scramble up the side until he was firmly crouched on the top. Kaine glanced back at Arcis, and saw that he had quite his hands full in dealing with the walker's cannons manned by the Jedi filth hidden within. From his vantage point, he could do many things to try and stop the Jedi, one of which was cutting through the hull and engaging him, but in such limited space that seemed too risky. His second option was far better, and he knew that's what he had to do.

Kaine scuttled across the top of the walker, his hands running across the metallic surface until he found what he was looking for. A small maintenance hatch sat closed and locked, but with easy movements of his hands he ripped the panel clean off, revealing a small tunnel that led into the mechanical parts of the walker. Kaine dropped down into the hatch, and quickly began to analyze the various electronics and other mechanics before him, utilizing his skill of Mechu-Deru to discover what was what. It wasn't all that difficult to find the power connectors for the walker's weapon systems, and with a quick rearrangement he disconnected them, rendering the walker weaponless. Kaine quickly punched his comm, "Vornskr to Arcis, I've disabled the weapons systems from inside the walker, I want you to engage the Jedi. I will provide backup shortly."

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