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Private Bazaar of the Four Winds

Oh so he wasn't part of the church? Now Zaiya was more confused, brows furrowing more as her spots shimmered grey once more.

"Then what's the difference? It it a different religion?" Maybe he was part of The Way?

At the mention of his light sword - saber - Zaiya perked up, once again bright orange hues rippling over her skin in avid curiosity, "So, kinda like a vibrosword with an energy crystal to power it?" she only knew about the weapons in passing, mainly because she got really into Verpine technology. They used ultrasonic vibration generators but also used electrical components to create a static charge and increase cutting efficiency.

"May I see?" She had a light paddle if he wanted to trade and see. She took a step close, wanting to get a good look if he said yes. Physical boundaries were not an issue for Lovalla, so understanding to give Aris space was still a skill Zaiya was trying to work through. Lovalla were social creatures who deeply desired to make social bonds. Without them, Zaiya would never be able to truly form the empathic bonds or shine as brightly as those in her home world.

Deciding that now was the time, the Cathar and Nagai slowly began to walk near the pair. Zaiya was still moving her satchel from right hand to left, unable to keep still.

In the next few seconds, the pair looking to steal Zaiya's purse would be close enough to make the attempt, deciding to try and shove Aris aside while the other would make a grab for the purse.
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"Yeah more or less, but there's no solid blade." And there were enough differences from a vibroblade, he figured. A lightsaber didn't cut from sheer vibration. It'd probably be best to actually show her, but that wasn't something they were supposed to do, right? A lightsaber shouldn't be used for show. He took a half step back as she stepped forward though. Personal space was something he was quite the opposite on.

He wasn't used to being close to people.

"That's not something we're supposed to flash around. It's a symbol of who we are, to be used respo-." He was cut off as the Cathar tried to shove him. He was unmoving as a wall, instead glancing to the man with a raised brow. "Are you alright?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Oh, why was he moving away? Zaiya gave a confused look at Aris Noble Aris Noble , her skin shimmering grey again over her mottled spots when a Cather abruptly attempted to shove the teen.

Startled, Zaiya took a step back, a dull yellow rippling over her skin. She hadn't seen him -

A sudden shove at her back by the Nagai and Zaiya gave a startled cry, her skin immediately melting into a silver hue while her spots rippled bright yellow in fear.

"Move!" a voice shouted at her as she lost her balance, unable to stop the Nagai from grabbing at her satchel and suddenly running off with it. Blanching an even brighter silver in alarm, and naivety, the Lovalla immediately went running after him.

"Wait! Give that back!" she cried out, her magenta and cobalt hair streaming behind her as she tried to catch up.

She couldn't lose that satchel. It was one of the few items she had left of her mother.
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Aris was confused, to say the least. A lot happened all at once, but it wasn't something he'd experienced. The surprised expression of the Cathar standing behind him after trying to push him was practically screaming nervous even to Aris's dull sense of emotional empathy. "I asked if you were alri-"

"Wait! Give that back!"

That he did understand. Panic, desperation. The pieces started to click together. Pickpockets. He'd read stories involving them, but he hadn't expected to actually run into them. What was a calm smile had dimmed to a far too neutral expression. Cold and calculating. The nerves of the Cathar, the fact he tried to shove Aris at the same time the thief had taken something from Zaiya.


There was a flash of silver before the named sword appeared by his side. "Yes, young master?"

"Keep this one here."

The floating sword shifted, pointing towards the Cathar who was justifiably confused just lifted his hands in a mix of awe and terror at the talking, floating blade now pointed at him.

Then Aris was off. He turned to chase after Zaiya, after the thief, but he wasn't trying to follow along. In a blur of movement even unnatural for a Jedi he was on the Nagai, his lightsaber springing to existence. A cold, quiet blade, not the normal burning one. A single cut was all it took to bring the Nagai down, sending him straight to the floor.

Out cold from the Entropite edge Aris was using, rather than dead. Aris paused before crouching down to take back the pouch that had been taken before holding it out towards Zaiya. "Here."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Everything unfolded in a blur. One moment, Zaiya was in hot pursuit of the pickpocket, her heart racing with panic. The next, she found herself gasping for air, hands on her knees, wide-eyed and alarmed as the Nagai lay unconscious at her feet. Her mottled stripes rippled across her rose-gold skin with a kaleidoscope of emotions -- confusion swirling in shades of grey, fear and concern casting bright yellows, curiosity igniting vibrant orange hues, and suspicion darkening the spectrum to burnt orange.

They were drawing attention, whispers and stares already converging upon them. To all appearances, the Nagai lay lifeless, and Aris Noble Aris Noble stood over him with his glowing blade, his expression unreadable as he extended her satchel.

"T-thank you, Aris," Zaiya stammered, straightening up to retrieve her satchel. Her iridescent blue eyes widened as she glanced back at the Nagai. "Is he... is he dead?"

Turning her gaze to Aris and his blade, she couldn't help but blurt out, "Wait, is that... is that your lightsaber?"

Of course, that was when a gruff voice called out, "Oi what is going on here?!"

The bazaar wasn't completely left to its defenses. There were guards situated and manned by the various driftercolony guilds. The voice was from an older Kiffar male, his dreadlocks tied back in a ponytail, dressed in clean spacer gear with a patch over his chest identifying him as a marshal of sorts.


"He's fine. Just unconscious." Aris had no intention of killing a theif, this was just the best way to take them down with minimal damage. Still, he did his best to give Zaiya a kind smile. He had no idea what she was feeling now, so a smile was all he could think to offer.

At least until the Kiffar approached. He glanced to the man before nodding to the still unconscious Nagai. "He stole from my friend here and I apprehended him, and his partner just a little ways back. I am Jedi Padawan Aris Noble, here with my master Jedi Knight Briana Sal-Soren."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Just unconscious? Zaiya's eyes widened in surprise, the iridescent mottled spots along her neck and shoulders flickering from canary yellow to amber as she processed the news of Aris's condition. The mention of his lightsaber ignited a spark of curiosity within her, her fingers itching to dissect it and unravel its mysteries. Her bioluminescent spots glowed a vibrant aqua with anticipation, reflecting her intense fascination with the technology.

It was bright enough to draw murmurs and pointed gestures from nosy observers of the bazaar. Zaiya immediately flushed in embarrassment, the aqua glow fading as her markings tinted a pink in an abashed expression. Pushing through her embarrassment, Zaiya chose to focus on the circumstances and Aris’ saber.

Turning to the Kiffar marshal, Zaiya quickly corroborated Aris's account, eager to resolve the situation so she could explore the workings of his lightsaber. Her restless energy was palpable as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"It's true. Aris was just trying to retrieve my satchel," she confirmed, moving to stand beside the silver-haired teen. The height difference between them was evident, adding a touch of comedy to the scene. At just barely over a meter and a half, even with the half ponytail's added height of her hairstyle, the top of Zaiya's head barely made it past Aris' shoulders.

The Kiffar sighed wearily, understanding the implications of dealing with a Jedi. He didn't want any trouble in the Bazaar or Liliac.

"If he's only unconscious, you can go. I'll handle this. Where's the other one?"
he asked, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any signs of the fleeing culprit.

Zaiya had not been around to notice the flying sword Aris had called out to hold the Cathar at bay; she'd been too anxious to try to get her satchel. By now, Tela had run off in the chaos, and Zaiya's cake was tossed to the ground in the pursuit.



Those were new colors. Aris caught them from the corner of his eye as he didn't want to look away from the Kiffar, but he hadn't expected her to actually glow. Did that mean heightened emotion? Just a different kind entirely? Could she brighten just from feeling something strongly?

There were all kinds of curious thoughts in his head, but he wasn't thinking too much on it. Later, for certain. "Seszil? Can you bring him here?"

Another pause before the Cathar walked over. With a floating sword edging them on. Aris nodded in the Cathar's direction. "This would be the one." Then he looked to Zaiya with a faint smile. A somewhat sad looking one, as he seemed to realize something. "I think our cakes were ruined again."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Seszil? Who is Seszil?" Zaiya turned to Aris Noble, her brow furrowed in confusion as grey ripples danced over her markings. Had another companion joined Aris without her noticing?

Before she could ponder further, Zaiya was startled as a floating sword nudged the pickpocket, guiding him towards the Kiffar marshal. "Is that a repulser droid sword?!" Zaiya exclaimed, her markings shimmering with bright orange curiosity and the edges glowing aqua with bioluminescence again with avid excitement.

The marshal swiftly cuffed both the Cathar and the unconscious Nagai. This time it wasn't only Zaiya's glowing appearance drew attention from the crowd with Aris' floating sword, but this time Zaiya was too intrigued by the repulsor sword and the glowing wand to care. Body twisted to look at Aris, catching his faint smile. One of the few times he expressed emotion. It looked good on him. At least, until he gave a melancholy expression.

Oh, was he sad about the cake? She took another step closer to Aris, getting into his personal space, rocking back and forth with excitement like a small bird wanting to share secrets.

"I can get you more cakes if you want! We can find a quieter place to eat," Zaiya suggested - and then you can show me how your tech works, she thought to herself, her iridescent blue eyes wide with anticipation as she eagerly awaited the opportunity to learn more about Aris's unique technology.


"If you eat any more cake Young Master you will be outside of your dietary regulations."

Seszil spoke, hovering just beside Aris who was about to speak up with his appreciation for the offer of more cake. Yes, he did want more He hadn't had the chance to actually finish a piece, despite having a couple bites of both portions he'd been given. Sure enough though, another would end up ruining his daily allotted calorie count. He let out a heavy sigh before reaching up to take Seszil and sheath the sword on his back.

"Seszil is correct. I shouldn't have more cake. But we did talk about something to drink, right?"

He at least learned enough of her coloring to realize she was curious about Seszil. What exactly he wasn't sure, but he figured the floating, speaking sword would get anyone's attention and curiosity. Not that he was going to explain it to everyone, but he didn't see a reason not to share with Zaiya.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
At any other time, Zaiya would have been confused regarding why did it matter how many calories Aris was limited to eating. Instead, iridescent cobalt eyes grew as wide as saucers once Seszil spoke.

"It really is a flying droid sword?!" excitement bloomed as the glow around her bright orange markings only intensive into a vibrant aqua, the rose-gold of her skin shimmering with a soft glowing glimmer. Aris Noble Aris Noble would have plenty of confirmation now that when excited, Zaiya would glow in bioluminescence, which made the theory that when her emotions swung to the other end of the spectrum, such as melancholy or depression, they would dull and fade.

"How do the repulsors even fit?! And where is the vocabulator?!" this time the Zaiya would flutter around the area where Aris had sheathed Seszil, over-anxious in her avid curiosity, rippling in kaleidoscopic color changes that once again, made her stand out. For all her excitability, it was infectious how intrigued Zaiya could be. Not just because of her genuine innocent curiosity, but because of the unconscious subtle shift of the Force that would start to move around the Lovalla. It was as if the avid increase of her emotions sent out faint tendrils of projective empathic telepathy.

The Kiffar decided to leave the two teens be and called out to another familiar face for his help with the pickpockets. Leaving Aris and Zaiya to their antics; and the rubbernecking of curious bystanders, the Marshal left.

"Oh, sure. I can get you a drink! What would you like?" A broad wide smile would shine from Zaiya as she tilted her head back to look up at Aris. That's when she paused; dawning revelation taking her when she stood this close to him.

Oh, wow. He's tall.

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"Seszil is not a droid, no. They ar- were, a Shard." That was a complex story to get into. He watched her as she continued to flutter around more or less, trying his best not to just flinch away. She was the type who didn't understand personal space was his guess, and given her reactions before he didn't want to make her sad again. It was better to see her glowing, he figured.

Literally though in this case.

"I'm not sure. Is there something good you recommend?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"A shard?" Confusion again flared in a swatch of silver and grey hues over her rose-gold skin. Perplexity furrowed her brows, and she canted her head to the right, the multicolored length of her hair swaying with the motion. At least this caused her to stop her movements and instead rock on her heels.

"What's a shard? Is it a rock or crystal?" Trying to understand what Aris Noble Aris Noble meant for someone who was not at all accustomed to Force swords, lightsabers, and much less sentient rocks was a bewildering concept. "Oh you mean like a power cell?" Her markings brightened in curiosity and contemplation, shimmering in brilliant oranges and amber hues. Maybe some new type of technology?

As for the drink, Zai glanced around and then gestured forward. "Let's walk and see what we find to drink. Youcan tell me more about Seszil and what a shard is."


"Both and neither, technically. Seszil is a living being like you or me for the most part. He uses the Force to communicate and move on his own, rather than a mouth or limbs and arms." If she didn't understand the Force, this would only be more difficult to explain. Especially for him, who only knew the science of it rather than how it actually felt.

And the science he only understood because of where he was raised. Most of it made no logical sense.

"What my teachers have told me is that the Force is in all living things. Some people can feel it more than others and through that influence how it flows to do incredible things."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Aris didn't have to be an empath or finely in tune with emotions to recognize Zaiya was completely perplexed with what he was explaining to her. Zaiya's face twisted into a mask of pure confusion, her brows knitting together in a tangle of uncertainty, the intensity of her confusion making her rose-gold skin fade into silver. Her lips parted slightly, forming a silent question, while her eyes widened in disbelief. She blinked rapidly, as if trying to clear the fog from her mind, but the haze of confusion only seemed to grow thicker.

How could it be a living being but have no body? That made no sense to her. "How can he be a living being? He looks like a sword -- one powered by repulsors or some sort of energy device." The navpoints were not connecting. Scentifically, through technology, it only made sense that Seszil would be something mechanical. How could a shard be a living thing?

When Aris went on to explain that the Force is in all living things, Zaiya was even more confused, all color including her markings, darkening to greys of utter bewilderment. "Well how does this Force feel like?"

The scientific part of her brain was trying to make sense of it. Curiosity got the best of her, and her mottled markings brightened back to an amber hue once more in contemplation. "And how can I feel it if it is in all living beings?"


Yeah, she was going right for the science of it. Aris's frown returned as he dove deeper into thought. He didn't know how to answer her questions. Seeing was believing in a lot of cases, especially with the Force. Especially for him, who couldn't really feel it asides from the occasional feeling that he was in danger. Danger Sense, as he was told, but it didn't help him when he couldn't tell where danger was coming from.

"I don't know how it feels."

It was a truth he'd long come to terms with. There were some things he just would never be able to do.

"But I do know it's there."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"So how do you know that it is there?" Besides Seszil flying about, that is? While Zaiya didn't have the color hues from Aris as she would with another Lovalla to understand the intricate nuances of what he was feeling, she could pinpoint that he was also unsure of exactly how to describe this 'Force' to her.

"And how is Seszil able to use it? Is it like a battery? Is there a limit to how long he can fly?" she began to walk, assuming that Aris would come along with her. She had this jovial way of walking that made her hair swish from side to side as if she had the boundless energy that needed to be directed into action. One second she was walking alongside him, the next, she skipped up a few steps and gave a twirl, her white robes swirling around her legs as she decided to walk backwards, radiating a curious kaleidoscopic array of citrine and amber hues of avid curiosity.

"Can you fly?" oh that was an interesting thing if this Force allowed anyone to fly!



Aris frowned. How could he explain it without it sounding crazy? Oh. He lifted a hand, which started to suddenly glow a deep red. And give off a lot of heat. A lot off heat. "People who can influence the Force can do things like this. I can control my body temperature, is what my mo- Another master taught me. As well as my strength, speed. Hearing, sight. Everything, really. But most people can move things with their minds, see visions of the future, control various elements, and even more impossible things to explain. It doesn't match science, or logic."

That was the point he was really trying to stress. There was no logic behind it all.

"I can't fly. There are some who can, though."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Zaiya couldn't help but be captivated as Aris's hand began to emit a deep red glow, radiating intense heat. Wait could he change his skin color too? She hadn't met anyone who had the same qualities as Lovalla, her naivety not understanding that the way Aris was using the Force was not changing his skin coloration, but emitting heat. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she reached out to touch it, only to recoil with a slight yelp as the scorching heat seared her fingertips. Her colorful markings dulled to a brown hue with silver accents as she inspected the small welts on her skin. It was more startling than painful, but the impact was undeniable.

Bringing her fingers to her lips, Zaiya attempted to cool them down by blowing on them, her expression a mixture of awe and concern. "Wow, that was hot!" she exclaimed, stating the obvious as she glanced up at Aris. Her iridescent eyes widened with worry as she noticed the intensity of his hand's glow. "Wait, aren't you burning yourself too?"

Concern etched into her features, markings rippling yellow as Zaiya urged, "Please don't hurt yourself. You don't have to show me if it's going to cause you harm." She was genuinely worried about his well-being, her compassionate nature shining through despite her initial curiosity.


Aris just about yanked his hand away as she touched it, blinking in sheer surprise. He hadn't explained that it was heat, but at the same time he hadn't expected her to just reach out and touch it. Maybe he should've, it wasn't the first time, but still. He cleared his throat as the glow faded. Worry was in his own eyes as he watched her. Thankfully she didn't seem to be harmed.

".. No. I'm fine. If I'm the one heating myself I can't be burned. I can catch lightsabers if I focus on it, for example. And they're basically plasma. You needn't worry about me. Are you okay? Did you burn yourself?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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