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Be a Dentist (Feena Mason)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony watched her master, the small petite former jedi master now a padawan again... How amusing she wondered walking with her throughout the streets but she didn't understand these organics. They put to much emphasis on titles and powers, the woman who owned her proving that a little as the two of them walked towards a cafe. She had come here to see if she could get an audience with the queen and ask for some permission to investigate an ancient grove. They were coming here with the ship for her own training as well, one needed to face themselves to understand their demons she had said... Something Harmony wasn't understanding as Matsu sat down at the table and sent the message to Feena Mason.

"Queen Mason, I do not know if this will reach you personally but as a former jedi I was hoping to get some help. My research has brought me here to your lovely planet and I would like to investigate for notes."
The Eternal Queen
Queen Feenarah Mason was not used to getting messages directly. Not anymore. They always went through her secretary. So when she got a message straight to her inbox while she was in the middle of signing a new law (one about higher standards for Naboo's public education) she obviously a little surprised. Only a select few could send her direct messages, and one order that could do so just happened to be the Jedi Order. Why , one might ask, if Feenarah Mason, a former Jedi master herself who had elected to leave the Order, claiming it to be corrupt, would she allow them direct contact? Well, simply put, she had to be available for all major organizations in the Galaxy. Her job was to look after Naboo, and if that meant she had to put herself out there for Jedi to bother her, then so be it.

Her message back was swift, typed out by one of her own handmaidens.

Her Majesty, Queen Feenarah Mason, would like to extend her warmest welcome to her planet and personally invites you to discuss this matter further in person at the Palac. She will expect you promptly at 9:30 sharp. If you can not make it at that time, please send a response with a more appropriate time. You will be met by a royal guard. All weapons will be confiscated at that time for security reasons.

Best regards.

Feenarah looked at the chrono. 7:54. If they truly wished to see her for this matter, these Jedi would waste no time. How much had the Order improved during her time away? Were they truly out to protect the Galaxy anymore? From what she had heard from her son, during his brief time with the Order, she was most certainly doubtful.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony received the message for Matsu before the jedi did, mostly because she was hooked up for the job in case of ships or if someone tried to hack and find her location again. A problem as it were and she wsn't going to let it happen again after all a droid even one made to look and act human had to have some standards. She watched Matsu read it and check her chrono, they had some time but it was always best to be there promptly. She finished her drink and stood up double checking her equipment mostly because standing in the jacket and hat with a tight bodysuit she didn't have many places to hide weapons. Well only the holdout dart launcher and her lightsaber up her sleeve were enough usually. They were transferred to her front pocket to hand over while the two walked and Harmony noticed that Matsu's datapads were ready and blank. Arriving at the palace and outside of it the petite jedi looked up from under her hat while speaking. "''''I have an appointment for a meeting."
The Eternal Queen
The Jedi were met by the Queens personal favorite guard, the one she had employed for years. Percival took his job as a Queens Guard very seriously. Serious to the point of being nearly humorless. Not even Feenarah Mason herself could get a smile from him. He would stand tall with his head up and his hands folded so neatly behind his back and scowl suspiciously around the room. It was a source of great frustration to then Queen. To think that even she could not manage to get a smile from one of her own.

"Stop there," Percival ordered, putting a hand up, "All weapons after this point will be forfeit. Please place all blasters, vibroswords, lightsabers and any weapon you may have on you, in the bin and walk through the scanners."

As for the Queen? She was watching this all with some mild amusement from her study. Percy needed a vacation some time. He took this job far too seriously. Maybe a trip out to the lakes for a week would loosen him up some?

[member="Matsu Ike"] @Korté
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Matsu looked at the man and she took her coat and hat off, the lightsaber, dart hand shooter and she couldn't take the force away again. Setting them there for the man and standing in the black shell spider bodysuit with a small smile while she stepped through. Harmony standing next to her and waiting on the other side of the scanner. "Understood." matsu held her hands up slightly and was there so she could be scanned letting her fingers interlace behind her head for presentation in case the guard wanted to search her by hand. While the bodysuit wouldn't allow things to be hidden she knew royalty could be very paranoid and a stickler on safety.
The Eternal Queen
Perceval had a reason to be paranoid. The last time she forgot to check someone, the last time he took a day off, the Queen had almost been assassinated. It was just one assassination attempt in a long line of many for the new Queen, but Percy was determined that it would be the last.

He patted the Jedi down, carefully, scanning every inch for any sign of trickery. Jedi... who could ever trust a Jedi?

"When you meet with the Queen you will address her as Your Highness. Speak when spoken to, and make your questions short and clear. The Queen doesn't like to waste time."

With that, he motioned for the Jedi to follow.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony watch Matsu go as she followed since she was the personal assistance droid for her and the small jedi gave a nod of agreement to the guard while she was walking. "Understood." She was moving towards the queen and Harmony stopped just behind the jedi and guard looking up to the woman with black hair and pale features. Matsu bowed lower to the ground and her words came out aided by the force mostly because small soft spoken jedi a distance away from a royal figure. "Your Highness, I am Matsu Ike and I have come to ask for your... permission to go into the ancient grove on the grounds. My research has brought me here to it."
The Eternal Queen
When the guest had been brought in, the Queen was already in full traditional makeup, handmaidens at each side. As was her own tradition, she bowed her head to her guests and the girls followed suit.

"What do you hope to find?"
The question was quick and short, as expected from this no-nonsense Queen.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

"The ancient grove is said to be somewhere the force runs strong. I am hoping find the source and study it to reflect on an artifact I found in the Unknown regions. The ancient jedi left clues one leading here and other places." Harmony watched her master speak and knew the object she was speaking about, more so she had been asked to decipher the runes on it and to no luck as it were. Ancient writings that had nothing being used now made things difficult. Looking at the jedi and then to the queen. "Of course her highness is welcome to my notes if you wish it, everything or anything I might find."
The Eternal Queen
"I see...."

The Queen met her gaze, head tilted to the side- a habit she picked up from her husband.

"Well then, I see no reason to object to this, however, I must insist that you take a member of my court with you."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony watched as Matsu gave a nod of her head that turned into a bow. "I would be honored." The small jedi remained there for the moment and to be dismissed so that she might meet this one. Taking the time as Harmony went over and made sure all the relevant information... namely the Queen's name was in her memory banks. "Your highness is most kind. Perhaps one day I shall return with less selfish motives."
The Eternal Queen
The Queen smirked, hands folded neatly in front of her.

"Oh, we'll see about that," she replied with mild amusement, "I shall be going with you personally."

Her handmaidens stared at their Queen as if she had just decided to shave her head and call herself 'Lord fluffy-bottom'. One of them gasped, then quickly got a hold of herself and shut her mouth. The new Queen was certainly not your typical monarch.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Haarmony looked at Matsu's surprise in hearing that news. A smile curling her lips as she bowed her head. "Understood your highness." The jedi was a curious one and her face never showed much or even heat hiding under pale skin her blushing. The HRD was moving with her to be ready for the queen and they would have to both protect her and at the same time investigate this grove she was finding little information on when it came to things. Some vague references to an ancient tree that was said to be alive.
The Eternal Queen
The Queen nodded.
"Then it is settled," she decided, "Name a time and we shall meet again."

She bowed once more and turned back to her handmaidens.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

"Tomorrow your highness." Harmony watched Matsu standing right there and the jedi was smiling to tart. The HRD had known her for quite awhile well a few months but she had learned that serenity was what the jedi exuded compared to others. She wasn't a sociopath she was just serene in all her actions because she believed in the force. So they were walking and heading back while she waited for her things to go back to the ship and sleep. "Master is this wise, I calculate given your history there is a very real chance something will happen. I do not know what but bad things happen." She saw Matsu looked towards the man. "Not all the time... I am certain of it besides I believe the highness knows how to not walk into dangerous situation."
The Eternal Queen
Tomorrow morning, at the very first light, The Queen was waiting with her body guard, Percival.
"Highness? Is this what you really want to do?" he asked quietly, looking, as he always did, completely concerned.

"Percy, you need a vacation," she responded with a smile.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony walked there the next morning and her master looked slightly different her long hair instead in a very tight ponytail that went down her back while she wore her kimono and saber visible on her belt. The HRD was observing until she picked up the queen on her auditory sensors making a little out but neglecting it for privacy. Then they were standing before and with Feena Mason the queen of Naboo and the jedi spokke giving a bow with her hands in front of her. "Your Highness, you look beautiful today."
The Eternal Queen
The Queen bowed low to the Jedi, smiling.

"Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, I should like to skip the pleasantries and get right to work."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony gave a nod of her head to that to mirror her master and was moving out in front as Matsu stayed in front of the queen and her men. Better to ease their needed paranoia about protection of their queen. Harmony was scanning the area and as they neared the grove she could sense her master tense only a little as no scans showed differences. "The darkside." She was not certain how one measured the darkside of the force or how it would come to be but as Harmony continued on she was seeing movements and spoke. "Scans indicate there is movement in the bushes but thermal indicate nothing is around. I suggested caution."
The Eternal Queen
The Queen did not need to be told twice to be cautious. She only had to experience eight or so assassination attempts before 'caution' became her default.


Curiously enough, Feena did not sense it herself. Not clearly. The illness, whatever it was that weakened her body, also seemed to dull her senses. Oh, she was still able to manipulate the Force, that seemed to not be affected. But when it came to sensing, hen it came to eeling the difference, she just did not have it in her anymore.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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