Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Be a Dentist (Feena Mason)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony noted her masters nod of her head to that as entering into the overgrown grove the path was covered with vines. "Yes it is a strange thing, just a small nexus on the planet from sometime before. No one really knows." Harmony continued to watch and scan the area while more movement from vines and branches came. She was not caring for this, the chance of damage was high given what she knew about her masters usual antics. For now she spoke seeing a small clearing. "There appears to be the remains of a camp up ahead master."
The Eternal Queen
The Queen was many things, but stupid was not one of them. No matter how curious she was, she would never run head first into the unknown. Not while she had nothing to gain from it.

"Well, go on Jedi. You are here to investigate, yes? Investigate then."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Feena Mason"]

Harmony was looking at Matsu and she moved off with the jedi at the urging of the queen. There was a great deal happening as she moved about taking it all in. The were searching and scanning the greenery. "Analysis of the grove indicates it is well cared for by the runoff from the palace. Minimal interaction with locals would explain why it has not been overtaken by soldiers despite dangerous plants. Perhaps the queen leaves it for traps in case of looters looking for royal treasures." The droid kept moving through the area and she could see Matsu stopping to look at the remains of packs or cases as she was taking things out. "Your Highness, do you know any history of the grove?"

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