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Populate Beach and Horror | EE Populate of Tholon (SGHW)




We have reached the part of the year when, according to the Imperial calendar, it is summer. This means that the residents of the Eternal Empire take their leave and go on vacation during this period. This term is all about beach time, cocktails and relaxation. Maybe about palm trees and how people are fanned with the palm leaves. So it's definitely not about work, but about fun and relaxation.

However, not everyone is so lucky to be able to take a vacation and relax during this period either, because several terrible things happened in the area close to the core world of the Eternal Empire. And the clues lead to the area and place where Pralva, the Hutt, is also active. This was already certain from the previously obtained data. Thus, some people even had to deal with this investigation and reconnaissance.

Just as bureaucracy and diplomacy, politics cannot rest. Because the expansion of the Empire cannot stop, and the next target was none other than the planet called Tholon, which is famous for the fact that there is a lot of ore on the planet and the mining industry is also flourishing there. And STRATCOM designated this as the closest planet to be acquired.



Objective 1.: Beach Party
The planet is already known to everyone, as the second Beach Party was held in this location before, and this location became the Eternal Empire's favourite vacation planet. After wars and conflicts, everyone needs rest and relaxation. Even to soldiers, nobles, possible crusaders. A tropical planet where everyone can go party and relax. Huge oceans, sandy beaches, big waves, cocktail bars! Everything you need for people to relax and have fun.

Numerous entertainment opportunities await visitors: swimming, slides, water sports, beach sports, surfing, swimming with dolphin-like creatures. Outside from the water on the beach volleyball, football / soccer, other beach games. Countless bars and cold cocktails await those who wish to chill. The visitors can also fight each other with water guns and water bombs in the jungle close to the shore.

On the beach, even barbecue is free. The only thing forbidden is to bring a weapon to the planet. The most dangerous weapons are the water rifle and water bomb filled with holy water. This day is not about fighting and war, but about rest and fun.

Objective 2.: Cult of the Horrors
Ever since the planet Hoth, the Eternal Empire has tracked the Pralva, the Hutt, and its connections. These traces led first to the planet Isis, then to Mustafar, and from there to Karra. In these places, the Empire has already gathered enough information that the Hutt, who led the underworld of the southern regions, have an extensive network and maintain very close ties with the Sith.

That in itself wouldn't be a problem, but following the clues, the end of the road was the planet Panatha. Again. From where the Eternal Empire and the Ashlan Crusade tried to make the Sith disappear not just once. Also, the Mandalorian Enclave attacked them for this, even though there has been no sign of Sith activity since then. Until now.

On Panatha, the residents who stayed in the city near the ruins of the capital, or who have already moved back, are being terrorized and murdered by something under the cover of night. This is not a unique or isolated case, but dozens or rather hundreds of people have disappeared without a trace. Almost all of these are simple immigrants, not Epicanthix.

It is precisely for this reason that the Eternal Empire sends soldiers, mercenaries and agents to the planet to secretly find out what is behind it.

Objective 3.: Expansion Cannot Stop
The planet Thelon was owned by the Rim Commercial Mining corporation for a very long time, and then the First Order also acquired the planet. However, since the collapse of the First Order, the planet has been independent again and there is quite a lot of anarchy on the planet. Everyone wants to get the mining and trading rights. Among others, the Eternal Empire as well. The method is not really important, only the efficiency in this case.

Company owners and diplomats were mainly sent here, as well as some string teams. The goal is not to have bloodshed, if it can be avoided. The primary goal is for the business leaders to acquire a share in the local companies, for the diplomats to ensure that the local government will thereafter work for the Eternal Empire and pay taxes for the STRATCOM; as well as local companies.

And the striking teams are there for security reasons, if it becomes necessary, then the families of the leaders of the local government and companies must be arrested and kidnapped so that these kidnapped persons can be used to blackmail the local representatives in order to achieve the most positive and optimal goal.

Objective 4: Bring Your Own Objective (BYOO)
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planets and in the hexes. The point is to make everyone have fun.


Relevant threads:

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To have fun
Location: Beach
Equipment: Beach equipment || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Palm trees, cocktails, sunshine, beach. I think it's a perfect vacation. That is, almost, only Arturo Braga Arturo Braga was missing to make it perfect. To tell you the truth, I got a very little rest. I've been working too much lately anyway. Besides my own company and the Bounty Hunters' Guild, one doesn't have much free time. But at least now I was close to this region. Due to recent changes, this place was no longer considered the end of the world. Now it was the eastern side of the galaxy.

Although in this place it was the Maw that spoiled the overall picture and made the place quite unpleasant. But today I didn't want to deal with that kind of thing, I didn't want to think about what kind of things Pralva was thinking about, or what he was planning about. I wanted to rest today. Finally, I don't know, it was hard to remember the last time I was relaxing anywhere. Even Arturo and I didn't quite get to such a place, no matter how much we wanted to.

One of the waiters has just brought a cold cocktail in a coconut with fruits, umbrella and mint. As is best. I was just lying on my deck chair in the shade of one of the palm trees. The wind was pleasant and the sea was gently rolling on the sandy beach. Everything was perfect; that is, almost perfect. But it seemed that if my boyfriend and I couldn't arrange a vacation together, then I had to do it alone.

To make the whole situation even more perfect, I was looking and reading at a fashion magazine on my datapad. The vacation really couldn't be more perfect than that. I sipped my drink; it wasn't too alcoholic, so I even had a straw in it. I had to be a little careful because you can easily get drunk in this heat. I looked towards the sea. Maybe I should go for a swim.

Or riding on the beach at sunset, although if you were alone, it wouldn’t be perfect…

Too much to do, but I was lazy…

"Vacation. I just love the sound of the word, Vacation!"*

*Theron Shawn, SWTOR

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Found and eliminate the cultists
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid had previously been present at all matters involving Panatha, so it really shouldn't have been surprising that she was here in person again. This was a good task for agents, and the red-haired woman was very fond of such tasks. After all, she couldn't get away from her imperial duties very often, so it was clear that she would come. Last but not least, she really wanted to put an end to the presence of the Sith on this planet. Perhaps we could have said that the matter was somewhat personal, but the Empress always knew how to relate, and the affairs of the Empire came first.

Just like today.

The capital still hasn't been completely rebuilt, even though it's been a long time since the Enclave attacked. The locals didn't really ask for the influence of the Eternal Empire anymore, thanks to the fact Ingrid exiled Carnifex and Prazutis. The locals were not happy that their gods were being treated like this by outsiders. However, the Eternal Empress was not interested. She let them stay here long enough. Not after they tried to kill her too. Not anymore.

Now she was here, fear was in the air, almost no one dared to come forward. This is partly why the Eternal Empire stealth dropships landed in places where the locals couldn't see them. And of course, neither the enemy, because if they are detected, they may not show themselves in the next period, and it would have been advisable to avoid this. Earlier, for a moment, the woman thought that the Shadow Company should have been sent here, but in the end she didn't.

She didn't want to sacrifice her own assets for this. And, as she hinted earlier, she wanted to go to the mission herself. Fortunately, there was data on where the attacks took place in the city and where they were most frequent. It was now late in the afternoon, the time was approaching evening, it would soon be dark. There is a good chance that they will already find action and clues.

<"Come on, let's go! Move, move, move!"> she gave the order.

Here she didn't even wait for the others to start, the Red Witch took the lead.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development

Objective III:
Beach Party

Location: The Beach
Objective: Kick some butt
Wearing: Swimsuit

Trinity had been looking forward to some time off and particularly some sunshine at the beach she loved the sea, she loved the sand and she loved the sun. The Overseer felt her newest position was tying her more and more to a desk, and when she was at a desk she was often in some darkened cave or ruin somewhere on the Imperial frontier. Not that she minded at all being on the forefront of science, but it was still fun to get some leave and go and enjoy herself. Her toes wriggled in the hot white sand as the wind caught in her hair and whipped it about her face, after this match she might head in to the sea a little bit longer. There was a little rocky outcrop that she wanted to swim too, just to see what was there. Trinity wondered how appropriate it would be to have a scientific drone deliver a cocktail to her whilst she was out there, probably not appropriate, but easier than swimming without ruining her drink.

But first, Trin had to win this game of beach volleyball. Two girls versus a mixed pairing, she was sure the person keeping score had mis-counted somewhere, but she didn't really care as long as she won on the end. She grinned at her opponent on the other side of the net as she crouched down ready to receive the service, remembering to pull her suit out of her butt but the umpteenth time.

The server in question was a beautiful alabaster Twi'lek across from her. She had the ball, but appeared to have been distracted by some men that were admiring her curves, not that she could blame them even for a second. "Hey, Salwa!" she shouted over to Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa "Once you are done flirting do you want to hit that thing? I want to win before I turn thirty preferably!". She laughed and poked her tongue out. It was a milestone birthday that was just a little too close for Trinity's liking.

Last edited:



The Beach was an interesting choice for the beautiful vampiress to find herself given her species dangerous sensitivity to sunlight. Thankfully, her centuries old dathomiri rituals had taken the edge off that particular biological flaw, reducing the agony of certain death to a mere irritation and mild burning sensation that she would likely still regret later. But this was fun, it would be worth it it and she had many ants that could sooth her. She lifted her arm up and looked at the water glistening in the sun. She sent a thought to Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia , "Can you feel that too? A little reminder of what I am is always appreciated." she laughed aloud and mentally.

Continuing to wade in the shallows, the water now lapped at the strapping around her thighs and she ran her fingers in the water leaving ripples behind her. She let out a long sign of relaxation before walking a little further and bending her knees and immersing herself in the water. Rolling over she floated on her back and looked up at the blue sky and that lovely, but burning sun above her. "Think you will eat here?" she casually asked Persephone "At the barbecue I mean, naturally" she laughed again, imaging the scene that such a misunderstanding could cause and the entertainment to be had by Persepohone tearing her way up the beach. She did quite fancy the smells wafting off the beach, she might put in a special request for a steak, barely seared and bloody in the middle. She began to drool and felt just the tiniest pressure at her gums of her teeth wanting extend. Luckily she had fed not long before she had come to the party or all this flesh on display would be wreaking havoc on her demeanor.

Fimrati "Banshee" Vailyippin
Blackwatch Psi Corps
: Found and eliminate the cultists
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Equipment: | 1x AMRX-5 Slugthrower Rifle | 1x ABR1 Blaster Carbine | x2 ZJ-15 Pistol | x1 Combat Knife | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit |
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Fimrati listened to the comm unit hooked to her head, not yet fully fluent in High Nelvaanian enough to know everything being said in her ear, though she knew enough to understand what the Empress herself said as she readied herself to move. She wasn't familiar with the city, much less the planet. She'd set herself up in a decent spot to overwatch the area the Empress was landing in, with heavy slugthrower rifle currently in hand, stock pressed to her shoulder. "Overwatch maintaining position. Situation nominal. No movement for the last day. Last observed group of marked entering was 5 strong. Total count in is 20 individuals unless they have an alternate entry/exit point. Alley on the north side, 10 meters in, disguised door on right hand side. Unknown situation inside." She reported calmly and quietly over the comm.

She'd been in place for some two weeks now, and been observing this particular spot for that entire time. She was here right now to make sure there were no leakers through that door. If needed though, she could move in to provide support directly, which is why she'd brought her carbine and pistols with her. Her attire this operation was a newer bodysuit with some extra armor plates she'd picked up with her personal funds from her various tasks within the Blackwatch since she joined it after the attempted coup, along with some less obviously Empire attire over the top of it to ensure she couldn't be immediately identified as an Empire agent.

For all many were concerned, she was just some merc who'd followed the money of those were trying to resist the Empire influence, as opposed serving the Eternal Empire. Which was the point. She was as un-Empire as possible to slip through the cracks of society to do her particular brand of work for the Empress. She was still unsure of what the Empress saw in her to pull the strings she had to put her as basically directly under her authority as she was now, but she couldn't complain about the work itself. It was still up her alley and she was still able to slip into targets by doing as she did here, and be as un-assuming as possible since someone looking like your typical merc, or even less in public as some view slaves or dancers after all, was less likely to raise eyes than someone decked out in Imperial finery.

As it was, she was settled comfortably in her sniper hole, waiting for the go order to go inside, or to spot valid targets to enter her scope.


Beach Party
Lana loved the beach. She also hated rules. So, when told that she wasn't to be allowed because of some Empress Lady now on the world, she took it as a direct challange of her abilities. They wanted to keep her out? She'd like to see them try! Clad in her new swimsuit, Lana was greatly enjoy her little run along the waterline, doing her best to avoid the waves, and jumping back to the safety of the sand to remain dry. It wasn't long before she grew bored with this, but thankfully, she found more amusing prospects up ahead to entertain her. A pale woman, with what seemed like Dathomiri tattoos, waded into the water, and another woman seemed intent on playing volley ball. Now those were just antics waiting to be had. Giggling like a banshee, Lana focused on the Dathomiri woman, who seemed rather out of place on a place like this; but she couldn't pass up the idea of talking about home!​
It took two hops before she finally vanished from where she stood, and fell from above Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani , crashing into the water before the woman as she had time to tuck herself into a canon ball; giggling as she splashed down and hopefully spraying the woman in the process. Lana immediately bobbed back up, grinning like she was to be proud of her mayhem, though she expected the woman to be unreasonably angry at her. Thankfully this wasn't her first time dealing with this! "Hiya! I'm Lana! Who are you? I know those tattoos, you're a witch, like me! That's so cool, wanna talk about it?" She hoped the rapid fire waves of conversation would confuse the woman more than allow her to touch the potential anger she might have towards her.​

Objective: Cult of the Horrors / Find and eliminate the cultists.
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim - Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin

Rolin stood alone, contemplative, doing his best not to let the energy of this planet throw him off, though that was much easier than done. He has been on a few planets so far in his early career, be it his duties in the Eternal Army, or the Wardens of the Shroud, but this planet…well, for lack of a better term, gave him the hebejebes. He had a constant, ever-present feeling of anticipation and dread, not unlike that feeling you get when out alone in the woods at night with no means to protect yourself. As if some monster is just beyond the tree line, waiting for you to pass it, before sinking its teeth intto your flesh.

Rolin did his best to ease his own nervousness, but this would be the first true time he ever "messed with this freaky force crap", as he overheard one of the soldiers eloquently put it. Not that he could blame them really. He has studied the subject, and even considered himself to be quite gifted with it though lacking experience, and even he had preservations on confronting those that worship its most dark aspects, especially some kind of death cult if the rumors and reports were anything to go by. But the galaxy already had enough death-worshiping garbage around with the Maw, any other cults like that need to be immediately hunted down and brutally destroyed like the cancer they were. It simply had to be done. But that knowledge didn't ease the uneasiness that gripped his chest.

Rolin was ripped out of his thoughts when his comm crackled to life, the Eternal Empress' voice coming through. Ordering all those to move forward. Rolin sighed, before making his way to the city himself. They would find out what was causing the disappearances tonight, he was sure of that. But he had a gut feeling that many soldiers will be lost today, and something kriffed up was going to happen. But that's what he signed up for.
Location: Beach
Attire: Pink One Piece Swimsuit
Tags: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

Having purchased a sleek, wrist-worn UV shield generator to protect her alabaster skin from the sun’s rays, perhaps for the first time in her life, Eleena realized that she was having fun at the beach! Since she no longer needed to worry about reapplying sunscreen every hour or sweating it off, she could actually engage in fun activities like swimming, running, and playing volleyball, instead of constantly worrying about sun exposure. Not to mention, the device was powered by a miniaturized HAPU, meaning that it effectively lasted forever!

Not paying too much attention to the men leering at her, Eleena smirked at Trinity’s playful comment, before sticking out her tongue in response and…

Giving the men behind her a little bit of a show!

Slowly gyrating her backside to the tune of a few whistles from the men behind, Eleena did her own little pseudo-dance routine. The Twi’lek tossed her hips back and forth for a few beats, before finally, tossing the ball up and hitting it over the net with a surprising degree of athleticism, demonstrating to her girlfriend that she was perfectly capable of flirting and playing volleyball at the same time, thank you very much!



Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 4 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III, Stuffy Wig Dimplomats, Number Crunchy People
Objective: III - Negotiations
Location: Thelon
Tag: Open

She'd been told to be patient. Been told that diplomacy was the best course of action. That they weren't here to cause a commotion. They wanted trade deals and to work with the people rather than force them into submission right off the loading ramp.

Which was why Felmorante was not so quietly blowing bubbles into her drink as the big wigs did their talking stuff. The relatively comfortable couch she had been assigned to barely passing for a luxury item given what the palace had in store. Then again the collective understanding from centuries of memories was that one couldn't expect every world to be as lavishly kept as the seat of an Empire.

"I'm bored, Shiny. When do you think they'll get mad and start hitting each other?" She muttered, her slouched form against the couch allowing her a lovely view outside as the wolf droid shook its head and grumbled at her. The drink teetered against the lip of a plate on her chest, her eyes narrowing to the droid as she kept her arms thrown to each side.

"I'm not prone to violence. It's just boring listening to them go back and forth with pretty words that amount to Bantha Poodoo." She blew another string of bubbles into the drink, not even sure what she had been given as she tapped a foot and stared off at the far wall.

"Should have gone to the beach." She sputtered into her straw.




The hairs on the back of Asaaj's neck prickles moments before something ( Lana Lana ) came through the ether to appear near her. Asaaj cursed as a wave of salty water splashed all over her and she quickly righted herself to deal with the intruder into her peace. "If this wasn't an Imperial function I would...."

"Hiya! I'm Lana! Who are you? I know those tattoos, you're a witch, like me! That's so cool, wanna talk about it?"

She didn't get to finish her threat as she was quickly disarmed by the erratic and hyperactive woman bombarded her. She drummed her fingers on the surface of the water. It was almost with impatience but also she was very inquisitive.

"A witch huh? Which tradition? Your teleportation is very tidy, little waste energy or residual force." She paused and observed the young woman in front of her "I'm Asaaj" she held out her hand with its long manicured nails to greet the woman politely, she certainly had a very interesting demeanour about her, maybe today was about more than just one new experience. This one could be fascinating to try and turn.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Found and eliminate the cultists
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin | Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As for the city, it wasn't the prettiest sight. It was once a beautiful city, with so many wonders, a green environment, almost integrated into the jungle. It both preserved and reflected the militancy and pride of the locals. It was the jewel of Panatha. Until the Mandalorian Enclave invaded the planet and turned the entire capital into glass. Nothing was left after the destruction. Although this had happened years ago, most of the ruins were still ruins and nature had returned to much of the city.

Most returned residents or survivors rebuild their homes in the central part of the city. The tall buildings and streets of the outer parts were still in ruins. The narrow streets and alleys became a labyrinth overgrown with plants in many places. Animals also return to these parts; nature is restored. Many locals had to go to work in this area. To hunt, or to demolish old buildings so that they can build from them.

Because they almost completely shut themselves off from outsiders and the help they provide. They no longer trusted them, and there were times when the emissaries and merchants were simply killed because they were afraid of another attack. Now that it is starting to get dark, the workers began to return from the outer parts of the city to the inner city. This could be followed perfectly from any higher point. There were people in vehicles, but most people did it all on foot.

It was difficult to see anything because of the buildings on the ground, luckily the agents or droids up high made things easier. It was easier to see the outer parts from there. It was for this reason that Ingrid also wanted to rely on outsourced scouts and agents for reconnaissance as they made their way to the outskirts of the city.

<< This is the Red Witch to the scouts. I'm requesting guidance for ground teams and a report on what can be seen from above! >> she told on the communication channel.

She was confident that they would soon receive a quick direction and that way they could continue their reconnaissance more quickly.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development

Objective III:
Beach Party

Location: The Beach
Objective: Kick some butt
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Wearing: Swimsuit

Trinity laughed as her fiancé gave the boys a little show, barely recovering from her mirth to intercept the ball travelling at highspeed. You would thing a woman not far above 4ft tall and with an aversion to the sunshine would struggle playing a game like beach volleyball. But no, not her Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , she served the ball hard and athletically, proving again what an impressive package she was.

The ball stung against her fingers as the lofted it in the air for her partner to hit back across the net with a grunt. The sand felt beautiful between Trin's toes as she moved about the court ready to take the return. Eleena's partner hit ball in a high parabolic up into the air and Trinity saw her chance to try and score the point. She jumped up close to the net, stretching to her full length before smashing it down toward the sand, aiming for a slot a couple of yards to the left of the gorgeous white and pink vision. Games like this always brought out her competitive streak and it was such a rush.

A small group of watchers had formed quite near the net, sipping on their drinks and observing the game. She just hoped she would give them a good enough show to make the risk of having an expensive cocktail smashed by a ball worthwhile.


Fimrati "Banshee" Vailyippin
Blackwatch Psi Corps
: Found and eliminate the cultists
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Equipment: | 1x AMRX-5 Slugthrower Rifle | 1x ABR1 Blaster Carbine | x2 ZJ-15 Pistol | x1 Combat Knife | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit |
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Rolin Doan Rolin Doan

Fimrati kept her focus on her designated zone, letting the traps she'd installed in the ruined building be her warning of anyone coming that shouldn't be there. Listening to the ongoing chatter, she focused out most of it, since there was several teams and several targeted 'safe houses' for this raid. "Roger that Red Witch. This is Banshee. I've got you on scope. As reported, you'll want to take the alley on the north side, 3 meters forward your position. Inside alley, you'll find a disguised door 10 meters in, right hand side as you move. I can't give you details on opening it alas. You have around 20 foot mobiles inside the location unless there are alternate entry and exit points I don't have angles on." Fimrati said, adjusting herself a touch to keep from getting too stiff, and too sore, from holding herself like this.

"Area has been quite for the last local day. No movement in this particular section. Should be clear for a slash and burn." She finished, shifting her aim for a moment to look at the team being lead by the Empress. Get a rough count and feel for hte group, before swinging her aim back into the alleyway in question. The noises of those doing their things in this part of hte city had been quiet for too long for Fimrati's taste. But she also knew that it was much busier with other teams. Some were pretty close to the habitated parts of hte city after all.

The sound of something shifting normally wouldn't get her attention, but there was something else with that noise. A sense that she had to pay attention to it, as it represented a threat to her life. Dropping her rifle quickly, she spun in her seat, drawing one of her pistols in a smooth motion and pointing it at the man who had managed to slip past all her traps without triggering a single one. "Cheeky bastard." She mused quietly, before registering the weapon in his hands, and the gleeful expression on his face. She didn't bother asking what he wanted, since it was clear what his intention was. And she had no interest in dying here. So with the suppressed, but still audible sound of her pistol firing away at the man, the hostile groaned as he slumped against the wall, face left in a expression of surprise at her quick decision to shoot instead of talk more.

"Red Witch, Red Witch, be warned, hostiles may be active in area. I nearly got ambushed in my hide. Expect more hostiles than reported, they have alternate routes from target location." Fimrati reported quickly, holstering her pistol and taking up her rifle once more, beginning to use it to sweep over the terrain around the target building, hoping she could catch any would be snipers attempting to get a bead on the team she'd been assigned to protect.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To have fun
Location: Beach
Equipment: Beach equipment || OPBC-01m
Tags: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani | Lana Lana | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For now I was still sitting in the shadow with my cocktail in hand. I looked around to see if there were any familiar faces. But they weren't really. Finally, my eyes caught a very strange couple. The Dathomirian woman; due to her appearance it was clear about where she came from. I didn't really hear… oh! If I remember correctly, Arturo told me about having an unpleasant job with a female Dathomirian captain on one of the planets. Could it have been her? After all, I hadn't seen many other women of that lineage around here in the Empire.

However, the other woman she was talking to seemed cute. Maybe it really would have been best to find out if she was the one Arturo met. Since he didn't say what the problem was between them, maybe she would. If it was her. If not, I can further expand my acquaintances and maybe get new jobs. I really hate when I'm thinking like a businesswoman. This is reaching a desperate level...

Last but not least, if I am in company, I can at least avoid the men who would approach me because I am alone on the beach. There was even too much of my drink, so I didn't drink it all, but took it with me. Since the sand was hot, so were my slippers on my feet. I wasn't really used to going to the beach. I have never really been to such a place before too many times. I didn't really have the opportunity, given my occupation and my past.

I approached them at a leisurely pace so that they would have time to notice. If they looked in my direction, I even nodded to them in advance. When I arrive, I speak and greet them:

"Hello, I'm Lynne; do you mind if I join for a little?" I asked them.


Objective: Cult of the Horrors
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim - Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin

Rolin clung to the sides of buildings as he went, sticking to the shadows they cast until he reach a building that would provide a worthy vantage point. Digging his fingers into the crude stone, Rolin brought a foot to the wall and pushed himself upwards, scaling the two-storey building in one leap. Rolin knelt, making himself as small as he could, and continued on his way to the next building, analyzing all those he could see. And from what he could tell, these were simply people who were dealt a bad hand by fate. Their planet and Capitol city sacked, full of bitterness and fear, and no doubt no small hunger for vengeance. As well as regular hunger, if many of their thin frames were any indicator. A perfect flock of sheep to pledge themselves to the first sign of power that reaches them. Rolin could only wonder if the one who led this particular cult was from this world, or someone else that simply thought these people would be easy pickings, fools that could be tricked into worshiping chaos itself and prop someone up as their messiah.

He kept an eye out for any odd behavior as he moved. Any private conversations, groups parting only to reengage with others, a building that seems to be accepting far too many people for a house visit, anything really. But as he leaped to the next building, he quickly moved to the opposite side, hiding behind a wall as two of the workers emerged from the door to the roof, death sticks between their fingers. Rolin stayed a moment, if only in hopes the two addicts may slip something, talks of the latest sacrifice or changing of a password or something. However, he heard on his communicator something that was not very reassuring.

"Red Witch, Red Witch, be warned, hostiles may be active in area. I nearly got ambushed in my hide. Expect more hostiles than reported, they have alternate routes from target location."

Rolin paused, a frown now on his face as he continued to gaze at the two workers before him. He then looked around, for any others that may be nearby, glad to see that most have left the vicinity. Slowly, Rolin made his way to the two.

Grabbing one with the force, Rolin flung him towards himself, bashing his face into the stone wall, knocking the man unconscious, though with a concussion perhaps. Before the second man could even let out a scream, Rolin dashed forward, bringing his gloved hand to the man's mouth and slamming him to the wall. Quickly, Rolin called his lightsaber to his hand using the force, and brought it to the man's head, so that if Rolin decided to ignite it, it would pierce straight through his brain.

"Good evening sir. Might I know where the next gathering of your local mass may be? I would like to make a few donations." Rolin then brought his masked face close. "And don't scream, don't yell, don't talk. Whisper. If I feel that your mouth is opened too far apart for a scream, I will kill you. Understood?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Found and eliminate the cultists
Location: Capital City, Panatha
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin | Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<< Copy that Banshee! >> she replied.

Ingrid used military hand signals to show her team what to do. She had a group of Hellhounds with her, mostly members who were also good at hiding. That is, mainly former Blackwatch agents. The Empress was mostly able to maintain her popularity among the soldiers because of this, as she had no problem fighting alongside the common soldiers in the front line or even leading them. The red-haired woman never forgot where she came from, the bottom rung of the hierarchy.

Because although they had been nobles on Nelvaan before the arrival of the Eternal Empire, when Tacitus arrived, they had lost everything. They had to rebuild everything from the bottom of the "ladder". They did this successfully, but the red-haired woman always knew that she too was only a citizen of the empire and that she did not rule over her people, but served them. And maybe the population of Panatha doesn’t want to see them here, but the Eternal Empire has their duty here, to protect them.

The woman took her two swords in her hands; she liked those much more than lightsabers or firearms. It was more comfortable, faster, more elegant. At least for her. After all, Ingrid's specialty as an agent and assassin was to kill her opponents at close range. The team reached the door Banshee told them to. Someone wasn't that far off from her and this person was using the Force. The red-haired woman recognized Rolin Doan Rolin Doan 's aura.

Two soldiers went to the door and planted the explosive device on it, a small one that only blows up the lock, can hardly be heard. The soft explosion happened, then the message came from Fimrati.

<< Copy that again, Banshee! >> she replied. << Mr. Doan, I hope you heard the warning, stay vigilant! >>

After that, she signalled to the soldiers, who opened the door. As usual, Ingrid entered the indoor area first.





Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 4 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III, Stuffy Wig Dimplomats, Number Crunchy People
Objective: III - Negotiations
Location: Thelon
Tag: Open

The room behind her grew loud for a brief moment. A raised voice among what had previously been calm just a second ago as her entire body perked up at the thought of excitement. The sounds moving from a peaceful negotiation to something of an arguing match as she lobbed the drink into the bin on the far wall.

It splattered on the rim, spraying the wall with water as the bottom portion fell into the bin while the lid and straw flew elsewhere.

"That's more like it." She hissed, standing with predatory glee as she pressed the button on the panel. And waited. She blinked, disbelief making her wait a moment before pressing the button again as the voices inside raised once more.

Her face scrunched up, she rapidly pressed the button, switching hands every other time to see if that would work in a blur of motion as the panel began to exclaim its displeasure at the overlapping requests.

"Come on. Come on. Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon." She snapped as she leaned backwards and continued pressing until the panel shorted out with a snap and a fizzling noise.

"Stupid hunk of junk. I've seen better on a backwater planet!" She hissed as Shiny laughed at her. To anyone else the sound was something close to a whizzing pop as she spun on her heel to stare at the droid.

"You be quiet! Unless you can get me in there you ought to just let me work." Came the scalding reply as she only received a huff of acknowledgement.

A knife slid into her palm, prying open the panel as electricity flickered back and forth along the overworked circuits. She frowned, taking the helmet and a glove off before licking two fingers and making a jump point with them. The short jolt left her seeing spots as the panel sprang to life briefly, as the other hand swiped through the utility belt and found the lockbreaker.

Jamming it into the port, the signal for accepting the override chimed as the door hissed open. The sight of local security pointing pistols at the Empire's diplomats making her grumble. The force swirled as her helmet flew to her hand. The door opening drawing attention from the guards as they switched their sights onto the newcomer.

The helmet was slid on with one hand as the other pushed against the doorframe. The servos on her leg braces whined as she tucked her body forward and let the repuslors push her forward. The helmet sealed as she flicked her head sideways in a sharp motion, righting the visor as the HUD appeared slowly. A blaster shot arched towards her, hitting the surface plate and dissipating across the surface as heat flooded her shoulder.

The hand that pushed the helmet on slid backwards from the crown of her head to the short knife along her shoulder as the other hand slid down to her belt and pulled a Giggle Grenade loose. Her crouched form sliding beneath the long table that dominated the center of the room as she lobbed the grenade up against the ceiling to the dismay of the 'diplomats'.

The guards covered their eyes, expecting a flashbang before gas released from the container that smacked the ceiling before coming to rest on the table.

They stared for a moment at the thing in confusion before scrambling for the far door as Felmorante extended a hand and smashed the control panel there. The tendrils of the force seeming to extend and forcibly yank the panel from its housing after turning it into a neat little square of wires and lights.

Green eyes flared as the guards and local diplomats turned to look at the armored figure that stood now and smiled to them. The Empire diplomats breaking for the door she had opened prior as Shiny took a spot to close off the exit when their own had cleared the room.

"Thank you. I was getting bored. I don't think you'll be much fun though so let's get started." She cackled, drawing the Scherezade Blade in her dominant hand and letting the short knife slide into her off hand as she lunged forward. The gas slowly settled, the aim of the guards breaking as laughter bubbled in their chest as the diplomats knelt down in uncontrollable hysteria.



Location: Old Cantha/Capital City, Panatha
Objective: Halt the Imperial offensive
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin Rolin Doan Rolin Doan
The Iron Marquis waited on the outskirts of the capital, flanked by his guards. They watched atop a ruined hill, its slopes scorched and bare as a dry wind blew in from the ruins.

The Eternals and their army had returned in full force, combing the ruins of the capital to hunt down the shadow killer that had taken dozens of lives already. Asudai would have preferred to deal with the problem by himself, but he had the Archipelago to worry about, what with the climate catastrophe the Men of Iron had wrought on Panatha. He told himself it was his place to be content that the Eternals had shown up at all to assist in this problem. Though of course, his contacts had informed him that their intentions might have been more for their own benefit.

One of his militiamen hurried towards him from the city up the hill, dataslate in hand. He stopped several paces away and bowed.

"My lord, the Eternals are closing in with their target," he panted.

Asudai nodded.

"Alert all detachments in the city to make ready for any trouble," he commanded, gesturing at the secured transmitter off to the site of the encampment. It was large and blocky, taking up the space of three men, and mounted on it were powerful transmitters that allowed the Marshal-Intendent to coordinate with the security forces in the city.

Asudai signalled to his guards, and they all moved to mount up on speeders. As he donned his helmet, he wondered about the Eternals and their presence. He was not sure the violence so far was anything more than a few particularly ruthless scavengers or local leaders of the few Epicanthix who yet remained in the city. That was part of why he had not sent all of his militia to clear the city, after all: if the Eternals wished to stir up the nest, they were free to do so.

And more likely to find success chasing whatever they were after, Asudai begrudgingly admitted.

The group sped down the hill and towards the city, their motion trackers pointing them toward the site of combat. Asudai signalled again and the others peeled off to secure a cordon around the area. If there really was a Force-cursed killer lurking, better they corner it than let it slip away into the ruins.

As Asudai's speeder raced through the streets, he watched residents and animals duck out of the way into their shattered hovels. A cold rage burned inside him: anger at the Mandalorians for their wanton cruelty, and anger at the Eternals for the failure to protect Panatha. And of course, the ever-lingering doubt about the Sith and Zambranos that painted a target on Panatha in the first place.

"Red Witch, Red Witch, be warned, hostiles may be active in area. I nearly got ambushed in my hide. Expect more hostiles than reported, they have alternate routes from target location."

<< Copy that Banshee! >>

The signals were coming loud and clear over the comms receiver plugged into his ears. He signalled for his speeder to stop, and Asudai clambered out along with half a dozen of his guards. They hit the ground running, moving vertically up ladders and across rooftops to secure the flanks of the target building from higher ground within a nearby ruined archway. The Eternals had perched observers on nearby buildings but missed this angle.

"Steelwave to operation, we have secured eastern flank facing the river."

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Objective: Cult of the Horrors
Location: Camped outside of the City
Equipment: Heavy Blaster, Surveillance Equipment
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin Rolin Doan Rolin Doan Asudai Rapux Asudai Rapux
Playing the waiting game for the Eternal Empire was a thankless but necessary job. If a batch of reinforcements came in out of nowhere, who would let the boots on the ground know? That's the job of Blackwatch this time around, having dedicated analysts and operators not too far away from the city to keep an eye on both the sky and what's coming into the city. It has been effectively dead silent between those working at their little corners of the camp, as to not clutter communication unless absolutely necessary.
<"Come on, let's go! Move, move, move!">
The words were given, commencing the operation. There was a private communication between the rest of the camp, nitpicking over the slightest discrepancies. The most annoying part was the constant radio click in and out, in and out. One aspect of his cybernetics is to help him have a focal focus on something, in this case, on the objective. It shifted everytime that damn click came in.

The rest of the operation felt like background noise to him, there wasn't anything notable aside from the operation going as planned... until there was something that even Victor felt was off. A connection to the comms network that shouldn't be there. A comms receiver? Without any hesitation of asking about it to the others, he immediately went to the main communications channel. "Be warned, we may have unwanted ears on this channel. Initials, aliases and codes from here on out." and with that, he sat back, feeling like his work for the day is done.

The few seconds of feeling like he did the best job of his life came to a short close as he realised that this is still ongoing. He really isn't used to being a side analyst. If he was running the camp, he could've picked up on that sooner. No worries, he'll get there.


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