Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beasts and Burdens [Georgie Boy]

[member="George O Rourke"]

"Lets kill two birds George, we will take shelter in the ruins and while the storm rages, we can begin our investigations". Coci entered the what would have been the main entrance. The place dark and grey, and she suspected would be so even in the light of day. Where was little that remained of the outward structure, save for some columns. some still standing, others crumbled and lay broken. The ground, over time had reclaimed the stone surface, no grass grows here but a thick layer of dust compacted sits atop the once marbled floor.

The outward building, but a shell of it's former glory, and would make finding the gaping hole cut into the rock of a large spire, easy to find. This gaping hole runs deep downward to many chambers and anti-chambers, long halls and vast rooms that stretch as far as light will allow. It is an unstable place, the ground shifts and twists as the darkside would. Darkness sleeps here on beds of pain.

"Be alert, use only your force sense to see your way. Touch the landscape with it, through it and you will see", no saber light for now, no need to send word they are here.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As usual Master Coci had an idea. Taking up shelter inside the ruins would both shield us from the storm and they would be able to begin their investigation. "Sounds good to me Master." George replied as they entered the ruins. It was dark, very dark. As if the light of day was excluded and was never allowed to breach its dark confines. The pair walked through the ruins with some columns remaining whilst the others lay dormant on the floor collecting dust.

As they reached a great big hole in the spire that would lead to the chambers and anti-chambers somewhere interesting for them to explore. Master Coci reminded George to use for force rather than their lightsaber to see, it was to maintain their cover. "Yes Master, will do." He replied as he calmed himself and unlocked the force within. Using the force to guide his way through the maze of chambers and corridors. Unlike Master Coci, his force sense had not developed as much and George couldn't see as far or identify anything quite as well as she could. But it was better having the two of them rather than one.
[member="George O Rourke"]

"It is sickening to the stomach, isn't it?", she spoke the question but more to herself. The darkside seeping through the very core of the planet and licking at their skin. Coci moved forward heeding the advice she had given George and on high alert. Entering what would have been the main room, a cold wind whipped at them from below, strange and eerie billowing up from the depths of the earth.

This had not happened the last she was here, no that visit had resulted in nothing but this time there is a presence of something .. more. She flashed a quick look at George to see if he sensed it too. Whatever it was, now knew of their presence, that much was clear, and she felt the probing from something or someone.

Coci tapped the side of her head near her temple, an indication that if they need to communicate to use telepathy. Some one is here, her purple saber ignited and she nodded in the direction in which the presence is felt. She walked ahead of George, and entered a narrow corridor. Almost immediately the floor began to descend, a sloping incline leading them down into a chamber below the surface of the planet. Her purple blade illuminating the walls, a solid rock flecked with minerals which sparkled with the light of her saber. It was actually beautiful but there was no time to marvel at it.

Finally, Coci came to the end of the corridor and entered into a vast chamber, her sense reaching out in all directions to find the source of the sensation. But nothing could be pin pointed. She would wait for George and progress from there.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"Yes, very cold, very eerie." George responded as they moved into the main room. The darkside was pushing against them, George could feel it trying to penetrate his mind. But he kept focus, focused on what was in front and ensuring a stable connection to Master Coci. As they made their way into the main room a cold wind drifting up from below.

George could feel something else around him now, not just the darkside, or Master Coci but something else. As Master Coci quickly turned her head to look at George he nodded in agreeance, he could feel it too. Keeping his eyes in front watching Coci and watching around her he saw tap on her head near her temple, a sign that if they needed to communicate further it would be through telepathy. As Master Coci ignited her purple lightsaber the room lit up with the glow of the purple blade. The rock, mineral walls reacting with the light from the blade sparking making a beautiful display. But unfortunately it was not the time. They finally made it to the end of the corridor, Master Coci stopped, George could feel a sense of uneasiness about her.
[member="George O Rourke"]

The air in the vast room shifted. Upon the walls brackets holding wood burst into flames and the whole place lit up with yellow fire light. The cold wind had gone, but in it's stead stood two figures at the opposite end of the room. Coci looked toward them, they did not move, but held a gaze upon the two Jedi. A cold hard stare, fixed George.

It was as if Coci was not there, they paid her no attention. She did not recognise the figures, or have any connection to them but through the force their presence is felt. Glen and Ariel O Rourke stand as if in full life, they smile and reach out a hand toward George, encouraging him to come to them. They smile, a mother's eyes fall on her son, loving and caring. A father proud stands tall with his shoulders pinned back as he looks upon his son.

Coci sees they are Nautolan, and is curious why they would be here, she pushes out through the force to seek an answer but their is shroud upon them, hiding what they truely are. What that is .. is to be determined.

"Do you know them?", she asked whispered. What burdens will fall upon George's mind now.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As George moved to stand next to Coci his eyes gazed upon the room before him. The cold breeze was substituted for a heat wave created by fire on the wooden planks around the room. The room glowed yellow all but ignoring the purple blade still next to him. George could feel the heat taking him over, he reached into backpack taking out a bottle of water as he took a few large gulps before pouring the cool liquid over his face and tendrils trying to cool himself.

As he looked further down the room he saw two shaded figures Nautolan in appearance. What could this be? Out here in the middle of nowhere. He though to himself. As the pair of beings moved closer into the light their faces became exposed. Mother, father. How could this be... George's face dropped in disrepair. His parents were once again walking towards him. This can't be true, they were struck down by the sith... Thoughts and emotions ran marathons in his head. George was fixated on them, confused, overjoyed and worried. All these feelings came over George within a split second.

Suddenly a voice split his connection, it was Master Coci. As George turned his head to look at his Master as she spoke. "I do..." He replied still lost in confusion. "They are my parents... But it can't be, I watched them die..." He continued letting Master Coci understand his predicament before returning to look at his parents still moving towards their son. "It must be all in my head." He said confused before sharply turning to Coci. "But you can see them too?" George returned his eyes to his parents who now stood only a few meters away from him.

As they reached out for George to come to them he couldn't help but feel as if there was something wrong. Was it a dream where he got to actually speak to his parents and feel their love again? Or was it an illusion set up to lure George away to his doom. All George knew for certain was that visually, his parents where standing before him. He took a few small steps towards them about to reach out and take their hands before a sudden rush came through George's head. Should he, shouldn't he. He hesitated before reaching his right arm out making sure his left hand was close to his lightsaber in case anything were to happen. Well thats what he had planned to do. Instead he jumped forwards hugging both Nautolans around their chest.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Her face darkened as he spoke, her eyes never leaving the figures before them. A strong sense of pain mixed with disbelief and relief come from him. "Be mindful of this place".

"Yes I can see them, which means ........... George No!", she yelled as he rushed forward to take hold of his 'parents'.

The two figures embraced the Nautolan as if holding their beloved son for dear life. Coci edged forward, and raised her arm preparing for anything that might happen from them next. The force summon to her and pulsed within her body ready to be triggered. "George move back, that is an order", she said with low voice as she moved ever closer. "They are not your parents, this is a trick. The darkness is clouding your mind and who ever this is, they are deceiving you, playing on your weaknesses".

A trial for the Padawan, one not sort after but he will need to over come much grief and longing to see the truth.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As George continued to hold his parents before hearing a sharp order from Master Coci. George let go of his parents, turning to look at his Master. "But Master, they are my parents. I don't know how they are here, but they are here." He responded with his back facing his parents. He knew there was something wrong, but the feeling of seeing and feeling his parents again quelled that feeling of security.

As he continued to face Master Coci the Nautolans behind him began to flicker. George could not see what was going on behind him, but they were no longer his parents, they would flick between their true selves and his Nautolan parents. Sort of taunting Master Coci. George could see Master Coci preparing to summon the force. "Master, hold on please." He pleaded with her as he took a few steps towards the Master. Listening to more warnings from Master Coci. However these words were going through to him, it was forcing George's to think more with his head than his heart. Pulling him out of his blinded love of his parents. "No, it can't be, I can feel them they are my parents. Everything about them is my parents." He once again pleaded with his Master. But the more he said it, the less he felt it.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She stood ready, the force primed and at a moments notice she would summon it to react to any movement the figures would make in order to harm him. The Padawan needed to work through this, to understand the nature of the darkness, not only here on this planet. "You know George, you said it yourself, they are dead", blunt but it had to be said.

"If they are not your parents .. who are they?". She moved, sending out the lightside of the force to the figures, they reacted immediately, pulling back from him as if in horror and a bellow of rage issued from them. Unnatural and evil. However, they kept the visage of his parents and spoke to him.

"She", they both pointed to Coci, "She is hurting us! such pain we feel", they spoke in unison.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As he moved towards Master Coci she came out with some straight up truth. George's parents were dead, her saying this further pushed him towards believing that it was true. "But... I just don't know." He said turning around to look at them. Looking at their familiar faces, their loving faces. George couldn't help but be drawn into it.

Suddenly his parents began squirming and screeching with rage, this however was uncommon with his parents previously. He looked oddly at them before they began speaking, blaming Master Coci for the pain. "Master what are you doing? Stop hurting them." He turned and ran back towards Master Coci. Attempting to block her stopping her from harming them further.

With his back turned the creatures could shift and change without George noticing they could maintain their grip over him with the least amount of effort. On the other hand Master Coci was battling with George for him to see the light, to see what was really happening. But it was all too much for George, he was beginning to break down.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She did not stop. The light side of the force wrapping around the two figures in order to keep them from harming George. "Search your feelings George, you know this cannot be".

"These are not your parents, if they were, the light side of the force would not be harming them. Look deeper in yourself and search your feelings. Remove the emotion, and discover the truth". The first line of the old Jedi code, more important than ever. George can't block her light aura, he is not strong enough for that.

"Be strong, draw on what you know, the truth and believe in your connection to the light side". Behind George, the figures shifted, as if the air moved and the illusion of his parents began to break down. It is a horrid sight, a mixture of his parents and evil demon, one that is not all powerful and is falling to the power of the light. It would not take her much to dispel the illusion, but she needs George to do this, to face his past and learn from it. It will always be there to place barriers before him if it does not face it now.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

My parents are here... But no they are dead. But they are standing right in front of me... No they are definitely dead. The thoughts ran through his mind fighting one another to take control. Master Coci speaking to George aiding the truth and the lightside. The more she spoke the more reality hit George, the illusion that was taking place was breaking down in George's mind and the truth that his parents were in fact dead were now taking control. Logic was returning but not without doubt.

"Yes Master they are dead..." He spoke quietly head down looking quite formidable. George had let the light infiltrate his body. Thus leaving his body in a sort of undead state, he head down, back bent and his arms by his side. Legs just able to hold him up. It looked quite bad but George was busy with the light inside. He left his emotions aside, allowing the light within to show him what was really happening. A vision, from Master Coci's point of view. The light that Master Coci had summoned hadn't only affected the creatures behind George, but him also.

George through the vision saw what his parents really were, no his parents but a evil demon disguised as his parents trying to turn him. As he emerged from the vision rage built up within, lifting his head and straightening his back his face said everything. Rage, betrayal and revenge manifested itself. He slowly moved his hand towards his lightsabers ready to extinguish the evil creatures that stood behind him. Unleashing hell upon those who pretend. He paid little attention to Master Coci in front of him but was ready to turn around and unleash himself upon them.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Switching her position and cutting the light to the illusion, Coci reached for George and pulled him back, it is not hard pull but a firm one. "NO", she simply stated. "This is not the answer", she softened her words. "One, you are falling for the trap, the illusion is simply that, and their are not solid, you will cut nothing. Second and most importantly, the emotions I sense in you now are leading you down a path you don't want to take. Remember ... clear your mind, remove the emotion and seek the answer that way. You are reacting without thought, any good ones at least".

"You have a right to feel the way you do, but use it with good judgement, Jedi are not void of emotions, but we learn to use them to help empower us. Not destroy us".

She let go of the grip she held on him, "The illusion is manifest somewhere else, someone else is doing this".
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As rage built inside him George was ready to unleash it, but before he could do so Master Coci interrupted. George's mind was only thinking of revenge, this could be sense my Master Coci who stopped George from doing so, talking to him opening his mind. "But Master..." He interrupted but not getting anything else out before Master Coci continued to speak. She was right, he had to control his feelings, they were all over the place. First lost in love of his parents that were manifested to love him, then by rage that took over after finding out the truth. He needed to control, it was the only way he would make it out alive.

As Master Coci pointed out some good points he had calmed down considerably, the rage subsided and his mind was clearer. The words spoken by Master Coci had helped him through it and he was forever grateful, but it wasn't over yet. "Thank you Master, I have to learn to control my emotions, not let them control me." He stated with a gracious bow as he moved to stand beside Master Coci looking at the creatures through their disguise. "You said that they are not solid, but I swear I could feel them before... Was that just one of their tricks too Master? George asked, as he was looking for away to move past them. Master Coci had said to George that there was puppet master controlling them, they needed to find that one. That's how they would make it end.
[member="George O Rourke"]

As the hold over George lessened the illusion began to break and shimmer, until it was destroyed entirely when he realised the falsehood. Before them once more was the void of the blackness of the large chamber. Coci sensed a presence, deep within the Grounds that lurked waiting and watching until even that vanished.

What that had been will be unanswered for now and further investigation will be required with a full team. "Yes", she said as if her mind was elsewhere, which it was, the sensation still worrying her. "Illusions can be a real as you and I standing here now, it can take solid form if they being issuing the illusion is strong enough, but an illusion is just that, it holds no solidity in nature in the sense it has no core, and with the illusion of people they have no soul". She hoped that made sense to him.

She turned to face him, her saber still ignited to shed light. Coci raised her hand and rested it on his shoulder, "You did well, in circumstances that would have tested the very best, I am proud". she dropped her hand. "However, I fear our investigation has ended, I sense no presence now, who or whatever it was is gone ... lets go home".

The two would make there way back to the ship, and head back to Voss.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As the George broke the connection to the illusion it fell and faded away. Listening to Master Coci explain the situation it became easier to understand how it worked. George was superficially looking at their presence, their touch. All physical traits. Master Coci was able to sense their disturbance in the force and control the situation. George still had much to learn, but this was a step in the right direction.

"It must have been quite a strong illusion, I was completely lost in it. Thank you Master for your help, your guidance and your patience." He replied placing his hand over the Masters hand that rested on his shoulder. It was a sign of thankfulness, that it was over and they were both safe.

"Thank you Master." George replied with a gracious bow of the head. He felt proud and honoured for the recognition Master Coci had given him. It truly made him feel much better. "Yes, lets go. I am sure we'll see this place again. Hopefully the illusionist can be caught next time." He said with a chuckle as they made their way back to the ship and George and Coci flew back to Voss to unwind.

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