Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beatal "Beastie" Sarric



{Traits and Personality}
Simple. Beatal was specifically trained to be simple. To follow and execute orders perfectly, with zero morals. Zero emotion. Stone faced, there aren't too many expressions lucky enough to grace her features. Beatal's intelligence exceeds the majority of her counterparts and company, there was a need for her to be extra critical and focused. In battle this is key, Beatal has become quite the expert at hunting down opponent's weaknesses and using them to her advantage. Made naturally suspicious, there hasn't been someone capable of breaking down her guards emotionally and mentally just yet (Well, besides Toony but he doesn't count). Those walls were put up on purpose. She is a warrior, not a human. At least, thats what she had been told all her life. She knowns nothing of empathy, sympathy or even mercy, catching sarcasm or jokes in casual conversation is a hard thing for her. Socially awkward, she stutters and mumbles along often and keeps her sentences short - to the point. Of course this doesn't matter if you've been restricted of learning any kind of Basic. Fluent in almost all languages, Beatal still has trouble finding the few that can converse with her in anything other than Basic (High or Low). However, she is quite notably one for trash talking. There's a chit ton of insults stored up her sleeves, but they aren't highly insulting ones. More like... a five year old throwing together words that she heard from her superiors. Ex: "You fat kidney'd clotpole!". She can still have fun, despite her dark and brooding impression. She's much like a child when alone or with people she finds comfort in, sometimes lacking common sense or just has sudden bursts of excitement...
In drastic contrast to that, you don't want to get on her bad side. There isn't necessarily anything stopping Beatal from hunting you down except from her master, a master who she was willingly devoted to. She listens to him, and only him. There's no room for her own personal feelings here. Fortunately, there are a plentiful amount of others that piss her master off, so ya know it works out either way. She's got places to go, people to kill. Beatal is a rather nice person to be around I promise...just don't get in her way, okay?


+ Resistance // Mind tricks don't work on her due to her lineage and blood, same thing goes with choking or the force physically acting on her. (Lightning, force push, etc. You can still throw stuff at her though, like a lightsaber)
+ [SIZE=10.5pt]Situational Sword(s)[/SIZE] // Weapons of hers have been made to act on their own if Beatal is fatal injured or can no longer wield them
+ Physical ability probably outmatches yours..Sorry // Extremely fit, if you haven't gathered. True story, she can rip some doors right off of their hinges. Pretty cool to watch, actually.
+ Small spaces // Due to her height, she's found it sometimes easier to get into tight spaces
+ No cares of her own // Whatever her master wants he gets. Her life is relatively stress free, as long as she executes his wishes
+ Hardened // Hard to manipulate, not upset easily
+ Brawl-worthy // Talented in fist-to-fist interactions
+ Shiny Swords // Talented with big swords/axes
+ Multilingual // Fluent in scores of intergalactic languages
+ Weakness hound // Capable of sniffing out weaknesses, especially of potential threats/opponents


+/- Dirty Fighter // You gotta do whatcha gotta do. Even if that means 'breaking the rules' sometimes
+/- Childish when relaxed // Self explanatory
+/- Speech is stutter-y // could be a weakness, It's hard to understand her sometimes
+/- Supposed to be 'attractive' // The [SIZE=10.5pt]Hapan[/SIZE] species is distinctively noted to be more attractive, odd how that didn't play out on Beatal's side...or did it?
+/- Odd mannerisms // all in all she's kinda weird, up to you on how you interpret that
+/- Just another romantic // Hopeless romantic, specifically. She'd be lying if the dream of being whisked away by a knight in shining armor never crossed her mind


- Lacking 'Basic' Knowledge // Doesn't know any variation of Basic, making casual conversation difficult at times
- Horrible night vision // AHA! There's the [SIZE=10.5pt]Hapan[/SIZE] in her shining through. (Blind as a bat in the dark, has special goggles/glasses built into her armor but if knocked off or it fails to work, she's helpless )
- Stand-outish // Very noticeable in a crowd, not too hard to spot Beatal even when she's actually trying to hide.
- Flexibility? // Nope.
- Not Tech Savy // Droids or computers, Beatal knowns nothing about either.
- Loyal // Unfortunately, she's grown attached to her master and is now utterly devoted to her him. Often fails to make decisions for herself, can't really function without his instruction.
- Can barely handle a speeder // Can't pilot, utterly grateful she has people to do that for her. Although if a situation calls for her to take the wheel...
- Offended/Annoyed easily // Incapable of detecting jokes or sarcasm, lots can go over her head. She hates when that happens



Transport (Ships):
Your average Baudo-class star yacht (Image) no unheard of modifications or anything yet
Lil' fighters stored on said ship (There's three tops...they will also work as escape pods)



Toony ([SIZE=10.5pt]Owas Sarric[/SIZE]) - Beatal acts as his bodyguard/slave, he is her master. (People sometimes mistake them for lovers or siblings)
Darth Fizith - The sith who trained and raised her, eventually gifting her off to his apprentice (Toony)
(I assume there is more to come, but that's all I got right now, and like if you pm me we can work out an arc where your OC takes the place of Toony - her master - or Fizith - her trainer - )


Childhood: She was made for a reason. A very specific reason, to be precise. Beatal was made to be a killer, cold blooded and unstoppable like a tank, the market for such beings was apparently booming. People had battles to fight but no intent to fight them themselves, why not by a slave-like warrior loyal to your every command? Better yet - body guard? The credits one would pay for these, of course all the candidates had to be worthy. Battle droids existed for a reason...anyone who they would bother to train just had to be extraordinary or it wasn't worth it. Beatal it turns out, was worth something. May it be her force-resisting genes or born with acceptable strength and focus (They had very high standards for toddlers at this place...) Either way, Beatal was born into something resembling a laboratory. She never really knew her homeworld, she'd been sheltered (literally) most of her her childhood before being transferred to the planet of her new master, but we'll get to that. Many other kids were born or recruited unwillingly into this program, so at least Beatal had a social outlet at this time. Taught a wide influx of languages and put into intensive testing, they managed to scrap the weak or unworthy before any actual training. One could tell they had lots of kids before narrowing it down, so naturally they used a numeric system. Like a clone, Beatal was stamped with the name 7-2-8. (Nicknamed 2.8).

Each child was assigned to a strong sith or solider, one on one training was rather effect considering their attention and energy was all going to one kid. In the end, the small bean was transferred to the doorstep of Darth Fizith, a 'retired' sith-Jedi who was apparently well known in the dark-side community. It was natural that he was unforgiving and forceful, his teaching method consisted of planting Beatal in horrible and lethal situations without and background knowledge or arms. She had to figure it out on her own. She was sharp, if she was going to be a sought after battle machine there was going to have to be some fine tuning in her problem solving. At first it was tough, the teen quickly fell victim to the Nexu's large claws and jaws, to the Dinko's toxins, to the Thernbee's mind tricks, or even the battle droid's blaster beams. The majority of her scars and disfiguring actually happened around this time. Fizith would simply sit back and wait until she was at the brink of failure before swooping in and exterminating the threat. Punishment and consequence was a big thing with her initial master, if she did something wrong there was pain. If she snapped back there was pain. If she disobeyed there was pain. This was good though, she grew numb to it. Whipped into proper shape, he taught her how to fight. Killing a beast or threat was one thing, but doing right and in an executed manner was always preferred. Especially to future buyers. She worked hard on this, learning to how wield blades of varying sizes (She even got to use his lightsaber at one point, it was pretty cool) and even the eventual kick or punch.

Then Fizith came across Toony. A marine at the time, he could sense the unmastered force the man held. Of course he couldn't help but recruit such a fine young gentleman, another jedi for the dark side right? We needed all the help we could get. Beatal was reaching her prime, mastered in various arts and now Fizith intended on selling or auctioning her off. For a good price of course, the work he put into her was worth thousands. Unfortunately for him, Toony began to grow on him. In a good way of course. The hybrid soon became a treasured apprentice and he too got the time in with Fizith, becoming adequate in dueling and his force abilities. It was kinda fascinating for Beatal to watch this. Lord knows she didn't have any force powers of her own, it was fun to watch them in action though. The duo both became restless, eager to get out into the world, so the sith reluctantly gave them a makeshift mission. Not entirely wanting Beatal to go out just yet without his supervision...but he trusted Toony. Turns out they were a great pair, they succeed with more precision and less effort than Fizith had expected. That was it, that's what really pushed him over the edge. In a form of 'appreciation' and 'liberating' gift, Beatal was handed over to Toony's possession. No massive amount of credits was paid or anything, (Which may have caused backlash from the company that initial brought 7-2-8 up before handing her over to the sith) and they were both relatively grateful.

New Life:
Toony was quick to mooch some more, 'borrowing' a nice luxury yacht from Fizith as well before finally leaving his master, taking Beatal along for the ride. They were off. Quick to become attached, Beatal and Toony didn't have the usual slave-master relationship. They were friendly, respecting each other. Beatal was like an adoring puppy, following Toony around with wide and curious eyes until he gave in. It was nice having a decent person to talk to when out in the middle of nowhere on a massive yacht. They even made up their own language! It's a mixture of grunts and clicks, a little bit of this and that but it seems to work when conversing in public areas about private events. Anyway, from then on they really just do whatever they want. That consists of thieving, smuggling, bounty-hunting, playing Sabacc helping out with war efforts or simply crashing a party or bar. They have a good time, let me tell you. It worked out for Beatal too, with all this illegal and frowned upon chit going on there were plenty of people intent on arresting, torturing or killing her master. She couldn't let them get away with that now could she? Just watch your back guys. She may be coming for ya' ;)
Great! I'm generally kinda lacking any creativity right now, so I can try and get some ideas going but just be aware they may suck fantastically.

I'll have to skim your Bio again...

[member="The Matador"]

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