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Faction Beginnings in Black Sun (Black Sun Members Only)

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole (Open to other Black Sun members)
Location: Broka's Palace on Annaj

After dealing with the Eternal Empire for such a long time now, Black Sun has grown exponentially within the Unknown Regions. Broka has gotten very rich from all the conflict surrounding the Eternal Empire in its wars of conquest, but also the internal conflicts with the Eclipse Rebellion. Many leaders have risen and fallen in the past time while Broka has remained unquestionably in charge of Black Sun as it grew within the realm of the Eternal Empire.

In order to keep his leadership over the organization, Broka has begun to promote members of Black Sun into higher ranks in order to manage the territory in the Unknown Regions, and has also begun hiring new members among mercenaries and bounty hunters from across the galaxy. Now at Broka's Annaj palace, this begins with the promotion of one of the Captains in Black Sun named Arturo Braga. Braga would be made an Underboss to Broka in order to manage the assets in the Unknown Regions while Broka may be travelling to other places around the galaxy. The man has performed well in Black Sun, and Broka has been watching his performance since the Eternal Empire expanded to Lotho Minor.

The ceremony happens in the throne room of the palace. Broka sits on a throne hewn from the mountain the palace is built upon. Braga stands before the colossal Hutt. It was not complicated procedure. He has already shown his capabilities to Broka, and simply has to do the swearing of loyalty. However, loyalty in Black Sun was questionable as other criminal organizations would be. However, it was the only sort of ritual the promotion had.

"<Do you, Arturo Braga, swear to serve the leader of Black Sun? To be loyal to both your fellow members, and to me, Broka the Hutt? Will you put down any and all enemies to Black Sun? Will you strike fear into both your enemies and your underlings? Then, Finally, do you swear to maintain order in Black Sun while I would be attending to matters back in Hutt Space?>"

The lighting was dark in the throne room to begin with. The only lighting was the eerie moonlight seeping in through the few windows of this room that centered on Broka on the throne and Arturo in front of it. Various Soldiers, a few Captains and Lieutenants, and even members of Broka's personal court were among the crowd in a semi-circular arrangement looking on the promotion ritual. There was suspense as any promotion was held in high esteem. Not many rose to such a high rank, which made this a tremendous occasion for Black Sun. It certainly was significant for Broka, the boss himself, as not many of those who serve under him have earned enough trust to get such a promotion. The man would be granted authority to manage all assets in the territories Black Sun has gained from the Eternal Empire's conquest while Broka was away. He would handle the day-to-day matters in this region of Black Sun territory. From his performance, Broka knew this man was going to serve that position well. For his sake, he better serve it well.

While the promotion ceremony was going on, the potential mercenaries to be hired by Black Sun were in the main atrium of the palace. Broka knew the bar, music, and dancers would keep the potentially hired guns occupied until it was time for them to approach him on the throne.

The Black Sun. Another criminal organization looking for hire. Q'ara had no qualms about their business. What they did in their own time was their business. However, now it would soon be hers. The Togruta (ex)Jedi had come to Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt 's personal estate to see about a job. She'd dealt with the Hutts before from time to time, but Broka was new to her. Her was undoubtedly the leader of this group, no one questioned that. If Q'ara could get in with him then she'd be set for life. Or at least until they all got caught and imprisoned.

Q'ara was waiting in the back dressed in her usual outfit, Republic Jedi Armor J-3 "Tranquility" Class Jedi Battle Armor under a brown cloak. Under the cloak, strapped to her back, were two Stun Batons. She also had two White Shoto Lightsabers hanging from her hips. On the same belt was a Phase-II Force "Avenger" Energy Shield for protection. This bounty hunter was prepared for anything.

While she watched the Twi'lek dancers do their thing, Q'ara would occasionally glance over at the Hutt lord and another mercenary like her. They were doing some formal ritual for a promotion. Sort of.....stale to her taste. Who celebrated something like that? It was like he was getting knighted by the Jedi or something. Were they that bored that they had to make a big deal out of this? They must have been.

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Tags: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole
Location: Broka's Palace, Annaj

It had been a long time coming. Promotion in the 'Suns didn't come often, and when it did, it usually meant someone had bit the dust. Arturo hadn't heard of any of the major players being offed to make this happen, but who could say? There were things he knew, and things he didn't. Why Broka had chosen him of all people was a mystery. Why he'd accepted the promotion wasn't.

You didn't say no to the Hutt cartel. It was a good way to end up dead. And Arturo quite liked living.

Standing before the throne, the mercenary felt somewhat out of place as the eyes of the various courtiers, hangers-on and captains bore into him. Arturo had been amongst killers and cutthroats his whole life; it wasn't fear he felt. Or anxiety. No, what he felt was awkward. The ceremony -if you could call it that- was a bit too proper for his tastes. It spoke of grandeur, of nobility and knightly orders long past. It was confusing to a degree, but mostly just awkward. He hoped it didn't show too much. He'd had a long time to practice being unphased by the world around him, by the weight of what was occurring right here, right now.

It wasn't every day you were named Underboss to one of the most powerful crime lords in the known galaxy. It was kind of awesome, really.

When Broka spoke, the room listened. Arturo had been in the presence of the slug a few times, and even now, the sight of Broka disgusted the primate in him. The rolls of fat, the way he chucked back eel after eel, the laugh. Arturo disliked Broka; he didn't hate him. Respect was a different matter. A man who'd made it to the dizzying heights Broka had and managed to stay there was deserving of it, the mercenary figured. Broka had been sat on his throne a long time. Arturo doubted that would change anytime soon. Tilting his head to keep the moonlight from his eyes, Arturo nodded as his superior asked his final question.

"You have my word." It was a simple response. It contained more meaning than it implied. Some men gave their word and meant it. Others gave their word when it served to benefit them, never really intending to keep it should the turntables turn. Arturo reckoned the Hutt had a good idea of which group he belonged to.


Tag: Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy (OPEN)
Location: Main Atrium of Broka's Annaj Palace

The promotion ceremony was going on in the other room. Unlike the other higher ranking members of Black Sun, Goyrg was in the atrium. Those ceremonies were boring for him. Too much standing around, and hardly any fun. He was bored, and angry. He wanted to fight somebody, but had not clue who. He sat at the bar eyeing the people around him to see if any were worth thrashing around or not. There was some girl who looked like a Jedi here, and that means she could be a lot of fun to take down, or too much trouble than she's worth. He then looked around more. He wanted some small twerp to bash their skull in for his own entertainment.

He was another of the few Underbosses in Black Sun. However, his job was less of managing things and more of being the best at beating up or gunning down the enemies of Black Sun. This other guy was going to be an Underboss too, though Goyrg saw that as competition. How good is this Arturo Braga anyway? This guy any good at killing people? Beatin' them up?, He thought to himself while downing his latest cup of a brandy. He was getting drunk. That meant he was getting angrier. All that cycled back into him looking for some little thing to beat up.

He finally found it. Some Rodian runt. It was all too perfect. The guy was alone, and looked like the shrimpyest creatures the Houk laid eyes on. He quickly downed a shot, got up, and began to walk over to this Rodian with the look of a predator in his small yellow eyes.
Willow and Ivy stood in their place near Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt among the others of his court. They were part of his counsel and were dressed accordingly. But of course the twins' physical connection helped them to stand apart from the others within the Hutt's inner circle. As any siamese twins were, these two were joined. In their case it was at the hip and just below their shoulder. However their connection was more than that, for they were bonded in the Force as well.

Broka had them in his court because of their Force Visions, a valuable skill for any leader. And now as they watched Arturo Braga Arturo Braga get his promotion, they focused on everyone else in attendance. It wasn't as though they were reading minds. On the contrary, they never did so without permission. But instead they watched the webs of the Force that interconnected and twisted around eachother. They were a variety of colours and in the throne room they numbered in the hundreds. It was up to Willow and Ivy to search for certain coloured webs and follow them to wherever they led. The Galaxy was bloodthirsty still and it was their job to keep Broka informed of just where that bloodlust will turn.

There was little honour among thieves, and that included within the Black Sun.

Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Goyrg
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid
Location Broka’s place
Equipment:: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour || G1 OmniLink
Tag: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
It seemed like an interesting day, I received an invitation from the Black Sun, and since I had worked with them more than once, I couldn’t find any objection to not accepting the invitation. That’s why I arrived at the Hutt’s palace, though I didn’t really like working for the Hutt, but if they offered me a decent job, I didn’t say no.

I landed in the hangar with my ship and walked from there to the throne room. Of course in armour and weapons, since I was not only a bounty hunter, but I was also a Mandalorian. I didn't want to get rid of either, I mean from my weapons and armour. But for now, it seemed like they hadn’t taken anything from me and so I could get to the throne room.

I wasn’t the first, I didn’t really expect it to be that way. Here was the Hutt, a Siamese twin couple, and a few other people. I walked closer with calm, slow steps, when I got close enough, I stopped. I nodded in the direction of the Hutt, I hadn’t met him in person before, and I don’t think we even talked yet.

"I welcome you, Lord Broka! I am Lynne Tal’kira, headmistress of House Orchid, a member of the Bounty Hunter Guild and Clan Cadera. Why do I owe you for your invitation here?"

I wasn’t used to being greeted by someone in front of an audience, maybe this day will be something different than usual?

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Location: Broka's Palace on Annaj

Arturo made the promise. He could tell all the others knew this was not normal. This was certainly not normal. Why make this man go through something like a knighting? The answer to Broka was simple: Loyalty. This man before him was going to be trusted with a position of great authority under Broka. He wanted to test the man a little. To see if he was willing to say the pledge of loyalty Broka made up right then and there. Soon after he asked if the man was loyal, Arturo Braga answered yes. That was when Broka then boomed again, "<Then you, Arturo Braga, are the newest Underboss of Black Sun!>"

There were some cheers from the Black Suns around them. However, most quickly left to the atrium. That allowed Broka to quickly give Arturo a little talking to. So, he said somewhat quietly, "<Obviously the pomp and circumstance is abnormal. What I wanted from this was to see how loyal you would be to this organization with such a high position of authority. I wanted you to understand how important your role in my organization will be. Now everyone knows your job, everyone expects you to succeed. For your sake, you better succeed. Black Sun's realm has expanded a lot recently. With the new territory, I needed more delegation of my authority. You were the best I can find for the new chair that has been made here. You will now be reporting directly to me. Your orders are only from me alone. You will manage the territory Black Sun has acquired while I would be in Hutt Space. Day-to-day matters should not challenge you too much. If anything does happen over here, it will be your job to send the report over to me in Hutt Space so I can come here and address things. Now I won't keep you any more. Go out there and enjoy your new power in my organization. You'll be operating out of this palace primarily, so definitely get used to the amenities.>"

Braga was then escorted away to the atrium. He then had the servants let the mercenaries who arrived to come to the throne room now from the atrium. He waited a bit for them to all get into place. Lined up before him on his throne. He then began to address them now. He needed some new blood to help out with the new territory. Delegating authority was one thing, but more boots on the ground available was certainly the next step to securing the additional territory. One then came a bit later, and addressed him directly though. He like the boldness of that one. He had this new one file in with the others before he made his address.

"<As you probably heard from the invitations across the platforms, Black Sun's realm has expanded exponentially very quickly. Therefore, Black Sun needs new members to help maintain its presence in those new territories here in the Unknown Regions. This is especially important granted due to Black Sun having territory in Hutt Space as well as within the Eternal Empire's space here. The promotion was to add further delegation of my authrority, but it is people like you who will make my will felt across Black Sun's realm here within the Eternal Empire. You will be paid like any other Black Sun soldier would be, and would be tasked with being enforcers, guards, and auxillery soldiers for times of combat in any of the territories Black Sun has acquired recently. Now. All of you are still interested? It seems the roster here is one short already and the job has not even been described yet. Interesting...>"


Tags: Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Location: Atrium of Broka's Palace on Annaj

Goyrg's hulking figure finally reached the Rodian runt. The Houk's shadow eclipsing the little guy completely. How was this thing a mercenary, he couldn't say. Though, all the better to play with. This Rodian did not even see Goyrg coming. Before he could even notice, Goyrg's hands were around his throat, and the Rodian was being lifted in the air. As the little guy squirmed, Goyrg was laughing his gravelly deep laugh to himself. This was certainly more fun than the ceremony.

Goyrg would continue to "play" with his "new friend" for a bit longer. He would strangle him, squeeze his ribs, punch his gut, whack his head into the floor repeatedly and repeat the process until boredom returned. This Rodian could certainly take a beating. The runt was still twitching after the third round of bashing. Goyrg was impressed, but also knew he had to bash harder with the challenge. However, by the time that revelation came to the hulking Houk, the other suns came out of the throne room. Guess that Braga guy was finally an Underboss., Goyrg thought to himself, Well, gotta get back to bashin' this runt now.
Tags: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

And with those words, it was done. Finally. Bowing his head slightly, Arturo made to follow the rest of the Suns out into the atrium. A word from Broka stopped him short. Turning, the Underboss bit back the tired sigh bubbling up his throat. So be it. Arturo prepared himself for another speech, only to be surprised when the Hutt started to explain the reasoning behind the ceremony. The mercenary hadn't expected that. What he did expect was the veiled meanings. Was that a warning he detected or a threat? Knowing Broka, it was likely both.

When all was said and done, Arturo nodded one last time before walking away. Sat on his throne, Broka the Hutt and his guards watched him leave.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as soon as he was out of sight. Between the thumping music and the voices raised in conversation, his brief lapse of composure went unnoticed. Almost, anyway. A hand clapped him on the back, and Arturo turned to see his friends, Vagrant and Nara, smiling back at him. "Congratulations, boss." They seemed to say in unison, one genuine, the other slightly mocking. "Always knew this was coming. Since the day I first met you, I knew you were destined for greatness." The tall zabrak was grinning like he had just heard a good joke. No-one was laughing though. A hand slid onto Arturo's shoulder. An all too companionable gesture given the circumstances.

"How's it feel to be King, ey?" Vagrant asked.

"Like nothing's changed." Arturo replied, shrugging the hand from his shoulder. "Don't think it's all sunken in yet. Don't know if it ever will." The admission sounded strange to his ears, like a subtly familiar sound that he couldn't quite place. Nara nodded as if she understood. "It will, in time. 'Fore then, we'd best make the most of it, hmm?" Her smile was encouraging, the glimmer in her eye mischievous. Despite everything, Arturo found himself smiling back. "Yeah," he said, his voice firm. "We should." Gazing about the room, Arturo gestured for his two friends to follow. They did so without a word of complaint.

Broka's palace, despite being an overly large, incredibly obnoxious display of wealth and power, also had it's upsides. "Where we off to?" Vagrant asked as they made their way across the atrium. "To liberate the bar. My first job as Underboss. And you're gonna help me." Arturo didn't bother turning around to answer. Even so, he could almost see his zabrak companion nodding at the words. As far as commands went, it was a pretty good one. Nara seemed to agree, 'cause she didn't say anything either.

Crossing the room, Arturo had to dance his way past a number of scantily clad women. Men, too. The music was almost deafening, the smells of alcohol and recreational drugs mixing to poison the air. Mercenaries and thugs, crooks and robbers watched him pass, some making wry comments, others merely nodding their respect. He was an Underboss now, after all. It wouldn't do to get on his bad side. It didn't before. But whatever.

Reaching the bar, Arturo ordered shots for himself and his companions. Somewhere nearby, there was a fight going on. Goyrg again. Arturo didn't know what to make of his fellow Underboss, but the man's reputation preceded him, and he was doing a pretty decent job of living up to it. Art wondered what the guy he was fighting -if you could call it a fight- had done to offend Goyrg. The mercenary guessed it was probably something minute, like being in the same room. Or existing.

The drinks came as as he watched the big brute of an alien begin to throttle his opponent. "Poor karker." Nara's tone was filled with a sympathy that was almost certainly not real. "To his memory. May he live on in the hearts and minds of whoever the kark cares!"

"Here, here!" Vagrant and Arturo called as they downed their drinks, the former already signalling for three more.

Kiki waited for all the pomp and circumstance to be over before Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt would directly speak to them all. The bounty hunters were led from the waiting room before to his private chamber. The Hutt spoke out to the bounty hunters about the job: simple guard duties or soldiers in combat. Kiki tapped the short lightsaber hilts on her hip. She was no stranger to battle. And her experience as an ex-Jedi would come in handy. She was nasty with those blades, a true threat to be reckoned with.

Broka would ask them if they were ready to accept the job and Kiki would be the first to speak, "Aye aye!" she cheered. "We wouldn't have come all this way if we weren't ready to get our hands dirty."
Willow and Ivy barely moved through the entire ceremony. Their eyes held a far away look to them as they focused on their search. So many webs, so many colours to follow...

Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt had many, as Crime Bosses and leaders tended to do. However once Arturo Braga Arturo Braga was crowned, so to speak, a new series of webs was created, with entirely new shades of colours. Some mingled with Broka's own, yet some went elsewhere.


~Change always is, dear sister.~

~Yes, I can't wait to see where this leads.~

Their words were heard only within their own minds. There was no reason to alarm anyone if there was nothing to be alarmed about.

Some of the people filed out to get drinks at the bar, yet it didn't really matter to the twins. They just kept focused on their work, wanting to do their best for Broka. Without him they'd be lost.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid
Location Broka’s place
Equipment:: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour || G1 OmniLink
Tag: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
I never liked to be grandiose or cocky because it didn’t suit me, but I seemed to have to show off a little bit of who I was. I was neither a mercenary nor a soldier. It's been a long time passed since I was a simple servant. No, it will never be the case that someone will take advantage of my abilities again. It was plenty enough at the time I was a slave. I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head slightly to the side. Luckily I was wearing a helmet, my girly look and gaze certainly wouldn’t have looked severe enough.

"I think I was not clear enough, Lord Broka. I am the leader of a respectable bounty hunter house and a member of the Cadera clan. I have long been beyond being a mercenary or a soldier. I want more than that."

I watched with interest what he was going to say or react to. I’m not used to being so pushy, but now I had to.

"If we can reach an agreement, House Orchid will also add Black Sun to its partner list and we will work for you, under conditions that apply to all of our other clients, of course. Last but not least, you should almost never look for bounty hunters if you have a job of this nature."

I fell silent again, wondering if he was going to throw me out now, or just getting even more curious.

"Well, what you think about this offer, Lord Broka?"

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Location: Broka's Annaj Palace

Two of the mercenaries that showed up were eager. One even mentioned that they came here to represent an entire Mandalorian House. Both the eagerness and resources pleased Broka very much. The colossal Hutt let out a deep bellowing laugh notorious of his kind out of being so pleased by this.

"<An entire Mandalorian House would be very useful for my organization. I am very pleased to hear that there is even more than the few of you lined up before me that would willing to serve me and my organization. Also very glad that some of you all are very eager for this. You people are not going to get some ceremony, but one of my councilors will be giving you contracts for this work so that your service will be in the Black Sun records. There is nothing to worry about there. Just details of the job description. Some enforcing work, security details for important locations, and things of that sort. You will be considered as associate forces for Black Sun. However, if any of you are seeking full employment under Black Sun, that is also something you must make note of with the contracts. That way, you will be recorded as part of the proper ranks, and will be granted access to more Black Sun resources than the associates. I will leave that choice to each of you individually. While all of you talk with my counselor, I would like to speak with the Mandalorian a bit further.>"

Broka then had the rest of the boutny hunters, mercenaries, and hired guns brought over to the side where the councilor asked for their names, and whether they would be seeking full employment, or just associate work. Broka then called over a servant to bring him a drink. Two servants came to the rock hewn throne. One held a chalice on a tray, which Broka grabbed and held out. The other had the wine pitcher, which was then poured into the chalice Broka held in his stubby hand. When the chalice was filled to their master's liking, the two servants left to the sides of the shadowy room. Broka took a sip from the chalice, and then spoke again.
"<So, elaborate more on the deal you mentioned representative of House Orchid. Your whole house would come and support Black Sun on certain operations, or just a few. Even then, what would be the amenities of having this partnership status? Does it mean that there is differences in cost to hiring your people, or would is it just an notation in your records that there is not aggression with Black Sun, a mix of such things? Am I expecting your people's services to cost more, or will you be fine working on the same wages the other associates over there would be getting paid with?>"

He then took another sip from the chalice waiting for the Twi'lek Mandalorian's response. In the meantime, it seemed that most of the mercerizes talking with the councilor were looking for full employment as he listened over to that conversation a bit. It just came down to two of them and that Togruta that piped up eagerly.


Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole
Location: Broka's Annaj Palace

The Rodian runt finally stopped twitching. He heard raspy breathing, but that was it. The little thing didn't move any more than the back pulsating for breaths. Now Goyrg just stood there basking in his handiwork. He laughed sinisterly, spat on the ground, kicked the thing in the side for fun, and then went back to the bar to drink in self celebration.

Goyrg sat across from where Braga was with his buddies. When the bartender droid asked for his drink of choice, Goyrg said simply, "Brandy. Tall glass. Now!"
The bartender droid went to work quickly to appease the belligerent superior to it. Goyrg let out a guttural sigh of satisfaction with what he conducted. Nothing better than drinking and bashing people to occupy his time. That was how he got so good at his job. He hasn't disappointed his boss yet, and seems he might never will. The droid came back with his drink. Goyrg downed it in seconds. The burn exhilarated him. Made him want to test the new Underboss. He won't kick the new guy around, at least not yet. He just wanted to size up the fella.

He stood up from his seat once he finished, and walked over to where Arturo was. "Hate to interrupt yer liddle party here. Wanted ta get a closer look at ya." He then paused, and looked him up and down with his beedy yellow eyes. "Look pretty tiny ta me. What makes you so tough?"

That last question was a mixture of tone. Goyrg did earnestly want to know what made this guy tough enough to get the job of underboss. However, with the voice inflections, it came off as Goyrg's usual tone; abrasive, somewhat intimidating, and simply belligerent.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid
Location Broka’s place
Equipment:: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour || G1 OmniLink
Tag: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"I don’t represent an entire Mandalorian Clan, I’m just a member of the long-established Clan Cadera. Although I have several Mandalorian huntresses working in the House Orchid I lead and I only work with the best knowledgeable female bounty hunters."

I clarified the Hutt's words. It doesn’t hurt to clarify these things now, because they can be even more of a problem later if we’re not accurate now. I nodded to the others, my company, my house only did legal work, so I wouldn’t have been able to work with anyone without a contract. At least in that area. I looked at the other woman here, a togruta. At first I waited for his answer because the Hutt turned to me only afterwards.

"Well, my whole House, along with logistics, is roughly twenty to thirty thousand people. I don’t tell the huntresses what to do. So whoever takes on the task. We all work according to our own code of ethics. In the case of a bounty, we never hunt women or those who only need to hunt out of hobbies. If someone has to be killed while hunting, they really have to be guilty."

I listed these.

"We specify in advance in the contract how much money you will be paid for what task. So you wouldn’t pay us a monthly salary, but after the work is done and you determine how many people you need for the job. Yes, our services are probably a little more expensive, but we are all well-trained and professional warriors, not dozens of soldiers. Think of us as an elite or a special unit among your people."

Edit OOC: Sorry… I’m tired and just realised I skipped everyone and wrote. I’m so sorry. :$
Tags: Goyrg Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole
Location: Broka's Palace

Arturo was dead set on drinking himself into oblivion when Vagrant nudged him in the ribs. Fortunately the mercenary didn't spill his drink in the process. That was good. "What?" Arturo asked, a frown creasing his features. The zabrak weathered the look, nodded past him. "Trouble's coming," was all he said before trouble arrived. When the new Underboss turned, it was to find another standing at his shoulder. Goyrg. So this is what trouble looks like. The frown disappeared as Arturo gave the alien the once-over. He was about to speak but Goyrg beat him to the punch.

"-Look pretty tiny ta me. What makes you so tough?"

Ah. So that was what this was all about. Smiling, Arturo gave his surroundings a quick glance, unsurprised by what was revealed. People were watching, taking note. Some pretended not to. They didn't manage to deceive him though. Still smiling, he looked back to Goyrg. He hadn't expected someone to test him so soon, but here they were. He'd just have to roll with it. "Depends on who you ask." Arturo said, taking a pull of his drink, savoring the god-awful taste. "Since you're askin' me, however, I'd say it's not about what makes me tough. Or being tough. No, it's more about the fact that I've gotten very good at killing people who don't want to be killed."

Arturo grinned at Goyrg, the hard edge in his voice letting his fellow Underboss know he'd spotted the real question behind his words. Why? Why'd Broka choose you? There was more to it than the fact he was good at killing people, obviously, but Arturo hoped the answer would suffice either way. If not, well, he was pretty certain he wouldn't win a fistfight. He could probably draw and put a bolt through Goyrg's ugly face before that happened, but that would start him down a path he wouldn't come back from. He was getting ahead of himself.

The other Underboss was just testing the waters. He couldn't make a move this early, not when Broka had just raised Arturo up. Moving against him was like challenging the King himself, and even Goyrg wasn't that stupid, was he?


Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Location: Broka's Palace Atrium

Goyrg laughed satisfied. This guy was tricky. the man had the look of a killer, which made Goyrg trust what the new Underboss said.
"I can tell yur gonna be fun! I'll be watchin' you!"
The massive Houk then reached his wrinkly hand across, patted the man on the shoulder, and walked away still laughing satisfied with the answer. He knew his boss liked to hire the smart people at times. Some were twerps, but this man was different, Goyrg liked that. This Arturo Braga may actually come in handy in fight after all.

Goyrg then went back to the seat he originally was at. A loudmouth smuggler from the local neighborhood decided to come in and see the boss. His timing could not have been any worse. The smuggler was rattling off stories of traveling across the galaxy to various different worlds Goyrg could care less about what they were. All he knew is this man was in his seat, and that made Goyrg angry. His beady yellow eyes narrowed while the smuggler had his back turned. That was this man's next mistake. His hulking figure loomed over the man, and in a split second, Goyrg took his hand he just patted the back of the new Underboss, wrapped it around the back of his head, and started slamming the smuggler's head into the counter for about two minutes. The blood spattered across the counter of the bar, and the man slunk down. Goyrg then picked his body up, walked to the door of the atrium, and tossed the smuggler's body out the door of the palace, and watched it tumble down the hill. A malicious smile went across his face, and he returned for another drink.
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Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Q'ara "Kiki" Cole Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Location: Broka's Throne Room

As he listened to the little Mandalorian speak, the Supreme Mogul nodded, and intently paid attention.
"<With this new territory, I am willing to hire all that are willing to take the jobs I ask you and your people to do. Your ethics make this a bit.....difficult though. There are no true bounties, but it would be more of enforcer work. Order within Black Sun's acquired territory is my goal. As a result, if certain people do not pay their dues, or cooperate with how my organization has given them a free market to operate within, it would be the job of whoever I hire to get them back in line, or put someone in their place who will be in line. Now, if you are to hunt anyone down, it would possibly be debtors the Vigos I appointed to manage the worlds or sections of worlds Black Sun controls have recorded on a list. If you ask me a debtor is a debtor. How reliable for these sorts of tasks would your house be? Will they follow my instructions of how the job is to be done at a given time? If I am to enforce my will and establish order within the territory I have orchestrated Black Sun to acquire, I need mercenaries, no matter how elite they are, to do what I ask and will pay them for. >"

He then took another sip from the chalice at his side waiting for her to answer him. This was peculiar for Mandalorians. Usually they did not care who they would hunt as long as they got paid in the end. It intrigued him to see a deviation to the normal ways he has grown up seeing. He wanted to learn more, but his face reamine stoic and composed. His thoughts about what he has heard were not at all conveyed on his face. Such a look took centuries for him to master. Such expression was integral for business dealings like this.

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