Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Arturo Braga
Willow & Ivy
Q'ara "Kiki" Cole
(Open to other Black Sun members)
Location: Broka's Palace on Annaj
After dealing with the Eternal Empire for such a long time now, Black Sun has grown exponentially within the Unknown Regions. Broka has gotten very rich from all the conflict surrounding the Eternal Empire in its wars of conquest, but also the internal conflicts with the Eclipse Rebellion. Many leaders have risen and fallen in the past time while Broka has remained unquestionably in charge of Black Sun as it grew within the realm of the Eternal Empire.
In order to keep his leadership over the organization, Broka has begun to promote members of Black Sun into higher ranks in order to manage the territory in the Unknown Regions, and has also begun hiring new members among mercenaries and bounty hunters from across the galaxy. Now at Broka's Annaj palace, this begins with the promotion of one of the Captains in Black Sun named Arturo Braga. Braga would be made an Underboss to Broka in order to manage the assets in the Unknown Regions while Broka may be travelling to other places around the galaxy. The man has performed well in Black Sun, and Broka has been watching his performance since the Eternal Empire expanded to Lotho Minor.
The ceremony happens in the throne room of the palace. Broka sits on a throne hewn from the mountain the palace is built upon. Braga stands before the colossal Hutt. It was not complicated procedure. He has already shown his capabilities to Broka, and simply has to do the swearing of loyalty. However, loyalty in Black Sun was questionable as other criminal organizations would be. However, it was the only sort of ritual the promotion had.
"<Do you, Arturo Braga, swear to serve the leader of Black Sun? To be loyal to both your fellow members, and to me, Broka the Hutt? Will you put down any and all enemies to Black Sun? Will you strike fear into both your enemies and your underlings? Then, Finally, do you swear to maintain order in Black Sun while I would be attending to matters back in Hutt Space?>"
The lighting was dark in the throne room to begin with. The only lighting was the eerie moonlight seeping in through the few windows of this room that centered on Broka on the throne and Arturo in front of it. Various Soldiers, a few Captains and Lieutenants, and even members of Broka's personal court were among the crowd in a semi-circular arrangement looking on the promotion ritual. There was suspense as any promotion was held in high esteem. Not many rose to such a high rank, which made this a tremendous occasion for Black Sun. It certainly was significant for Broka, the boss himself, as not many of those who serve under him have earned enough trust to get such a promotion. The man would be granted authority to manage all assets in the territories Black Sun has gained from the Eternal Empire's conquest while Broka was away. He would handle the day-to-day matters in this region of Black Sun territory. From his performance, Broka knew this man was going to serve that position well. For his sake, he better serve it well.
While the promotion ceremony was going on, the potential mercenaries to be hired by Black Sun were in the main atrium of the palace. Broka knew the bar, music, and dancers would keep the potentially hired guns occupied until it was time for them to approach him on the throne.

Location: Broka's Palace on Annaj
After dealing with the Eternal Empire for such a long time now, Black Sun has grown exponentially within the Unknown Regions. Broka has gotten very rich from all the conflict surrounding the Eternal Empire in its wars of conquest, but also the internal conflicts with the Eclipse Rebellion. Many leaders have risen and fallen in the past time while Broka has remained unquestionably in charge of Black Sun as it grew within the realm of the Eternal Empire.
In order to keep his leadership over the organization, Broka has begun to promote members of Black Sun into higher ranks in order to manage the territory in the Unknown Regions, and has also begun hiring new members among mercenaries and bounty hunters from across the galaxy. Now at Broka's Annaj palace, this begins with the promotion of one of the Captains in Black Sun named Arturo Braga. Braga would be made an Underboss to Broka in order to manage the assets in the Unknown Regions while Broka may be travelling to other places around the galaxy. The man has performed well in Black Sun, and Broka has been watching his performance since the Eternal Empire expanded to Lotho Minor.
The ceremony happens in the throne room of the palace. Broka sits on a throne hewn from the mountain the palace is built upon. Braga stands before the colossal Hutt. It was not complicated procedure. He has already shown his capabilities to Broka, and simply has to do the swearing of loyalty. However, loyalty in Black Sun was questionable as other criminal organizations would be. However, it was the only sort of ritual the promotion had.
"<Do you, Arturo Braga, swear to serve the leader of Black Sun? To be loyal to both your fellow members, and to me, Broka the Hutt? Will you put down any and all enemies to Black Sun? Will you strike fear into both your enemies and your underlings? Then, Finally, do you swear to maintain order in Black Sun while I would be attending to matters back in Hutt Space?>"
The lighting was dark in the throne room to begin with. The only lighting was the eerie moonlight seeping in through the few windows of this room that centered on Broka on the throne and Arturo in front of it. Various Soldiers, a few Captains and Lieutenants, and even members of Broka's personal court were among the crowd in a semi-circular arrangement looking on the promotion ritual. There was suspense as any promotion was held in high esteem. Not many rose to such a high rank, which made this a tremendous occasion for Black Sun. It certainly was significant for Broka, the boss himself, as not many of those who serve under him have earned enough trust to get such a promotion. The man would be granted authority to manage all assets in the territories Black Sun has gained from the Eternal Empire's conquest while Broka was away. He would handle the day-to-day matters in this region of Black Sun territory. From his performance, Broka knew this man was going to serve that position well. For his sake, he better serve it well.
While the promotion ceremony was going on, the potential mercenaries to be hired by Black Sun were in the main atrium of the palace. Broka knew the bar, music, and dancers would keep the potentially hired guns occupied until it was time for them to approach him on the throne.