Taeli Raaf
Adding the suggested hyperdrive modifications and additions, Taeli mulled over whether to answer Circe's questions. It wouldn't hurt too much in the long run, she determined.
"Taeli," she replied to answer the first question, "and we lost roughly half of our personnel, but you'd be amazed what this sort of crisis can do for recruitment if one is clever enough. For instance, I lost half my staff in Krayt, but instead of going to pieces, I immediately began searching for more workers and technicians to keep output at just slightly under optimal levels. People want reassurances that the government will do what it can to keep them safe, and the Sith have people doing what we can for them. I even founded a subsidiary to keep food and water resources flowing on Coruscant to stop any shortages."
It was all about using a crisis to your advantage, and the Sith were certainly doing that.
"Taeli," she replied to answer the first question, "and we lost roughly half of our personnel, but you'd be amazed what this sort of crisis can do for recruitment if one is clever enough. For instance, I lost half my staff in Krayt, but instead of going to pieces, I immediately began searching for more workers and technicians to keep output at just slightly under optimal levels. People want reassurances that the government will do what it can to keep them safe, and the Sith have people doing what we can for them. I even founded a subsidiary to keep food and water resources flowing on Coruscant to stop any shortages."
It was all about using a crisis to your advantage, and the Sith were certainly doing that.