Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bellek Eronoss

Bellek Eronoss


NAME: Bellek Eronoss



SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 44

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEIGHT: 195lbs

EYES: Green


SKIN: Blue (Rutian), though his skin can sometimes shift in certain lights to appear a light green.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Bellek is an experienced Jedi Knight, well-practiced both with the force and the lightsaber forms, particularly Makashi and Shii-Cho.
+Bellek has spent a while using blasters and becoming experienced with them as he's worked as a mercenary across the galaxy.
-Being still so dedicated to the general ideals of the Jedi, Bellek strives to be good and sometimes cares too much; something that can be used against him.
-Thanks to his history, and obvious demeanour, he tends to be immediately averse to Sith, and vice versa, which can put a damper on potential relations.

Bellek is a blue-skinned Twi'lek, and though looking relatively young for his age, his eyes imply how long he's lived and how much he's seen. Often trying to wear a jacket that keeps his lightsaber hidden from view, the native of Ryloth does his best to blend in with the crowd.


Born an orphan on Ryloth, Bellek stood out from the other children at an early age. His power in the force was obvious to those who could detect it, and before his fourth birthday, he was taken by a Jedi Order. The force order that took him, dedicated to the ideals of the Jedi, was highly strict in how it operated. Their members, trying to emulate the old Jedi ways, did not allow relationships and heavily discouraged emotions, suppressing them even more heavily than the Jedi Order of over 8 centuries ago had done.

Bellek's talents and ability to keep himself under control got him to Padawan, and he was eventually taken as the apprentice to one of the more experienced masters on the Order's Council. Though he learned much, Bellek's relationship with his master was tense at best. Resentment grew between the two as time went on, with Bellek suffering a private struggle with the dark side as he wasn't sure where to go with himself; he constantly disagreed with the masters, but had kept his mouth shut.

After being made a Jedi Knight, he was given the relieving job of an investigator. Staying away from the Council and working with people was more his pace, solving crimes and making sure justice was dealt appropriately. However, at one point having been sent away on an extended investigation, he found himself stranded and spent a while having to fix up his ship and smooth relations over with the locals. In some ways, he wished he had never actually fixed it.

He came back to the temple to find it half-destroyed and empty. There hadn't been any attack from an outside force; while he was gone, various masters and Knights had caused a schism, with many turning to the dark side and on their comrades. It was a slaughter, and he would've been surprised to see if any had even survived. Leaving the ruined temple, he simply set out on his own.

Now having spent years as a mercenary, Bellek still strives to be a Jedi; with other Orders cropping up across the galaxy, he has decided to avoid membership for now, assuming many to be the same as what he experienced before.

YT-1300 Light Freighter




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