Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Belsavis Blues (PM to join)

Grimacing as the boy triggered the detonators and began firing inside wildly. I felt the life whisk away from the bandits who'd hidden inside he only left one standing and I could feel the malice radiating from him. These bandits had hurt him, beaten or tortured him most likely yet that didn't excuse his treatment of these people. Looking towards him I raised my voice with the aid of The Force and said "Enough boy! I am aware that you were likely beaten and tortured. But this makes you exactly the same as them, look at the man you've spared! His terror I can feel clearly as is the smell that terror has produced!" The smell of human excrement filled my nostrils and I was angry. I'd never terrorized someone to the point of them soiling themselves... Whatever they'd done to this boy I wouldn't allow him to torture this man because it would make the boy just as evil as they'd been to him.

[member="Myles Vylumnar"] - [member="Commander Firestorm"] - [member="Brent Smith"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm put his helmet back on and pulled out his twin custom DC-17 blaster pistols. They were designed to switch between stun and lethal with the push of a button on their sides. A bandit charged at the group from another hall so he switched it to stun and fired, the bandit fell to the floor unconscious. "My stun setting should keep them out cold for a good few hours, so we are good on time." Another thug came around the bend of the hall and was met by a force push into the wall and a stun blast.
Myles kept the barrel of his gun aimed at the man who'd threatened him not long before. It was easily entertaining being the dominant role in any situation, and this one just made it all the more enjoyable. A certain rage twinkled in his eye. His finger itched closer and closer to the trigger, causing his hand to shake. He was reluctant to do it, but it was already too late. A single blaster bolt shot from his rifle.

"Let's just get this over and done with." he said, sighing. Myles took a step inside the control room as it filled with quiet cries of agony. In the corner of the room, a poor husk of a man clenched his leg, which now had a hole through it, and rocked back and forth. Myles didn't pay it anymore mind, but the man was luckily to still have his arms and legs, let alone have the capability to breathe.

The room was not as packed as it seemed it would be. That isn't to say, however, that it didn't contain valuables. In the center of the room was a large table with stacks upon stacks of credits and even a few guns. Off along the walls and corners of the room were open crates and boxes, containing possessions taken from innocent people across the galaxy. They ranged from simple trinkets to valuable jewelry, but Myles was, for now, focused on clearing this whole mess up.

"Looks like there's no one left around, save for a few stragglers here and there, but they shouldn't be a threat." he said, staring at the security monitors which displayed the cameras throughout the facility. Myles pressed a couple buttons, which caused the cell doors throughout the entire prison complex to open up. If they were keeping any more prisoners, they'd be free now.

[member="Celiana"] | [member="Commander Firestorm"] | [member="Brent Smith"]
Walking into the vault satisfied that the kid hadn't killed the man I began looking through the loot. Seeing a table with stacks upon stacks of credits I walked over and opening a bag on my belt I began to scoop a portion of the credit stacks into the bag before filling a second one halfway. Scanning the room with The Force I found a box with a Force signature inside walking over I ejected my wrist blade and pried open the crate. Looking into the crate I dug through the contents and after pulling back a layer of cloth wrapping I found what it was that'd attracted me. A small holocron, and some wrapped lightsaber crystals.

Looking over at the kid I said, "Hey kid there's something over here that'd be of value to you." I didn't know about what path lay before him but if I could get him to sell the saber crystals to The Silver Jedi there was a chance he could run into someone that could help him reign in his anger and rage. For now though, it would just be a payday for him. Nevertheless, the opportunity was there....Taking the holocron and stowing it in another bag on my belt I waited to see what was next for our ragtag group.

[member="Myles Vylumnar"] - [member="Commander Firestorm"] - [member="Brent Smith"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm picked up a few thermal detonators and bundles of credits lying around. He cut open one crate and looked inside to find what looked like functional lightsaber hilts.

"Hey, [member="Celiana"] I think I found some lightsaber hilts in this crate." He stepped aside from the crate and moved on.
"Garbage, garbage..."

Myles muttered to himself as he began tossing random items aside, digging through in search of treasures. Nothing really impressed him or caught his eye, much to his dismay. He began to get a little irritated before [member="Celiana"] called out to him. She handed him a bundle of small-brown cloths which were wrapped around some lightsaber crystals. Most were kyber crystals, though there were a few crystals of other variety. Myles could feel their presence emanating from his hand.

"Well, at least it's something."

He pocketed it in his coat. He didn't exactly know what he'd do with them. Perhaps he could make a quick credit, or maybe he could find some other use for them. He shrugged it off and continues searching before he found something else of interest.

"Hey, bucket-head! Think you might like this..."

He looked over to [member="Commander Firestorm"], tossing him an ancient Clone Wars-era helmet. It was rusted, dirty, and dented. It clearly hadn't seen action since those days 450 years ago. Myles figured he'd get some sentiment out of it or something. Eventually, he felt he was done collecting valuables and came at a loss for what to do next.

"Well... what now?"

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm sighed, he wasn't fond of being referred to by a term used to describe Imperial Stormtroopers. "Could you please not call me a bucket-head, I'm not a stormtrooper." He picked the old helmet up and inspected it before putting it in the survival pack on his back. Firestorm cut open another crate and found a Z-6 rotary cannon, modified to do more damage, he holstered it on his back and continued on.
[member="Myles Vylumnar"] [member="Celiana"]
Looking towards the kid I said, "Depends on what you want to do with those saber crystals. If profit is the game then I'd say sell them to the Silver Jedi. If profit and training is what you'd have an interest in then I'd still say the Silver Jedi. As for what next, well your ship or at the very least your fighter will likely need some repairs... my apologies for that again by the way. I've got tools and the mercs that were taking up residence here likely had fuel reserves along with parts to make repairs. So I can definitely fix up your fighter and help repair your ship once we leave Belsavis. While we're here though there are quite a few different locations of ruins here that'd be worth exploring if for no other reason than this was at one time a prison world that also was walked by the likes of Darth Revan. Odds are there'll be some things of priceless value still left."

Looking towards Commander Firestorm I said, "It's up to both of you though. I'm going to need to make repairs to my ship as well so if nothing else we're all stuck here at least until we've both made repairs..."

[member="Commander Firestorm"] - [member="Myles Vylumnar"]
Myles honestly didn't care much about the difference between stormtroopers and clone troopers. Both wore buckets on their heads, which was good enough for him. Though, he didn't intend it as an insult. It eventually slipped his mind as he pocketed the last of his loot, fluffing up his coat as he prepared to wrap things up. Then, [member="Celiana"] spoke to him about what he could get out of the crystals. There was absolutely no way he'd join up with the Silver Jedi, or any Jedi for that matter. Probably not even Sith. But he kept that to himself.

"I'll find some use for them... And I don't need help repairing my ship."

He was almost a little insulted when she offered to repair his ship. As if he were incapable of doing such a thing on his own. Myles took great pride as a Corellian spacer; he lived and breathed ships and flying. It was just as part of him as he was of it, one and all.

Celiana mentioned even more valuables to be found on the planet. It was rather tempting for Myles to say the least. He considered it for a short moment, but realized he needed to get back to his own ship as soon as possible, which was still in its lonesome surrounded by mines. But maybe he'd make a return here some day, this time without being locked up by space-pirates. Who knows? Maybe he'd meet these people again some day.

"I can live with a few dents in my fighter, but fuel is all I need. Well, it's been fun, but now that we're done with this mess, I need to get back from my ship before the mines you set out float into it... Is this the last time we're gonna be seeing each other?"

[member="Commander Firestorm"]
Looking at him I watched my facial recognition finally provide a name to this kid. Pulling my helmet off I said "Well Mr Vylumnar....As I was the one to force down your fighter and do some rather extensive damage to your ship in orbit I feel it my duty to help you either repair your fighter or at the very least deactivate the mines and let you take them with you to use as you see fit. I'll provide you with a code change net program to reprogram the mines to your ownership should you choose to accept..."

Sensing his resistance to the suggestion of selling the crystals to the Jedi I decided to drop the matter with a few more words. "What you do with the crystals in your possession is your prerogative, however...I would warn highly against trying to sell them to The Sith. While they will in fact pay you better for them I am one of the people The Jedi will send to stop that particular sale should it occur...The fact is I let you walk away with a load of saber crystals. Many of The Masters don't like me anyways so likely at least one will examine my mind upon returning to the temple and they'll see that I let you walk away with the crystals. As such they'll send me to stop you should such a sale occur and I don't want to be put in the position of having to do that or refusing the Masters because the fact is that I like you Myles, you've got spirit."

Smiling I added "I'll be around the galaxy, if you ever need a hand in a pinch look me up. I'm on Voss in downtime but I frequently travel after all...."

[member="Myles Vylumnar"] [member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm walked over, "The ship I took here is a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, it has a large hangar bay that could be used to repair Myles' ship, most of the hangar is empty anyway, so there is plenty of room."

[member=Celiana] [member=Myles Vylumnar]

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