Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beneath these Stars, a Universe of Gliding Monsters (Omega Protectorate vs ???)

The Herglic species is not uncommon in the galaxy. Once, they had a mighty and vast trade empire that spanned the entirety of the Giju Run, enveloping the Freeworlds Territories and all surrounding them. Those days are long past, but memory of such greatness remains alive in the hearts and minds of every Herglic. It is buried deep beneath layers of oppression and subjugation, eradication and suffering, but for one who has the will to dig it may be found.

Luckily, Orcus brought shovels.

Of Fondor's five billion residents approximately eleven percent consisted of Herglics, cloistered into a section of the city known as Herglictown. The area was still a trade hub, but recent years had seen it run down.

A large shipment of tibanna gas and other necessities from Santhe Industries arrived in Herglictown, escorted by team members of Darkwater Security. The manifest, however, was incomplete. It did not include the thousands of archaic T-21 light repeaters or other, similarly outdated small arms that had been stowed away inside the transports. Crates, presumably full of merchandise, were brought off the transports and into the warehouse of one of the shipping masters. There the crates disappeared into an underground network, where the contents were disseminated among members of the small, but radical Herglic-nationalist cell, Cetacean Nation, commonly known as C-Nat.

C-Nat was finding traction among the dissatisfied populace of Herglictown, who felt that Fondor and the Protectorate as a whole were too humanocentric. They felt oppressed every time they tried to walk through a doorway, for Ocean's Sake! Five hundred million grumbling Herglics is not a body that can be easily ignored, but more troublesome still was that the movement seemed to be spreading to other sections of the Freeworlds. Little Giju, Tallaan was suffering species riots. Lamuir IV, whose politics were completely controlled by the Herglic majority, was threatening to secede from the Protectorate if changes were not made.

Movements like these often come up in the course of history. Though they seem sudden, breaking out in the course of mere weeks, there is a slow buildup that takes place behind the scenes. A long process in which oppression and anxiety from galactic events, like the recent Akala apocalypse, causes tensions to come to an explosive tipping point.

For the six years preceding Akala and Corellia's destruction, Orcus had worked behind the scenes, reestablishing ties to old connections in the Herglic trade industry. He had been slowly putting together all the pieces he needed to foment a Herglic rebellion... and now the puzzle was almost finished.

"And so you can see, all the preparations are in place. I wish only for your support, financial or otherwise, in these last few moments."

The Sith Lord sat at the head of a conference table inside of Darkwater Security's headquarters. Onyx eyes ran slowly across the faces of those he hoped might give aid.

[member="Sasha Santhe"], [member="Gerion Ardik"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Selka Ventus"]
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Gerion Ardik, the gentleman who governed Hypori and the benefactor behind Hegemonic Automaton, was present via encrypted hologram. Unless any Protectorate eavesdroppers managed to cease being mediocre for more than ten minutes, they wouldn't be privy to anything he said here.

"Your plan, then, is to secede from the Protectorate. A noble cause to be sure. What do you intend to do in the aftermath, provided you are victorious?"
"Hauum. What indeed. Secession is perhaps a radical step, but one that might eventually be taken. At the least we can hope for autonomy. Re-establish the Herglic Trade Empire and field an army for Tion. Economic prosperity and a boost in our securitization, with a foot on either side of the galaxy."

[member="Gerion Ardik"]

While working in on his medical droids he'd commisioned for the Protectorate, Nyos received word of an uprising, through the grapevine of contacts he had in the city. As a doctor of cybernetics, he'd done work for millions over the years. For most were soldiers and guards and officers of the Protectorate, anyone on the planet could be wearing his tech. A security guard present at the meeting relayed a secure comm direct to Nyos. He had been in the Fondor HQ at the time.

When the name Hion scrolled across the stream, Nyos knew then why this sudden, unwarranted, and unforeseen uprising was attempting to take place. A Sith was behind the task and that meant it was coming from the OS. The only Force in the Galaxy who saw the Protectorate as a threat.

Immedietly Nyos went to his ship and began donning his Sith Hunter Armor*. The rise up of Herglics had to be stopped before it spread. Chop off the head it'll stop, the Herglics would then see that they were mislead.

Nyos sent out a massive comm to the Fondor HQ about the info he'd received. Forwarding the entire message.

[member="Noah Corek"], [member="Hion the Herglic"] and Others

*In Bio
Omega Towers

The Protectorate had been founded on two organizations; OmegaPyre, and the Syndicate. Most knew of OmegaPyre, and for good reason. It had been the premier galactic private military contractor for a number of years before the Protectorate had sprung from it and stolen the limelight. But of the Syndicate, almost none knew. Perhaps it was because they'd been unimportant; Sarge preferred to think of it as they'd done their job.

During the Plague, Ayden had run what had become known as the Syndicate - a criminal organization by most standards, dealing primarily in information and wetwork. Ayden was the information, Sarge was the wetwork. Coups, Blackmail, Assassination, Torture. All had been their calling cards. That, and knowing what was going on and where.

So it was no surprise that through six years Ayden had known what was coming down the pipe in Herglic Town, and so too did Sarge. Perhaps not specifically, because one was never privy to 100% of the information even when involved, but enough to know when to start mobilizing. His attention shifted down to the datapad in armored hand as he stood behind his desk, halberd clasped in the opposite hand.

"Prepare the Inquisition, and make sure the Dreadwalkers are ready. Configure most for direct infantry suppression. Leave a few to handle any potential vehicles." His lips quirked upward faintly, eyes scanning the Fondor skyline.

First the shipyards, and now Herglic town. He'd heard of a Sith Herglic. Perhaps this was his doing. Or, maybe, the Fish finally got fed up with having other people around. Not likely. They'd find out after.

There would be no mobilization, however, until things were clear. They would make sure there was no attempt at decapitating the snake before it showed itself. He knew the PR game that would be played, and that's why caution was being urged.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Omega Towers

Noah stood against the door outside of the Protectors office, he knew that Potteiger knew why he was here. Just like Sarge and Nyos, Noah had his own way of getting intelligence. Having spent twelve years in the Republic RSFU's premier black ops unit Noah had acquired more than a few informants and friends in the GIA, people who owed him favors, people who he was friends with or people who would sell a bit of info useless to the Republic but valuable to the Protectorate for a few thousand credits as a bonus to their paycheck.

Combine that with the fact that due to him being the Colonel of the Omega Pyre he had top level access to intel collected by MICO that was only outdone by the Prex, Exarchs and the Protector himself.

In all, Noah had known that trouble was brewing in Herglictown for some time now. So here he was outside out of the Protectors office and was holding a datapad. It contained troop numbers, as soon as Noah had gotten word from Nyos, Noah had contacted the ODF units nearest to the area and had gotten preliminary reports of how many troops could be deployed to suppress this Sith and Tion backed uprising.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek Starchaser wore a lot of different titles, but the one that stuck the most was definitely that of a businessman. And he was doing whatever he could to assist those that would help him. That was really the major trick with him. He wanted to make credits, and help those make credits. Put the other man down. And maybe buy the selectivists lives from underneath them and turn them into his slaves.

Or something.

And when there is talk about bringing all the orcas back to the moon castle from the evil communists? Marek was going to listen.

Especially because credits.

“So, I hear y'all wanna go to the moon?”

Of course he wasn't really reading the briefing. But he was still going to talk to the street-shark-moon-whale and [member="Gerion Ardik"]. “But in serious, where can I be of assistance?” That was, obviously for [member="Hion the Herglic"]. No one could tell the encrypted holocron was focused on a mean first, could they?
Veino had no intelligence contacts information about what was going on in Herglictown. What he had was a specific set of skills that made him a nightmare to, well, in all honesty, nobody. Master Veino Garn, terror of violent drunks everywhere. Usually made no impact on any battlefield he ever bled on, and he'd bled on a lot of battlefields on a lot of planets. Usually more than he spilled, but that was why he stood when others hid. He'd rather voluntarily spill an ocean of his own blood than allow a drop from someone else to be drained from their body by force. He'd gotten really good at that, in fact, tying down more powerful opponents to keep them from engaging more valuable targets. But he was an official representative of the Saarai-Kar and Jensaarai to the Omega Protectorate Command at Fondor, which was why he was here, in his armor, at the headquarters, with the helmet sitting on the end table next to him.

If not for the fact that Inquisition armor was even larger and bulker than his own, it would be kind of awkward. But Inquisition armor was bigger than his, so he didn't seem like a lumbering giant. In fact, he almost looked slim. Not that he was preoccupied with his weight and appearance, of course. He was too old for that now. Or so he told himself. Not that he was actually old. Especially for a Force sensitive who, among their many other supernatural blessings, had slow aging compared to normal people. Thirty really was the new twenty.

He knew something was up though. He could feel it through Force. A ripple, angry and frustrated, pressure built to explode. Though to what extent others could feel it, he really wasn't sure. How much of it was Force precognition and how much was empathy or a talent for knowing when danger lurked?
Aella knew nothing, only that she was being mobilized. Had she been the 'follow orders blindly' type, she would have done as she was told. Instead, she harrassed her Commander, until he gave up and handed her the datapad. All of this movement, preperation, because someone wasn't happy with their way of life? It seemed...drastic to say the very least.

So the shi'do made her way to the Omega Towers, moving through the buzz of people to reach the Lord Protector. "Sir. "she said coming to a halt before him and bowing her head in respect. "May I make a suggestion?"

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Omega Towers

Teroch Gra'tua stood with his face mask in his right hand, held by the straps as the mercenary used his left hand to pull his balaclava down from his mouth and off of his head, showing the mans mostly shaven head with a wide, but short in length, line of hair, with a visible tattoo on the right side of the Mandalorians head, reading B3. As Teroch put the straps of his mask onto a small catch on his belt a small smirk appeared on his lips, as he was feeling slightly cocky and he felt that he was above some of the Protectorate members, or at least the ones that wouldn't be fighting.

As the mercenary searched around for anyone that could give out orders, as he was eager to start fighting anything that could fight back, a small side affect of his being cocky. Scanning the area Teroch hooked his right hands thumb in his belt and noted the absence of a pistol, something he'd have to take care of at a later date, the Mandalorian then spotted Colonel [member="Noah Corek"], a man the the merc had mainly heard about from other troops, but had recently met in person, and he was clearly someone worth Teroch's respect.
Maybe the Protectorate had inclusionary policies. Maybe they really didn't have a humanocentric stance. Such might even be facts, but in a war of propaganda there is only the mercurial 'truth.' Ever fluid. Only the hearts and minds of the populace mattered. And when matters became one of speciesism, well, any arguments coming from a non-Herglic promoting anything that could even remotely be perceived as anti-Herglic might as well have been a bucket of gasoline thrown on the fires of nationalism.

It was entirely reasonable that the Protectorate had had knowledge of the impending troubles. But predicting a hurricane and stopping it are two entirely different matters. Better to just get out of the way.

* * *​
Giju Avenue, Herglictown​
Protestors in the streets, all Herglics, all very unhappy looking. Granted, walking whales tended to have a resting mope-face, but the faces on this crowd were full of frothy rage. A walking white whale stood at their head, he needed no megaphone to speak for his voice carried far across the sign-wielding protestors.

"We march for the shuttles and from there to the steps of the government!" He cried.

The crowd roared in reprisal, thundering claps splitting the air. "Lead the way, Mob'i Dik! Lead the way!"

* * *​
Conference Room, Darkwater Security Headquarters​
Orcus smiled broadly as [member="Marek Starchaser"] spoke. "Well, Mr. Starchaser, anything you think you can afford. Money, weapons, but of all those perhaps public endorsement by the Techno Union for the Herglic cause would be most beneficial."
Omega Towers

Sarge had made his way down to the entrance to what was, on Fondor, the seat of government. A massive spire, fortified and weaponized into a veritable fortress of anti-air batteries, barracks, vehicle bays and assorted garrisons. He still remembered the reason this had come to pass. Before, the tower had been the headquarters of the Pyre, but it had been more of a business HQ than a military one.

But then Omni invaded, and the tower had become a focal point of the battle against him.

They had learned the lesson of leaving it undefended, and in Protectorate fashion they had turned the ground around the Tower into a military base. Turning towards [member="Aella"], the man gave a faint nod for her to speak before looking to [member="Noah Corek"].

Reports said the Herglics were marching and heading this way. Frankly, this made little sense. The Herglics themselves had gone to ground in that town because, well, they were massive whale-beasts. Everything had to be upscaled, and it simply made more sense for them to stay together that way. Besides, they preferred each others company. They were a pleasant sort. Something was pushing them though.

He figured he knew what it was. Same thing that pushed everything to a series of ill-advised actions.

The ground shook to the clawed feet of Dreadwalkers moving through the base and around the barracks. Standard patrols. Men were armed and ready already, though. They weren't going to force anything if they could avoid it. A peace loving folk deserved the benefit of the doubt. He imagined they would be reasonable. There was no reason to expect them not to be. Time would tell.

"I don't like this." He says quietly, helmet speaker making it... well, not quiet. "It reeks of shady dealings and backroom politics."
Nyos had on his Sith Hunter Armor on and was heading for Herglic town. Another location Nyos had spent his days in, fixing the broken porpoise's who'd fought for the Protectorate like all other species.

When he reached the town, it was still run down, even after all the money that had been handed to the sector. Species who set up their own segregated sectors were in charge of keeping them to Protectorate standards and where that was concerned, Nyos thought they'd failed themselves. Who was leading the Hions? Whomever they were, they should be removed from their position and replaced with a Guppy. At least then, something would get done.

"Lord Protector [member="Sarge Potteiger"], this is Nyos Val. I'm arriving at the Hion town now. Their picketing in their own streets. Someone yelled for part of the group to head for shuttles. And then the steps of your front door. I'd get security details to the ports and to your front door, sir."

Nyos entered the town and walked towards center of the mob location. There a white whale stood at its head shouting propaganda at his own people. Things like, you can't keep a good porpoise down...and...Why do they get all the fish... The leader was making the populous out to be morons. Nyos began recording the activities for records and evidence.

[member="Hion the Herglic"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"]

The hologram of Gerion flickered in irritation. "A public endorsement of this kind of behavior by the Techno Union would draw unwelcome scrutiny towards us all."

He looked between the Starchaser and the Herglic.

"Social upheavals are risky ventures, especially in a Protectorate. Perhaps they won't put down such a movement with the same tenacity they tackle the Bando Gora, but they will put this down if they feel the need to. They care little for outside opinions of their internal policies. I'd like to see some more assurances to the success of your cause before we potentially see ourselves blacklisted from Protectorate space."

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek nodded at his corporate brother in credits, [member="Hion the Herglic"] and nodded. “I'll get on the horn, see what I can turn up for the Techno Union. We can definitely set up funds for the Herglic movement. And Bright Star will definitely bring in ships to help move your people.”

He looked over at the hologram of [member="Gerion Ardik"], who was acting all sorts of mysterious by not showing up. “You have a point, Gerry. But the Protectorate and I, well, Abrion, have a history. Even if we don't publicly make it known, we can collect funds to help feed the Herglics, in the least.” That was going to be a lot of fish, wasn't it?

And how fast before Gerion attacks Marek for the nickname? Maybe he was hanging out with Sasha too much.
They offloaded from the airbuses and in moments the crowd of bellowing cetaceans was waving signs at the base of the Omega Towers. The white whale stood at their head, leading a chant that swelled to immense proportions, like the looming tidal wave which precedes a hurricane.

The various signs they waved held a number of interesting statistics. Though they constituted only ten percent of the population of Fondor, Herglics were categorized as mega-omnivores. Their consumption of perishable goods, necessary for their massive metabolic rate, grossly belied their percentage numbers, making Herglics responsible for consumption of at least thirty percent or more of all foodstuffs on Fondor alone. Isolated in Herglictowns, it was often they who first suffered from economic downturns. The recent string of defeats for the Protectorate was detrimental to foreign direct investment, or indeed investors of any sort.

Why did economic downturns heavily disfavor Herglics? To examine this one must look at it from the perspective of an employer who needs to make some cuts. Are you going to keep the Herglic who is often liable for accidental property damage, who necessitates a physically larger work environment, and who consumes all the contents of the break room often before the other employees have a chance? No. You're going to hire the Rodian, who smells bad but doesn't need special accommodations. These accommodations were not something the protestors had denied, but rather it was something they highlighted as an underlying reason for their nationalism. Or... someone had highlighted it for them.

Another factor commonly overlooked linked back to metabolic rates. If Herglics consumed more they also bought more. Thus the average Herglic needed to purchase on balance more goods then those of other species. Therefore, the average Herglic working for the same pay as an average human spent considerably more on foodstuffs, leaving less for disposable income. Disposable income was a building block. Without it social mobility was nigh impossible. Less social mobility correlated to a drop in standard of living. Less disposable income also meant no money for investment, which is necessary for expansion. So, per capita Herglics suffered from lower standards of living and worse cycles of poverty than other humanoids.

If it was Herglics who suffered from unique job hindrances, if it was Herglics who needed larger structural accommodations, and if it was Herglics whose diets necessitated such a large consumption of perishable goods, then should it not be Herglics who had their own separate nation?

The truth was Mob'i Dik and others like him felt constrained by the Protectorate. It was like being forced to fit into a chair too small for him. He wanted the right to determine his own course, to be able to forge his own path. It wasn't good enough to have lobbying organizations in the governments pushing for bigger buildings or tax breaks or credits. He didn't want to be a burden on those who didn't require oversized infrastructure just as much as he didn't want to be forced to fit into their system.

He eyed a protestor waving a sign, a rectangle attempting to fit into an annular hole with a circular-backslash surrounding the whole. The implication was clear. Herglics were a square peg in a round hole. And it was hurting them and everyone around them.

Conference Room - Darkwater Security Headquarters​
"Put it down? Oh, Mr. Ardik, I'm counting on it."

He steepled his flippers insidiously.

"This conflagration will put pressure on them. Internal as well as external. They might put on a stone face, but with enough pressure even granite breaks. Hauum. Success will be on the negotiating table. My goals are simple: a Herglic nation for Herglic peoples. Self-determination and freedom to craft a separate constitution. The Koodan people would only be beholden to the Protectorate in taxes... and of course we would declare neutrality in the event of any war. The result? Pure profit, for both sides.

"This is why support from external sources is vital. And I thank you, Mr. Starchaser, for your support. Are there any other questions I can answer for you gentlemen and ladies?"

[member="Gerion Ardik"], [member="Marek Starchaser"], [member="Sarge Potteiger"], @Teroch Gra'tua, [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Selka Ventus"], [member="Sasha Santhe"], [member="Darth Carach"]
Sarge cared little for the scene in front of him. A blank, disinterested stare left the man in the powered armor, helmet off for all to see. Impassive as stone, he scanned his eyes over the crowd. Markets fluctuated. Stocks rose and fell. Credits became worth more or less depending on the tides of the economy. In the end, everything rebounded, and if it didn't, the problem was usually bigger than any one nation.

But about the only thing he got from this was that a people who had long been happy in their own community - a community they segregated themselves into by their own will - were suddenly and violently swinging to the opposite end of the spectrum.

Which told him that someone, somewhere, had pushed the peaceful people to this. There was little historical precedent for this, and so Sarge's mind went to the only thing that would make sense to him in this case.

He blamed the Sith.

Sniffing faintly, eyeing the crowds being stopped by Inquisition armored warriors and Protectorate soldiers from getting any closer, Sarge scanned the crowd with a look of disinterest. A momentary bout of turbulence, all told.

Most would return peacefully to their homes, and he doubted the entire population was here. What was it? 8 percent? 12? He couldn't remember. But they weren't all here. That's all he cared about. Rumblings had been felt for awhile but everything told him this situation shouldn't and wouldn't have occurred. He was wrong.

He was never wrong.

Sith were getting more and more likely the more he thought on the subject. One corner of his lips twitched, and then with force strong enough to echo down through the Herglics in the front row he rammed his halberd haft down and onto the steps. That quieted the front.


It grew quieter still.

Once he felt sure he could be heard by anyone who mattered, he raised his voice. It projected naturally, without need of amplification. "Who's in charge." Every rally had a leader, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer because someone was running a very obvious scheme. Fondor had never had troubles before, even when the Atrisians and Fringe had been on the doorstep. No... this was something worse.

Something he knew how to fight.

He need only find out who was behind it.
Ten percent of five billion made for five hundred million Herglics, obviously all of them couldn't converge in a single place at once. That didn't stop them from trying. Even so, there were only around ten thousand or so protestors in front of Omega Towers.

Human High Culture might have gained notoriety under the Galactic Empire, but its other incarnations were no less vile. The Republics, the Empires, even the Protectorate itself all had one item in common: they were founded by humans. The Protectorate could deny speciesism all they wanted, but such ideology had been woven into the very fabric of core civilization. Mob'i Dik knew this well. Once a vast Herglic Trade Empire had ruled in this region. Now what of it? Collapsed, millennia ago. And the human civilization had arisen and dominated them. How could the Koodan forget the anguish their people felt beneath Sidious' hands? Beneath human hands? Extermination, genocide. A tale wrought over and over again, not just upon Herglics but Cathar, Wookiees and hundreds of other non-humans.

The simple fact was that Herglics did not function under human rule. They needed autonomy.

In the wake of the human's words there was a tense silence. What did they want with the leader, to negotiate? Mob'i narrowed his black eyes. No. They wanted to single out ringleaders for arrest, or worse. They wanted to know who was 'in charge,' but that was only so they could make them collaborators or convicts. Mob'i would not be cowed. Perhaps he considered himself a leader. Perhaps he should not speak, but he could not withhold the words that flew from his mouth.

"Our voices will not be silenced!"

This was not a rally. It was a protest. How do protestors respond to police demands?



The chanting soon drowned out any staff-stamping or other such doldrums of police attempts at securitization. Ten thousand Herglic voices rose to make such a humming sound that the very air seemed to tremble with their anger.

What prompted a group of people to move to such fury? Could it all be laid at the feet of the Sith, or was there some truth to their pain, to the suffering they went through every day? Herglic poverty rates spoke for themselves. They were a social underclass. Fixing that would never be so simple as changing around the tax bracket. There were some who promoted violent reaction, they were at work elsewhere, even now. Mob'i disapproved. Negotiation was the only way forward, but they would not listen to them, not yet. They needed to see that the Herglics had suffered enough, that they were serious about this secession.

Often it can be the smallest things that start a movement, but it builds. Nationalism and speciesism are intangible ideologies. Sometimes they can be rational, but others.... others take it to extremes. In a war of ideals emotions reign. Tell a Herglic who cannot provide for his family that he is not being discriminated against and you will be met with scorn.

The truth, ah... the truth. Such a fickle thing, so easily spun. Philosophers say that there are no absolutes. In many cases they are wrong, but not when it comes to perspective. What was true for Herglics was not for humans. And the truth to the Koodan was that this monster had been a while in the making, centuries, millennia. Often times the only thing one had to do was tap a hole in the dam of years of pent-up frustration in order to bring forth a flood of rage.

Orcus had only two powers: Force Bellow and Dark Rage. The basic set as well, of course, but not to any substantial degree. Nothing that would allow him to control the emotions of a sea of people. No, this movement may have set off by him drilling into the dam, but what spilled forth was something else entirely.

Not every shadow hides a Sith. Nor is Good the only one to bask in the light.

Mob'i Dik stepped forward, toward the police line. The others surged with him until they stood before the troops in riot gear. The Herglics stretched their flippers and signs into the air, seeking to touch the sky, and their chanting shook the earth.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Sarge sniffed again. A show of force. He was about to turn before he stopped. "If you feel you don't fit in, leave." He says with a faint shrug of his shoulders.

The extent of his care was minimal. It wasn't his job to make them feel accepted. So far as he was concerned two things were true.

This was a problem of their own devising, and they were blaming the wrong people.

So far as he was aware, they'd been happy up until recently. Nothing was keeping them here but themselves. Some would leave. Some would stay.

Much ado about nothing.

He had a government to run, not rabble to satisfy. He knew how this would turn out. He'd be painted as callous. It was true, generally speaking. But the Protectorate had aid organizations. So far as he knew they were doing all they could. If that wasn't enough then he couldn't help them.

Pouring all your money down the welfare hole wound up a waste.

They'd be free to leave. Nothing was stopping them. Vocal minority.
Nyos the town of the rioting Herglics, the Riot officers and Sarge stood opposite the line at the HQ and were being "political". The herglic leader was obviously a pawn. He spoken words that held no conviction nor vindication. For intelligent species, of all the ones who had issue with how they were treated, it should be the gungans to riot, not these whales. They were never mistreated, by all accounts, the "shantytown" they come from was built by them, and it fell to disrepair by them.

No other whales seemed to be leading the charge here, yet there was a lot of security at trade building towards the back of the town. He'd start the trail there to find the real head to the blowhole of the protesting fish. He checked the records on his holopad and discovered a shipment was sent to the town, the ship was still there, but why the security?

"Heading to the whale town trade district to find where this started. There are security guards there when the town is empty. Moving in to investigate." The transmission was sent to [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

[member="Hion the Herglic"]

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