Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beneath these Stars, a Universe of Gliding Monsters (Omega Protectorate vs ???)

[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Sarge was still in his office. Considering the government building was a spite of batteries and battlements, he wasn't too concerned about their safety. Nor the safety of those attempting to get in. Fondor did most of its business in orbit; part and parcel a piece of being in the shipyard game.

That didn't stop these whales from annoying him.

A hand rose to rub his brow. "So they want... freedom for their planet?" He asks the Trandoshan sergeant giving a situation report.

"Yes." Came the response.

"Are they aware the Protectorate isn't their ruler?"

"I assume so, sir."

"Then why are they protesting? I thought they wanted everything scaled to herglic sizes because there's too many humans and how dare we accommodate the majority foremost?"

"They're protesting for a free Giju."

"You mean the planet still run by Herglics for Herglics with the Protectorate coordinating fleet and ground defenses?"


"Thank you. That will be all."

It wasn't until he was alone that he let his head rest back against the headrest of his chair so he could let out a pained sigh. Things were so much simpler when he could just kill the people opposing him.
"Do you think he's ready to capitulate?"

"We shall see, hauum." A massive Herglic sat in a high-backed chair. A brand in some foreign script was cruelly burnt into the center of his forehead. Though he wore pants, it appeared he either did not deign to don a shirt, or simply could not find one his size. The cetacean waved a flipper to a subordinate. "Open a channel to the leader of the Protectorate. Tell him Orcus of Giju wishes a private holoconference."

[member="Sarge Potteiger"].

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