Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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bent, but unbroken {PM for invite}


raetorian Initiate

Equipment | Training Lightsaber, Vibrodaggers & Throwing Knives
Location | Near the spaceport, Terminus
Meeting | [member="Seth Callat"] (eventually!)
Status | There's nothing about the people here that says 'scum of the galaxy'

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde took in the vista of the busy city with a palpable air of excitement, her clear blue eyes wide with awe as she took in the sights above her. Ships of various make and sizes glided slowly across the sky as they entered and exited the atmosphere. Oh! I didn’t recognise that. I wonder which planet is it from? She has never realised that there were so many variety of ships in the galaxy until today. That one just looks plain weird. How does it even dock with such a long keel?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]When she has first made her decision to wander into Outer Rim Coalition territory, Marriskcal held a firm belief that it would only prove her preconceptions right, that its inhabitants were the worst individuals the galaxy has to offer. Slavers, pirates, smugglers. Parasites that fed off the weak and defenseless. She had expected a dark dirty hole of a city, with chaos and anarchy happening in every corner. Instead, she was greeted with tall buildings and a busy spaceport.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Being sheltered, the youngling did not realise that the traffic at the much vaunted planet of Terminus has dwindled since the First Order has taken control of the hyperlanes, and the many ships she saw at present was but a mere trickle. Despite being disappointed that it was not the den of villainy that she has initially expected, her curiousity triumphed over her senses. Though she should really retreat back to safer space, surely it would not hurt if she were to wander and explore this strange new place? Perhaps she would even find signs of corruption if she just looked a little harder?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Dressed like a civilian in a loose grey tunic and carrying an innocuous sidebag, Marriskcal knew she blended in with the rest of the people hurrying in and out of the spaceport. Her hands tightened around the strap as she made up her mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Just one hour. Then I will head on to Elrood.[/SIZE]

Seth Callat

Grumpy Old Man in Barrel

Lt. Jamillia Typho

A native of Naboo, she is helmsman of the Glory of Leeds, with a reputation for rigidity and by-the-book protocol. She is young, fiery but also very critical of non-standard operations.


Lt. Luminara Durane

A native of Alderaan who signed up for service on the Glory of Leeds, Durane is Lt. Typho's best friend, and the young Chief Intelligence Officer of the ship. She is resourceful, an accomplished planner, and much more empathetic than the helmsman.

Planet Terminus, Coalition Space

"You know we're not supposed to be this close to the borders of the ORC's control zone, Luminara. You've been briefed too, haven't you?"

The two ladies, dressed in their retrofit uniforms, walked briskly back towards the spaceport from the direction of one of the main plazas of the greater city that lay outside. Lieutenants Typho and Durane had spent the last 10 minutes of their walk back from the cantina arguing over their commanding officer's latest set of directives, which included assistance in the processing of the streams of refugees that were now fleeing into Coalition-controlled space, and the recruitment of more personnel for the Glory of Theed.

"I know it's a little strange but isn't it good that we're helping?", the short-haired, brunette Durane answered back. "Look, these people aren't going anywhere. And with the First Order plugging the gap on Lothal, it's just a matter of time. And without the rest of the galaxy, this region's good as dea-"

"The Glory of Theed is a warship, Luminara, not an oversized transport", Jamillia injected in as she cut the Navigation Officer off, who sighed and smiled.

"The Glory of Theed is what the galaxy needs it to be, Jamillia. Captain Callat made that quite clear too. Tell you what, if we manage to sift out a good pilot from all the chaff, will you at least admit that I'm not the one in the wrong here?", Luminara said with a smile and a soft chuckle.

Jamillia sighed and chuckled in kind. "You Alderaanians. You-"

Just as Lt. Typho was about to continue, the two bumped into a Ja'Gatcha that walked in between them in the opposite direction. "Hey, watch it!", Jamillia snapped as she turned back to face the non-humanoid being. Luminara also turned back, but instead caught a glimpse of a little blonde human with a tunic and a sidebag - all alone in the middle of the crowd.

"Jamillia, you see that girl?"

"What? Where?"

"Over there."

"Where is she... that one? She's a baby!"
[SIZE=11pt]Praetorian Initiate[/SIZE]
Equipment | Training Lightsaber, Vibrodaggers & Throwing Knives
Location | Plaza, outside the spaceport, Terminus
Meeting | [member="Seth Callat"](eventually!)
Status | I really want to play hide and seek with you

The blonde meandered through the spaceport, marvelling and ruminating on all the various eccentricities she has discovered in the short period of time. As a member of the Order of Ren, and also as an individual who frequently participated in operations alongside the First Order military forces, the initiate possessed an identicard that expedited her path. Thus, Marriskcal has never encountered any process that took longer than a minute. It genuinely confused her to see a long line at the counter, and that it moved at the pace of a snail. How inefficient.

[SIZE=11pt]Not to mention the number of different races there were! Just walking from the exit of the dock to the entrance of the spaceport and out to the plaza beyond, the youngling counted over thirty. Some, Marriskcal recognised from her research, but most of them were unknown to her. And just as the thought crossed her mind, the oddest being she has seen in her short life walked in her direction. Would he(?)… they(?!) even speak Basic? Marriskcal has questions, and she wanted them answered.

What race are you? Are you one being or two?” The blonde scrunched her nose at the thought for a moment, before she continued her barrage. “Does this mean no one can sneak up on you easily?

Ah, the tact of a youngling.

Seth Callat

Grumpy Old Man in Barrel
"If you could just-.."

Luminara eased her way past and in front of the Ja'Gatcha as it lumbered forth and behind the youngling, its green main body about its back spouting something in the creature's native Sorjan tongue. Lt. Durane paid little mind to it however, as at this point her attention was set on the little girl. Lt. Typho followed close behind, trying to weave her way around people as they walked past in the opposite direction.

"Nara, we have to be headed back. Bishop One won't wait", Jamillia said as she grabbed hold of her friend's upper arm, a visibly concerned look forming upon her face.

"It'll wait 5 minutes, Mill, and it'll especially wait for a child", the Alderaanian answered back nonchalantly as she walked up to the young girl. Although Jamillia and Luminara only both stood at about five and a half feet, they would have nevertheless towered somewhat over the yet unnamed child.

"Hello, little one", Luminara said as she leaned forward a bit, bowing herself to bend down a bit and try to speak to the near-human on a more personal level, rather than tower over the child. "Where are your parents?"

"... Guys, 10 mikes to liftoff", the portable transponder on Jamillia's person then sounded - the person on the other line sounding no less eager to depart as well.

"That was Corde, Nara. We've got to go", Jamillia said, although now with a sense of exasperation as she realized she wasn't going to get that through to Luminara if she tried. A soft smile formed on her face as well as she walked up behind her fellow officer, who was fixed on the little girl.

"My name is Luminara. This is my friend, Jamillia. Are you lost?"

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
[SIZE=11pt]Praetorian Initiate[/SIZE]
Equipment | Training Lightsaber, Vibrodaggers & Throwing Knives
Location | Plaza, outside the spaceport, Terminus
Meeting | [member="Seth Callat"] (eventually!)
Status | Wait, I didn't sign up to be 'it'
[SIZE=11pt]The youngling could not help the pout that found its way to her lips when the being spoke, his words garbled and indecipherable. Aw. She found herself disappointed that she could not even get the name of his race so she could do further research when she found her way back to Skye.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Not wanting to press her luck and further incite the already annoyed being, Marriskcal allowed the bitterly complaining duo to walk away. That was when she noticed the two ladies standing before her. Perhaps she would have been more wary about strangers, but the initiate could not sense any harmful intentions emanating from either of them, and neither were they force sensitive. Allayed by the force, Marriskcal regarded the both of them with calm curiousity, even as she idly wondered why had they approached her. She did not realise that her calmness was uncharacteristic of a civilian child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her nose scrunched in displeasure as soon as ‘little one’ left the short-haired brunette’s lips. “I’m not little,” Marriskcal huffed in a petulant manner, scuffing a foot against the ground. She was thirteen, just the right age to become a disciple or an initiate, thus she was definitely old enough to go out on missions with her brothers and sisters. She was most definitely not small, nor little. The only reason why she did not try harder to argue the fact was because the one addressing her – Luminara – was clearly a kind person.

As with most situations requiring further understanding of social norms, the implication of having parents was beyond her comprehension. “I don’t have any parents, nor do I need any! I’m old enough to take care of myself.” And to Marriskcal, she was. Survival training was a frequent module, so the blonde knew even if she was stranded on a strange planet, she would be able to survive for over a week. The Order of Ren did not abide the weak, and those that did not meet their requirement are discarded. Not me. Not ever.

[SIZE=11pt]But the second question had her falling quiet, her eyes sweeping over the plaza. Marriskcal winced internally when she realised that she had focused her attention so much on the strange place that was Terminus that she ceased to keep track of her position in relative to the spaceport. Whoops. Her cheeks turned pink as she lowered her gaze, her right hand fiddling with the edge of her tunic in a nervous gesture. “I’m Marris…” she used her sobriquet by rote now, “And I would normally say that I’m pleased to make both your acquaintances, but your question… what you’ve said, has made me realise that I’m a tiniest bit lost.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]You are either lost or not lost, Marr. There is no such thing as a tiniest bit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As much as she disliked admitting to it, she definitely was. This city was bigger and busier than she has expected. Not to mention the people, the number of beings were overwhelming. There were so many people rushing about that the youngling had to keep her force senses close, lest she find herself with a headache. As it was, there was a continuous buzzing in her head, the presence of hundreds of people in close space. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her eyes still cast downwards, Marriskcal noticed that they were both wearing uniforms, and with the mention of liftoff that came from their transponders, she decided that there was a chance they were heading towards the spaceport as well. Don’t succumb to your pride, Marr. You need their help if you don’t want to waste time looking for the spaceport. And it’s not as if they would ever see you again after this. With these thoughts in mind, she decided that it would not hurt to ask for aid this once. “Are you heading towards the spaceport? If you are, can I come with the both of you?[/SIZE]

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