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Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Training Lightsaber, Vibrodaggers & Throwing Knives
Location | Near the spaceport, Terminus
Meeting | [member="Seth Callat"] (eventually!)
Status | There's nothing about the people here that says 'scum of the galaxy'

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde took in the vista of the busy city with a palpable air of excitement, her clear blue eyes wide with awe as she took in the sights above her. Ships of various make and sizes glided slowly across the sky as they entered and exited the atmosphere. Oh! I didn’t recognise that. I wonder which planet is it from? She has never realised that there were so many variety of ships in the galaxy until today. That one just looks plain weird. How does it even dock with such a long keel?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]When she has first made her decision to wander into Outer Rim Coalition territory, Marriskcal held a firm belief that it would only prove her preconceptions right, that its inhabitants were the worst individuals the galaxy has to offer. Slavers, pirates, smugglers. Parasites that fed off the weak and defenseless. She had expected a dark dirty hole of a city, with chaos and anarchy happening in every corner. Instead, she was greeted with tall buildings and a busy spaceport.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Being sheltered, the youngling did not realise that the traffic at the much vaunted planet of Terminus has dwindled since the First Order has taken control of the hyperlanes, and the many ships she saw at present was but a mere trickle. Despite being disappointed that it was not the den of villainy that she has initially expected, her curiousity triumphed over her senses. Though she should really retreat back to safer space, surely it would not hurt if she were to wander and explore this strange new place? Perhaps she would even find signs of corruption if she just looked a little harder?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Dressed like a civilian in a loose grey tunic and carrying an innocuous sidebag, Marriskcal knew she blended in with the rest of the people hurrying in and out of the spaceport. Her hands tightened around the strap as she made up her mind.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Just one hour. Then I will head on to Elrood.[/SIZE]