Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Best Species in Starwars and why

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
Droids, mind immunity, toxin and poison immunity, double armor, vulnerability to electricity which everyone usually goes first to but you can actually pretty easily defend yourself against to get upper edge in early battle.
Elegant and depraved.
From a biased standponit, Eldorai, obviously.

In terms of the very best though, I'd say either the Celestials, Rakata, or the Ones(leaning more towards them, perhaps because I've always been fascinated by Son).
Twi'leks. They strike that wonderful balance between being alien enough to be exotic and alluring yet human enough in appearance and personality to be relatable and sympathetic in literature.

Imo there are few other aliens in the SW that come close to this balance. They're either too alien (like neutolians or whatever they're called with their creepy black shark eyes or tentacle hair) or just humans with a new paintjob (chiss, zeltrons etc).
There are so many overpowered great races to choose from. But, if I needed to, I'd say Anzati. They're the best vampire equivalent that I can find. Hypnosis, Force tracking, eats brains.....

Fun stuff.

I'm a big sucker for reptiles (my favourite animals are all reptiles). I really like their designs, especially in the republic commando games. I guess the race just interests me.

I love the idea and the application. More than simply making Yuuzhan Vong ships feasible, they serve as an amazingly subtle badguy and threat. Battle AI are bad enough. An organic species that can do the same thing without the technological limitations is truly amazing.

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