Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Betrayal On Seltos {CIS Dominion of Seltos} S-41

What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
Objective: Kill stuff?
Equipment: OL-2 APARMk1 Armor
Pepes: [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Jomasom Leuf"] [member="Lirka Ka"]
Post: 2

The recon stage had gone to quickly if Formorta had anything to say about it, no sooner had deWinters and the other members gone in had the sound of artillery fire echoed from the back lines. In the matter of moments explosion erupted around the enemy fortress, shock waves and flashed of bright light becoming the apex of force.

In the mean time it seemed some other force had been disbatched from the area by enemy to attack the other forces helping with the evacuation. "Trying to fight on two fronts? stupid mistake they make", it seemed to have thrown the CIS military personal into a strange fray in terms of their game plan as the sound of battle droids advancing echoed from behind. All this while their recon members were still inside the combat zone and as arty was shooting overhead, "... quite unorganized, best pull my weight to get paycheck".

Closing up shop for the moment the masked sniper started to advance along the roof tops, keeping up with the ground forces below, eyes pealed for any of those new droids the enemy had on stand by. In a war like this with machines her skills were not as useful, unless their was some central hub like droid of commander for her to take out and break the chain of command.
Jorco was personally finishing up on some of his paper work. Mostly just documents that expressed the legality of having his company be one of the main security forces in the evacuation of the Tarro people. All was going to plan, his personnel were doing their job for all he new and he was far enough away from the action to be out of harms way. Even though he could still heard the shelling going on over the compound.


"Lights, camera, action!" The POM Security officer said as they began to film their tragedy. One of them in the team was tasked with documenting the event that was about to unfold. Currently the POV footage depicted POM Security contractors riding in armored vehicles along with some of the Tarro refugees. The camera man then stood up in the vehicle and opened a hatch to show the outside. They were in a convoy of three armored vehicles, there's being in the middle as they rode along on a dirt road in the middle of a forest. But, almost as if it was scripted the moment they looked over at the vehicle leading the convoy what looked to be a giant saw blade came crashing and cutting through the first vehicle. Effectively destroying it.

This promptly made the two others stop, what happened next on the footage was the quick evacuation of the contractors and Tarro refugees from within the armored vehicle. The footage was loud and chaotic as the sound of metal cutting metal echoed in the air. It was like watching one of those shaky cam disaster movies. However, as the camera man got out of what was effectively an APC, him and some of the other contractors backed away from both the giant lumber droids and the Tarro, leaving them as a sort of living shield between the two. Some of the contractors however seemed to be doing their job the best they can by helping the Tarro or firing at the droids.

But this was a minority, and as a coordinated effort, the officer of the team spoke out, "Aim, Fire!!" then after they said that the rest of the contractors opened fire. However, as they did the camera man turned back only to show that nearly half the Tarro standing got mowed down in the "cross fire" whilst other troops who were unfortunately enough to be on the other side closer to the droids where either getting ripped apart or shot down as victims of "friendly fire". Eventually they shot down the droids who'd ambushed them.

In the aftermath the remaining contractors congratulated each other over their dead comrades and Tarro and the officer spoke to the camera man, "you got that on video? Please tell me you did." They said, "Don't worry we'll edit out this part later."

"Okay, yeah I think I got all of it." Then the camera turned to show who was holding it. Which appeared to be a masked contractor. "Uh the red light means its recording right?" Right after that was said the video ended.

All this going on right under Jorco nose, or antenna would be more appropriate.

Jomasom Leuf

South Rim Trading Company
Objective: Timber!
Allies: [member="Formorta"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Arlen Rossi"] [member="Maria Bentley"] [member="Cato Marek"]
Post: 3

While Jomasom wasn’t used to combat on a regular basis, he knew how to wield a blaster, a vibrosword, feth even a bow and arrow if he had to. Back on Blaudu Sextus his father’s mine - his mine how - was often raided by thieves, bandits and pirates. At the age of seventeen he could protect it, along with the other security and workers. By eighteen he’d joined the local navy and the rest was history. While the Captain enjoyed adventure, he did not relish killing and would only do so in self defense… or to help the Confederacy remove a target who threatened the livelihoods of Seltos.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Leuf of the South Rim Trading Company at your service. Where are these giant, tree felling droids? And what can I do to help?" Truthfully the merchant would like to salvage one of them, presuming they were able to take one or two down. Reverse engineering a mechanical like that may prove fruitful, something he could find use for at the Sextuna Mining Company or something he could sell on the open market.

The Captain could hear the explosions nearby, signaling the operation had begun. He had very little contact with Force users during his lifetime and enjoyed the opportunity to see them in their natural habitat - using their mystical magic to change the galaxy, by eliminating one droid at a time.
[member="Srina Talon"] [member="Darth Metus"]
The moment Confederate forces caught wind of Ru's movements the fleet deployed a full battalion of battle droids and support vehicles to crush the uprising. While there were plenty of forces moving in to assist the occupation Adron was not comfortable with merely awaiting a report from his Dreadnaught. "Prepare my shuttle." The order was tasked down to the tactical droid that stood beside the Exarch. Without waiting for acknowledgement he would turn from the viewport of his starship making his way down the main hall of the ship.

Within his shuttle Adron stood silently with his arms crossed over his chest. A hand was placed at the peak of his chin as he listened to the report erupting from the droid beside him. A series of BX-Commando droids stood stoically around him only one of them looking to the Exarch while it gave it's brief. "Exarch. Our forces are have touched down and are engaging the enemy now." It was to be expected, the CIS forces were some of the best in the galaxy and certainly some of the most motivated when it came to the duty of blood and war. "Good. Hopefully we can end this battle before it even really begins." Adron muttered, just as his shuttle gave off a soft shift. He could feel them entering the planets atmosphere. Yet while Adron was comfortable in the CIS warfront it was the one ship that failed to check in that was on his mind. "And the Sovereign?" He asked, regarding the unresponsive warship.

"Multiple lines of communication have been extended yet none are received. We believe something may be stopping the ship from communicating with the rest of the fleet." The droid responded in it's deep metallic voice.

"Send a squad from one of our other ships to check on it. If anything out of the ordinary happens I want to know." He ordered.

"Right away, sir." The Commando droid said, before turning to activate his own commlink patching him back to the fleet.

Adron's expression never changed as he awaited the ships landing. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he exhaled. Something was wrong, he could sense a drastic shift in The Force.
Objective: Air support for the assault on Ru's headquarters
Ship: Hellcat-Multirole fighter
Post 1

How he ended up here was not entirely clear to him, but there was tell of some sort of insurrection or rebel cell or something. Not something he normally would be available for, but as a Sky Marshall he was expected to lead assaults from time to time, even if he usually was the assault. Didn't bother him, he found it rather relaxing in all honesty. Those were the thoughts that ran through his mind as he ran a systems check on his weapons and jammers, The deflector shields were a nice addition but not absolutely necessary in an instance where anti- air defenses were all but nil in terms of other craft to deal with. Good, looked like the two Gyrhil 72 twin autoblasters mounted in the modular bays were securely connected and ready to go, all 4 R-9X heavy cannons were shown in the green, and the electromagnetic plasma repeaters were ready to rock. DOuble checking the coordinates given to him by the fleet, he angled twoards the objective.

Knowing he had a couple minutes to cover the distance at military power, he opened his flask of namana nectar, took a swig and replaced it in the inner pocket of his flight suit. The slight high kept him from thinking about what he did for a job. He knew few would survive the attack, and he already felt the deaths ripple through the Force. The distinctive paint job of 'Yellow 13' was clearly visible on his ship as he closed in, opening a comms channel to any ground forces in the area he sent a simple message.

[[::This is Sky Marshall Bloodborn, callsign 'Yellow 13.' I am currently en route to enemy holdout. ETA to target area. Will set up a figure eight CAP pattern at Angels 7 and make runs as necessary to keep enemy resistance occupied and thinned to a manageable level. Engaging with cannons only to minimize collateral.::]]

Cutting the comms channel afterwards he began fine tuning his approach once he reached 30 seconds out. From that point it was all going to be making sure that each burst was kept to a second at most to prevent as many civvies who may still be in the area from being hit by fire. The weapons were all set to stutter fire so that should a prolonged pass be called for he could rain hellfire for the entirety of it. He smirked as he pulled the craft into a steep climb before kicking hard on the right rudder to swing the craft around while sacrificing airspeed and altitude to gain energy to tighten the yaw turn over the top, and use the resulting increased gain of airspeed to unleash everything he had at the resistance forces below, firing for a full second before pulling back into a zoom climb up to 7,000 feet and began the figure eight after leaving the enemy wondering what sort of screaming banshee had just ripped through their position. This was always the most fun part of air support, seeing if anything decided to challenge you, time would tell, but he wasn't overly concerned, this was not a new game to him.

Mishel Kryze


Mishel ran a hand through her hair as she leaned against the wall, whilst Alessandra finished getting ready. It was in that moment the Tygaran woman wondered how it was that she could be related to such a priss. She sighed and was about to check on something back up in the cockpit when Alessandra made a remark about rennovations. The older of the two siblings narrowed her gaze a moment. Mishel felt a bit more than insulted, the Princess Leia was great, a beautiful pyronium infused durasteel ship that glittered across the starlit space around them. When the doors all but swooshed open and the diva herself emerged and gave orders, Mishel resisted the urge to sock her in her pretty mouth. Instead she tugged on the spacer's leather jacket she wore.

"First, this ship is amazing but I guess you'd have to get your head out of your ass to see that. Second, you don't order me around at all and third Lav will get us on the ground so don't worry your pretty face." Vinegar spewed forth as Mishel turned away from Alessandra, while typically Mishel was happy to keep her fly-by-night attitude afloat, recently? Not so much. The Tygaran crossed the main cabin and headed into the cockpit where as predicted, Lav gave her the heads up. She sat down and strapped into the navigator's chair, "buckle up Minister, we'll be landing soon." Mishel announced as the Princess Leia reverted into realspace.


It just happened to be there for the taking, Mishel didn't quite agree with whole expansionist outlook but here they were.

Liberate and go. She thought to herself and adjusted the trajectory, "landing port secure."

"Thank you for flying Leia Startours, we're approaching Seltos where local temperature is go kark yourself and if you're reacing a connecting flight, well we apologize. You'll be stuck here for awhile, but we do hope you enjoy the sight of destruction." Her catty tone was more than obvious as she set the ship for auto landing at the port. Mishel rose from her seat once more and headed to her personal cabin to grab her gear.

[member="Alessandra Creed"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"]
They flew across the land with a roar, the many Repulsorcraft of Lirka's battleforce zipped around to their quarry: the Stronghold, there would be no waiting to be bogged down by those saw equipped droids, not pitiful civilians getting in her way, Lirka was filled with total and utter determination to cut the head off this snake immediately, no matter the cost. Such was the bloodlust that seemed to overflow in the woman today.

Gunning her speeder even faster, her lancers followed suit: nothing said they wouldn't hit targets along the way as they made their absolutely savage approach, a small handful of her lancers broke off to attack the new droid menace, flies going to hack and slash at the thing's legs until it fell or they were crushed into nothing. But Lirka? She just looked onward, the green haze of her helmet highlighting the Stronghold, she did not but simply grin.

With fighting beginning, she found it an ample opportunity to break from her force while they distracted the Strongholds defenders: whomever that foolish task had fallen to.

Ka had enough of a plan on how she wanted to scale up the stronghold. Continuing her winding and breakneck riding, she moved directly for the wall of the thing. Pushing the speeder harder, and harder, and harder. Trying to go even past it's maximum speed even, violently yanking the handles before making that fatal collision with the wall she began to fly right up the side, not enough to actually take her up to the wall but more than enough for her to pull one of those fancy force tricks.

Channeling the force, she took a leap off from the speeder: shooting herself up to the wall and landing with a thud. Much like what her very much not so new and not so shiny speeder bike did, spinning her Klaive into her fighting stance she made the advance into the stronghold herself...such was her arrogance not even thinking to ask for help.
Objective: Air support for the assault on Ru's headquarters
Ship: Hellcat-Multirole fighter
Post: 2

It was during his third completion of the figure eight pattern that he noted the IFF popping up with more friendly signatures. Low to the ground, moving fast, cavalry of some sort. Speeders most likely. Good, more targets for the enemy forces, he dropped the nose low into a right hand slice turn, he set up for another run. This time the R-9 X heavy cannons were allowed full rotation giving the craft the ability to remain engaged with enemy forces during egress. Once the fine adjustments were made Kurayami nosed down more, tightening the turn and allowing him to hit a few defensive barricades that had been set up, careful to make sure that none of the targets were too close to civilians or friendlies. In an urban setting or enclosed combat areas such as this was, that was a logistical nightmare.

As he began his climb back to altitude he heard an unexpected tone from his ship. The RWR was going crazy, but there had been no indication of ground side radar or other sensor stations. Then he saw it, a small but bright flash, a shoulder mounted missile. Instinctively he switched on the jammer and began mentally plotting a course to set up for a wide turn that would allow him to keep the missile on his 3-9 line. Still a long shot to completely evade, but it was his only chance. Adjusting course and speed as needed to carry out the maneuver, he watched the launch indicator as the missile closed in on his craft.

Even with it set up as basic missile defense the only countermeasure he had was the jammer, no chaff or flares were on this ship meaning it was all down to chance now. Almost as soon as the RWR stopped squawking its warning at him he felt the entirety of his fighter shake. Immediately, his eyes flew to the damage indicators. Looked like minor shrapnel damage to the hull, but the shields were down completely. Another hit like that and things would not end well today. Taking a second to determine where the missile had launched from he set the weapons to linked fire for this target, guessing that it was likely a more well defended area that was reinforced against ground threats. All weapons reported full charge for the linked shot as he closed in on the target and opened up, reducing the makeshift bunker to molten slag with a single one second burst. As he exited and went back to the figure eight pattern from before, he switched the weapons back to stutter fire while they were cooling down.
[SIZE=11pt]Actually moving through the fortress had come to prove itself less than challenging, the goons of Oligarch and proved all but pitiful to Lirka. A swing of her Klaive, and one was a dead mess, another, and another, and another. Repetitive drivel, she had even gotten annoyed with it, made the Sephi even more irritated with this world than ever before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Going for what she assumed was the office of Ru, she opened a door to greet another blaster wielding goon. She didn’t even waste time raising her Klaive, instead she just swung her heavy metal gauntlet at the much smaller alien: a sickly crunch followed as his limp body crashed against the wall. An effortless strike it seemed, or simply the potency of the Dark Side radiating through Lirka’s body: it was hard to control it when things got like this, such a tantalizing power…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She soon entered a room that seemed eerily calm, well adorned with small pieces of art and sculpture..but she could sense something. And praise be to that Danger Sense, stopping in her tracks four figures walked before her, each one adorn in worn and tattered robes, and armor that fit the same depiction: once masterfully done in the arts of their homeworld, much like the worn and used weapons in their hand. Long Glaives, each one ending in a thin but remarkably sharp looking blade…[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]It was rare for Lirka to see one of her kind now, but to encounter them on the side of the enemy was slightly jarring to say the least. But what needed to be done was what needed to be…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In mere moments the weapons sprung to life, glowing energy rolling off their Glaives and they attacked like some savage pack of guardians. Lirka half shocked and moving back, her Klave twisting her turning to deflect the strikes of the shrieking Glaives, leaning herself heavily to the side one swung right past her and effortlessly cleaved through a golden sculpture as there it had been not but some butter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She had no time to gawk at the display of their potent tools, already she was back on the move. Being pushed back under the organized flurry of attacks, though one: the most adorned and worn of the veterans pushed the assault against her. His Glaive moved as though it were weightless, not too unlike how Lirka fought with her Klaive. But quickly it seemed she was going to be surrounded. Swirling her Klaive with a burst of force speed, she struck one of the warriors: not cutting through that battle-weary armor but staggering the warrior with an indefinitely female grunt coming with it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As if that would help.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But the assault did not relent, so organized, so efficient. Lirka was soon pressed back towards a small balcony overlooking a large viewing room. Letting loose a force push, one of her few tricks it seemed, she staggered the warriors pushing the assault against her. Giving her time to flip back over the balcony and land in the viewing room with a thud: it may have been gorgeous, the assasut on Ru’s stronghold beautifully visible from the semi-ornate window: where a good chunk of money must’ve obviously went into. But alas there was little time to actually go and appreciate it, for nigh immediately afterwards the warriors followed on in after her. Nimbling leaping down to greet her in another savage exchange of blades.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It seemed she was fighting on all sides, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she was fighting on all sides [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]constantly the Sephi was forced to twist and turn to twist her Klaive to deflect swinging strikes and vicious stabs for the small gaps in her armor: so grossly experienced...she had known warriors such as this before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And that momentary lapse proved painful, one of the Glaives: from the man who had proved the worse of all the combatants to face off against struck her Klaive, weakening her grip on the weapon before striking her chest with the butt of his Glaive: with a momentous expulsion of energy Lirka was blasted back and right through the window with a mighty crack of breaking glass and so many credits lost.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So this was what it felt like to jump off a building…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That was the first thought Lirka had as she tumbled through the air. Desperately catching her breath, and feeling the dent that strike had put into her armor. She landed with a violent thud, there was no nimble grace here today. Pain surged through her body but she rose anyway, because as nimble as ever the warrior who had thrown her from here to begin with seemed to glide down like some avenging angel of myth to continue his relentless attack: it seemed his friends were far from so bold.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Snarling and grasping her Klaive against they exchanged the duel once more. Lirka forced onto the defensive once again, fighting on top of the mighty walls of Ru’s stronghold as the CIS violently assailed the very ground they fought upon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With the twirling strike of her Klaive, she seemed to have gotten the perfect strike to decapitate the man. Before the round of a CIS HAG tank blasted into the wall and sent them both tumbling, her weapon completely missing it’s intended target. Sending them both to the ground, and Lirka’s klaive tumbling out of her hand the Marshal was forced to send a desperate yank of the force to get the weapon back into her hand as the combatants rose to face off, the eternal duel of warriors who had sworn their lives to wielding the blades each other held. One to defend, one to slaughter, but each more than twisted in their reasons now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lirka tried to swing her blade low, but it was futile. His Glaive moved like lightning, he didn’t need the force to be such a skilled warrior, nothing but experience versus the bravado and assumed skill of Lirka...she rose her klaive right back up, striking the hilt of his Glaive as it tried to simply impale her. Breaking their lock with a flip Lirka landed near the fiery chunk in the wall the HAG had left in it’s wake, rushing forward she swung her Klaive violently, in not but a simple berserker rage at this icon of her hatred.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Futility made manifest[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As she twisted her Klaive in both hands to defend a two handed strike from the warrior, it had become far too apparent she had been deceived. Swinging his weapon’s position he rose the butt of that damnable Glaive and slammed it down into the center of her Klaive, trembling at the release of energy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lirka could’ve cried as she heard the explosion.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her Klaive snapped, two blades and it’s power generator violently exploding and sending even more shards of the weapon into her armored form. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her Klaive, a weapon that had stood alongside her for decades, so many years, so many foes killed, so many times it had saved much money, time, her own design broken under his damnable little rat’s weapon! Roaring with the two halves of her weapon, she spoke in Sephi, just so he could grasp the raw rage that coursed through her:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Ai'jh ter o!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A simple proclamation on how she would completely destroy the man for what he had done, but Lirka was simply the definition of insanity, but this time she had no weapon to truly defend herself with. Swinging that ever potent Glaive again, he struck Lirka in the helm. Sending the ornate thing flying off her head and leaving a head of wild black hair to fly free, blood running violently from her likely broken nose and the wound that had been inflicted on her quickly much more scarred face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But he stopped...staggered even. Not too unlike Lirka, who had been forced to her knee...bested...truly bested. A perfect time, because this faceless warrior’s friends had seemed to come just in time too. Rushing from the door they all held the same shock their leader did upon seeing Lirka, not because she was Sephi, no, one does not forget the face of royalty well. And honor guard especially so, even after the century that it had been since Lirka walked as such.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He fell, immediately to one knee. Each and every of the warriors, all mighty 3 of them did the same. As one the said the simple words the denoted it all so clearly:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Tia Cel…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Each one nigh awestruck, ashamed even, for those words simply were: My Queen. For even after all of this mighty twists and turns that had warped Ka’s life, she still, at it all, was the Princess of fair and now lost Thustra. And these warriors? The lost warriors of a lost Monarchy. And so, it all rolled into making sense. So hard to tell after all these years, Lirka’s partially bloody vision saw the scene...Honor Guard. The ones she had known as the always constant presence in her early life, more of it left behind. In those mere moments, even after so violently seeking to destroy her: they had sworn fealty just as fast, an amusing switch and a show of just the raw devotion such warriors possessed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rising to her feet, Lirka felt some sort of triumph within her. Barely overshadowing the loss she felt at her destroyed weapon…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Such interesting things you experience fighting for the CIS[/SIZE]
Location: Seltos | Ship: [SIZE=11pt]Scimitar-Class Star Courier[/SIZE] | Tags: [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]​

The nigh invisible frame of her Scimitar-Class Star Courier sluiced amongst the clouds. The Obsidian preferred ship was protected by a Stygium cloaking system. There were added features to keep her silent and stealthy. It was uniquely designed with specific attributes to breach an enemy line. Naedira had tested it many times, despite the fact that it was fine-tuned for Imperial defenses, and had found there to be no better way to covertly enter a conflict.

The dark-haired woman was covered head to toe in Obsidian Knight strike-armor. The orange hexagonal patterns on her armor seemed to move just slightly, surely, a trick of the eye but she didn’t seem to notice. Her focus was entirely on her sensors and instruments that kept constantly pinging with new data. There were far more CIS ships in the air than the enemy, a supposed annoyance, by the name of Ru Baruba. She frowned behind her mask.

A nation as large as the Confederacy should have been able to put this insurrection down in record time. Why hadn’t they? Called in rampant airstrikes and just burned the compound and it’s weaponry to the ground? A few quick had movements told her the truth of the matter. The Tarro refugees were still not secure. Despite their best efforts, there would always be some sort of fall out when faced with these sort of guerrilla group thugs. The Nabooian did not enjoy those that could not respect the necessity of law and order. He employed dangerous weapons, carelessly, and had fallen on stagnant tactics.

In her estimation, it would only be a matter of time before Ru Baruba fell.

<<::Sky Marshall Bloodborn this is Knight Darcrath. At your six in the Enviable Talent.::>>

Her cloaking flickered briefly to reveal her positioning for his IFF before it settled back down. She pulled ahead slightly, but, ended up flying in a wide arc around his figure eight pattern. She didn’t have the weaponry he did but the agrocite canons would be more than sufficient. They couldn’t decimate the entire area, but, they could be a general nuisance.

Especially since she was incredibly hard to hit.

She let power flow to the lasers and joined @Kurayami Bloodborn in thinning the herd not long after he’d taken a hit. Nae flipped back to the comms, seeing a chunk of something fly off, and hailed the pilot again. <<::What’s your status?::>>

He’d already taken out the immediate threat. Naedira chose her shots carefully, before letting loose, and continuing to circle overhead. She could see the bulk of their forces moving in. Things were about to get more interesting, not to mention, that the window for Ru Baruba to show sense and surrender was rapidly closing.
Location: The Princess Leia [In Orbit of Seltos]
In the Company Of: [member="Mishel Noren"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

If Mishel and Alessandra would have been reading one another’s minds they might have found some irony in the similarities of their thoughts. The Tygaran woman wondered how it was that she could be related to such a priss and the Epicanthix, in turn, wondered how she could be related to such an uncouth street urchin. If the Minister of Commerce knew that she had insulted her sister initially there was nothing in her tone that suggested it.

When the rebuttal came after she exited the refresher—she knew something she’d said had lit a fire beneath her elder sister’s backside. What was new? Chocolate eyes rolled heavenward as she followed the pouting creature with practiced ease. There was nothing that ruffled her, nothing that moved her, and certainly not a rebellious family member that was taking talking points from the journal of a teenager. “Relax, sister-mine. There is always room for improvement.”

Nevertheless, she did find her seat and strapped in. She was fiercely independent, but, that didn’t mean she lacked common sense. As the moderately acceptable Leia ripped out of Hyperspace Mishel would hear one final barb.

“You’re still coming to dinner.”

Location: Seltos [Ru Baruba Compound]

The landing didn’t make the Minister of Commerce any less pleased that she already was. The communication that had been sent had yet to receive a response. They were close to the compound of the most annoying Ru Baruba, but, the way was cut off by a wall of Confederate ships and enemy troops. Wonderful. Her comm pinged just as Mishel gave the end of fight speech. “Very encouraging. There’s nothing wrong with a little destruction before breakfast.”

Especially, not when the other side deserved it.

Her calculating eyes flickered. She already had what she needed for this venture. Alessandra had trouble choosing weapons, mostly, because they didn’t feel right. Instead, she had her father’s blaster SE-44C Blaster Pistol tucked neatly in a holster. Between that, the Force, and the fact that she knew [member="Adron Malvern"] would rather burn this locale to ash over displacing a hair on her head?

It was a warm security blanket.

Checking her messages she sighed lightly. It seemed that Ru Baruba was either scared, or, hoping to take a few Confederate hostages so that he could try and barter for demands. Either way they would still see the inside of the compound and her precious sister would be able to document it all. “Don’t arm too heavily. They’ll just take it at the gate anyway but we’ve got the green light. If we can make it to the front the lovely Merchant-Dictator will see us.”

The battle would not halt in the interim.

She held out the necklace to Mishel. It looked to be made out of wood and decorative stones. It was deliberately angled to appear nice, but, ultimately inexpensive. Within the circle of wood sat a hidden camera that would send a stream of intel directly to her Exarch.

They departed the Leia as planned and picked up a land speeder on their way. It was flasher than walking, but, most definitely quicker. They were able to avoid CIS battlefronts by listening to the comms. The precise strikes being implemented by the Sky Marshalls was likely what caused their pain in the rear to allow this impromptu meeting. The sooner they got in and hopefully got out—the better.

Alessandra held a datapad that helped her point out what direction they needed to go in while Mishel definitely drove. They got some fierce looks from some of the soldiers on Ru Baruba’s payroll but, as promised, they were allowed to pass. An explosion sounded off not far away. It wouldn’t be long before the CIS made it past all of the tricks and trap-weaponry that had been set up.

"Are you ready, Mishel?"
Objective: Air support for the assault on Ru's headquarters
Ship: Hellcat-Multirole fighter
Post: 3
Tag:[member="Naedira Darcrath"]

He knew that all this was just a matter of time before everything that this 'Ru Baruba' had worked for was a smoking ruin and that likely his life would be forfeit in the end. While wondering how much longer this would continue before the ground forces were fully engaged, or at least what remained of them, by the Confederacy his thoughts were interrupted. The interruption came from a ripple in the Force as another joined the fray. A presence that he did not know...either it was that or him losing the adrenaline rush from the small amount of namana nectar he had drunk before the battle started.No matter, he couldn't allow himself to be distracted right now. The former idea was reinforced when a transmission was sent to him on Confederate frequencies. Seconds after receiving the message he saw his IFF momentarily light up before slowly fading away.

[[::Roger that Knight Darcrath. Welcome to Seltos.::]]

She seemed to be setting up either a widened racetrack CAP or for a pass. Either was possible, but given the cloaking he would have hazarded a guess that a pass at ground targets was more likely. She followed behind him during his pass after taking the missile hit. Oh this could be fun. Her next hail brought a smile to his face as he replied.

[[::Status is green, minor hull damage from shrapnel that made it through the light deflector shielding. Those are down, but no vital systems are disabled. Just an unfortunate turn of events. Made it through worse scrapes than this. Thanks for the check though.::]]

Seeing that the main defensive emplacement for the ground forces on this side of the compound had been slagged, he locked the heavy laser cannons back to full forward and Worked with Naedra on keeping defenders occupied on this side, making sure that they would have to send reinforcements from across the compound to replace those lost. There was much more that could be accomplished when working with a wingman, even if he was quite used to flying solo by now, it was a nice reminder that it wasn't always necessary.
[member="Alessandra Creed"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Darth Metus"]
The doors to Adron's shuttle was opened as his escort of Commando droids filed out before him. One of the droids joined him at his side as his boots impacted the planet's surface. As the droid spoke Adron's eyes turned to the skies where Confederate ships could be seen hovering in a stoic pause. The ships were tasked with aiding the ground forces by distributing air support and precision artillery strikes. This edge alone had given the Confederacy the upper hand over Ru's upstart droids, let alone the hundreds of specialized droids that Adron's battlefield commanders were employing.

"Exarch. There has been a development." The Commander reported while holding a datapad out to Adron. Ignoring the datapad, Adron continued to eye the formations his fleet was taking as he responded simply. "Is Ru Baruba dead?"

"No, Exarch, he is still-" The droid's response was curtly cut off as Adron turned his attention to the Confederate war front. They were not far from the main lines and had a perfect view of the thousands of droids moving to assault The Confederate compound. "Then it hasn't developed much now has it?" He asked, before the droid met his words with his own report. "Minister Alessandra Creed has reportedly landed and is pursuing an audience with Ru Baruba." A vein grew on the side of Adron's temple as he turned his back to the droid and cursed softly. "Of course she is." Crossing his arms over his chest he looked over to the droid with an arch of a brow. "I don't suppose she took an escort?"

"No sir. We have no reports of a military escort moving to support her." Adron cursed silently at this. Before he had refrained from shelling Ru's compound due to the Tarro's close proximity. He had been considering the option but now it seemed like a thought for another life. Adron glanced over his shoulder only to see his own Commando droid leveling it's blaster at him. "What are you-."

When Adron glanced around his own escort had fully turned on him. Each of the commando droids uttered the same thing in a metallic unison. "Activating protocol 9-9-9." And in one deadly chorus they opened fire on the Exarch.
Ru Baruba has shown so signs of ending his aggression against The Confederate forces. With his advanced lumber droids proving ineffective against the metallic legions of the CIS he seeks to retreat from the impending defeat. In an unseen turn of events The Confederate droid legions are turning on their organic master. Each battle droid, vulture droid, and all other machines of war are now slaves to one single protocol. Droid Protocol 999.


Following the battle against Ru Baruba and his specialized Saw Droids the CIS forces work to occupy Baruba headquarters and detain the rogue Oligarch. In an unseen turn of events Ru Baruba manages to escape Seltos on an unmarked freighter. With Ru’s escape the CIS focus on taking over his headquarters and eliminating the last of his reprogrammed droid units. Shortly after the Oligarch’s escape all droid units under CIS control receive an update in their functions and protocols. Activate Droid Protocol 9-9-9. With the droid protocol each unit is now tasked with the elimination of all nearby members of The Confederacy of Independent Systems. They must defend themselves from their own forces or die on Seltos.

  • All Confederate droids have turned on their masters and their allies, defend yourself and escape the planet as fast as possible.
Objective: Get off this planet.
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Honey Boo Prototype Combat Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis, All armor/gear hidden under a simple black robe
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives, Fire and Smoke (lightsabers), 4 Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Arlen Rossi"] [member="Maria Bentley"] [member="Formorta"] [member="Jomasom Leuf"]
Post: 3


They had all been standing there for Force knows how long because the dominion continued and people took a wee break from writing, so the situation was that now, as the droids turned on their masters and started their peww peww thing at civilians, Madalena was still standing where she had been previously, surrounded or not surrounded by others.

She didn’t need anyone to tell her to take cover as the shots were heard, a little coffee table suddenly turning into the closest thing she could break into a shield to keep some of the blaster shots away from herself. Well. As her left arm was busy holding the table up, she had to use her tongue to click a button on the com device she wore on her right arm, a holographic map opening up to show where the extraction point was.

“Okay everyone,” she said, looking at those around her, people of the Confederacy as well as innocent bystanders, “all the droids here, and there’s a bunch of them, have decided to go all Cary on us. So we’re going to make it to the extraction point, and we’re gonna do it with style. Whoever feels like dying today, you’re more than welcome to stay. Now let’s boogie!”

With that Madalena threw the shield over to two unarmed people who happened to be nearby, her own knives sliding from her body and into the air, spreading like a fan. Oh, she was going to have fun.
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
Objective: GTFO
Equipment: OL-2 APARMk1 Armor
Pepes: [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Post: 3

"Halt there or w-", the droid commander did not finish it's sentence as a vibro knife slice through it's head, the cloaked figure leaving behind a small package before zipping off with the help of a grappling hook. "Glupyye droidy", of course some hacker had managed to get the droids to enact one of their insane 'kill all allies' protocols.

This was why she hated electronic soldiers, all it took was a skilled hacker to make them switch side, not something you had to worry about with organics. Though why the fuck did the CIS incorporate some program into their vast army to TURN ON THEIR ALLIES!! If a CIS did have people go rouge woulnd't it make more sense to have some internal hit squad not their droid army.

Now she had to get out of a city filled with thousands of mechanical soldiers, the extraction point being quite a ways away, her energy cell for the cloaking field out of juice for the moment. It seemed like the odd were several thousand to one, until a familiar voice echoed through the air.

"That voice I know, it deWinters". Looking down into the street Formorta caught site of the woman along with a small number of other people fending of the turned droids, herself dropping down, landing bsdies the knife wielding maniac. "Privet tam, you need help"?
Objective: Disable Ru Baruba’s droids
Allies: [member="Formorta"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Arlen Rossi"]
[member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Maria Bently"] [member="Cato Marek"]
Post: 4

Almost perfect.

That’s what the Confederate technician called Morgan after he’d fixed the exposed wire-patch on her synth-cheek. He endeavored to make her perfect, but she needed one thing still.

The last human to work on the blonde, shapely HRD left his calling card. Most master engineers did. Ivo Klev. He’d deleted a subroutine that caused Morgan to be controlled remotely. Intriguing. While he was inside of her hard-drive inspecting the various code and upgrades he’d noticed she’d never had a memory wipe. Never. Without thinking really, without wondering who she belonged to or what type of history and memories she had, he pressed a button.

And then everything was gone.

Now she was perfect.

No more would Morgan be the sycophantic assistant to Mr. Ardik, nor would she think anything of her freedom, nor would she work for any Black Ops group. Her main duty according to Confederate leadership was to maintain charge of Fire Squad, a group of hapless B-1s and BX's that still seemed to be kicking around for low priority missions.

Therefore MR-X97 landed on Seltos fresh and impressionable, her memory clean like a floppy, wet brain with no grooves in it. In prior missions, she struggled with orders involving decommissioning droids. Now there was no such conflict within her. Morgan was a blank slate, having to feel out her new personality, an uncomfortable prospect. Did she still long for an owner? Yes and she reasoned that aspiration likely never left a droid.

She readied the newest model of a Geonosian sonic blaster, fresh from the factory on the CIS capital, one with an ergonomic trigger so a non-Geonosian could wield it. The old Morgan may have tried to reprogram the quisling droids, but the new memory-wiped MR-X97.

“Stand back, this blaster has a kick to it!”

And with that she unleashed a beam of searing sonic energy right towards the line of Confederate and Baruba mechanicals.
Objective: Get off this planet.
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Honey Boo Prototype Combat Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives, Fire and Smoke (lightsabers), 4 Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Arlen Rossi"] [member="Maria Bentley"] [member="Formorta"] [member="Jomasom Leuf"] [member="Morgan Redeaux"]
Post: 4


It was a small mercy that droids used blaster shots and not slugthrowers. Madalena had both of her lightsabers out in no time, using them to shield both herself and those around her from the incoming shots. It was a slow progression; she knew where the extraction point was and that it was not too far away, but with this crazy amount of droids coming at them and her trying to protect people from turning into corpses, it was a very slow progression.

Turning to the woman who had joined them ([member="Formorta"]), asking if they needed help, she nodded. “They’re going to swarm us if we don’t make it out of here on time,” she half screamed as she blocked more incoming shots, “unless you got something that could take a dozen or more of them out, it’s mostly civilian protection while we make way to the extraction point.”

And then… That white haired woman ([member="Morgan Redeaux"]). No. Not a woman. Madalena picked up immediately that she was not an organic. There few things that could escape the notice of a blood hound like that. But then… Why was she shooting at the droids and not at them?

“You!” she yelled towards her, “identify yourself!”
The droids had turned on them. Adron pulled his blade from the torso of a fallen battle droid as he looked over the battlefield before him. Members of the Confederate Defense Force and their allies were desperately fighting to defend from the treacherous droid legions that had stood by their side only moments before. Trying to get his breathing even, Adron spit out a slob of blood onto the mechanical corpse. “I hate droids.” He hissed, before bringing his commlink to his lips.

“This is Exarch Malvern, what is the status of the fleet?” His comm had been directed to the hundreds of Confederate ships that floated above their head. He had no doubt that this betrayal extended further than this one battlefield.

A long silence occurred before a shaky female voice came over the channel. “Exarch. This is Lieutenant Arazi of The Fortitude. Our Captain is dead and our droid Marines have turned on us. The whole fleet is crazy, sir. Some of the ships are even firing on each other.” She reported.

Adron cursed silently before his commands went over the channel. “Destroy those damn droids and get air support down to the planet! If any ships fall to the droids, destroy it.” His orders were clear and concise. As he closed the channel he looked around with narrowed eyes. They were not going to win this battle.

This time when he spoke over the comm device it was to the planets invasionary force. “All forces. The droids have turned on us. Regroup in the old Tarro settlements and defend yourselves until the fleet can support and evacuate us.

He set the comm device on his waist as he turned from the battlefield. He knew Alessandra was in the middle of this mess and he intended to see her to safer personally. The Exarch made his way to Ru Baruba’s stronghold with his own blade firmly gripped in his hands.
[member="Scherezade deWinter"][member="Formorta"] [member="Alessandra Creed"]
<From Crystal Hunt>


Betrayal on Seltos

Objective: 1
Goal: Protect Tarro and save Seltos
Post: 1
Location: Seltos
Time: Day


Those were the words coming from Seltos and reaching his ears aboard the Stars To Embers. A large droid army, an escaped criminal and some kind of droid order that was proving an issue. Vildarn had no idea how such a thing was possible but wasn’t about to let it cause problems for him.

“Inform Engineer Clarke that we have a hacking problem, and inform the survivors on the surface that we are preparing to assist.” Of course if they didn’t create a counter measure any droid reinforcements sent down would immediately be lost.

“That criminal must be stopped, however I think our own people are more important.” Vildarn said thinking through his few options.

“They are extremely outnumbered, all those droids, even if Edren went with you it would be suicide.” Brook said shocked at the information.

“Sir, if I may, the loss of droid forces through such means presents a massive security risk to the Confederacy and must be purged.” TD-666 added.

Vildarn made a note to request sentient troops in the future for situations like this one. Until they found out the source of the hack there was nothing they could do, luckily they still had one thing that was effective.

“Prepare for orbital bombardment, ion cannons only.” In but a few moments those below may be lucky enough to be saved by large ion shots aimed at the ground.

“TD, send communications to the other ships and get evacuation transports ready for lift off, I want sentient crews only and a stock of ion weaponry” If they were quick enough this might just work out smoothly.

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