[member="Mikkel Markov"]
The reason why the Skype chat was deleted was because it became too comfortable. The difference here on the forum and Skype is that discussions are categorized by topics, people aren't talking over each other, and no one's arguing blindly at the risk of public scrutiny. I'm not saying that I don't trust people or that I don't believe Skype is a good medium but what I actually said was not that it was hard to manage but that it couldn't be managed.
Everyone is responsible for the content they produce and consume. Our Skype chat just became a place to vent and when a problem does occur and a faction admin has to step in, we can't take care of a situation without making a scene. Having people be like "Oh, what happened here!? Why was this person removed!?", and not leaving the issue alone when asked.
You of all people should be aware of how much I've put up with in the last 5 years of having Skype chats for Roleplay. It doesn't work. The moment people start getting removed we suddenly make a chat that's exclusive to the people we're most comfortable with. Besides, not everyone has access to Skype. We should focus on coordination and communication that is available to all faction members regardless of personal opinion.
That said, I respect your thoughts and will take them into account. So don't take my rather long response as as big fat no.