Location: Cave, Somewhere in the Wilderness, Odessen.
Wearing: XxX.
Equipment: Basic Survival Gear.
Armament: Vibroblade Kukri Knives (x2); The Wraith Blades.
Companions: Maro & Nekram.
They hadn't been seen yet, so for the time being they still maintained the upper hand. Palm wondered how they had found them. Her first guess, and hopefully the right one, was that they had seen him jump and fall the previous day. If they had been waiting for the mercenary to arrive, it was fairly reasonable to assume they had been keeping an eye on the atmosphere. However, her second guess was a bit more grim. If they were somehow tracking him, no matter where they went, they'd be found.
That didn't seem to be the case, they moved fast but the armed people seemed to be scouting the are rather than pursuing an already identified target. The thick foliage of the forest provided cover, and Palm kept her eye out for Nekran who was ahead of them looking for the best route. The geminaie remained close to the man, in case he needed assistance. The forest bed could prove to be tricky with two good legs, with a broken one it could become a fall waiting to happen. And they could not afford that right now.
She heard muffled voices of distant commands and comments, and the sound of foliage moving as their pursuers picked up space. But in a slightly different direction. It seemed as though Maro was attempting to lead them astray. A part of her feared for the hound, but she trusted its ability to remain unseen while in a landscape so similar to his natural habitat. Palm herself was heading for the place she had initially intended to lead them away from: the mountains.
There were caverns and caves hidden by rock formations, trees and tall bushes. It was a good place to hide, and the one she had in mind ran deep into the mountain and out into mountain pass, so even if found they wouldn't be trapped. She had explored it a few days earlier, and decided against returning after finding too many traces of cave jurgorans in the area. But right now it was daytime, meaning the jurgorans wouldn't be active, and they had a more pressing threat at hand. One bridge at a time.
When they reached the cave and were out of sight, Palm gestured for him to sit in a nearby rock. Now walking, with broken bones and a fever his state must have surely worsened. Then she walked towards the entrance of the cave, and once slightly outside, put her hands around her mouth and whistled. It sounded just like a bird-song, so natural and melodic and blending in well with the surroundings. However, it was much more than that. Palm was alerting Maro that they were safe and to find a way to backtrack to them using Nosk'lum, the mountain song language native to her home-world.
Then she turned back to Gastro, "Are you good?" She asked, checking in on him before going for the next, maybe more important question. "You really have no idea at all about why a group of people came out deep into the middle of nowhere, heavily armed, wanting business with you?" She didn't sound accusing - yet. But her tone did show she was a bit skeptic about all this. Nekran grunted, apparently wanting to be a part of the conversation while keeping his gaze on the entrance, waiting for the other hound.