Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beyond Blue Skies

"Thank you." Kiskla replied, appreciating @[member="Tamara"]'s discernment. It was nice that they could mutally agree that neither of them would leave Bastion with too much insight into the other's personal life or commitments. A shame in one regard, but a safeguard on the other. She too was enjoying the conversation with the mysterious woman, her mind was inviting.

Then, she offered an opening to Kiskla's mind. Ah, the eternal struggle between evil and good.

"Objectively, yes. There's something that exists to create the subjective views. There are gratuitous evils, as there are gratuitous goods. Some will agree that 'x' is terrible, whereas 'y' is remarkable and vice versa. I think most in the galaxy can argue that there is a common denominator amongst the despised, plagues for instance -- that's why they're coveted by those that are of a darker influence." Kiskla could go on and on about this subject, but she didn't want to bore her companion without knowing where she stood "What about you?"
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Tamara nodded at her words. “Me? I learned a long while ago that simple morality is never simple. Black and white, light and dark, good and bad, none of them are that compact. There are always shades of grey in everything. Whilst I agree with your points, and I am sure we have many moral views in common, but not all, I wager. What I consider good might be your bad, and what someone else considers evil I consider right.”
“Now most people consider a certain few things evil, such as murder, rape, theft, but certainly not all. In my experience such certainty can only come from a religious or an ideological position. Take…hmm…a cruel dictator who rules with fear and tyranny. Is it wrong to murder such a person? Is that evil?”
It was clear that Tamara liked a good philosophical chat.
Holy Kriff.

Kiskla switched which hand her purchase was in, to avoid swinging it against Tamara's thighs as they walked aimlessly. Or maybe there was an aim to it all. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised.

"Have anyone in mind?" The blonde began, throwing the question into the psychological pit to either be devoured or applauded. It didn't matter; what did matter was the thought process behind @[member="Tamara"]'s inquiry. She sighed, deeply.
"I believe there are some beings in this galaxy who are truly dark to their core. Whether it be by nature or program -- but even they should have the opportunity for a trial." She ran her fingers through her hair, considering her actions five years ago -- almost six now -- when she'd exacted "justice" on her mother's murderer. It had been nothing but vengeance, and a memory that had plauged her since. She hadn't felt any better; maybe because it had been so quick and she preferred to see the man suffer. She shook her head before letting her mind travel too far down that road. It was done.

"Not all murder is evil. Murder is, essentially, to take another's life with a more cacophonous inference. Some are safer in a realm beyond what exists; if they're sick or suffering especially. To rule with such a mentality, where said tyrant isn't able to rule without fear -- that's a sickness I think. A type of addiction." She was round-a-bouting the question accidentally.
"Ultimately, I'm sure executing such an individual would be applauded, but personally, I'd want to see them tried first." She pinched between her eyes "Time permitting--unfortunately, I feel when war is breathing down a nation's collar, more rash decisions are made. Don't you agree?"
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
They sat at a bench overlooking one of the crowded departure gates for a space liner. Tamara put her purchase down carefully and smiled at Kiskla.
"You're more right than you know. In moments of crisis people and groups of people do things they'd never consider doing before. They do things they might consider...evil...before the fact. And there in lies my point; morality is much more grey than we think. I like to think that I've done the right thing mostly, but that's only taken from my perspective. I'm sure both of us have had to do things which others might consider wrong later on. I know...I have."
Tamara sighed, remembering something, and for a moment there was a passing flicker of emotion there...but then it vanished and her normal face was back.

"Anyway, enough about morality. Where are you headed next when you leave here?"
Kiskla frowned. Poor @[member="Tamara"] had been fenced in at some point? Maybe it was her trained Jedi Empathy, or her real empathetic nature, but she felt kind of bad that the woman had outright admitted that she'd gone against her conscience to a stranger.
Or well, shopping partner.
She shifted the conversation abruptly though, so Kiskla didn't have to react. Thankfully -- she was bad at that sort of emotional stuff.
"I've a meeting on Dxun." Kiskla replied simply. It wasn't so much a meeting, but a training session for her Padawan -- he had to learn how to conceal himself in The Force because times were beginning to become trying for The Jedi. "Apparently safari fever has struck my coworkers." She smiled uneasily and leaned back, "And yourself? Any idea how long until your repairs are through?"
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Tamara waved a hand vaguely. “It might be a while. If they don’t get their act in gear I might have to leave and come back when they’re done.”

The other woman’s destination was odd though, or seemed such. “Dxun…the Demon Moon. It’s a dangerous place, as I’m sure you know. Monsters, mandos and malevolence, that’s how they used to describe it. Of course, that was a long time ago,” Tamara said airily. But how long for mandos to be a common part? Was this another of her ‘deliberate’ slips, or intentional? Her face was giving nothing away.

Connor Harrison

It was a way out from Coruscant, but his role as a defender of the galaxy, at least in his head anyway, was to protect anyone and anything.

Having extradited a wanted murderer and thief in hiding on Coruscant back to Bastion into the hands of the Fel Empire. He wasn't a political idealist, but this was one more criminal who would face justice. However, Bastion was a long way from the glittering towers of Coruscant.

Ben Trasker rested his hand on his DC-15s sidearm out of habit as he stood looking out over the Spacestation. He wasn't enforcing a law, but he was always watching; always waiting.

Lots of opportunists around these parts, especially in a busy place such as this. He had experienced first hand the sort of trouble that could arise on spacestations from under-estimating the seemingly innocent or turning a blind eye to corruption.

He tapped a booted foot on the floor beneath him as he leant over a long railing, looking down into the crowds below, waiting for a transport off back to Coruscant.

@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Circe Savan"]
"I was planning on reading about it en route." Kiskla admitted. She knew it was where the tomb of fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd was; but as for the local flora and fauna? No idea. And she needed to thing of a training exercise for her Padawan there. She didn't pursue the conversation any further for two reasons
1. They had established a mutual understanding of privacy and
2. There was a gentleman resting on his weapon like a prop.

Her brow knitted in slight confusion at the sight. She'd just wandered with @[member="Tamara"] through crowds of civilians and hadn't seen any brandishing a weapon so casually.

“Might we want to meet another new person?” Kiskla asked, as if she and Tamara were old pals. Without waiting for too much of an answer, the young woman waltzed to the man leaning on the railing and folded her own arms over it, looking down.

“I’d be careful with your positioning,” She commented casually. “To some officials you might look like a sniper.” @[member="Ben Trasker"]

Connor Harrison

A charming young girl. Trasker thought. But why had she focused solely on me?

At the sound of her soft voice, he steadily moved his hand away from his sidearm and back to resting on the rails. His other hand came up holding a small holopad, activating it with his thumb. A small turquoise glow emitted a Coruscant Security Force identification tag with his picture, name and call sign. He held it up for her to see.

"Don't worry Miss. If I were a sniper I wouldn't be standing here so openly. That would be suicide."

He held his ID up for her to see, offering a gentle smile to diffuse any hostile intentions she may think he had.

Trasker turned his head back looking out into the station, waiting to see if she would give a clue as to her intentions; hostile or innocently inquisitive.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]@[member="Tamara"]
@[member="Ben Trasker"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

"Always," Tamara said, looking over at who her new acquaintance had mentioned.
A new man, armed and watchful. Kiskla had gone over to him and he'd shown the badge of a Cor-sec officer. A long way from home.
"Snipers generally stay concealed. But then again, you'd not expect soldiers of any sort to just stand around in the open, yet they do," Tamara said. "So, you here on duty, officer?" she asked the new man. His badge had said 'Officer Ben Trasker'.

Connor Harrison

Was he being flanked? Another pretty woman started a conversation with him, but why? He really had to stop over-thinking certain situations. But then again, over-thinking situations often had kept him one step head of surprises in the past and saved his life.

The Spacestation was busy enough, and there were a few members of Bastion security dotted around, so he didn't suspect anything.

She seemed very matter-of-fact in her conversation, but twice now he'd been picked out as a sniper. Funny how that was the first thing they thought about...a sniper. His brain ticked over.

"Yes, I am Miss. I rarely feel like I am ever off to be honest. Making my way back to Coruscant as we speak."

Giving the women a quick once over with his eyes, he noted the bags.

"Here for a flying visit? Shoot in and out?."

@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Oh good, @[member="Tamara"] agreed. Kiskla would have felt terribly rude otherwise.
When @[member="Ben Trasker"] displayed his credentials with confidence, Kiskla nodded. He obviously didn't know who she was, and that was alright with her. It helped keep her air of mystery when it came to her two new associates. Ben Trasker would be part of the assistance that got The Jedi out of their current dilemma of being called 'war dogs'. With a more active soldier team, they could step back and let The Republic do it's own dirty work.

"You got it." Kiskla nodded, snapping her fingers and pointing at the gentleman like a game-show host. "And my friend here knew of quite a deal. If you've any shopping to do, soldier, I suggest you take a tour before catching the train back to Coruscant. I'd say you've got an hour until it lifts off."

She paused, curiosity getting the better of her once more. "What's a Cor-Sec operative doing in Fel space anyways?"

Connor Harrison

Quite an inquisitive one, this young girl. Still, no harm caused by these questions.

"I'm afraid I can't say too much. Section 26, paragraph 5. Need to know basis. Sure you understand. And I'm CSF, not CorSec. That belongs to the Corellian law enforcers."

He looked at her and smiled softly for a second. Was she testing him...?

"Don't worry, there no insurrection on the cards. Just Cor-sec business. Nothing to worry about I assure you."

He pushed himself up from the railings and looked at his watch, considered an antique to some but priceless to him. Not long to go now until he could leave. Just over 1 hour until he heard word that his extradition had gone smoothly.

"I've no desire to shop today, but I do have roughly an hour to spare if you want to grab a Caf or something, Miss....? And your friend of course."

He nodded his head to @[member=Tamara].

There was nothing else to be done on the Spacestation, and these two seemed harmless enough.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"Kiskla." The young woman offered, filling in the blanks for the operative and extending her hand for a friendly shake. You could tell a lot about a person from their handshake. Coffee? After wine? She was definitely going to have to liquidate her assets at some point, if that was the case.

Her cerulean gaze drifted from the rugged officer toward her wild-haired companion, seeing if she had any take on the matter. It was while looking at @[member="Tamara"], that Kiskla noticed a few store owners shouting. Not at each other, but at something in the distance. How had she not noticed that before? She squinted, watching as fragments of the crowd twisted out of the way. Someone had obviously just attempted to theft local clerks.

"I have a better idea." The girl commented, pointing with the hand that held her purchase. It swayed slightly with her jerky movements.
Now, would the CSF officer beat the Fel officials orbiting the station? Kiskla squinted further. He had to be running somewhere; a ship. He'd definitely need to get away.

They should cut him off there.

@[member="Ben Trasker"].
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Ben Trasker"]

Tamara regarded the scene dispassionately. Though vaguely inclined towards truth, justice and the Corellian Way, she was not adverse to a little...redistribution now and then. However, she had no pity for anyone who did so in such a flagrant and foolish manner.
"I'm Tamara. He's heading for the shuttles...but you could get to him before he reaches there," she suggested. After all, Agent Trasker was the big bad officer of the law. She...not so much.

Connor Harrison

Trasker took Kiskala's soft hand and shook it gently but firmly..

"Nice to meet you. Both of you-" He started, but was distracted by Kiskala's distraction. He turned his head to see where her gaze was aimed, and saw the commotion a way down into where the retail outlets were. He squinted and let go of the hand he held onto.

"Sith spit."

He turned back with an apologetic smile.

"It was a pleasure to meet you both, thank you. Not being able to turn a blind eye to these sorts of things on duty can really dampen the nicest of meetings. I wish you a good day."

Offering a little nod of his head, Trasker knew he had a duty to represent the side of good in the galaxy, no matter what system he was on and so broke into a run towards the commotion.

Ducking past a couple of young children walking through the area, Trasker didn't have time to stop and find out what was going on after introducing himself as a CSF operative. A loud blaring of frustration and annoyance came at him from a number of sentient beings, pointing and pushing him towards a fleeing human.

Raising his hands in surrender, Trasker nodded quickly and pushed out of the small crowd to pursue the thief. Was there any time to engage with nice, normal people without the lowlifes appearing to ruin it?

Breaking right, Trasker vaulted over a low laying bench and tried to flank the fleeing suspect. From the two ladies observations, he had to head for the ships leaving the station before losing him altogether. Side stepping between three Biths, Trasker couldn't risk firing his weapon in such a built up civilian area, and also risk being gunned down himself by over eager Fel operatives.

Seeing the suspect take the lower stairs, Trasker hurried himself forward and bounded down after him, catching up slowly but being constantly blocked by gawping tourists and commuters...

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Tamara"]
@[member="Ben Trasker"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Tamara proceeded in a more stately fashion, descending down a set of stairs until she was watching the chase from above. Looking at the scene, she could see that the Agent was gaining ground, but there was a chance the criminal might escape, or at least get out of reach for now.
Casting a sideways glance at Kiskla she decided to risk it. As the criminal ran past 2 levels below, she made a slight gesture with her hand. A slight use of the Force to, for a second, snag the thief so he would stumble slightly, giving Agent Trasker time to catch up with them.
She rather hoped no one would notice....

Connor Harrison

"Out the way...move!" Trasker pushed his way through the static crowd; he was losing the suspect faster than he was now gaining. He pushed himself forward, skip-jumping over a stack of luggage left out by a bench.

It was then the thief seemed to falter; his legs hit an almost invisible block and caused him to stumble and go over onto his hands to stop a pretty hard fall. That was the break Trasker needed.

Running around a large pillar, he saw the thief attempting to push himself up to continue the chase, but Trasker's hands were already on him. Gripping the jacket of the young man, he pulled him up with little effort and pulled him violently back to the pillar just passed, his body not knowing what had hit him.

A little cheer went up around them which Trasker just ignored as he held the thief up with his arm against the cold pillar.

"You're lucky you're not in MY jurisdiction buddy."

Finally a couple of Fel officials casually jogged over to them both. Trasker pulled the young criminal of the pillar and into the arms of the waiting heavies.

"Here. I believe this one belongs to you. Suspected theft, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest."

The officials held the squirming man and just looked at Trasker. Rolling his eyes, he produced his CSF identification. That warranted a simple nod and they took the man away. Just like that, it was over.

Trasker let out a small breath and looked back towards the large flight of stairs leading back up the forecourt. Noticing @[member="Tamara"] standing there casually watching; a neutral look on her face. A pang of suspicion washed over him.

He just looked at her for a moment, and slowly began to walk back up the stairs.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
For the sake of timelines, Kiskla didn't notice the surge of Force coming from Tamara's vicinity because she was too busy keeping an eye on Trasker. After all, he was a representative of The Republic and she wanted to make sure the enforcers of the law were up to par. Not that it was really her business as a Jedi, but if she wanted the Jedi to unhook their claws in the military, they must leave it in the palms of the capable.

She diverted her path as she noticed Ben was going to regroup, and Tamara was standing expectantly for him. What an interesting turn of events; Ben must have been grateful to flex is prowess like that.

"Well," Kiskla began, stepping into the conversation with the two once more, as if no ruckus had ever stirred. They were all remarkably placid while the citizens around them still seemed panic-stricken. That alone spoke volumes about each individual; they had all been trained.

"I suppose caf has been earned."

@[member="Ben Trasker"] | @[member="Tamara"]

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Ben Trasker"]

“I suppose it has, Ms Kiskla. Do lead the way.”
On this reader’s re-examination of this thread, it showed that it was unintentionally written in such a way that the big surprises of Act I might actually have been referenced. It perhaps makes sense.

Regardless, 4th wall breaking aside, Tamara, Ben and Kiskla headed back up towards the main shopping plaza to get some caf. It had been an exciting day so far, that was for sure.

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