Rosa went rigid beneath his fingers, a cruel response danced on the end of her tongue and she turned to look at him, his soft expression shattering through her cold demise and she blew out a heavy sigh out of her nose. "There is nothing you can do to help me, Seydon." she whispered sadly. She wanted to tell him that he could work wonders, that he could help bring her back to the light. Her would always be her rock, there to steady her when she lost her balance, but this was her battle.
"Save for listen," she continued finally "And if you can find it in your heart, forgive me, where I cannot forgive myself."
She slipped her hand into his and tugged him into a walk along the sand to tell him her story. How Turin had come back from a battle with the One Sith badly wounded and mentally traumatised, obsessed with finding Isolda. How she tried to heal him, tried to stop him from leaving when he was not fit to go and of the duel that followed. HEr first meeting with Isolda had been in Turin's mind a seed planted so deep that she had to dig deep to find it and in doing so, triggered Turin's own fall. She spoke of Ordo possessed, of his control over her. Of the drugs Isolda used to boost her mental capabilities and the her determination to make Rosa into something deadly, of Turin's blind devotion to this Vahla, this Chosen. He was no longer that person, no longer Turin, but a sithspawn and hound to do the Eye's bidding. She spoke of a bounty hunter she'd paid to bring a note of her death, not wanting Syedon to come looking, too afraid of what he might find.
In the end, Isolda succeeded in breaking her, releasing Layil into the battle of Zeltros where she met Jericho and Ben, and did her utmost to kill them both. Tears ran freely down her face, only to stop when she thought of him, replaced by untamed and quiet fury. Odium. She told Seydon of her brother, her fellow dreadlord and how she despised him. How he had taught her the meaning of hunger and that despite what she felt, she was always drawn to him. She'd helped him consume a world and it was him that had pushed her truly over the edge. Layil took hold and when Akala struck, taking her brothers lead she broke away, only to crash on Charal.
By the time Rosa had finished, they had lapped the island and come to rest beneath the umbrella's. Sat cross legged she could not look at him, instead she dug a small hole in the sand in front. "I want to be able to say that I was possessed, that I had no control over my actions, but it would be a lie." she forced herself to look up, to meet his eyes. "Layil is me. She is born out of my darkest memories, made from the darkness in me. A darkness I never wanted to have or use."
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