Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Beyond the Last Tomorrow


TAGS: Casaana Casaana

The world of Myrkr was not peaceful.

Something disturbed the trees. It hunted in the forests. It upset the balance of nature.

The wildlife cried out to be heard, even the Vornskr was subject to this menace. The menace of people. The menace of smuggler or pirate or whatever they were that hunted in the forest, taking vornskr and ysalimiri in order to sell them to whomever wanted them. It was a lucrative business, always had been. They usually got away with it, too, provided they hid their base well enough amongst the trees. It was almost impossible to scan the planet and pinpoint where bases were hidden. Only regular patrols could do that, and Myrkr didn't ever seem to warrant that because it lacked a civilized population. It was just a world full of things that were dangerous when used against the Jedi or Sith.

It was that reason that had led M'ra to choose it to go into self-isolation hundreds of years before. Here she could live in a state of meditation until it was safe to return to the galaxy, or she was needed. So far, neither had come to pass. This new disturbance, however, even reached the ancient living tree, perched on the edge of a large lake. It wasn't enough to shake her from meditation, not yet, but it was getting close to that point. Trouble was on the horizon.

Within her mind, she reached out, feeling across the stars, searching for one who could come investigate. She didn't know what state the galaxy was in anymore. Did the Empire still exist? Had the Sith succeeded in wiping out the Jedi? She didn't even know how long she'd been on the world. There could be no one left alive out there capable of feeling her call. Could all be a futile gesture, which would easily be made more futile if one of the ysalimiri decided to make a home in her branches. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. It hadn't happened so far. For some reason they kept their distance.

As her mind drifted across, she felt something, someone, and sent the single word "Myrkr" to their mind, hoping they would come and investigate, and she could know if it was time to return.


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