Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Big Treads and Big Guns (Ilsa Voll)

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
We Voll told Noah to start unspooling the wire, he did just that. After a few minutes the entirety of the wire was unspooled and ready to be, well ready for whatever it was going to be used for. "Yeah the wire is all ready to go." Noah informed her as he stepped back from the wire to see what she was going to do with it.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"Das ist gut," she said as she climbed down off the tank. "Ve take zeh mesh and ve put it on zeh tank."

Matching action to words, she grabbed one end of the mesh and started dragging it over the side of the Skocha.

"Take zeh velding torch und start anchoring it in place. I vill hold it for you. Zeh whole tank must be covered in zeh mesh, except zeh moving parts, viewports, und sensors. Zhis is a new Tenloss product, zeh TTAA-C-FK. It is a Faraday cage to protect from EMP and ion damage. Ist gut, ja?"

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah did as he was told and began to weld the mesh to the side of the hull, making sure to stay clear of things like viewports, sensors and moving parts like Voll said. A few minutes in Noah was halfway finished when he remembered the Protectorate Ball, a event that was happening soon and that Noah had yet to find a date for, so he decided to ask the nearest female. "Hey Voll!? You got a date for the Protectorate Ball yet!?" Noah yelled out to her over the sound of the welder.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"Ball?" Voll asked incredulously as she straightened out the wire for Corek to weld in place. "Vhat do you mean, 'Ball'?"

Basic to Sprache was a bit touch and go with some things. For Sprache, the word 'Ball' in Basic literally meant a ball in the Eisenwelten language. Voll wasn't sure if Corek was talking about a sports game in the future or if the Protectorate was having various members participate in a sport of some kind. She had no idea he meant a formal dance of some kind. That was a different word. Secretly, she hoped it was one of those full contact sports games. She enjoyed the more violent ones on the holovid. Even more, she hoped she'd get to play in one. Full tackling someone for the hell of it was all sorts of fun for the Twi'lek.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah was still welding when he heard Voll ask what a 'Ball' was. "You know, a formal event? Booze, women in dresses, men in suits and ties? Really I don't want to be going, but I got pressured into it by my boss, so I gotta find a date." Noah told he as he finished welding the last little bit of mesh into place. "So what now?"

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"Formal dance, eh?" Voll mused to herself for a moment. "Perhaps."

The wiring in place, she picked up a bundle of electrical wiring and tossed it to Corek.

"Connect zeh viring to zeh mesh and zhen to zeh tank. Zhere should be a connector port at zeh rear. Make sure zeh connection is good. I'll get zeh armorplast."

The Twi'lek then went to the crates and started pulling out they armorplast clay blocks. She began stacking the heavy cubes over by the tank until a sizeable stack was made and the crates were mostly empty. Once done, she snagged a few more tools from the boxes and set them on top of the blocks. She grabbed a trowel and started opening up a wax-paper cube, waiting for Corek to finish up his task.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah caught the bundle of wire after Voll threw them at him and began to unravel them. Once Noah had got them unraveled he began to connect the wiring to various parts of the mesh on the tanks surface. Once he was done Noah connected the wires to the connector point, once this was done Noah walked back to were Voll was. Picking up a block of the clay looking substance Noah rolled it between his hands a little. "So, what are we doing with the armorplast?"

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"I am going to apply zeh armorplast to zeh hull and you are going to follow behind and put zeh pattern into it before it dries," Voll said, handing him a piece of flimsi denoting the pattern.

The Twi'lek then took a moment to pull the jacket she wore off, revealing a simple tank top beneath. Now clad in boots, breeches, and tanktop, she hefted an armorplast block and a trowel and climbed up onto the tank to start on the turret.

"Ve start on zeh turret," she declared, setting the heavy clay on the top of the hull. "Also, I sink I vill take you up on zeh offer for zeh dancing-sing you mentioned earlier."

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah looked at the card of flimsi in his hand, it was a simple pattern, not really that hard to make, all Noah needed was a trowle, which he grabbed off of the ground near one of the crates. Climbing back onto the tank, Noah heard he answer to his asking her to the Ball. "Nice! The ball is on Naboo, I'll pay for your fare their and your hotel. I'll pick you up and bring you there." Noah told her as he began to shape the clay into the pattern that was on the flimsi that Voll had given him.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Voll continued to spread the armorplast as Corek spoke. The spread was thick and even, covering the wire completely with enough thickness to be molded into the pattern needed. The idea was to keep the tank safe from ion and EMP damage and, so far, it was looking grand.

"I vill find my own vay there and find my own hotel, but sank you," she said after a moment. "I'll send a comm message when I am on zeh planet."

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah rubbed the back of his head when she mentioned she would handle her hotel and getting there. As they continued to spread the armorplast over the tank for a few more minutes, Noah decided to break the silence. "Hey, I'm sorry if I offended you by offering to pay for all that stuff." Noah said as he smoothed out a piece of armorplast Ilsa had put down.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"No offense vas taken," Voll said as she worked the armorplast down from the turret and onto the hull of the Skocha. "I am simply accustomed to paying my own vay. It has become a preference of mine."

The Twi'lek tanker looked over the Skocha for a moment and pulled up another clay block. As she opened it and started applying the armorplast, she assessed how much was left to do.

"A few more blocks of zeh armorplast and perhaps a touch up here and there and zeh tank should be complete," she said happily. "Vell, aside from zeh comm array."

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah smiled as he slid down the turret to follow Ilsa as the began to attach the final blocks of clay to the tanks hull. When he heard Ilsa mention a comms array, it perked his attention. "Wow, EMP resistant coating, custom breach and gunsights and now a more advanced comm array? Exactly how much did all of these parts cost you?" Noah asked, a bit skeptical as to how Ilsa was able to get her hands on such advanced components they were using at the moment.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"Zeh breach I made, zeh EMP coating my crew and I pulled together and purchased," Voll said, still spreading armorplast. They were nearly done, thankfully. "Zeh rest... I... Found. Backstock. Bits and pieces gathered here and zhere."

She managed to pull that off with a straight face, somehow. The breach and the coating were true. The rest was mostly true. She had found the sights, the electrical components, the comm/sensor array, and the rest. The fact that other tanks were missing pieces of kit and that the quartermaster couldn't find a large number of things he'd just ordered last week were completely unrelated and had nothing at all to do with Voll or her crew.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
"Found, huh? You wouldn't happen to know anything about some kit going missing from other tanks, would you?" Noah asked with a raised eyebrow and a small grin. Earlier the commander had complained to him about missing gear and kit, after hearing what Ilsa said, he had no doubt her and her crew were the culprits.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
"Not at all," she said, still straight faced. "My crew are in zeh barracks and I haff been vith Leopold zeh whole time. Perhaps zeh ozher crews should be more avare of zheir kit."

She kept spreading the armorplast as she spoke, the clay-like substance slowly covering the hull of the Skocha. That was, until she slipped. She was focused on keeping a straight face and was about to swap topics when she made a misstep. He foot slipped off the edge of the hull and she managed to fall, front first, into the clay she'd just finished spreading onto the hull.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah nearly busted out laughing when he watched Ilsa fall from the tank, smearing the front of her jacket and shirt with clay. Noah slid down a patch of the tank that had no clay on it and onto the ground, taking the jacket from his black-grey camo fatigues and handed it to Voll. "Here you go, I'll go get a towel." Noah told her and trotted off and searched for a towel in his speeder. Once Noah found it and a undershirt, he trotted back and held the items out to Ilsa and then turned around so she could get dressed.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Voll wasn't wearing her jacket and had only been wearing her tank top when she'd fallen into the clay. As Corek disappeared to retrieve a towel, Voll assessed the damage. The front of her shirt was covered in clay, though thankfully her modest bust had kept it off her face and skin.

She checked to make sure no one was looking and that Corek wasn't in sight. Satisfied that no one was within eyesight, she put Corek's jacket down and snagged her jacket from where she'd put it while quickly stripping off the tank top. Now in just a breast band, she pulled the jacket on and zipped it up to the level she always did. She tossed the shirt on the crate she'd set the jacket on and hopped back up on the tank.

As she did so, she felt a bit of a draft across her chest. Realizing where she normally zipped the leather jacket up was around chest height, a fair amount of decolletage was showing despite her modest endowment. Voll tried to zip it up further, but the zipper got stuck only an inch or so higher. She muffled a curse as she heard Corek return and resorted to just pulling the jacket closed as best she could. It was then that she realized Corek's jacket probably wouldn't have a stuck zipper.

This was not her day it seemed.

"Alles in ordnung," she said as he returned. "I had my jacket, ve can finish zeh tank."

[member="Noah Corek"]

"Alles in ordnung,"
"All is in Order,"

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Noah had to admit, seeing the decent amount of decolletage had him a bit distracted. Noah was never really attracted to one single species, a lot of humanoid species attracted him, except the Rodians and Duros, but a few times more then not he found the twi'lek form to be a bit more appealing, due to their more naturally beauty than other species. Noah wasn't staring per say, but it was easy to figure out exactly what he was looking at from his line of sight, he was distracted enough to not hear Ilsa's words though and only responded with a murmuring of 'yeah, yeah' to busy staring at the twi'lek delicacy in front of him.

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Normally, Voll would have smacked Corek as it was very obvious where his gaze was: her chest. Unfortunately, at that point in time, Voll spotted her crew returning, laden down with more pilfered parts. They spotted the two of them before they came into full view, stopping just in time to prevent getting spotted. They were behind Corek, but Voll could see them clearly, three lekku'ed heads poking around the side of a tank.

The three twi'lek girls started pantomiming for Voll to keep Corek distracted so they could sneak the parts into the tank. With a look that spoke volumes to her crew, Voll sighed internally and resigned herself to being a distraction.

The things she did for her crew.

"So, you are tanker, too?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips and successfully making it look like a natural reaction. Doing so spread the upper part of the jacket open more, revealing a great deal of her modest bust and a slight bit of breast band. She figured it was a good thing non-Twi'leks couldn't tell when one was blushing. Her crew, however, would heckle her for it later. "Vhat tanks haff you been assigned to, eh?"

[member="Noah Corek"]

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