Judas of Vahl
Beyond Broken
Darth Arcis

NAME: Darth Arcis (Dranok Lussk)
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith King (Sith Master)
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith King (Sith Master)
- Apprentice to Knight: August 30, 2013
- Knight to Master: October 18, 2013
- Master to Emperor: December 14, 2013
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood (Kissai)
AGE: 38 (Body's age: 30)
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 210lbs.
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark Red
AGE: 38 (Body's age: 30)
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 210lbs.
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark Red
Force Listening - Expert
Force Sense - Master
Qâzoi Kyantuska - Master
Telekinesis - Master
Telepathy - Master
Force Stealth - Expert
Force Speed - Proficient
Force Lightning - Proficient
Force Sense - Master
Qâzoi Kyantuska - Master
Telekinesis - Master
Telepathy - Master
Force Stealth - Expert
Force Speed - Proficient
Force Lightning - Proficient
Battlemind - Expert
Battle Meditation - Expert
Battle Meditation - Expert
Alter Image - Expert
Sith Magic - Expert
Aura of Uneasiness (Magic) - Master
Summon Fear (Magic) - Adept
Dwomutsiqsa (Magic) - Proficient
Shii-Cho (Basic) - Proficient
Makashi (Fencing) - Adept
Soresu (Defense) - Master
Ataru (Mobility/Close Quarters) - N/A
Shien/Djem So (Offense) - N/A
Niman (Mixed) - Proficient
Juyo/Vaapad (Mobility/Aggression) - N/A
(Skill Rating: Master, Expert, Proficient, Adept, Novice)
(+) Physically Capable: Due to rigorous training at Carida Academy, 4 years of physical training has prepared him for the worst of circumstances. Not easily fatigued and has large amount of endurance.
(+) Strong Willed: Ever since childhood, Dranok has never been one to give up or quit halfway. He will always complete tasks to the best of his ability or ask for help if needed.
(+) Mentally Superior: Dranok has always been at the top of his class when it came to academics and other mental challenges. He excels at tactical situations, this earned him an early spot as ship commander after graduated from Carida Academy.
(+) Force Sensitive: Lussk never really noticed he was sensitive in the Force, his natural connection to the Force and living things around him guided him through his way into a military career and a becoming a successful leader.
(+/-) Non-Drinker: Since Dranok doesn't drink alcohol, his mind is always on alert and keeps his mental capability intact. However, alcohol for most people helps them relax, making this something that could ease his stress but won't.
(-) Hot Head: He is a bit of a hothead when tensions rise, quick to make rash decisions and think later. Under intense stress, he will hesitate slightly to compensate for this.
(-) Arrogant: As a result of his achievements, his ego may sometimes show brighter than a sun. Quick to congratulate himself, he may annoy fellow soldiers or citizens.
(-) Power Hungry: He is always on the lookout for deals or opportunities to expand his power, he is easily tempted when it comes to power and expansion.
(-) Father: Dranok is a father, one that loves his daughter more than anything. However, those who know of this also know that it can be used against him.
(-) Conspicuous: Since he's an Ex-Sith Lord and a well-known figure across the galaxy, it's hard for Dranok to blend in or conceal his identity.
The Sovereign - Cruiser for Mercenary/Private work
The New Breed - Personal Ship
The Ascended Demon - Cruiser for Independent use
Stalwart-class Starfighter - Combat Fighter (Earned in LoTF Lwhekk Dominion)
Chrysalide-class Battlecruiser - Flagship (Lords of the Fringe)
Double-bladed/Dual Phase Lightsaber - Lightsaber (Custom Saber)
BR-BL3 "Rey" - Advanced Astromech (Earned in LoTF Lwhekk Dominion)
Derriphan's Eyes - Melee Weapon (Earned in LoTF Lwhekk Dominion)
BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol - Heavy Pistol (Earned in LoTF Lwhekk Dominion)
Iron Skin Armor - Advanced Body Armor (Earned in LoTF Lwhekk Dominion)
Dranok Lussk was a born spacer, his Father (Vance Lussk) a Commodore of the Imperial Navy and his Mother (Lydia Lussk), a merchant vessel captain. Born of the gorgeous world of Corellia, he grew up to a lower-upper class family. Due to his parents success in the space faring sector, he was raised with a high knowledge of starship systems and equipment, even accompanying his mother on trade missions. His Father's success in the military field amazed him. His proud stature, modest nature, great paycheck, and the career of a lifetime were things of Dranok's dreams. The boy lived a lonely childhood. Confined to individual studies at a private school gave him no time for friends and rarely even saw his parents. It was as if nobody cared.
His dream became to come true as he grew older and completed academic schooling rapidly. Taking even more interest into a military lifestyle, he asked his now retired father about it. That day Dranok Lussk learned that his father had enrolled him in the Imperial Academy at Carida, more specifically: the Imperial Navy Command Officer's School. Using his contacts and seeing his son's potential, he contacted several school officials and got Dranok enrolled. Though he would be sent away for 4 years to live through grueling exercises and training, he would make his family proud and become the best naval commander ever seen.
However, the only thing stopping him from leaving was his lover, Damaia Veya. She was the only being in the galaxy that had feelings for him. The couple met secretly during the night or when Lussk's parents were away, strengthening their relationship everyday. By the time Dranok was 17, the two had been in a relationship for almost 3 years. Soon came the night before his departure for the Carida Academy, the two spent the night together. Their souls bonded as they peaked with passion before falling into a sea of pleasure. Morning came relatively fast and short, solemn goodbyes took place and then he was off for 4 years.
Dranok Lussk was enthralled by military academy life. Everything was new and exciting, ranging from ship command training to tactical operations and even average academic studies. He was an above average student, ranking high on the cadet roster. He trained extremely hard those 4 years, becoming one of the best cadets most of his instructors had ever seen. The time flew by quickly as Dranok maintained his high rank on the roster and graduated with honors, earning the rank of Lieutenant (O3) in the Imperial Navy. Seeing his potential, he was assigned a brand-new Imperator I-class Star Destroyer to command. He was livid as his father commanded an Imperator I-class Star Destroyer. With a brand new ship, a new crew, and a new life, he decided to climb his way to the top. He named the vessel Apex, top of the food chain.
With the galaxy in turmoil following the Gulag plague and various external threats, the Apex deserted the Imperial Remnant after numerous failures at attempts to bring order to the galaxy. Some of the Apex's crew left to return to the Remnant, but the majority remained loyal to Lussk and his individual efforts to restore order to the galaxy. Completing many private missions and assignments, the ship and its crew began to create a reputation revolving around their efforts to bring about peace and order. Upon desertion, Lussk bestowed the rank of "Grand Admiral" upon himself as he was creating his own force to take on the galaxy. During this time, it had been months since his graduation, which were spent in vain in attempt to find his childhood lover, Demaia Veya.
Soon, the young Admiral began to realize a strange presence within him. The Force. His abilities were boosted as he concentrated, but having no training with this new tool, he could barely do anything with it. So he sought out to find training, deciding the new Sith Empire was the best place to learn. As he trained, he began to change. From the kind Admiral into the cruel and heartless Sith, he became the definition of the very word Sith. His insatiable hunger for power grew, and grew until he could no longer stand it. Soon promoted to Sith Knight, he progressed quickly. Using his fleets to their fullest capacity to conquer numerous worlds and killing millions. It was then, that he tasted to first sign of power as he stomped out the life of his first conquer, he thirsted for more.
Though, the young conqueror's emotional state began to chip away with each passing day. He killed endlessly, but felt nothing. It was all for nothing, all of his efforts. There was nothing that anyone could do to bring the man back from his state of depression. However, this theory was proven wrong one day at his temple on Ziost. The guiding Force sent him outside into the frozen tundras to end up discovering a wandering acquaintance, a Sith apprentice named Kara Vi'dreya. Nearing frostbite and starvation, the Knight took pity upon the girl and took her in. As the day progressed, Dranok realized with a shock that this was his daughter. The pair of Force sensitives swapped memories, realizing that she was born when Dranok was away at Carida for training. She was daughter of Dranok Lussk and Demaia Veya, the great Dranok Lussk's redeemer.
With his emotional state crumbling, he deserted yet another Empire. He shot across the galaxy searching for a place to call home. It ended up short, quickly finding himself in service with the Lords of the Fringe under the leadership of Ashin Varanin, an Imperial Empress of generations before him. In content, he served under the Fringe banner for almost a decade, leading their fleets to victory for years upon years. And finally, his easy life with leading fleets came to an end. With Mikhail Shorn, Dranok journeyed back to the Empire with the intent on killing the Emperor Tyrin Ardik. The regime put up fierce opposition, Lussk facing off against Kaine Zambrano for a rematch. Ardik was dethroned by Shorn, ending the battle in that instant. In the following moments, Mikhail Shorn named Dranok Emperor of the Sith Empire and all its territories.
He was livid. Being handed the mantle of leadership wasn't easy to deal with, but nobody knew of the true motives behind his ascent to power. However, he enjoyed the leadership. He immediately began reforms, changing the very ways the Sith operated. He made them smarter, stronger, and built them higher than they'd ever been. The 501st legion was reintroduced into service under his leadership and enforced his will across the dozens of worlds in his grasp. At last, the Empire had a true leader.
During his reign of several years, the Sith Empire peaked in a sparkling golden age. The military-industrial empire no longer grew stagnant, the new Emperor's campaigns into Yaga Minor bearing numerous successes under the leadership of the five kilometer dreadnought dubbed the Acerbitas. No longer were the Sith regarded as chaotic fiends who sought destruction of evil, a code of honor was enforced and the war machine grew with each passing moment. He saw that it was good and strove to make his empire into his legacy, the entombment of his will to restore peace and order to the galaxy. However, not all shared his vision of perfection. Sith Lords, particularly Lord Kaine Zambrano, urged him to destroy his foes without mercy and pepper the land in ash and corpses. As the imperial machine grew and grew, the inside was stagnant. Feuds between warlords and councilmen destroyed the interior of the legacy of Dranok Lussk.
After that once golden reign, it now became entangled within the snares of greed and destruction. Lord Kaine Zambrano and his Black Blade Legion made their claim for power in that dark citadel of a palace. The emperor's own, the 501st legion, trailed their sovereign up the obsidian steps and ascended the mountain of fear and suffering. It was where the final battle of Dranok Lussk was to be waged, this time, ending in defeat. The five hundred and first fought valiantly alongside their leader, but paid the price for their loyalty in blood and pain. Emperor Lussk took on Zambrano with his defensive art of Soresu, clashing brightly against Kaine's offensive D'jem So tactics. Both were equally matched in nearly every single aspect, except for brute strength. Kaine Zambrano pummeled through Dranok's defenses and withered him before finally striking him down, his precious blood spilling.
In disgrace, the great emperor managed to escape with the remnants of his loyal legion. In his exile, the shameful emperor cast himself to the outer region world of Tantorus where the population of Sith Purebloods there worshiped him as a God-King. In his dishonor, the exiled king saw truth and hope within his path, that mainly claimed to be the path of the Forgotten King, the great man who would come to save the people of the Sith and bestow gifts of peace and prosperity upon them. And so, he did. The Forgotten King ruled with an even hand and made due to his word, he led them to peace and happiness.
This is the tale of Dranok Lussk.
This is his legacy.
Lussk Logistics - Company (Weapons, Starships, Droids, Vehicles, Natural Resources)
Modular Individual Protection System (MIPS) - Armor (Recon, Standard, and Assault Armor)
Talon-class Starinterceptor - Starship (Interceptor)
Raven-class Light Frigate - Starship (Light Frigate/Corvette)
BH-series Nemesis Droid - Droid (Advanced Battle Droid)
Grunt-series Mechanized Infantry - Droid (Battle Droid)
LL-42 Blaster Carbine - Blaster (Short-Medium Range)
Renown-class Star Frigate - Starship (Balanced Frigate)
Legionnaire Battle Armor - Armor (Standard Issue)
LL-Interchangeable Weapon System - Blaster (Rifle, Launcher, SMG, Sniper)
Dominance-class Star Dreadnought - Starship (Dreadnought)
Spewer-class Assault Ship - Starship (Assault Ship)
Lussk Logistics - Company (Weapons, Starships, Droids, Vehicles, Natural Resources)
Modular Individual Protection System (MIPS) - Armor (Recon, Standard, and Assault Armor)
Talon-class Starinterceptor - Starship (Interceptor)
Raven-class Light Frigate - Starship (Light Frigate/Corvette)
BH-series Nemesis Droid - Droid (Advanced Battle Droid)
Grunt-series Mechanized Infantry - Droid (Battle Droid)
LL-42 Blaster Carbine - Blaster (Short-Medium Range)
Renown-class Star Frigate - Starship (Balanced Frigate)
Legionnaire Battle Armor - Armor (Standard Issue)
LL-Interchangeable Weapon System - Blaster (Rifle, Launcher, SMG, Sniper)
Dominance-class Star Dreadnought - Starship (Dreadnought)
Spewer-class Assault Ship - Starship (Assault Ship)
Tantorus - Planet
Factum-series Labor Droid - Droid (General Purpose/Labor)
Examen-class Starfighter - Starfighter (Space Superiority)
AXIOS Central Artificial Intelligence System - AI (Shipborne)
Nihilus-class Star Dreadnought "Acerbitas" - Flagship (5km Dreadnought)
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer "Chimaera" - Flagship (Cloaked Star Destroyer)
"Horak" - Companion/Bodyguard (HK-51 Assassin Droid)
Shadow Squad - NPC Squad (Sith Empire NPC - Elite Stormcommandos)
181st "Corpse" Special Tasks Fleet - NPC Fleet (Sith Empire Fleet)
119th Legion - NPC Legion (Lords of the Fringe NPC)
"Horak" - Companion/Bodyguard (HK-51 Assassin Droid)
Shadow Squad - NPC Squad (Sith Empire NPC - Elite Stormcommandos)
181st "Corpse" Special Tasks Fleet - NPC Fleet (Sith Empire Fleet)
119th Legion - NPC Legion (Lords of the Fringe NPC)
Chapter I: The Grand Admiral
1) Lost In Space - Months after deserting the Imperial Remnant, the Apex finds itself patrolling around the Unknown Regions and happen to spot an X-Wing with a Republic Captain, Sophia Walsh, piloting the vessel.
1) Lost In Space - Months after deserting the Imperial Remnant, the Apex finds itself patrolling around the Unknown Regions and happen to spot an X-Wing with a Republic Captain, Sophia Walsh, piloting the vessel.
2) Walking On The Sun - After answering an advertisement, Dranok meets Darren Onyx and Darren Shaw and begin their pursuit of a person of importance.
3) New Blood (Caben Mar) - Dranok meets his new Executive Officer, Caben Mar, upon joining the Bluehawks Mercenary Group.
4) A Gathering Of Shadows (Hutt Cartel, Bluehawks, Galactic Trade Guild, Death Watch) - Dranok and several Bluehawk leaders meet with the Cartel, Trade Guild, and the Death Watch,
5) Mind Your Own Business (Circe) - Chronicles the breif, but pleasant meeting of Dranok and Circe Savan on Balmorra to discuss corporate matters and even more.
6) To Live and Die a Pirate King - The Apex answers a summoning by Tyrin Ardik to begin mercenary work.
6) No Walk In The Park (Bluehawk Dominion of Endor) - The Apex and Dranok partake in the Bluehawks' mission to capture Endor as their home planet.
7) The Dying Light (Bluehawks Only) - The Bluehawks and Dranok search one of their research vessels and discover that the supposed dead crew isn't that dead.
8) I Just Had The Weirdest Dream...or...Reality? (Non-Canon) - Non Canon tale of a young Vice Admiral in the United States Navy and the situations of a dazed and drunken group of weirdos.
3) New Blood (Caben Mar) - Dranok meets his new Executive Officer, Caben Mar, upon joining the Bluehawks Mercenary Group.
4) A Gathering Of Shadows (Hutt Cartel, Bluehawks, Galactic Trade Guild, Death Watch) - Dranok and several Bluehawk leaders meet with the Cartel, Trade Guild, and the Death Watch,
5) Mind Your Own Business (Circe) - Chronicles the breif, but pleasant meeting of Dranok and Circe Savan on Balmorra to discuss corporate matters and even more.
6) To Live and Die a Pirate King - The Apex answers a summoning by Tyrin Ardik to begin mercenary work.
6) No Walk In The Park (Bluehawk Dominion of Endor) - The Apex and Dranok partake in the Bluehawks' mission to capture Endor as their home planet.
7) The Dying Light (Bluehawks Only) - The Bluehawks and Dranok search one of their research vessels and discover that the supposed dead crew isn't that dead.
8) I Just Had The Weirdest Dream...or...Reality? (Non-Canon) - Non Canon tale of a young Vice Admiral in the United States Navy and the situations of a dazed and drunken group of weirdos.
Chapter II: The Apprentice
9) The Training of a "Grand" Admiral (Dranok Lussk) - The formal training of a young Sith at the hands of Lucien Cordel after Dranok's leaving of the Bluehawks.
10) Tour de Salvage: X-Wing Dumping Den - Dranok and his crew assist Circe Savan in recovering salvage.
11) Diner Blues - The newly christened Sith Apprentice takes shore leave on Abregado-Rae, which isn't exactly as relaxing as it seems. (Dekkan Fray)
12) Dodging the Hutts one Ice Cream cone at a time (Open) - A long distance patrol turns awry as Dranok finds himself in the midst of a firefight between an armored ice cream man and a lime-eyed teenager.
13) It's Good To Be King (DC, Inquisition, Hands) - The young Sith Apprentice proves himself before the Emperor at a social gathering of the Sith.
14) Oh, So It's You Again... -
15) Diggin Up Them Holes (Empire Dominion of Sriluur) - Dranok and several other Sith undertake a mission to seize the world of Sriluur as an Imperial asset.
16) Reclaiming the Dreadstar (Open) - Dranok, Circe Savan, and their client RC 212 travel to Endor to satisfy their needs of a new carpet.
17) Space Seed (Sith Dominion of Sernpidal) - The mission to Sernpidal undertook by Dranok and other Sith in order to capture the world.
9) The Training of a "Grand" Admiral (Dranok Lussk) - The formal training of a young Sith at the hands of Lucien Cordel after Dranok's leaving of the Bluehawks.
10) Tour de Salvage: X-Wing Dumping Den - Dranok and his crew assist Circe Savan in recovering salvage.
11) Diner Blues - The newly christened Sith Apprentice takes shore leave on Abregado-Rae, which isn't exactly as relaxing as it seems. (Dekkan Fray)
12) Dodging the Hutts one Ice Cream cone at a time (Open) - A long distance patrol turns awry as Dranok finds himself in the midst of a firefight between an armored ice cream man and a lime-eyed teenager.
13) It's Good To Be King (DC, Inquisition, Hands) - The young Sith Apprentice proves himself before the Emperor at a social gathering of the Sith.
14) Oh, So It's You Again... -
15) Diggin Up Them Holes (Empire Dominion of Sriluur) - Dranok and several other Sith undertake a mission to seize the world of Sriluur as an Imperial asset.
16) Reclaiming the Dreadstar (Open) - Dranok, Circe Savan, and their client RC 212 travel to Endor to satisfy their needs of a new carpet.
17) Space Seed (Sith Dominion of Sernpidal) - The mission to Sernpidal undertook by Dranok and other Sith in order to capture the world.
Chapter III: The Knight
18) The Trial of Darren Onyx [Bluehawks Only] - The Bluehawks and Dranok take the accused Darren Onyx to trial for war crimes. This also marks Dranok's leaving of the Bluehawks.
19) All out War (Sith VS Jedi) - Dranok and his companion Horak charge into a massive ground battle between the Jedi and the Sith.
20) Rise of the New Breed (Circe) - Dranok and Circe Savan go hunting for salvage to help him find a new vessel.
21) I'm mad...You're mad...We're all mad down here (Ask) - Following the events of "All out War (Sith VS Jedi)", Shinju and Dranok head back to Sith space to interrogate a prisoner.
22) Digging up the Past - COOP - Dranok is hired out by an Atrisian Inquisitor to assist in searching the wreckage of the legendary Imperial Star destroyer Chimera.
23) Defense Is The Best Offense [Nezuel] - The young Dranok is taught the saber art of Soresu by fellow Knight Nezuel.
24) This used to be a fun house (Ask) - This tale is of Shinju, Lucien, Dranok, Kara, and Darth Vazela. Three Sith Knights travel to the Sith Academy at Korriban for a "field trip" of sorts.
25) Trip to Tatooine - Meeting on Coruscant, Dranok takes up public transportation for once to reach Tatooine where he had business to attend. Unexpected events and faces fill the trip.
26) Time to Reorganize (the Hutt Cartel) - Sith Admiral Dranok Lussk is tasked with assisting Hutt Cartel rebels in a coup against their current government.
27) Dark Frontier (Ask) - N/A
28) Agents of Love and Peace - In recent events on Tatooine, Dranok resides on the sun baked planet with plots to enslave the population of a far off village.
29) Articles of Confederation - The Sith Knight Dranok Lussk is sent to attend the creation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and serve as an Imperial Ambassador.
30) Shot Two Times for the Money! - Dranok accompanies Circe Savan to Balmorra to attend to business, meanwhile a young Echani is beaten and shot in an alleyway.
31) Sith & CIS - Friend me, maybe? - Sith Knight Dranok Lussk serves as a liaison officer between Sith Emperor Darth Voracitos and CIS Grand Marshal Genesis Rostu as an alliance meeting takes place.
32) For A Fistful of Credits (Raxus Campaign I) - Dranok is enlisted by Sith Knight Tyrin Ardik for plotting on the world Raxus I.
33) Duelist of the Roses - Dranok meets with an old acquaintance, Isis Fontana, and things soon escalate.
34) Those Who Play God (CIS Dominion of Kamino) - The Imperial Ambassador accompanies the CIS invasion force to take Kamino.
35) Cast a long Shadow - N/A
36) Stripes Ain't Quite My Thing, Anyway - Dranok, Lucien Cordel, and Darth Helios are dispatched to go through Republic space to free a very Force sensitive prisoner in a high security facility.
37) Destinies Collide (Completely Open) - Dranok Lussk responds to a distress call on Mustafar to assist Marek S'hadar in dueling a Jedi and an Omega Pyre operative.
38) To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation (CIS Dominion of Hypori) - Imperial Envoy Dranok Lussk assists CIS forces in the capturing of Hypori.
39) Red Against Blue - Upon discovering a mass of Senators were assembling on Naboo, Dranok and his Charon-class Star Destroyer dubbed Scorch head to the world to kill the politicians assembled Things go awry when he encounters a Jedi Padawan.
40) Marek S'hadar (Needs Master) - Sith Knight Dranok Lussk accepts the call of a young apprentice to teach him the ways of the Sith.
41) Skarro of Degradation - The Imperial Envoy assists in the teaching of Force users in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
42) Here, have some hell, we know how much you like it - Sith Admiral Dranok Lussk's fleet is attacked whilst guarding the orbital shipyards above Mon Calamari. The attackers turn out to be Mandalorian and a full-scale battle ensues.
43) [Need Trainer] The evil jawa! - The young Sith Knight accepts a Jawa's call for teachings of the darkside.
44) Conquest Resumes [Sith Dominion of Charros IV] - Dranok assists in the Sith Empire's takeover of Charros IV.
45) Rustling up some crew [RC's Raiders] - Dranok meets with the newly assembled RC's Raiders to talk business.
46) Darker Than Black - N/A
47) To Draw Upon The Cold [Lussk] - This chronicle depicts Dranok Lussk and Kara Vi'dreya on the ice world of Ziost. Dranok discovers Kara and soon also finds out that the two are closer than they think.
48) Sith Mission: The Orchid - Dranok, Shinju, and Krag partake a mission to Odacer-Faustin to discover what remains of the old Sith Academy.
49) Full-Scale Action (Sith Dominion of Aeten II)
50) Wheel in the sky keeps on turning - [Sith Only]
51) Finding a House Made of Candy in the Woods is Never a Good Thing
52) You put that...there? [Ask/Only Force Users]
53) I submit to your teachings...(Dranok Lussk)
54) Hi diddly do there neighbor [Krag, Dranok, and Tarika]
55) A Child at the door (Kara)
56) Drinking Solves Everything (Open)
57) Ordering off the menu...[Open]
58) Dark Harvest: Dead Space [GALACTIC EVENT]
59) Oh, Child...
60) Wandering Jedi Rogue
61) An End to our partnership (Ask before joining)
62) Heart of Ice [LoTF Dominion of Zaadja]
18) The Trial of Darren Onyx [Bluehawks Only] - The Bluehawks and Dranok take the accused Darren Onyx to trial for war crimes. This also marks Dranok's leaving of the Bluehawks.
19) All out War (Sith VS Jedi) - Dranok and his companion Horak charge into a massive ground battle between the Jedi and the Sith.
20) Rise of the New Breed (Circe) - Dranok and Circe Savan go hunting for salvage to help him find a new vessel.
21) I'm mad...You're mad...We're all mad down here (Ask) - Following the events of "All out War (Sith VS Jedi)", Shinju and Dranok head back to Sith space to interrogate a prisoner.
22) Digging up the Past - COOP - Dranok is hired out by an Atrisian Inquisitor to assist in searching the wreckage of the legendary Imperial Star destroyer Chimera.
23) Defense Is The Best Offense [Nezuel] - The young Dranok is taught the saber art of Soresu by fellow Knight Nezuel.
24) This used to be a fun house (Ask) - This tale is of Shinju, Lucien, Dranok, Kara, and Darth Vazela. Three Sith Knights travel to the Sith Academy at Korriban for a "field trip" of sorts.
25) Trip to Tatooine - Meeting on Coruscant, Dranok takes up public transportation for once to reach Tatooine where he had business to attend. Unexpected events and faces fill the trip.
26) Time to Reorganize (the Hutt Cartel) - Sith Admiral Dranok Lussk is tasked with assisting Hutt Cartel rebels in a coup against their current government.
27) Dark Frontier (Ask) - N/A
28) Agents of Love and Peace - In recent events on Tatooine, Dranok resides on the sun baked planet with plots to enslave the population of a far off village.
29) Articles of Confederation - The Sith Knight Dranok Lussk is sent to attend the creation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and serve as an Imperial Ambassador.
30) Shot Two Times for the Money! - Dranok accompanies Circe Savan to Balmorra to attend to business, meanwhile a young Echani is beaten and shot in an alleyway.
31) Sith & CIS - Friend me, maybe? - Sith Knight Dranok Lussk serves as a liaison officer between Sith Emperor Darth Voracitos and CIS Grand Marshal Genesis Rostu as an alliance meeting takes place.
32) For A Fistful of Credits (Raxus Campaign I) - Dranok is enlisted by Sith Knight Tyrin Ardik for plotting on the world Raxus I.
33) Duelist of the Roses - Dranok meets with an old acquaintance, Isis Fontana, and things soon escalate.
34) Those Who Play God (CIS Dominion of Kamino) - The Imperial Ambassador accompanies the CIS invasion force to take Kamino.
35) Cast a long Shadow - N/A
36) Stripes Ain't Quite My Thing, Anyway - Dranok, Lucien Cordel, and Darth Helios are dispatched to go through Republic space to free a very Force sensitive prisoner in a high security facility.
37) Destinies Collide (Completely Open) - Dranok Lussk responds to a distress call on Mustafar to assist Marek S'hadar in dueling a Jedi and an Omega Pyre operative.
38) To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation (CIS Dominion of Hypori) - Imperial Envoy Dranok Lussk assists CIS forces in the capturing of Hypori.
39) Red Against Blue - Upon discovering a mass of Senators were assembling on Naboo, Dranok and his Charon-class Star Destroyer dubbed Scorch head to the world to kill the politicians assembled Things go awry when he encounters a Jedi Padawan.
40) Marek S'hadar (Needs Master) - Sith Knight Dranok Lussk accepts the call of a young apprentice to teach him the ways of the Sith.
41) Skarro of Degradation - The Imperial Envoy assists in the teaching of Force users in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
42) Here, have some hell, we know how much you like it - Sith Admiral Dranok Lussk's fleet is attacked whilst guarding the orbital shipyards above Mon Calamari. The attackers turn out to be Mandalorian and a full-scale battle ensues.
43) [Need Trainer] The evil jawa! - The young Sith Knight accepts a Jawa's call for teachings of the darkside.
44) Conquest Resumes [Sith Dominion of Charros IV] - Dranok assists in the Sith Empire's takeover of Charros IV.
45) Rustling up some crew [RC's Raiders] - Dranok meets with the newly assembled RC's Raiders to talk business.
46) Darker Than Black - N/A
47) To Draw Upon The Cold [Lussk] - This chronicle depicts Dranok Lussk and Kara Vi'dreya on the ice world of Ziost. Dranok discovers Kara and soon also finds out that the two are closer than they think.
48) Sith Mission: The Orchid - Dranok, Shinju, and Krag partake a mission to Odacer-Faustin to discover what remains of the old Sith Academy.
49) Full-Scale Action (Sith Dominion of Aeten II)
50) Wheel in the sky keeps on turning - [Sith Only]
51) Finding a House Made of Candy in the Woods is Never a Good Thing
52) You put that...there? [Ask/Only Force Users]
53) I submit to your teachings...(Dranok Lussk)
54) Hi diddly do there neighbor [Krag, Dranok, and Tarika]
55) A Child at the door (Kara)
56) Drinking Solves Everything (Open)
57) Ordering off the menu...[Open]
58) Dark Harvest: Dead Space [GALACTIC EVENT]
59) Oh, Child...
60) Wandering Jedi Rogue
61) An End to our partnership (Ask before joining)
62) Heart of Ice [LoTF Dominion of Zaadja]
Chapter IV: The Master
63) Looks Like We Hit The Iceburg
64) A Sea of Nightmares
65) Moving Forward
66) Pearls Needed
67) Back To The Old Grind
68) Dark Harvest: Brawl of the Dead [GALACTIC EVENT]
69) The Most Dangerous Game (Open)
70) A Night Chaos brings a Mornings Regiment
71) RC's Lightsaber Classes
72) Revealing their deceipt...
73) Biggest Yards in the Unknowns (LoTF Dominion of Lwhekk)
74) Surviving the Nother World (Open-see OOC)
75) The Defender of the Light [Need Trainer]
76) A strange tale, the lost citadel...
77) The Singing Forest and the Abominable World [LoTF Dominion of Zonama Sekot]
78) Bold behavior from a bunch of Rogues (Open/Ask)
64) A Sea of Nightmares
65) Moving Forward
66) Pearls Needed
67) Back To The Old Grind
68) Dark Harvest: Brawl of the Dead [GALACTIC EVENT]
69) The Most Dangerous Game (Open)
70) A Night Chaos brings a Mornings Regiment
71) RC's Lightsaber Classes
72) Revealing their deceipt...
73) Biggest Yards in the Unknowns (LoTF Dominion of Lwhekk)
74) Surviving the Nother World (Open-see OOC)
75) The Defender of the Light [Need Trainer]
76) A strange tale, the lost citadel...
77) The Singing Forest and the Abominable World [LoTF Dominion of Zonama Sekot]
78) Bold behavior from a bunch of Rogues (Open/Ask)
90) Forgotten Blades: Part II: Coming Soon
94) The Dark Apprentice
Chapter V: The Emperor
96) Will To Power (Sith)
97) A New Start
98) The Holocron Auction
100) The Axis Powers
101) Emperor My Emperor
103) Flight Of The Obscurity
106) I Am Worthy (Closed)
Player Relationships: